Extraordinary David

Chapter 1115: solve

The Shadow Servant flew out automatically, ready to absorb Archbishop Guy's soul. At this moment, a white light gate appeared in the sky, and Archbishop Guy's soul was about to fly toward the white light gate.

In David's perception, the white light gate did not have a trace of energy. If it weren't for the real appearance of the white light gate, with the rest of the perception ability, he would not be able to perceive the white light gate.

Archbishop Gay’s identity is extremely special. His soul has the mark of the God of War. As long as he falls, his soul will be attracted to the small world of the God of War.

If there is no existence of Shadow Servant, a life form specially created to deal with souls, perhaps the soul of Archbishop Guy might really be taken back by the small world of the **** of war.

But the Shadow Servant is so special that even a god-level soul cannot escape from it, let alone a legendary-level soul like Archbishop Guy.

Shadow Servant rushed forward and swallowed Archbishop Gay's soul before he entered the white light gate.

The white light door failed to reach Archbishop Guy, which seemed to have triggered a certain mechanism. The white light door burst out with a suction force, sucking in the direction of the shadow servant.

Shadow Servant's movement is not a normal movement, but like a space flicker. After absorbing Archbishop Guy's soul, it disappears instantly, just to avoid the suction of the white light door.

After all, the white light gate is only a special pattern attached to the archbishop Guy’s soul. It will be activated after the death of the archbishop Guy. The white light gate can’t really use the energy of the small world, and the power it explodes is extremely limited.

At this time, the white light gate also ran out of energy, turning its incompetence into a little white starlight and dissipating.

David hesitated, he put away the space ring on Archbishop Guy's corpse, and then threw the corpse to the five fifth-level priests who were stuck in the air behind him.

Don't look at David killing Archbishop Gay, but really speaking, Archbishop Gay took the initiative to attack him and was killed by him.

As the top nobles of the gods, members of the Supreme Council, their counterattacks when their lives are threatened are supported by the law, which prevents the other four temples from coming forward.

As a reasonable party, David, at least the four major temples did not receive the gods of his own gods, and he would not actively break the laws of the nobles, and risk breaking with the nobles to help the war temples.

As for returning the body of Archbishop Guy, we can only say that the body of Archbishop Guy is a bit hot.

This kind of corpse that has been eroded by the power of faith has very little value in resurrection. Even if it is successfully resurrected, the displayed strength is much different than the normal legendary rank.

It would be better to return the corpse of Archbishop Guy generously. Although it can't reduce the hatred with the temple of war, it can be recognized by the other four temples.

A fifth-level priest took over the body of Archbishop Gay in disbelief. Since Lord Arthur returned the body of Archbishop Gay, does it mean that they would not be killed.

The five fifth-level priests did not have the confidence to deal with Lord Arthur. Just looking at the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ beside Lord Arthur, they could instantly kill them instantly.

"You didn’t take action against me, so I won’t be embarrassed by you. You brought back Archbishop Gay’s body and told the Temple of War what happened today. If there is another next time, I will take action to bring the Temple of War to the Great Lord. All the temples in the world are destroyed one by one!" David said in a deep voice.

"We will bring your words back!" The fifth-level priest quickly replied.

Then the five fifth-level priests fled with the body of Archbishop Guy at the fastest speed in their lives.

"Why go so fast, this war space circle is not taken away, it is too wasteful!" David could not help but shook his head, sensing the energy of the surrounding war space circle.

He also didn't want to think about how the five fifth-level priests dare to stop here for an extra second, and stopping for one second would be more dangerous. Who knows if he suddenly changed his mind and killed all the five fifth-level priests. .

Lord Fred regained his control over the power of blood in his body after David put away the ‘Knight Forbidden Card’.

Lord Fred wanted to leave the battlefield secretly, but he didn't dare to make the slightest move, because a pair of eyes were staring at him. As long as he dared to make any moves, the owner of those eyes might kill him on the spot.

