Extraordinary David

Chapter 1107: Decide

Speaker Gould was sent away, and the mood of the Annabella Templar was obviously better. Speaker Gould supported the Annabella Templar to take refuge in Lord Arthur.

"I'm going to practice. If you have anything, you can ask through any robot, or go to Anton Templar, I can receive the news!" David sensed the news from the Zerg world and smiled to Saint Annabella. The Templar said.

The Anton Templar is the fourteenth Templar that David stayed in Garmistar. Although the Annabella Templar is to Lord Arthur, except for the thirteen Templars known to the Divine Great World, There was also a Templar knight who was very surprised, but this was nothing. She welcomed Lord Arthur's growing strength.

Only if Lord Arthur's power becomes stronger, can she be more secure.

After leaving the Annabella Templar for a certain distance, with a wave of his hand, David stimulated his talent for breaking through the air. He passed through the space channel directly to the "safety point of the great world of the gods" located five hundred meters underground. .

Then he opened the space wormhole connecting the ‘safety point of the Zerg World’. As soon as the space wormhole was formed, he stepped into it.

The ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone is already waiting outside the space crack, and the ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone is holding the Half-length Spider King in its claws.

At this time, the "half-length spider king" was in a coma, and his injuries had reached the stage of dying.

David used his ‘Broken Air’ talent ability to appear next to ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’. In his hand, ‘Artifact Knight Sword’ appeared, and a sword pierced the heart of ‘Half-length Spider King’.

The lethal effect of the "artifact knight war sword" made the "half-length spider king" lose its last vitality in the coma, and the already prepared shadow servant pounced on it, absorbing the soul of the "half-length spider king".

Originally, David didn't plan to resurrect the "Half-length Spider King", because compared to the legendary Zerg clone, he wanted to have the legendary soul clone, which would make his thinking faster.

This has a direct effect on his understanding of the basic rules of perception. The faster thinking and more soul clones, especially the legendary soul clones, are effective when activating the ‘Thinking Storm’ talent.

But the actions of the Temple of War broke David's plan and he needed to increase his strength.

At present, the fastest way to increase strength is not to perceive the basic rules, because the perceptual process has already encountered a bottleneck and cannot be successful in a short time.

The fastest way to increase strength is to improve the small world of soul space. This is also the simplest, as long as there are a lot of space stones.

There are not many space quarries in the Zerg world, probably this is also related to the scarcity of the space zergs among the Zergs, plus even if the Zerg wants to cultivate the space zergs, they will focus on cultivating those with outstanding talents.

There are a lot of space quarries on the star map provided by the Spirit Race Patriarch Tournament alone.

David also explored the Zerg contact network through the "Golden Winged Beetle King" clone and found more spatial quarry information.

He also discovered that the Zerg world is estimated to be rich in space quarries. The number of space quarries here far exceeds that of the Divine World and the Interstellar Federation. At least he knows the space quarries of the Divine World and the Interstellar Federation in terms of output and The reserves of the two worlds combined are not as much as one-tenth that of the Zerg world.

Of course, every world has its own specialties. In David's view, this space stone is a special product of the Zerg world.

If you want to mine these space stones quickly, you must send a Zerg clone to mine, and if you want to mine the space stone silently, you need the Zerg clone to be strong enough.

David is going to resurrect the "half-length spider king", the legendary "half-length spider king" is enough to mine the space quarry alone.

The process of resurrection is very simple. He has done it many times during the whole process. After just over ten minutes, the "half-length spider king" in front of him became his clone.

The "Half-length Spider King" retains most of its talents, especially the use of spider silk, so that the combat power of the "Half-length Spider King" clone is not affected much by the resurrection.

David also released the "Blade Mantis King", so that there is a semi-divine-level "Golden Winged Beetle King" clone, and two legendary Zerg clones remain in the Zerg world.

After dispatching the three Zerg clones out, David did not stay in the Zerg world for a long time, and returned to the god-general world Jiamixing.

