Extraordinary David

Chapter 1117: Dawn

"How powerful is Lord Arthur?" Speaker Gould thought to himself, and then he thought of another thing. Since the alchemy agreement has such a guarantee, it is impossible for anyone to dare to violate the alliance agreement.

"Everyone, starting from today, we are a closer relationship, and we also want to give the alliance a name!" Speaker Gould said to the lords with a smile.

None of the lords mentioned any more about Lord Arthur’s powerful soul. It is precisely because of the justice of Lord Arthur’s soul that the lords here will be more united.

"I don't know what the name of the legendary knight training method is?" Where does Lord Darryl care about the name of the alliance? There is no big difference between the name and the name of this secret alliance. He is more concerned about the legendary knight that Speaker Gould promised. Practice method.

"I have forgotten that this is the legendary knight training method. You are all memorizing it here, and you are not allowed to take the original away!" Speaker Gould smiled and took out a beautifully bound book on the table and said.

This is naturally not the original. The ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’ has no original at all. It was made by Speaker Gould looking for a skilled craftsman in the clan. The selling image alone can show the extraordinaryness of this book.

"'Dawn Cultivation Method'!" Lord Daryl read gently.

Although the fourteen lords gathered around a book and looked more laborious, as the top five Templar knights in the divine world, each lord here has extremely strong vision.

One person flipped the ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’ and all the lords recited it with heart. A not-so-thick book, including the ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’ and some training notes, was quickly recited by the lords.

The lords who can be invited by Speaker Gould are all five-level Templar peaks, and they all hope to be promoted to the legendary rank in a short time, otherwise Speaker Gould will not invite them.

At least the first batch of allies must be fifth-level Templars who can try to be promoted to the legendary rank in a short time. Only when more legendary ranks appear can they have sufficient influence.

The spirits of these lords were not weak, and it didn't take much time to recite the complete body of ‘Dawn Cultivation Method’ with full concentration.

However, after the recitation, the lords closed their eyes to consolidate. This exquisite knight training method, even if it makes a little mistake, will cost the cultivator a heavy price.

At the same time, the lords also used this time to judge the content of the'Dawning Cultivation Method'.

"Huh!" Lord Ludwig let out a long sigh of relief, his excitement, joy, excitement and other emotions made him a little uncontrollable.

If it were not for the environment here, Lord Ludwig wanted to practice the ‘Dawning Practice’ immediately.

He suppressed the urge to take out the magical object and drink the red wine, and looked at Speaker Gould.

As a knight of the dragon bloodline, Lord Ludwig’s Hopkinson family’s inherited knight training method is the world’s top knight training method, but in contrast, this'dawn training method' far exceeds inheritance. Practice method.

Lord Ludwig is confident that he will not lose sight, and even every Lord here will feel the same.

"President Gould, since we all practice the'Dawning Cultivation Method', then our alliance might as well be called'Dawning'!" Lord Ludwig's heart moved, thinking of the question that Speaker Gould said just now.

"'Dawn cultivation method','Dawn' alliance, this proposal is good!" Before Speaker Gould could speak, several lords nodded and said at the same time.

The memorization just now made the lords very satisfied with the ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’, and at this time they all recognized the alliance in their hearts.

The lords were only the first to learn the ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’. After that, the family’s knights reached the pinnacle of the fifth-level Templar, or the knights that the family’s key training needed to apply to Speaker Gould and sign a new alchemy agreement.

"Dawn Alliance, since everyone feels good, then set it like this!" Speaker Gould also felt good, and said with a smile.

He took out another bottle with a large number of alchemy patterns on the surface, and then waved his hand and fourteen glasses appeared on the tabletop. He carefully poured the red wine in the alchemy bottle into the glass.

Almost as soon as the liquor in the alchemy bottle left the mouth of the bottle, the eyes of the lords were widened, and the refreshing, energy-bearing spiritual breath came upon their faces.

The alchemy bottle in the hands of Speaker Gould is also a treasure. In order to worry about the energy of the spirit being red wine spilling, the alchemy bottle can lock the internal energy in addition to the internal storage space.