The owner of those eyes is the demigod ‘Holy Knight’. The demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is extremely weak in the demi-god class, but when dealing with enemies weaker than him, it is powerful beyond imagination.

David didn't have much hatred for Archbishop Gay, and Archbishop Gay dealt with him for his faith.

But for Lord Fred, David was extremely angry.

David thought he was good to Lord Fred before, and the relationship between them was not close, but they were very harmonious.

As a member of the Supreme Council of the Great World of Gods, David doesn’t believe that Archbishop Gay can really threaten Lord Fred. With the current bad relationship between the Temple of War and the nobility, Lord Fred only needs to express that he does not want to help Archbishop Gay. Archbishop Guy has no way to deal with Lord Fred.

Then Lord Fred helps the Temple of War, that is for greater good.

"Lord Fred, I said I will destroy your family, and I will do what I say!" David looked at Lord Fred and said.

"Lord Arthur, I do everything by myself. I am willing to sever myself, and I just ask you not to hurt my family!" Lord Fred looked desperate, he gritted his teeth.

Lord Fred now has a dead heart, and he regrets his actions extremely.

The cooperation with the Temple of War, even if the cooperation succeeds and the Lord Arthur is captured alive, in the end Archbishop Guy will not let go of Lord Fred.

Because when he captured Lord Arthur alive, Archbishop Guy used the artifact ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’.

It is impossible for Archbishop Gay to let the news about the artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" leak out. Once the artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" is known to the nobles, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Lord Fred did not want to survive at this time, he just wanted to keep his family and the blood of the Morse family.

"I need a deterrent to deter those who want to deal with me, so that when they want to deal with me, considering the consequences, your life is not enough!" David said in a deep voice.

He said that with a wave of his hand, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ appeared in front of Lord Fred and pierced Lord Fred’s heart with a sword.

David shook his head, and the spirit wrapped Lord Fred's body into the space pendant.

Until now, Annabella's legend was still in shock, and the series of things just now made her unacceptable for a while.

From the appearance of the demigod ‘Holy Knight’, to the ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’, to David’s killing of Archbishop Guy, things happened too quickly.

Each of these things is enough to shake the entire world of the gods. The demigod'Holy Knight' takes refuge in Lord Arthur. The War Temple has the artifact'Knight Control Card' that can restrain any knight's bloodline power, Lord Arthur Killed the contemporary archbishop of the Temple of War.

Compared with these, Lord Fred's death feels somewhat insignificant.

"Lord Lord, thank you for your life-saving grace!" The legendary Annabella woke up, bowed and thanked.

"Legend of Annabella, needless to say thank you, you should also pay attention to it in the future, don't leave Garmixing until the tension with the temple of war is resolved!" David confessed.

"Yes, Lord Lord!" Speaking of leaving Garmistar, Annabella's legendary face was shy, and she knew that the other party had taken advantage of her weakness.

"Clean up here, take away the war space array, and we will go back!" David pointed to the main city of Bama and said.

Legend of Annabella smiled and nodded. The war space circle is the **** pattern circle of the war temple, and each set is extremely precious.

Annabella’s legend found the Divine Pattern Array, and easily put away the uncontrolled Array. With the first Array, the War Space Array instantly lost its effect.

The placement and collection of the war space array is a compulsory knowledge for the top of the war temple.

The Annabella Legend used to be in the Temple of War, and it was the high-level of the Temple, who had learned the knowledge of the collection of the war space array. This was so easy to do.

Five fifth-level priests were teleported back to the Temple of War through a planetary portal. When the five people carrying the body of Archbishop Guy appeared in the Temple of War, screams came from all around them.

The bell of the temple of war rang, and the long bells rang fifteen times in succession. At the same time, the bell of the main temple drove the bells of every temple of war all over the divine world to ring.

Fifteen bells ring, this is the bell of the archbishop's fall.

The priests of the war temples everywhere in the divine world couldn't believe their ears.