In the next few days, it seemed calm and calm, but the nobles who belonged to the great world felt the nervousness of the wind.

Lord Arthur was hiding in Garmistar, and he began to retaliate frantically without being attacked as before. Everyone can understand this.

In the past, Lord Arthur’s opponents were no matter how powerful they were, and the strongest was no more than Level 5. However, behind this war temple is the God of War. Lord Arthur is very difficult to retaliate successfully, and may instead throw himself into the net.

Lord Arthur did not move on this side, but on the side of the Temple of War there was continuous movement.

A figure wearing a hood and robe appeared in front of the war temple, and immediately a priest stepped forward to stop him.

"Who are you? What's the matter?" The priest asked in a deep voice.

"Invited by the archbishop!" The hooded figure raised his head, revealing the face of Lord Fred of the Morse family of the black dragon blood, he whispered.

"It turns out to be Lord Fred, the archbishop is waiting for you in the side hall meeting room!" The priest also received the order and smiled and guided.

Lord Fred lowered his head again and walked towards the side hall.

The priest looked at the figure of Lord Fred leaving, with a hint of sarcasm on his face. He came over at the invitation of Archbishop Guy but dressed like this.

Lord Fred hastened his pace. He knows deeply, don’t look at this as the temple of war, but the news here will not be kept secret at all. The priest who has been confessed is better, if the rest of the priests see him. Face, then it is estimated that the entire aristocratic circle knew about his coming to the Temple of War.

There is no way for Lord Fred to dress up to hide his identity like this.

Today's war temple has a bad reputation in the noble circle. Every nobleman thinks that the war temple is provoking the nobles' right to survive.

At this time, once the aristocratic circle knows that Lord Fred is visiting the war temple, even if he is a top aristocrat, even if he is a dragon bloodline, he will be excluded by the aristocratic circle.

In particular, Speaker Gould and the lords surrounding Speaker Gould will definitely take corresponding actions against Lord Fred.

When he walked into the reception room, Lord Fred let out a long sigh of relief.

"I have seen Archbishop Guy, I don't know what you can do?" As soon as Lord Fred entered the meeting room, he saw a phantom appearing in the meeting room and sitting on the seat of the meeting room. He quickly bowed and saluted.

It was the spiritual clone of Archbishop Guy that came, and Lord Fred was still a little disappointed in his heart. Archbishop Guy did not appear to see him in person, indicating that he did not pay enough attention to him.

Just as Lord Fred did not want to be seen by others entering the Temple of War, Archbishop Gay was also helpless.

Lord Arthur is known as the ‘Invincible Knight’ of the God’s Great World. This title conceals his other title of the ‘First Assassin’ of the God’s Great World.

Normally no one would propose the title of'First Assassin', because this is not the title canonized by the temple, but Lord Arthur inherited from Cameron's fifth-tier bishop after successfully killing the fifth-tier bishop of Cameron. title.

Originally, the fifth-level bishop of Cameron was the "first assassin" of the gods of the great world, and has been rampant for thousands of years. The title of this "first assassin" was recognized by the dark world of the gods of the great world, even the temple Every aspect has acquiesced in this title.

In this thousand years, the five great temples have all fallen into the hands of Cameron's fifth-level bishop.

Lord Arthur killed Cameron's fifth-level bishop, if it were not for his other deeds, the "Invincible Knight" was more recognized by the world, leaving the inherited title of "First Assassin" unknown.

But those who have feuded with Lord Arthur would not really think that the title of ‘First Assassin’ disappeared, even Archbishop Guy had to prevent Lord Arthur’s assassination methods.

Therefore, Archbishop Gay will not use his body to appear in front of non-temple personnel at any time.

"I think you have heard about Arthur Kerr and the Temple of War?" Archbishop Guy asked in a deep voice.

Archbishop Guy didn't even let Lord Fred sit down and talk, Lord Fred could only stand and listen to him.

"Yes!" Lord Fred replied, bowing.

