Extraordinary David

Chapter 1104: betray

Archbishop Guy sat in the room, and he was full of materials in front of him, not only on the table, but also on the floor of the room.

These data are all information about Lord Arthur, collected by the intelligence department of the Temple of War.

From the moment Lord Arthur came to the great world of God, all the information is available recently.

Archbishop Guy frowned. He didn't expect that Lord Arthur's information would be so much, and the whole room was filled.

However, in order to grasp the situation of Lord Arthur, he still needs to look through these materials.

It's not that Archbishop Gay has never thought of assigning this task, but as long as he sees that Lord Arthur has a good relationship with many high-level officials in the Temple of War, he is not at ease.

Lord Arthur is in Garmistar and wants to go to Garmistar, the planet-level portal cannot be teleported.

The attempt to travel from space has failed, and Archbishop Gay has no idea of ​​trying again.

With the planetary defense system of the Interstellar Federation, unless the war mode is activated and the movable temple is forcibly pushed to Garmistar, it is impossible to break through the defense line.

But here is the problem. To start the war mode, you need to ask the **** of war for instructions. It takes such a high price to deal with a knight. How does the **** of war think of Archbishop Gay?

Of course, if there is no other way, Archbishop Guy will still turn on the war mode, but after turning on the war mode, he will become a joke in history.

Because a knight started the war mode, this has never been a precedent. Archbishop Guy opened this precedent and must be recorded in history.

Archbishop Gay also understood that the action of the War Temple must be fast, because the conflicts between the nobles and the War Temple need to be reconciled, which requires the capture of Lord Arthur before proceeding.

He must send Lord Arthur to Battle Star before the situation is completely out of control.

"Huh!" Archbishop Guy's spirit swept a piece of information, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then ordered someone to call the Annabella Templar.

"Archbishop Guy, are you looking for me?" Annabella Templar walked into Archbishop Guy's room and asked Archbishop Guy who was checking the information.

"Annabella Templar, do you have a good relationship with Arthur Luce?" Archbishop Guy raised his head and asked casually.

"Because of Speaker Gould, I have dealt with Arthur Ruth!" Annabella's Templar replied without any concealment.

After seeing the information about this full house, the Templar Annabella knew that it was useless if she wanted to quibble. The temple's intelligence system was terrifying.

"Don't be modest, you are one of the few people who can teleport to Garmistar. I need you to visit Garmistar in your personal capacity!" Archbishop Guy waved his hand and said.

"I don't know if Arthur Luce will allow my teleportation request!" Annabella Templar said, shaking his head.

"Annabella Templar, you are a Templar trained by the Temple of War, and also a divine envoy. Arthur Luce is my main arrest. You have to consider your position!" Archbishop Guy said in a deep voice.

The Annabella Templar looked at Archbishop Guy blankly, without the slightest excuse, just waiting for Archbishop Guy's next words.

"Once you enter Garmistar, you will immediately surrender, and I will personally capture Arthur Luce!" Archbishop Guy continued.

"If I catch Arthur Luce, will the temple agree to help me promote to the legendary rank?" The Annabella Templar asked suddenly.

"Annabella Templar, are you making terms with me? Do you regard what my lord has confessed as a bargaining chip for gaining your own interests? Your faith has been shaken. When this mission is over, you will go to cultivate one. For a hundred years, rediscover your faith!" Archbishop Guy asked loudly.

"Yes, Archbishop Guy!" Annabella's Templar expression suddenly relaxed, and she bowed and responded.

Archbishop Gay never thought of other possibilities. The Temple of War is too powerful, and it is impossible for anyone to betray the Temple of War.

When the Annabella Templar turned and left the room, a sense of decisiveness flashed in his eyes.

She soared into the air, flew towards the portal, and arrived at the portal. She sent a request to the remote Garmi Star Orb portal.

When David received the application, he was also a little surprised. The Annabella Templars applied at this time, did they want to negotiate on behalf of the Temple of War?

But he quickly gave up this idea. With his knowledge of the war temple, it was impossible to negotiate with him, a little lord.

David trusts his own strength very much, so he doesn't care about Annabella Templar coming to add Mixing.

Even if the Annabella Templar uses Divine Landing, he can deal with it completely, without the black dragon Alexis taking action, any demigod clone clone is enough to deal with it.

It should be understood that the goddess is only attaching the spirit of the knight, and the power of the goddess is determined according to the knight's physique.

But no matter what, even with the physique of Annabella's Templar, the goddess cannot have the strength comparable to a true demigod.

David also wanted to meet the Templars of Annabella, and wanted to know what the Temple of War would do against him.

He was puzzled at this point. Although he had done a lot of things that were capable of offending the temple, if those things were exposed, the temple could be disclosed to the public without having to do it himself.

While thinking about it, David allowed Annabella's Templar application request.

Perceiving the agreement on the other side of the portal, Annabella's Templar smiled, which was a kind of trusted joy.

"Lord Arthur, meet again!" The Annabella Templar looked at David who was welcoming her, smiled and bowed.

David also looked at the Annabella Templar. The Annabella Templar did not surrender immediately, which made him very happy. At least this friend did not break as much as he thought.

The Annabella Templars use the surrender as soon as they meet. David is also understandable. The Annabella Templars are the envoys of the War Temple, and it is normal to serve the War Temple.

If you just use your personal identity and use your friendship with David to achieve this condition, the friendship between the two parties will disappear.

"It wasn't me blocking, you came directly from space!" David said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"So you know I'm on the Starry Sky Flying Boat!" The Annabella Templar was taken aback, and immediately responded.

"Guess, I know now!" David said with a smile.

