Extraordinary David

Chapter 1141: meet

Archbishop McKinley breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at the records of the "Archbishop", he also understood how to communicate with the archbishops of the other four temples.

It is a pity that he was directly promoted to the Legendary Rank by Divine Grace, and he did not condense a spiritual clone, so when he entered the public space fragments, he could only enter the body.

The scepter in the hands of Archbishop McKinley drew a **** pattern in the air, and then his figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in a space debris.

There is only a man-made platform suspended in mid-air in the entire space. This way of using space debris can only be done by the five major temples. Archbishop McKinley flew down on the platform.

According to the records of "Archbishop Records", he tapped a magic circle with the scepter in his hand to activate the magic circle. The function of the magic circle was to summon the remaining archbishops to discuss.

Within a few minutes, four figures appeared on the platform.

"Congratulations, Archbishop McKinley, it seems you are the ultimate winner!" Archbishop Adele of the Temple of Fortune said with a smile.

At the beginning of the battle of the archbishops of the temple of war, the four archbishops were still interested in the process.

Anyway, the five great temples are in the same spirit, and what happened in each temple can be understood through some channels. As long as the four archbishops want to know, everything that happened in the temple of war will be sent to them.

It was just that the controversy between the archbishops of the Temple of War was too disgusting, and the ugliness of human nature was fully revealed, so that the four archbishops lost interest and no longer cared.

This time Archbishop McKinley became the archbishop of the Temple of War. As a result, the four archbishops knew about it, but the process had not yet been understood.

"The breath of Archbishop McKinley is legendary. It seems that the grace is very heavy!" Archbishop Barney glanced at Archbishop McKinley's body and praised.

It is rare for a **** to use the grace of God to raise a great realm at once, especially because Archbishop McKinley has been promoted from the fifth level to the legendary level.

Generally speaking, the gods will give a little bit of grace based on their performance, and their strength will increase step by step.

That's why Archbishop Barney said this. This is also the fact that Archbishop McKinley has just been promoted. The legendary aura cannot be concealed, and the body has entered the space debris, and it cannot be hidden.

Although the spirit clones of the four archbishops are talking with Archbishop McKinley, in fact, the ontology is ordering his subordinates to send the latest information from the Temple of War.

"I am the new head of the Temple of War, and I hope to get the help of the four archbishops!" Archbishop McKinley lowered his posture and said with a slight bow.

But Archbishop McKinley must not be too humble. He represents the temple of war, the **** of war, and he must maintain his identity in every word and deed.

"Archbishop McKinley, the five temples originally cooperated with each other. Anything can be raised and discussed!" Archbishop Ambrose of the Temple of Knowledge said with a smile.

"First of all, with regard to dealing with Lord Arthur, unless there is a miracle, our Temple of Justice will not intervene!" Archbishop Julian suddenly interjected, and his words were received by Archbishop Adele and Barney. Archbishop, Archbishop Ambrose nodded in support.

It’s no wonder that the Archbishop Julian’s church is so direct. It depends on the fact that the Temple of War was so embarrassed because of Lord Arthur, and it was even excluded from the aristocracy.

Of course, there is also that the four temples have inherited the favor of Lord Arthur, and they are still drinking the red wine supplied by Garmistar. Without the gods, they don't want to break with Lord Arthur.

"It’s not about Lord Arthur. I believe that several of them have received a summoning order from the Temple of War. Haida Xing was transformed into a “Blood Realm” by the “God of Blood”. Take a peek and take my lord's order to destroy the'God of Blood'!" Archbishop McKinley shook his head and explained. ,

Archbishop McKinley didn't want to be horrified. He now assumes that he doesn't want to deal with Lord Arthur, so that it is possible for Lord Arthur to enter the trap.

In the process of dealing with the "God of Blood", as long as there is a chance, the War Temple will capture Lord Arthur alive at all costs.

The capture of Lord Arthur is the clear task of the God of War. Archbishop McKinley has only one path to obey, and his friendship with Lord Arthur has also completely dissipated after this task.

"I am afraid that it is not just the awakening of the'God of Blood'. There have been frequent sacrifices in recent times. It is definitely not the'God of Blood' that can be done by an evil god. The believers of the'God of Blood' in the world do not have this ability!" Archbishop Burrows said in a deep voice.

"As long as there are evil gods who dare to appear, one will be wiped out!" Archbishop McKinley said confidently.

The Temple of War has cleaned up too many Cthulhu incidents in these ten thousand years.

In the great world of Gods, the five great temples are recognized by the rules of the world, and the evil gods are naturally restrained. Under such favorable conditions, almost no evil spirits can resist the attacks of the five great temples.

"The Temple of the Earth will give full support. I will send Bishop Bolling to cooperate with the Temple of War. If you have any needs, I will directly ask Bishop Bolling!" Archbishop Barney expressed the support of the Temple of Earth.

