Extraordinary David

Chapter 1131: Find

"Forget it, let's relax first and see what talents the'Electric Beetle King' can have!" David didn't think about the war temple anymore, he muttered to himself.

The Shadow Servant flew over, and David put his hand on the Shadow Servant's shoulder. In the Shadow Servant, there were only a few knowledge spheres, and they all had knowledge spheres that might be useful to David.

At a glance, he also saw the sphere of knowledge that belonged to the demigod ‘Electric Light Beetle King’, because the spirit swept through that sphere of knowledge, and he got the name of that sphere of knowledge ‘Electric Light Domain’.

David also did not expect to directly obtain the demigod's "Electric Beetle King" domain talent ability. Although the domain is not the most powerful in the demigod's talent ability, but the scope is the widest.

Although David has a lot of range attacks, the relative level of those range attacks is too low.

Just like the talent ability of'high frequency howling', in the nest of the'half-length spider king', if the resonance of the nest is not strengthened, even if the powerful spirit of David is added, it will not be able to be used against the legendary rank What impact does the Zerg have.

This is actually the reason why ‘High Frequency Howling’ itself is only a level five ability. If David has time, he can slowly study the ‘High Frequency Howling’ talent ability, and he can indeed raise the level of the ‘High Frequency Howling’ talent ability.

But it took too long, and David was short of time.

The innate ability of the'Electric Light Domain' is based on the rules of lightning, forming an area of ​​lightning roar with demi-god power within the area covered by the spirit around it.

When David saw this explanation, his astonishment flashed.

This "Electro-Optical Field" is equivalent to the gift of buy one get one free. Learning the "Electro-Optical Field" also gave out the Lightning Rules.

If David was following a single-minded path, he would naturally not learn the Lightning Rules, just like his five demigod clone clones, except for the "Black Dragon Power Rules", he would not learn the rest of the rules.

The single-minded path is not suitable for him. There are too many energies and talents in his body.

Besides, David also likes the Lightning Rules. The Lightning Rules are one of the few rules with extremely strong attack power and strong control effect.

The paralysis effect attached to the lightning rules is enough to control the demigod's combat power in a short time, and a little time in the battle of the strong is also deadly.

David moved the ‘Electro-Optical Realm’ knowledge light ball from the body of the Shadow Servant into the small world of the soul space. The World Tree led the ‘Electro-Optical Realm’ knowledge light ball to the branch and proposed a choice to him.

He naturally chose to study on his own, and the knowledge of the "Electro-Optical Field" became a fruit and hung on the world tree.

David looked at the fruit on the world tree, and he didn't know how to deal with it. The light absorption of the previous knowledge was not like this.

David tried his mind to contact the fruit of the "Electro-Optical Realm", and then the fruit of the "Electro-Optical Realm" exploded. One part turned into knowledge and entered his brain, and the other part turned into an "Electro-Optical Realm pattern" and flew into the soul fortress.

The demigod ‘Electric Light Beetle King’’s understanding of the ‘Lightning Rules’ and the ‘Electric Light Realm’ has all turned into knowledge that can be directly understood by him.

David surprisingly discovered that the effects of Sekaiju's treatment of the knowledge light spheres surpassed his previous direct absorption of knowledge light spheres.

You must know that the previous knowledge ball can bring him the use of talents, and after the knowledge ball is processed by the world tree, David gets not only the use method, but also the "lightning rule" and " Deep perception in the field of electro-optics.

These deep insights come from the demigod'Electric Light Beetle King'. It can be said that his perception of the'Lightning Rules' and the'Electric Light Realm' has reached the level of a demigod. God, now he can try.

David shook his head. He looked helplessly at the few remaining knowledge spheres. He found that he seemed to have handled the previous knowledge spheres too hastily.

However, the processing has been completed, and it is useless to think about it.

He tried to mobilize the ‘Lightning Rules’. The ‘Lightning Rules’ extracted lightning energy from his ‘Lightning Pattern’ and collected them in his hands.