Archbishop Gay is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period. How could he have fallen? Recalling the recent rumors that Archbishop Gay arrested Lord Arthur, all the priests couldn’t help but feel chills. Lord Arthur’s revenge came so quickly .

The four bishops of the temple of war were all in the temple, and they listened to the description of the incident by the five fifth-level priests.

After hearing that the demigod "Knight of the Holy Spirit" took refuge in Lord Arthur, heard Archbishop Guy put out the artifact "Knight Prohibition Card", and heard that Lord Arthur killed Archbishop Guy, several bishops all inhaled. Take a breath.

They never knew that there was an artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" in the temple, which was a big killer for the knight profession, but the trouble was that now the artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" fell into the hands of Lord Arthur.

Not to mention that there is a strong man like the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ who protects Lord Arthur, it is said that if the Temple of War sends people to intercept Lord Arthur, no knight can be sent.

Because any knight could not resist in front of the sacred tool ‘Knight Forbidden Card’, how many knights sent from the Temple of War was of no use.

Without sending out knights, it would be almost impossible to capture Lord Arthur by relying solely on sacrifices with limited attack power.

The demigods claim that the Lord World is invincible. Unless they can lure Lord Arthur to come to the temple, they will be doomed to fail if they want to capture Lord Arthur.

"How did Lord Arthur let you back?" Bishop McKinley asked curiously.

Based on Bishop McKinley’s understanding of Lord Arthur, none of those who were enemies of Lord Arthur could survive. The five fifth-level priests could return to the temple safely, which is not like Lord Arthur’s style.

"Lord Arthur said that we did not take action against him, so let us come back with the archbishop's body!" a fifth-level priest replied.

The eyes of the four bishops flickered, and they all thought of one thing, Lord Arthur's hands are merciful, does it mean that as long as they don't take action against Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur will not attack them either.

Now that the position of the archbishop is vacant, who will take over the position of the archbishop is a big question.

If it is placed in the past, the four bishops are fighting frantically for this position, especially when Archbishop Gay has accidentally fallen and no specific successor is left.

But there is a problem right now, that is, whoever takes over the position of Archbishop Guy needs to continue the task of capturing Lord Arthur.

And this task is still a forced task, and it is impossible to tolerate a slight rejection.

The parables issued by the **** of war can only be completed with all efforts to accommodate the objections of Archbishop Gay’s successor.

The strength demonstrated by Lord Arthur did not allow the four bishops to have the slightest confidence in arresting Lord Arthur.

As the enemy of Lord Arthur, they will face the consequences. The price paid by the Temple of War this time is that the hundred priests and Archbishop Guy who participated in the mission have all fallen. They may also pay such a price to deal with Lord Arthur. .

"Tell my lord about this first!" Bishop McKinley said in a deep voice.

Bishop McKinley did not know whether the God of War knew about the fall of Archbishop Gay. What needs to be done at present is to inform the God of War of the details and wait for the response of the God of War regardless of whether the God of War knows about it.

What Bishop McKinley hopes most is for the God of War to revoke the previous mission, but he also knows that this is unlikely because the God of War will never allow anyone to challenge the dignity of the gods.

Judging from historical events, Lord Arthur is most likely to be pursued and killed more fiercely by the Temple of War.

In fact, Archbishop Gay’s fall was known to the God of War in the first place. The God of War waited for a while, waiting for Archbishop Gay’s soul to return to the small world and asked Archbishop Gay what had happened.

But the **** of war waited for a while, and did not find that Archbishop Gay's soul was taken back to the small world.

The **** of war is really angry, and the soul of every archbishop is the precious wealth of the gods.

The piety of each archbishop has reached the level of a fanatic, coupled with many exchanges with the **** of war, and acceptance of divine rewards far surpassing the others in the temple, making the archbishop's soul have a special change.

This kind of soul change was deliberately done by the **** of war, in order to have a greater effect when the soul returns to the small world after the fall of the archbishop.

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