Of course, these spirit wines were sent by David. The output of spirit fruits is not small. Although it cannot be provided in large quantities, it is still possible to provide this spirit wine that allows Speaker Gould to expand his influence.

"This is the spirit red wine I promised you. Please do the preparations before promotion first, and then proceed with the promotion. Don't waste this precious spirit red wine!" Speaker Gould said, pointing to fourteen glasses of red wine. .

The lords who did not attend the Annabella Legendary Promotion Cocktail Party all had their eyes shining when they saw the spirit red wine.

You must know that since Speaker Gould was promoted to the legendary rank on the spot because of a glass of spiritual wine at the promotion party, in the noble circle of the gods, spiritual wine is almost equivalent to the gods.

Indeed, in addition to the gods, what other training resources can enable a fifth-level Templar to successfully promote to the legendary rank.

Anyway, in the past thousands of years, no knight can be promoted to the legendary rank. No one knows how the Annabella legend was promoted.

But at the promotion party of Annabella Legend, there was a spirit red wine, combined with the promotion of Speaker Gould drank the spirit red wine, others have to think that the legend of Annabella is also promoted because of the spirit red wine.

If it weren't for Lord Arthur who was in Garmistar, it was even targeted by the Temple of War, and it was not easy to contact them. The nobles would have already asked Lord Arthur for purchases.

Such a fetish appeared in front of him. Although Speaker Gould had said it before signing the alliance agreement, it also made the lords extremely excited.

The lords resisted the temptation of the spirit red wine, and collected the spirit red wine into the space items.

I just saw the promotion notes after the ‘Dawning Cultivation Method’. They know the difficulty of being promoted to the legendary rank. They need to be prepared before they can try to be promoted.

"Everyone, the Dawn Alliance has been established. In order to thank Lord Arthur for his help to the Dawn Alliance, I propose an action to drive the Morse family into the dust!" Speaker Gould said in a deep voice.

"I agree!" Lord Ludwig was still the first to respond.

The remaining lords only took a beat, and they all agreed.

What Lord Fred did may be understandable in peacetime, but in the current situation, he betrayed the entire aristocracy.

The Temple of War privately arrested members of the Supreme Council, the top noble Lord Arthur, this behavior is a provocation to the entire aristocracy.

Lord Fred did not say that he was involved in the action against the Temple of War, but he could not help the Temple of War against Lord Arthur at this time.

Lord Fred has now fallen. According to Lord Arthur's habit, the Namorse family is estimated to be very difficult to get out.

All the lords here have been greatly favored by Lord Arthur. After Speaker Gould made this proposal, the lords naturally had no objections, and they looked down on Lord Fred's behavior.

David didn't know Speaker Gould's plan, and he didn't bother with the Morse family immediately.

He returned to Garmistar with the legend of Annabella, and gave all the foreign affairs of Garmistar to the legend of Annabella. David once again announced his retreat.

David is sitting on the ground of the "Safety Point of God's Great World" five hundred meters underground, and he is counting this harvest.

First of all, it was the magical ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’. He took out the magical ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’ from the space pendant and found that this artifact was still somewhat special.

The divine tool "Knight Forbidden Card" does not have the slightest mark of recognizing the master. This is a special divine tool that can be used without recognizing the master.

David didn't know that this artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" was jointly made by five gods. In order to curb the knight career, the five gods were able to use the artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" in the five temples, so they were not in the artifact.' The knight banned card's internally set up the master circle.

Holding the magical "Knight Forbidden Card" in his hand, David hesitated and did not know how to deal with the magical "Knight Forbidden Card".

To be honest, to him, the divine tool ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’ is a tasteless item. Although it is called a divine tool, its function is too single.

No knight who belongs to the great world of God can pose any threat to David. He wants to deal with knights, and the effect of the ‘knight forbidden card’ is the same.