"I want to drink something. I haven't had anything to drink since I was driven away by you on the'Starship Flying Boat'!" The Annabella Templar said with a blank look at David.

In the reception room, David took a bowl of ‘heart-warming lotus seed soup’ and prepared a bottle of red wine with garmistar and placed it in front of the Annabella Templars.

"Archbishop Guy's order was very sudden, and it only took a short time from the assembly of the manpower to the departure!" The Annabella Templar took a bite of'heart-warming lotus seed soup' and whispered.

"I don't understand, what happened to the Temple of War to send so many priests to deal with me?" David asked his most concern.

"It's that great being, the divine metaphor he personally issued, to capture you alive and send you to the battle star!" Annabella Templar replied without hesitation.

After the Annabella Templar said these words, in a sense she had betrayed the Temple of War.

David knew who the great existence was, and the only great existence that could be spoken by the Annabella Templar was the God of War.

At this time, he finally knew why the Temple of War had to deal with him, and sent him to the Battle Star alive, not to mention to the Zerg.

The Zerg did not know how much it had paid to make the **** of war tempted. It is estimated that the **** of war did not think that the Zerg was for the ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you come here to tell me this?" David asked with some confusion about the meaning of the Annabella Templar.

The attitude of the Annabella Templars is too weird. No matter how good their relationship is, after the Temple of War wants to capture David, they have become a hostile relationship.

But the Annabella Templar ran over to tell him the reason. This is not what Annabella Templar should do.

"I heard that your strength has reached the legendary rank?" Annabella Templar said in response to the question.

David was taken aback for a moment. His control over his own breath became larger and larger as his soul space, and his spirit became stronger and stronger, his control reached the extreme. People below his strength could not perceive his breath at all. depth.

David first suspected that Speaker Gould had leaked it, because the relationship between Speaker Gould and the Annabella Templar was extremely close.

"I guess I was right!" Annabella Templar said with a chuckle.

The Annabella Templar saw that David did not deny it, although he did not admit it, but the meaning is self-evident.

"Yes, I'm already a legend!" David nodded helplessly.

"I really envy you, do you know? I applied to the War Temple for the resources and techniques to be promoted to the legendary rank and was rejected. , But David heard the sadness.

In any case, the Temple of War is also the home of the Annabella Knights Templar. She has lived in the Temple of War for a hundred years, and her feelings are still very deep.

"Practice for a hundred years?" David was also surprised when he heard these words.

The penance of the temple is not just talking about it, but the real penance.

Eat only one meal a day, do not communicate with others, and pray every day except for practice, to sharpen the faith through the harsh environment.

As long as you successfully pass a certain period of penance, you will become a fanatic.

David knew the temperament of the Templars of Annabella, and let the Templars of Annabella study hard for a hundred years, which was almost equivalent to ruining the lives of the Templars of Annabella.

There is already a hundred-year-old Annabella Templar, and the next hundred years will be her best time.

"Lord Arthur, I have something to ask you, can you give me some answers?" Annabella the Templar asked through gritted teeth.

"Say!" David felt that the Annabella Templar was very solemn, and he waved.

"Are you sure to fight the Temple of War?" The Annabella Templar asked seriously.

This question should not be asked by the Annabella Templar. First of all, her identity, and secondly, as a member of the Temple of War, she should be more convinced of the strength of the Temple of War.

But the Annabella Templar knows another thing. So far, it is impossible to say how powerful Lord Arthur has shown.

Especially since the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ disappeared, the Annabella Templar guessed that Lord Arthur had the power to fight the demigod.

Of course, the **** who can alarm the war personally issued the metaphor, which also reflects the extraordinaryness of Lord Arthur from the side.

"Yes!" David hesitated slightly and replied with certainty.

"Lord Lord, I Annabella is loyal to you, and I hope to be a member of the Luce family!" Annabella Templar did not hesitate anymore, she landed on one knee and said with her head bowed to David.

"Why is this?" David was really taken aback, he asked.

"I want to become a legend, and I will be promoted to a demigod in the future. The Temple of War can't provide this. I decided to leave the Temple of War. You are the only one who can take me in!" After the Annabella Templar made a decision, he spoke easily. A lot.

"But your faith?" David still had some questions.

"Faith? When it was found out that I had the talent of a divine envoy, the temple never cared about my faith, nor did it force me to pray. I and I are still only shallow believers, and the price of betraying my faith is not high!" Pull the Templar self mockingly.

David thought about it for a while, indeed, the Annabella Templar is a special existence in the temple, she can play around, and almost no one has asked her.

Of course, the Annabella Templar that David saw was the Annabella Templar who had already had several successful surrenders and had a high status in the temple.

"Annabella Templar, as the lord of the Luce family, I agree to you to join the Luce family!" David waved a fifth-grade long sword and appeared in his hand. The Templar lightly tapped on the head and left and right shoulders, and then said.

This is a knight's loyalty ceremony, it seems simple, but every knight will not treat it casually, because it is related to the knight's lifelong loyalty.

"Lord Lord, do you find a place to hide first, Garmixing seems to be safe, once the temple launches war methods, those energy weapons alone cannot be stopped!" Annabella Templar stood up, immediately Considered for the benefit of Lord Arthur.

"Don't worry, as long as it's not that person's body coming in person, there is no way I can do it. When it's time for dinner, let's eat first!" David smiled and looked at the time and said.

"You will live in the castle on the left. Recently I will arrange to rebuild a castle for you. If you are not used to robots to serve, you will recruit some servants to add rice stars. Currently, there are no human servants to add rice stars!" David said to the restaurant. Go and even confess to the Annabella Templar.

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