Extraordinary David

Chapter 1109: Cocktail party

Although the legend of Annabella is a knight of the Luce family, David did not interfere with the invitation of the guests by the legend of Annabella.

In David's view, when he and the Annabella Legend and the Temple of War have such a hostile relationship, not many people can accept invitations to come to the reception.

Obviously David made a mistake. The current situation is rather weird. In the aristocracy, as long as it is not a noble who believes in the **** of war, then hostility to the temple of war has become a political correctness.

At this time, Legend of Annabella sent out more than 20 invitations. Even if the reception time was tight, it was only two days in advance, but it received a positive response.

At the same time, the news of Annabella’s promotion to Legend also spread throughout the entire world of the nobles of the gods with the invitation of the reception. For the first time, many nobles knew that there was a legendary rank after the fifth-level Templar realm.

Not to mention the more than twenty guests who received the invitation, the others who thought they were qualified all took the initiative to send an application to the Annabella Legend to participate in the reception.

On the one hand, all the nobles are hostile to the Temple of War. In this environment, there is no need to care about the attitude of the Temple of War. On the other hand, every knight wants to witness the birth of the legend with his own eyes.

The Annabella Legend is the first legendary knight known in thousands of years, and its significance is extraordinary.

Of course, there is another point that is also valued by the nobility circle, that is, the legend of Annabella is an invitation issued in the name of the Luce family.

In other words, the legend of Annabella joined the Luce family, combined with the mission of hunting down the legend of Annabella released by the Temple of War, we can know the reason why the legend of Annabella left the Temple of War, turned out to take refuge in Lord Arthur.

Two days later, all the guests of Garmixing did not apply for transmission until the specified time. Due to the previous actions of the War Temple, the guests did not want to cause any misunderstandings caused by the early arrival.

In just a few minutes, the planet-class portal sent more than 20 invited guests and more than a dozen guests who had applied for the Annabella Legend to be unable to refuse.

It is the robot that leads the guests, which makes all the guests feel very novel.

David did not show up. This was the promotion reception for the Annabella Legend. He was at most half the master, and could not steal the limelight from the Annabella Legend. He stood in the reception hall waiting for the guests to arrive.

The legendary Annabella wore a gown with the shadow leopard emblem. This gown was a women's heritage gown of the Luce family. She stood in front of her castle and showed noble elegance.

"That is the legendary castle of Annabella, Lord Arthur is really generous!" The invited Lord Ludwig exclaimed.

There are two castles not far from each other. Everyone knows that Lord Arthur’s castle was built by ‘Yao Jinshi’, but he did not expect that the newly built castle was also built for ‘Yao Jinshi’.

Seeing the legend of Annabella standing in front of the newly built castle, I naturally understand that this castle is the legendary castle of Annabella.

The guests arrived almost at the same time, and when they saw the legend of Annabella, they all lit up.

Guests who have a strong knowledge of Bo Ji have discovered the origin of the dress on Annabella’s legend. The Luce family is also a noble with a long heritage. Although it has not been a top noble, it is also very famous among the nobles.

Therefore, some information of the Luce family is also part of the noble knowledge, but it is not part of the core noble knowledge, and not many people have it.

"Welcome friends, the promotion reception is a bit hasty, but the food and drinks are provided by my lord, which can guarantee everyone's satisfaction!" Legend Annabella welcomed with a smile.

"Legend Annabella, we can rest assured if you say that!" Speaker Gould replied with a smile.

His words made all the guests laugh. What is famous about Garmixing, besides the powerful Lord Arthur, there are also ‘heart-warming lotus seed soup’, red wine and food.

As long as they think that they can enjoy the food cooked by Lord Arthur himself, many guests feel that this trip is worthwhile.

The guests also know clearly that the legend of Annabella has really joined the Luce family.

From the legend of Annabella that the Ruth family inheritance dress, from the name of Lord Arthur in the legend of Annabella, it is certain that the legend of Annabella has indeed become the knight of the Ruth family.

