Extraordinary David

Chapter 1101: Counterattack

"Warning, an illegal aircraft has entered the realm area!" The Cube Super Intelligent System issued an alert to David.

At the same time, the two hundred unidentified warships of the Interstellar Federation controlled by the Cube superintelligence system in space have also begun combat readiness.

In the federal military, intelligent systems are not allowed to completely control warships. Weapon systems are controlled by intelligent systems. Although it can speed up the preparation and attack time of weapon systems to a certain extent, there are endless troubles.

The intelligent judgment possessed by an intelligent system cannot replace human judgment.

In the history of the Interstellar Federation, there has been a detour on the intelligent system, so the intelligent system can only be an auxiliary function inside the battleship, and everything needs human control.

Human-controlled weapon systems can be suspended at any time, but intelligent systems cannot.

David doesn't care about the trouble with the intelligent system. None of his friends in the great world of God will come without notice.

Everyone knows that Garmistar is the private planet of Lord Arthur, and even the nobles who are familiar with Lord Arthur know that Garmistar is managed by the interstellar federation technology.

Therefore, it is also very understandable that Lord Arthur will not open the addition of star.

Lord Arthur built a super-large spirit gathering circle in Garmixing. This is his important training place. Who will sneak close to the training place, there are only enemies.

Not only the two hundred unidentified battleships, but the ‘Super Star Destroyer’ that was obtained from the Efa Star of the Yabu Consortium, has also begun to charge.

"Open the scan screen for me!" David opened the light curtain of the identity bracelet on his wrist and commanded.

The super-powerful computing power of the Cube Super Intelligent System exerts terrifying capabilities at this time.

Today, unmanned space reconnaissance aircraft, space relay stations, space scanning systems, and planetary skynet systems are all managed by the cube super-intelligence system, which increases the space scanning range from the previous 2,000 kilometers to 10,000 kilometers.

Following David's order, the Cube Super Intelligent System turned the remote screen.

David saw ten ‘Starships’ flying in space. They were slowing down because they were close to the Garmi Star range.

"How could it be the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" of the Temple of War!" David was surprised when he saw the signs on the ten "Starry Sky Flying Boats".

He thought of a lot of possibilities, but he didn't want to understand why the Temple of War was so close.

"Since you want to sneak in, then I don't know it!" David said coldly to himself.

David is not a kind person. He did want to favor the five temples before. This is nothing. It is inevitable that he wants to establish a foothold in the world of God and make good dealings with the temples.

But if the temple wants to deal with him, he will not be soft, at least he now has some retaliatory ability, not a weak person who can be bullied.

"Cube super intelligent system, wait for them to enter the range of 5,000 kilometers, full firepower attack!" David commanded in a deep voice.

"The combat command is activated, 70% of the computing resources are mobilized, and full firepower is prepared!" The cube super intelligent system mechanically responded.

Although the work of the cube super intelligent system is very much in normal days, those calculations can not even occupy 5% of the computing resources of the cube super intelligent system.

In the warehouse of the warship, the eyes of 5,000 combat robots modified with exoskeleton armor flashed brightly, and the robots walked out of the warehouse in an orderly manner and entered their respective positions.

The warships of the federal military were not originally developed for intelligent systems. If you want to exert the strongest combat power, you naturally need operators. Five thousand robots have replaced the crew members to maximize the attacking capabilities of the warships.

Inside two hundred of these warships, combat robots are more disciplined than soldiers.

The reason why the "Xingkong Feizhou" is allowed to enter the range of 5,000 kilometers is because this distance makes it more difficult for the "Xingkong Feizhou" to escape.

David didn't want the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" to get close to Garmisch. The opponent is a temple of war. Who knows what kind of hiding methods the opponent has.

Once it gets close, it is either a **** descending or a divine tool, no matter what, it will let him expose secrets that should not be exposed.

As a last resort, David didn't want to expose his combat power.

Archbishop Guy stood awe-inspiring in the largest one in the middle, which was guarded by nine ‘Starry Sky Flying Boats’.