"Tell you the fact that the Temple of War must capture Arthur Kerr after receiving the metaphor. As long as the Temple of War does not perish, the capture will not end!" Archbishop Guy said in a deep voice.

Lord Fred was shocked. He had never understood why the Temple of War suddenly dealt with Lord Arthur, and he did not give a reason.

At this time, Lord Fred understood in his heart that the God of War wanted to capture Lord Arthur. This kind of thing cannot be put on the surface.

Although the great world of the gods is the world of the gods, the temple does not directly intervene in secular management, but is managed by the nobles.

Any action on the part of the temple is carried out by the nobles, directly arresting the nobles, which will destroy all the previous rules and laws.

Of course, the quiet action of the War Temple was too late for the nobles to know afterwards. The problem is that the action of the War Temple failed, and the whole incident was known to the great world.

Now this incident is not a contradiction between Arthurian and the Temple of War, but a contradiction between the interests of the nobility and the Temple of War.

If the nobles do not unite this time, then the nobles will lose the rights they have worked hard for thousands of years and be arbitrarily manipulated by the temple.

The most important thing is that the Temple of War has not been able to be unified with the other four temples. This gives hope to the nobles, indicating that this is only the self-employment of the Temple of War, without the support of the other four temples.

Lord Fred began to figure out the matter of standing in line. Before coming, he was considering the conditions given by the War Temple. If the War Temple gave sufficient conditions, he could secretly help the War Temple.

Now that he knew the determination of the Temple of War, he was more certain of his previous decision.

In fact, Lord Fred appeared in the Temple of War, which showed his attitude.

"I ask you to do me a favor. It is not difficult for you. It is to lead Arthur Kerr to leave Garmistar. As long as you leave Garmistar, the temple will set up traps and take him down in one fell swoop." Archbishop Gay proposed Meet their own requirements.

"Archbishop, you should know that my relationship with Lord Arthur is not good enough to invite him to leave Garmixing at this time!" Lord Fred was actually relieved that Archbishop Gay did not let him Shot, just to help, he said with a wry smile.

"The Temple of War is very dissatisfied with Speaker Gould. I will promote the re-election of the Speaker. In addition, Arthur Kerr’s Black Dragon Blood Templar, the temple will also be the least of them after Arthur Kerr is captured. The two Templars belonged to the Morse family." Archbishop Gay ignored Lord Fred's difficulties, but faintly offered his own terms.

Lord Fred was really moved. All he did was lead Lord Arthur without the slightest danger.

And the benefits obtained, first of all, is the position of speaker. Every lord who becomes the speaker of the highest council will make his family the first noble family of the gods in the great world.

The second is the blood of the black dragon. Lord Fred has long been peeping at the blood of the Templars of the black dragon blood of Lord Arthur.

The Black Dragon Bloodline of the Templar Knights is extremely rich. As long as it enters the Morse family, it will definitely increase the Black Dragon bloodline of the Morse family.

This may not appear in a short time, but it will affect the blood of the black dragon of the Morse family for thousands of years.

As for whether the two Black Dragon Blood Templars are willing, without the protection of Lord Arthur, with the support of the War Temple, the two Black Dragon Blood Templars have no right to resist.

"I need you to keep it secret, don't let anyone know that I am involved!" Lord Fred gritted his teeth and made a request.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about it. Without Arthur Kerr, the influence of the Temple of War will be restored soon after the nobles have made trouble for a while!" Archbishop Guy said with a satisfied smile.

Lord Fred did not support Archbishop Gay's argument in his heart, and he did not want to refute it.

The current situation is more serious than Archbishop Gay thought, especially when the Annabella Templar left the Temple of War and completely smashed the influence of the Temple of War.

As long as the Temple of War does not capture the Templar Annabella, the influence of the Temple of War will not be restored.

And the longer the Annabella Templar’s ​​freedom is delayed, the greater the impact on the reputation of the War Temple.

But Archbishop Guy in front of him obviously did not put the Annabella Templar matter first, but put the capture of Lord Arthur first.

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