"Okay, please enter the hall!" The legendary Annabella smiled and made a gift.

Since the guests are all friends of Annabella's legend, the atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

Originally, some guests thought that Annabella had become a legend, and would there be any change. Seeing the same legend of Annabella, their hearts became more relaxed.

David stood in the hall, and when he saw more than thirty guests, he couldn't help but was taken aback. He didn't look at the guest list, and gave everything to Legend Annabella to prepare for himself.

Among the more than 30 guests, in addition to the majority of the fifth-level Templar knights, there were also guests from the Temple of Wealth, Temple of Justice, Temple of Earth, and Temple of Knowledge.

In this way, if the Annabella Legend does not completely break with the Temple of War, perhaps there will still be people from the Temple of War.

In fact, most of the guests of the four major temples are people who have not invited the Annabella Legend, but have applied for it.

The legend of Annabella rebelled against the Temple of War. She deliberately avoided the old friends of the Temple when she invited them, but did not expect that these old friends of the Temple would instead take the initiative to apply for participation without any scruples.

The more than thirty guests present can be said to have spread across the major powers of the entire god-general world in terms of identity. This is also the result of the Annabella legend reduced by more than half.

It can be seen from this aspect that Annabella’s legendary friends are vast, even if something goes wrong, there are still so many friends willing to join in.

"Lord Arthur!" When the guests saw David, they all saluted respectfully, even the guests of the temple.

Lord Arthur has a very high reputation among the nobles of the great world. The title of "Invincible Knight" and countless dazzling achievements have made all the knights regard him as an idol in their hearts whether they like it or not.

David smiled and bowed and did not speak. The guests also knew that this was the promotion reception for the legend of Annabella. First wait for the owner of the legend of Annabella to finish speaking, and then there was time to communicate with Lord Arthur.

"Thank you all for coming to my legendary promotion reception. My dream has come true, and all the knights' dreams of countless years have come true!" Legend Annabella said loudly.

The guests applauded one after another, and most of them were extremely excited.

Among the friends of Annabella's legend, the fifth-level Templars accounted for the majority. Of course, the knights who could make friends with her could not reach the fifth-level strength and the identity of waiting for dialogue. This is not surprising.

And qualified to be friends with the Annabella legend, the strength is extremely strong among the fifth-level Templars.

These five-level Templars understood Annabella's legendary mood very well, just like Speaker Gould, in order to become a legend, took risks and did the almost mortal ‘slaying god’.

The Annabella legend resonated with these five-level Templars. In order to break through the five-level Templars, how many five-level Templars paid the price of their lives for this.

The legend of Annabella is ahead, she has taken an important step that the knights have been unable to take for many years.

"Legend of Annabella, can we feel the aura of legendary rank?" Lord Ludwig asked.

Lord Ludwig’s proposal immediately received the support of all the guests. They were all very curious about the legendary stage, and wanted to know how the real legendary stage feels.

Legend of Annabella and Speaker Gould both glanced at Lord Arthur. They both knew Lord Arthur was the first knight to become a legend.

"I have just been promoted, and I just entered the legendary rank. Since you want to feel it, then I will try!" Legend Annabella said while letting go of her breath.

A faint coercion dissipated, making all the guests feel a sense of horror. This is a sense of danger.

The legend of Annabella just released her breath immediately. She hasn't fully controlled the realm of the legend yet, and there are not all fifth-level Templars here. If she misses and hurts the guests, it will be a joke.

"What a powerful breath!" Lord Ludwig said with envy flashing in his eyes.

The effect of this coercion on the fifth-level Templars is not obvious, but it is just coercion. Through the coercion, one can imagine how strong Annabella's attack will be.

"The strongest thing about the legendary rank is the application of rules. I haven't started this yet!" Annabella legend said modestly.

The guests memorized the words of Annabella's legend one by one. This is a valuable experience from the legendary stage. It is important to know that many knights who are present have only limited their understanding of the legendary stage to the realm name ‘legendary’.