This "Starry Sky Flying Boat" looks similar to the rest of the "Starry Sky Flying Boat", but the inside is completely different.

This "Starry Sky Flying Boat" uses the **** pattern technology and consumes a lot of space stones, making the space inside the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" extremely large.

This time the high-levels of the war temple are all standing in this "Starry Sky Flying Boat", and the rest of the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" rides a large number of priests.

"After arriving at Garmisch, it would be okay if Lord Arthur was caught with his hands. If he dared to resist, all the priests and priests would stimulate the magic and suppress him on the spot, but do not use powerful magic to avoid the death of Lord Arthur! "Archbishop Gay looked at the faintly visible Garmistar in the distance, and announced in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The response from the Temple of War was somewhat suppressed.

The **** of war seldom directly issued a **** metaphor for someone, this time without even the reason, he attacked a top noble lord, and he was the strongest knight in the great world.

The inside of the war temple is not without opinions. Ninety-nine percent of the members of the war temple are nobles.

Although after entering the temple of war, the priests were separated from the identity of the nobility and had nothing to do with the family, but people all have feelings, how can the blood-linked family relationship be broken.

These priests need to stand in the interests of both the temple and the nobles to look at this matter. The arrest of Lord Arthur is definitely a major challenge by the temple to the nobles.

Archbishop Gay didn't say anything, he probably knew some of these people's thoughts.

In recent years, the temple has been infiltrated very seriously by the nobles. Through this incident, it was possible to discover the infiltration. After the solution of Lord Arthur, the interior of the temple was rectified.

Just as Archbishop Gay was thinking about it, a ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ in the front exploded.

"What's the matter?" Archbishop Guy asked inexplicably.

You must know that this is space, and if there are no enemies within the scope of the God's Great World, then the space in this range is safe.

Long-range strikes may be achieved by the temple using some means, but needless to say, the power of faith consumed is even more terrifying and completely impractical.

So Archbishop Guy led ten ‘Starry Sky Flying Boats’ to Garmistar, but they didn’t even open the energy shield and flew like this.

"All the'Starship Flying Boats' turn on the energy shields, and Garmi Star has the energy weapons of the Interstellar Federation!" Bishop McKinley said with an ugly face.

"Boom!" Bishop McKinley said, and two more ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ exploded in space.

After the three "Starry Sky Flying Boats" burst open, the priests who were lucky enough to survive, as long as they did not reach Level 4, all suffocated to death.

The attack of the main gun was too sudden. None of these middle and low-level priests were able to install a survival disk for themselves, and they entered the space environment. They did not have the ability to survive in space, and they were instantly strangled by space.

Fortunately, Bishop McKinley’s command was timely, and the “Starry Sky Flying Boat” of this war temple can be activated automatically only by getting the command, so the main guns of the following warships did not get a one-shot destruction. effect.

But the situation in the Temple of War was not good. The energy shield blocked the attack of these main guns somewhat reluctantly, and only the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" that Archbishop Guy rode was able to easily block the attack of the main gun due to the effect of the **** pattern.

Archbishop Gay's expression completely changed. To be honest, he had never suffered such a loss, nor had he suffered such a blow.

He entered the temple of war and the journey went smoothly. At most, he had some intrigue fights inside the temple. In any case, he was always respected and never encountered setbacks.

Especially when he became an archbishop, Archbishop Gay is one of the five most powerful people in the great world.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of priests were lost to the Temple of War, and Archbishop Gay felt unprecedented anger.

Archbishop Gay never thought that he wanted to sneak close to Garmistar and capture Lord Arthur, and that would be the result.

He blamed all responsibilities on Lord Arthur, and his eyes were no longer peaceful.

"Rushing over at full speed, he actually dared to attack the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" in the temple. It's a crime!" Archbishop Guy shouted angrily, waving his hand.

"Archbishop, our "Starry Sky Flying Boat" can still support it, but the accompanying "Starry Sky Flying Boat" can't support it anymore!" Bishop McKinley reminded.

"Don't worry!" Archbishop Gay said in a deep voice.

There was more archbishop's scepter in his hand, golden light flashed in his eyes, and a **** pattern appeared on the archbishop's scepter.

