Extraordinary David

Chapter 1113: arrival

Until this time, the people of the Temple of War understood how powerful the legend of Annabella was.

The power of Annabella’s legend comes from the combat experience brought to her by many gods. Her feeling of combat comes from the **** of war. To a certain extent, her combat experience is in the entire world of the gods. Among the knights, they can all be ranked extremely high.

In addition, the Templars of the Temple of War did not have the heart to die from the beginning, but wanted to use delay to deal with the legend of Annabella.

What knights are best at is fighting. Once they lose their intent to fight, their strength will naturally not be fully utilized.

This is also the reason why the Temple of War lost a Templar in a short period of time.

Just as the Annabella Legend was about to reach the edge of the war space circle, a seemingly empty area above the ground suddenly appeared a hundred sacrifices.

At the same time that the hundreds of sacrificial priests appeared, a magical technique that gathered all sacrificial energy was activated.

The legend of Annabella only feels that the body is heavy, and she can no longer move a point. After losing her faith, her resistance to divine art has dropped to the extreme.

Annabella's legendary heart is not good. The most terrifying thing in the temple is not the knights, but the sacrifices. When a group of sacrifices perform magic skills at the same time, its power is enough to make any strong person extremely suppressed in a short time.

At this time, Lord Fred also appeared wearing a five-level knight armor specially made by the temple, and re-formed the knight battle formation with five other Templar knights, trapping the legend of Annabella in it.

The legend of Annabella was not well-informed, her flight was restricted, and she could only be blocked by a knight battle formation composed of six Templar knights.

Especially among them is Lord Fred, whose strength ranks extremely high among the knights of the gods of the Great World, and is a well-known strong man for a long time.

Lord Fred of the blood of the black dragon, although unable to defeat the legend of Annabella, but with the help of five war temple knights, after forming a knight battle, it is enough to make the legend of Annabella unable to escape.

Even if the legend of Annabella is rich in combat experience, under the siege of the knights led by Lord Fred, it is somewhat difficult to parry.

Lord Fred also didn't want to make a move, but if he didn't make a move, the fifth-level Templars sent by the temple of this war alone would have the help of the sacrificial rites, and they would not be able to keep the legend of Annabella.

If the legend of Annabella successfully escapes, Lord Fred can't imagine what kind of revenge he will face.

Lord Arthur's reputation was forged with the blood of countless well-known strong men. Those of the same level as Lord Fred, and even stronger ones fell under his hand.

So Lord Fred reluctantly accepted the opinion of Archbishop Guy and put on the special knight armor belonging to the war temple.

In fact, if the War Temple takes full action, it will not be difficult to kill the Annabella Legend on the spot. The Archbishop Guy of the War Temple is on the scene, and there are also many fifth-level priests. With all the effort, the Annabella Legend Difficult to die.

You don't even need the others to take action, as long as Archbishop Guy takes action, the Annabella legend can't bear it.

Archbishop Gay has been a legendary rank for many years, and he has the archbishop's scepter of the temple of war. The magical power that can be displayed is not something that the newly promoted legendary rank of Legend of Annabella can resist.

But the Temple of War did not want to expose their full strength. They tried their best to arrange this trap, not for the legend of Annabella, but for Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur is the target named by the **** of war to be captured alive. In order to complete the metaphor of the temple of war, Archbishop Guy is willing to give up catching the traitor of the legend of Annabella.

"Lord Fred, it is up to you to send a message to Lord Arthur and send the battle scenes here too!" Archbishop Guy frowned and ordered to Lord Fred who was fighting.

Archbishop Guy knew that it was impossible for Legend of Annabella to send a distress signal to Lord Arthur. Just now Legend of Annabella suffered multiple injuries, but he had no idea of ​​calling for help.

This made Archbishop Guy unable to understand, and Lord Fred also didn't understand what kind of ability Lord Arthur had to make the legend of Annabella not want to endanger Lord Arthur's safety even if he was in danger.

Lord Fred heard Archbishop Guy's words and felt very helpless. He had no retreat and could only walk to the dark one by one.