Then the guests asked many questions to the legend of Annabella. Anything that the legend of Annabella could answer was answered carefully, and the ones that could not be answered were explained directly.

Naturally, these guests would not ask too much questions, such as where the Annabella Legend got the legendary knight training method, or the detailed process of promotion.

Tasting wine, eating food, and listening to the legend of Annabella, the atmosphere in the hall is more harmonious.

"Everyone, wait a minute for the question. Next is the highlight of the cocktail party, the spirit red wine brewed by Lord Arthur himself, thank Lord Lord Arthur!" The legend of Annabella saw a robot holding a small wooden wine barrel. Come over, she said with a smile.

"Spiritual red wine?"

People here are extremely distinguished, but they have never heard of spirit red wine.

They all know that the spirits are separated from the red wine, but they have never heard of the combination of the spirits and the red wine. Is it possible that the brewing process can make red wine into a spirit?

In the midst of doubts, the small wooden wine barrel was opened, and a smell of wine accompanied by the strange energy, so that the soul of every guest at the party was clear and bright, and they even felt their souls improved.

Just a sniff, there is such a benefit, then what will be the effect of drinking this spirit red wine?

"Lord Arthur, why don't I know if there is such a good thing?" Speaker Gould came to David and asked a bit complaining, which was naturally half-joking.

"It was just brewed, Annabella's luck is good, just in time, you are also the first batch of people to drink the spirit wine!" David Tanshou replied.

Speaker Gould didn't have time to speak more, the robot delivered a glass of spirit red wine to him, and he carefully took it.

The rest of the guests are also cautious. Everyone knows this level of spirit wine. I guess I missed this one. I am afraid it will not be easy to drink it later.

Lord Ludwig sniffed the spirit red wine in his hand. Before he drank it, he felt the power of the blood in his body agitated, as if being affected by the spirit red wine.

Unable to wait, he drank the red wine from the spirit thing, and the blood in his body instinctively started the knight training method.

After a while, Lord Ludwig, who had already reached the pinnacle of the legend, drank a sip of red wine, and the power of his blood became solid in a short time, surpassing the fruits of his six months of hard work.

Lord Ludwig looked at the empty wine glass in disbelief. The effect of such a glass of spirit red wine was beyond his imagination.

The most important thing is that this spirit red wine is too easy to absorb. Not only does it have no side effects, it is actively absorbed by the body.

No one paid attention to Lord Ludwig's situation except David, because they were also in the process of rapid improvement.

As Lord Ludwig was the first to drink the spirit wine, the power of his blood was sensed by David, and David was extremely shocked after discovering the effect of the spirit wine.

It's not that David has never tasted the spirit wine, but for him at the pinnacle of the legendary rank, the effect of the spirit wine is not strong.

The ‘Black Dragon’s Power’ in his body has reached its limit a long time ago, and the only thing that needs to be improved is the perception of the basic rules. This little red wine has no effect.

Therefore, David thought that the effect of spirit red wine was only stronger than that of spirit fruit, but the strength was limited.

Obviously, his understanding has gone wrong, and the effect of the spirit red wine has exceeded expectations.

"Huh!" When David was thinking, he suddenly looked at Speaker Gould, who was undergoing a strong change.

"Annabella, I will take Speaker Gould to leave, he is afraid that he will be promoted!" David explained to the legend of Annabella, and he lifted Speaker Gould's body with a wave of his hand. Flew out.

Part of the sober guests, after hearing Lord Arthur's words, their eyes widened, with an unbelievable look.

What did they hear? Speaker Gould is about to be promoted. Speaker Gould is the pinnacle of the fifth-level Templar. Isn't it a legendary rank if you get promoted?

When did the legendary rank get promoted so well?

In thousands of years, no knight has been promoted to the legendary rank, this time outside the Annabella legend, Speaker Gould will also be promoted to legend.

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