The lightning formed by the terrifying ‘Lightning Rules’ throbbed in David’s hand, but would not leave the range of his palm.

But it still shocked David. If this powerful ‘lightning rule’ is performed on Garmistar, the consequences would be serious.

Imagine that the entire Garmistar is a robot, and there are a lot of sophisticated equipment. Such a ‘lightning rule’ accidentally hits any important location, and the damage caused is huge.

David then took back the electric light in his hand. This is the difference between ordinary application and complete perception.

Ordinary applications can use the "Lightning Rule" as a weapon, which can be used at will, but it can be stimulated but cannot be retracted freely, because retracting the "Lightning Rule" requires a deeper level of perception, and the control of the "Lightning Rule" matches it. ability.

With a wave of David's hand, the ‘break through the sky’ talent opened a space channel in front of him, and he went through it.

When he reappeared, he was in space, far away from Garmistar.

Here, David can activate the "Electro-Optical Realm" without any scruples. He tried to activate the "Electro-Optical Realm". To his surprise, the "Electro-Optical Realm" used the lightning energy in the "Lightning Pattern" to not count. many.

He discovered that the lightning energy used by the ‘Electro-Optic Realm’ has been converted into ‘Lightning Rules’ and then constantly rubbing against each other, producing more ‘Lightning Rules’.

This process is very fast, which is also related to the particularity of lightning itself. The speed of lightning is almost the extreme of speed.

During the two-breath period, with David's body as the center, an electro-optical sphere was formed around it, and as the electro-optical light continued to contact inside, the amount of the electro-optical light expanded rapidly.

The first thing David discovered was his own mental range, a distance of one thousand meters in radius. Within this range, the rules of lightning were roaring.

He felt that he had underestimated the power of the ‘Electro-Optical Realm’. This demigod-level ‘Electro-Optical Realm’ was powerful enough to make most demigods bow their heads in front of him.

In fact, being able to be kept by the "half-length spider king" and let him guard the lair when he leaves, the demigod "light beetle king" naturally possesses absolutely powerful strength.

The demigod ‘Electric Beetle King’ could not become a god-level if it weren’t for the rules of the Zerg world. With its genius level, it would have been a god-level in other worlds.

The most terrifying thing is that the demigod "Lightning Beetle King" controls lightning. When David killed it, if he didn't possess the "Lightning Pattern", he could absorb the energy of lightning rules. At that time, the demigod "Lightning Beetle King" The outbreak was enough to cause David to be hit hard. Needless to say, he was killed. Self-protection became a problem.

With a move of David's mind, the scope of the ‘Electro-Optical Domain’ kept shrinking, and the excess lightning energy reentered the ‘Lightning Pattern’.

"It's too strong, it can replenish lightning energy by itself!" David couldn't help sighing as he narrowed and expanded the "Electro-Optical Field".

He was familiar with the use of the ‘Lightning Rules’ and the ‘Electro-Optical Realm’ in space, and transformed the perception in his mind into actual control.

When David had had enough, he hovered in space, with a strange reminder in his mind, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to any important things.

David has long been accustomed to such inexplicable thoughts in his brain. The spirit is too strong and he has produced a series of unknown abilities.

Fortunately, these unknown abilities are beneficial to him, but they did not cause any impact. On the contrary, they were helpful to him in all aspects.

"Damn, why didn't I notice it!" David said with a sudden clap.

His mind instantly entered the small world of soul space, paying attention to the branches of the world tree.

On the branches of the World Tree, two fruit-like crystals of the gods hang, just like the fruit transformed by the light ball of knowledge in the "Electro-Optical Realm".

David stared at the two crystals of the gods, and if he hadn't guessed wrong, he would most likely have gained a great deal.

His mind first came into contact with the crystals of the bald-headed strong man god. Part of the god's crystal fruit flowed into his brain and became his memory. The remaining part retained the crystal state and also flew into his soul fortress.