Of course, Archbishop Guy has clearly stated to Lord Fred that the Temple of War has a means to deal with Lord Arthur. As long as Lord Arthur arrives here, he cannot leave.

If this sentence was said by others, Lord Fred would hesitate, mainly because Lord Arthur's reputation was too great, and there were too many magical things to show.

But this sentence was said by Archbishop Gay, by the most noble man in the world of God, and by the representative of the **** of war in the world, and Lord Fred had to believe it.

The most important thing is that Archbishop Gay came to the trap in person. This level of adventure shows the confidence of Archbishop Gay.

For this operation, Archbishop Gay did not bring any temple personnel who had a relationship with Lord Arthur, such as Bishop McKinley and the fifth-level priests of Heaviside.

Archbishop Guy had some doubts whether someone had confided to Lord Arthur in the last operation, otherwise, how could he be defeated by Lord Arthur using long-range energy weapons without getting close to Garmistar.

He has not studied the tactics of the Interstellar Federation in depth, let alone knowing that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the Interstellar Federation can set up a warning area in space. He attributed all this to an intelligence problem.

This cannot be blamed on Archbishop Guy's arrogance, but because he is extremely close to the gods. After knowing the power of the gods, he no longer puts his own weak individual strength in the eyes of the Star Federation.

Although the final internal investigation did not find anything, Archbishop Gay did not bring anyone who might leak the news in order that there would be no problems with this operation.

"I'll do it now!" The fifth-grade light sword in the hands of Lord Fred slapped the legend of Annabella on the shoulder, causing the legend of Annabella to spew a mouthful of blood, and then he responded.

The legendary Annabella was seriously injured. In fact, she was hesitant at first in her heart. If you contact Lord Arthur at this time, with the strength of Lord Arthur, the knights and priests that appear here cannot be the opponent of Lord Arthur.

But the legend of Annabella is more familiar with the Temple of War, knowing Archbishop Gay’s style of acting, it is impossible to do things that are uncertain.

Just like last time, when ten ‘Starships’ went to Garmisch, the legend of Annabella felt Archbishop Gay’s unprovoked confidence.

With the terrifying power shown by Lord Arthur on the battlefield, the battle power of the war temple on ten "Starships", the possibility of wanting to deal with Lord Arthur is not high, the legend of Annabella understood Guy at that time The archbishop must have the means to deal with Lord Arthur.

It was only because of not being able to get close to Lord Arthur that Archbishop Gay had failed.

Therefore, even if the legend of Annabella reached this extremely dangerous time, she still did not plan to contact Lord Arthur.

Her idea is very simple. She was greatly favored by Lord Arthur. The most important thing was that she got everything she wanted, promoted to Legend, and obtained a stronger knight training method.

As for the death opposite, the legend of Annabella was not afraid. As early as the day she left the temple of war, she knew how dangerous her situation was.

There was a smile of relief on Annabella's legendary face, the fifth-grade light long sword in her hand was faster, blocking the attack from the knight's battlefield.

This may be the last battle in her life, she wants to show her full strength, she wants to die in the battle, she doesn't want to be caught.

Only by attacking with full force would the opponents of Legend of Annabella have to do their best. Lord Fred also discovered this, and Legend of Annabella's attack suddenly increased.

But at this time, Lord Fred had already passed the news to Lord Arthur.

As a member of the Supreme Council, Lord Fred has the authority to pass messages directly to Lord Arthur. Of course, there are also reasons why he wants to befriend Lord Arthur many times, so Lord Arthur also opened this to him. Permissions.

David had just returned from the Zerg world, this time he obtained a lot of space stones, he was about to manipulate the world tree to absorb, he received the news from Lord Fred.

At the same time, he also received the message from Annabella Legend to him.

In the message sent by Lord Fred, there was a video message. David was shocked. He saw the legend of Annabella who was injured and vomiting blood.

David read the comment of Annabella's legend again, his expression gloomy.