In addition, the divine tool "Knight Forbidden Card" in his hand is really a bit difficult. When the nobles heard this news, they were afraid that they would have suspicion about him, and the temple would also ask him for it.

David thought for a while, then took out the lord-level liaison circle and began to contact Speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould, who was studying how to deal with the Morse family, did not evade the fourteen lords here when he received a contact application from Lord Arthur.

The lord here is now the closest alliance, and Speaker Gould simply connected Lord Arthur on the spot.

"President Gould, have you ever heard of an artifact called the'Knight Forbidden Card'?" After the connection, David asked aloud without being polite.

"Artifact'Knight Ban Card'? I haven't heard of it!" Speaker Gould thought for a while, then looked at the lords who were watching him, with a questioning look in his eyes, and answered after receiving a denial response. Tao.

Among the news inside the Temple of War, the news about the artifact "Knight Forbidden Card" was blocked because it involved the **** of war, so no news about this was heard in the nobility circle.

"The artifact'Knight Prohibition Card' is an artifact that restrains the knight profession. After using it, it confines the bloodline power in the knight's body and makes the knight lose the ability to control the bloodline power!" David explained in a deep voice.

"How come there is such an artifact? It belongs to the Temple of War?" Speaker Gould felt his scalp numb, and he asked repeatedly.

If there is such an artifact, what is the knight profession? What is the entire aristocratic class supported by the knight profession? What are these knights who are desperate for promotion?

Not only Speaker Gould, but the other fourteen lords were also looking ugly awaiting Lord Arthur's following.

"Archbishop Guy brought the magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ to catch me. Fortunately, I saved a hand and successfully killed Archbishop Guy. This magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ is now in my hand!” David continued.

Speaker Gould breathed a sigh of relief as the lords heard the magical ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’ falling into Lord Arthur’s hands.

Due to the existence of the'Dawn Alliance', the fifteen lords here all regard Lord Arthur as a reliable ally. Although Lord Arthur did not sign an agreement, the just person in the agreement is Lord Arthur. In a sense, Lord Arthur The lord is also a member of the'Dawn Alliance'.

Speaker Gould also regretted that such an important matter should not be disclosed privately, and it was revealed that Lord Arthur possessed the magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’.

"President Gould, I would like to ask for your opinion. How to deal with this magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’? Should it be handed over to the Supreme Council or returned to the Temple?" David said the reason for his contact.

"Lord Arthur, wait a while, this matter is very serious, I need to call the Supreme Council!" Speaker Gould was silent for a while, and he said in a deep voice.

He knew Lord Arthur's thoughts, and wanted to hand over the magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ to the Supreme Council, that is, put it in his hands for safekeeping.

The biggest beneficiary of this is the Supreme Council, Speaker Gould.

This is because the Supreme Council has the ability to fight against the temple after obtaining the magical ‘Knight Forbidden Card’.

The ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ is a double-edged sword. It used to allow the temple to better control the nobles. It fell into the hands of the Supreme Council, but it could fight the temple’s knights.

The battle power of the temple is divided into two parts, one part is sacrifice, the other part is knight.

Most of the combat power of the temple is knights, and only a small part is sacrifice. The conditions of sacrifice are too harsh and require spiritual talent to learn.

The number of spiritually gifted people is scarce, and they are constantly robbed by the followers of the evil god. The spiritually gifted people who truly become sacrificial rites are far fewer than knights.

When the knights of the temple lost their threat, the chances of winning by relying solely on the sacrificial offering to fight against the Supreme Council were extremely low.

If the Temple of Nature uses methods such as the gods, the Supreme Council is still irresistible, just to deal with the Supreme Council, using such methods as the gods, that is to completely tear the face with the Supreme Council.

The consequence is that God belongs to the great world, and the aristocracy and the temple are completely broken.

This is absolutely undesirable for the gods who want to borrow the noble system to maintain the rule of the gods of the great world. Without the rule of the noble system, the chaotic gods of the great world will greatly reduce the harvest of gods’ beliefs. The five major temples could not bear this consequence.

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