David only felt a piece of knowledge that was huge enough to make his head dizzy and passed into his brain, that was the knowledge of the'rule of power'.

The reason why there is such a huge amount of knowledge is that many of the contents involved in the knowledge of the ‘rules of power’ require extensive explanations, which are many times more than the body of the knowledge.

As the basic rules of the world, the ‘rules of power’ seem to be very common, just how to use power, but when it comes to the power of a world, the content involved is too complicated.

To mobilize the power of a world, you need to master many aspects of knowledge. For ordinary people, to fully understand it, the time required is not based on years, at least thousands of years.

As a powerful **** who understands the ‘rules of power’, the bald-headed brawny **** is strong enough to frighten one party in the age of the gods.

It is a pity that the bald and brawny **** has not passed the age of the gods safely, and his last remnant soul has also become a **** crystal in David's soul space.

David stood in space and spent three days motionless, his talent ‘Thinking Storm’ was unknowingly activated.

Since his mental strength is far from what it used to be, this time he has been in a state of ‘Thinking Storm’ after stimulating the talent of the ‘Thinking Storm’, and for three days.

The terrible thing about the ‘rule of power’ is that it is unstoppable. If you can call the quality of a world into your own power, then who can contend with this power.

But in order to transform the quality of a world into its own strength, the conditions required are too harsh. At least the bald-headed and brawny gods could not fully convert back then, only 10%.

But just this ten percent was enough to make the bald-headed brawny **** invincible in close combat.

There was a strange look on David's face. After he fully understood the ‘rules of power’, he could even invoke the ‘rules of power’ of the gods.

But it is a pity that no matter how hard he works, he can only use one part in a trillion of the quality of the divine world.

According to the understanding of the ‘rules of power’ by the bald-headed gods, this requires that he constantly controls his own territory and is recognized by the rules of the world.

The reason why the bald-headed strong man spirit was able to use one-tenth of the quality of the god-general world was because he controlled a one-tenth the size of the god-general world and was recognized by the rules of the world.

The quality of the one in one trillionth of the great world that David can mobilize does not increase the power much.

But when he tried to call the ‘rules of power’ of the soul space small world, he felt that the quality of the horror could be manipulated at will, and he could control the quality of the soul space small world 100%.

David tried to call all the quality of the small world of the soul space on his left arm, and slammed into the space in front of him.

Then he felt a sharp pain from his left hand, and part of his power was lost in the process. He insisted on striking out. The space in front of him was forcibly torn apart by the blow, and there was a turbulent rush of space in the space crack.

The recovery ability of the main world is extremely strong, as long as it does not exceed the limit of space cracks, it will automatically repair.

The rift in the space that David struck closed automatically after a breath, and the turbulent energy in the space dissipated.

On his left hand, all the flesh and skin disappeared, revealing the bones of the hand that looked like white jade.

If David's bones were not those of a battle angel, he and his left arm would all be turned into dust in the previous blow, and the attack would be stopped halfway through.

David's face was a little pale, but his mood was very good.

Because the power of this blow has reached the effect that the god-level can do, both the Zerg god-level and the black dragon Alexis can do such an attack.

But the problem is that David is only Legendary, so he can perform such an attack. If he reaches a demigod, he can control the ‘rule of power’ better and his power will increase.

David mobilized the'immortal vitality' on his left arm. Under the influence of the'immortal vitality', flesh and blood grew on the left arm and it continued to grow.

Although there is an ‘immortal vitality’, the ‘immortal vitality’ can’t reduce the pain, and the feeling of throbbing makes him sweat profusely.

In fact, according to the calculation in David's heart, this result is inevitable, but he still hit the blow with all his strength, he just wanted to know where his limit was.

And this kind of confidence is because of the existence of the'immortal vitality', even if the left arm disappears, the continuous use of the'immortal vitality' will restore his left arm.

After ten minutes, David's left arm was intact as before. He once again mobilized the ‘rules of strength’ of the small world of soul space. This time he was more careful, only calling the limit value his body could bear in the estimation.

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