He thought that the Temple of War would find a way to deal with him, but he did not expect to use the legend of Annabella as a breakthrough, and even let Lord Fred come forward.

"It seems that my threat is not enough!" David muttered with murderous intent in his eyes.

His motto is that a dead enemy is a good enemy. To make the enemy fear, kill the enemy.

If someone wants to be an enemy, he must think about whether he can bear the consequences.

In fact, David already has the power to protect himself in the great world of God, and it has long been rumored in the top circles of the great world of God. As long as he has the power of a demigod, he is not close to any temples. The world is not afraid of any enemy.

David not only has the power of a demigod, but also has the power of the god-level black dragon Alexis.

He originally planned to wait for his own strength to improve a bit, at least until the World Tree had absorbed enough energy in the space stone to make changes in the small world of the soul space, before he would launch a revenge action against the Temple of War.

But now he must fight back, the enemy did not give him time to grow.

Fortunately, the trap set by Lord Fred and the Temple of War was in the main city of Bama. If in some cities with Temples of War, David would consider exposing his own strength.

Of course, the legend of Annabella is not a fool. It is impossible to go to a city with a temple of war. If the main city of Bama Star is not filled with many nobles and has a strong business atmosphere, she cannot be fooled.

With a wave of his hand, David displayed his ‘Break Through the Air’ spatial talent, and he appeared in front of the Garmi Star Orb portal through the spatial passage in one step.

The teleportation target was set to the main city of Bama Star, and he looked at the black dragon Alexis that shrunk on his shoulders, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ in the shadow, flashed into the planet-level portal.

As soon as David connected and transmitted, Archbishop Guy received the message at the same time.

In order to use the main city of Bama against Lord Arthur, the Temple of War sealed off the main city of Bama, and drove everyone in the city, including the nobles and civilians, to the outside of the city for detention.

All the news in the main city of Bama was sealed and locked, and the planet-level portal was also controlled by Archbishop Guy.

Today's planet-level portal in the main city of Bama can only accept teleportation requests from Lord Arthur, and it still automatically agrees.

"It's finally here!" Archbishop Gay said secretly in his heart.

Archbishop Gay never thought that it would be so difficult to deal with Lord Arthur. In order to deal with Lord Arthur, the Temple of War had paid too much, and now he was about to succeed, and he was in a good mood.

David's figure appeared in front of the planet-level portal in the main city of Bama. He felt the space guardian energy beside him. As long as he did not leave the planet-level portal area, this energy could protect him for two seconds.

But he didn't care about the space protection energy, his eyes looked at the figures in the sky who were fighting frantically.

"Those who dare to move me!" David ignored the hundred priests on the ground, he shouted, and his figure flashed into the battle group.

Lord Fred has been observing the direction of the planet-level portal. After he sent the message, he understood that Lord Arthur's temperament, if he were to come, he was afraid that there would be no waiting time.

Regardless of how powerful Lord Arthur is, the terrifying ‘swordsmanship’ alone is enough to make Lord Fred fear.

Upon observing the appearance of Lord Arthur, Lord Fred directly activated the built-in ability of the special knight armor, causing Lord Fred's figure to disappear from the air and appear 100 meters away.

Lord Arthur’s speed exceeded everyone’s expectations, including Archbishop Guy. After seeing Lord Arthur appear outside the planet-level portal, when Lord Arthur joined the battle group, Archbishop Guy did not come and was relieved. The magic circle that hides the breath.

"Cut!" David didn't have the slightest reservation. The "artifact knight war sword" behind him was pulled out, and the "deadly knife" was used.

A sword light flashed, and the five Templars of the Temple of War did not have the slightest resistance, they were swept across their chests by the sword light, and half of the bodies of the five Templars were swept away.

The greatest damage caused by this sword was that the hearts of the five Templar knights were broken open, and the lethal effect of the "Artifact Knight War Sword" killed the five Templar knights instantly.

With a wave of his hand, David collected the five corpses of the Templars and their equipment into the space pendant, and the battle in the sky ended, leaving only the legendary figures of him and Annabella.

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