"Protection!" Archbishop Guy yelled, and the deity turned into a golden mask to expand outward, protecting all the remaining'Starry Sky Flying Boat' in it.

Annabella's Templar eyes narrowed slightly, hiding the anger in her heart, because she sensed the legendary breath.

The breath that Archbishop Guy usually shows is only the peak of the fifth-level sacrifice, but when he inspires powerful magic, he can no longer cover up his strength and expose the breath of the legendary rank.

This powerful defensive magic technique, under the blessing of the archbishop's scepter, showed extremely strong defensive power.

The main guns of the two hundred battleships continuously bombarded the golden shield. The golden shield only swayed slightly to resolve all attacks.

"Go ahead at full speed and keep the formation!" Archbishop Guy stabilized his breath that was a little rushed due to huge consumption, and he ordered in a deep voice.

After seeing the miraculous divine surgery, the priests in the remaining six "Starry Sky Flying Boats" cheered in unison, and after seeing Archbishop Gay’s divine surgery, they confirmed the supremacy of the gods.

The Cube Super Intelligent System observes the battlefield through the scanning device. Just after the golden shield appeared, data streams flashed across the light curtain of the Cube Super Intelligent System.

The ‘Super Star Destroyer’ moved its barrel slightly, and under the operation of hundreds of robots, the ‘Super Star Destroyer’ made its first attack.

The thick energy beam lifted off from the surface of Garmi Star and shot deep into space.

The seven "Starry Sky Flying Boats" that have entered four thousand kilometers, the outermost golden light shield is in contact with the thick energy beam.

The golden light shield didn't have the time to stop the breath, it turned into a golden light spot and disappeared.

The thick energy beam continued to move forward, piercing through two ‘Star Flying Boats’ in succession, and hitting the ‘Star Flying Boat’ where Archbishop Guy was.

The "Starry Sky Flying Boat" suddenly shook. Fortunately, the people on the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" were very powerful, and they were not affected much.

"Archbishop, the energy of'Xingkong Feizhou' lost one third, and it was destroyed by hitting'Xingkong Feizhou' again!" The priest operating the'Xingkong Feizhou' reported to Archbishop Guy.

In fact, there is no need to report, Archbishop Gay also clearly knows how much impact the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" has been affected.

He could perceive the tremor of the **** pattern. If the energy used by this special "Starry Sky Flying Boat" was not the power of faith, it is estimated that even this energy beam would not be able to resist it, and the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" would collapse.

In space, without the "Starry Sky Flying Boat", they are better for those powerful people. Although the fourth-level priests and priests claim to be able to survive in space, at their speed, it is difficult to fly in space. To a safe planet.

The most important thing is that without the protection of the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’, they have to face this terrifying energy attack.

"Archbishop, withdraw!" Bishop McKinley said helplessly.

At this time, Bishop McKinley must take the initiative to propose a retreat. As the archbishop of the Temple of War, Archbishop Gay cannot say anything to retreat.

"You command!" Archbishop Guy said with a gloomy expression.

While talking, two more "Starry Sky Flying Boats" on the side exploded, and the remaining two "Starry Sky Flying Boats" could not be kept for long. It is estimated that the counting time will follow in the footsteps of the other "Starry Sky Flying Boats".

It's just that at this time, no one cares about these "starry sky flying boats".

"Turn around and try to inspire all the acceleration lines!" Bishop McKinley ordered in a deep voice.

Bishop McKinley deeply knew how terrifying the attack distance of the Star Federation warship was. As long as the attack was repeated once, this ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ was absolutely unbearable.

You must know that the energy beam just broke through the defensive magic and killed two more'Starry Sky Flying Boats' before it attacked them.

In this process, some of the energy has been consumed. If the energy is sufficient, Bishop McKinley will doubt whether they can be destroyed by a single blow.

At the same time, under this kind of energy attack, Bishop McKinley didn't know whether he could survive with his own strength.

He is not a knight, he does not have the strong defensive power and vitality of a knight, and the fifth-level sacrificial cult is still very fragile to some extent.

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