Later, several other archbishops also expressed their support. Haida Xing was originally the faith star of the War Temple, and this matter should also be led by the War Temple.

Seeing that the four archbishops were very cooperative, Archbishop McKinley couldn't help but put on a smile on his face. The sudden increase in power made him feel slightly smoked like drinking alcohol.

The four archbishops in front of him, who used to be his respectful objects, have now become the objects of equal communication.

"There is still something to deal with in the Temple of War. I will leave first. The time for action is set for one day. I will also contact the Supreme Council!" Archbishop McKinley had nothing to talk about with the four archbishops, he said goodbye. .

The four archbishops smiled and sent away Archbishop McKinley, watching Archbishop McKinley disappear into the space debris, but they did not leave immediately.

"I didn't expect that one would intervene and let Archbishop McKinley take the post. It's a pity that the previous arrangement!" Archbishop Adele said lightly.

Archbishop Adele said that he has no scruples at all. The biggest reason is that this space fragment is not the main world. When you talk here, you don't have to worry about being heard by any gods, including the five gods enshrined in the temple.

In fact, in the election of the archbishop of the Temple of War, the four major temples have been arranged so that the next archbishop of the Temple of War can be influenced by the four major temples.

Otherwise, where can the three bishops of the war temple obtain so many adversary black materials, part of the source is the four temples, but the investment goals of the four temples are different.

Archbishop Adele said it at this time because she learned that the three bishops of the Temple of War had been ‘divine punishment’. These inside stories were of no value.

"I think Archbishop McKinley won't be in this position for long!" Archbishop Barney said with a smile.

"Barney, why are you so sure? What's the basis?" Archbishop Adele asked with interest.

"When I asked about Lord Arthur, Archbishop McKinley's expression was a bit wrong. It seems that he still wants to deal with Lord Arthur. I don't like him anyway!" Archbishop Barney replied with a smile.

Although Archbishop McKinley did a good job of concealing, in front of these old foxes, that little concealment didn't help much.

"I admire Lord Arthur very much, and I am optimistic about Lord Arthur. With Archbishop McKinley's ability, I really want to deal with Lord Arthur!" Archbishop Julian followed.

"I heard that the legendary knights that appeared in the recent period are all related to Lord Arthur. I hope Lord Arthur will be caught by Bishop McKinley, so that the gods will be less troublesome in the great world!" Archbishop Ambrose smiled. Said.

"I think that the emergence of the legendary knight is not a major event. The war temple lost the artifact'Knight forbidden card'. This matter is bigger than that for the legendary knight. We must find a way to recover the'knight forbidden card'. The Cavaliers' troubles are solved!" Archbishop Adele said, shaking his head.

The four archbishops communicated in the space debris, and it seems that they have not accepted Archbishop McKinley into their small circle.

This is not only a problem of the low qualifications of Archbishop McKinley, but also that the four archbishops are not optimistic about whether Archbishop McKinley can live long.

Archbishop McKinley returned to the main temple of war, and a priest reported that the Supreme Council had sent a list of knights to be called.

Looking at the list of recruited knights in his hand, Archbishop McKinley looked ugly.

If it had been a few months ago, the strength of this list of knights would be considered okay, and it was fully in line with the standards of the temple.

But now the Supreme Council has at least eight legendary lords, and this list does not include a legendary knight, which of course makes Archbishop McKinley very dissatisfied.

"Return this list of knights to the Supreme Council to express to them that I am not satisfied with the list. This list does not meet the current standards of the Supreme Council's combat power!" Archbishop McKinley threw the list to the priest and said.

"Archbishop McKinley, I have received the news. Before we were called up, the Supreme Council held a meeting. Three emergency teams led by three legendary knights responded to the increasing number of Cthulhu followers. So the Supreme Council was afraid I can't send a legendary knight to participate in the recruitment!" The priest hesitated and explained while holding the list.

"Let the Supreme Council add the three emergency teams to the recruitment of the temple, when will the Cthulhu believer incident be handled by the Supreme Council!" Archbishop McKinley waved and decided.

The priest still wanted to explain, but seeing the expression on Archbishop McKinley's face, he turned and left helplessly.

Speaker Gould looked at the message from the Temple of War, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

The Supreme Council was able to send Templar knights to respond to the enlistment of the War Temple. This is already the work of Speaker Gould, and he did not want to offend the War Temple.

But the decision of Archbishop McKinley made Speaker Gould extremely embarrassed. How could the three emergency teams be transferred so easily? This was passed at the Supreme Council meeting.

The three emergency teams are the safety guarantee of the top nobles. Whoever dares to withdraw from the three emergency teams at this time is to be an enemy of all the top nobles.

Speaker Gould contacted the circle through the speaker and sent the news to all the top noble lords, and then he contacted David.

"Lord Arthur, McKinley has become the Archbishop of the Temple of War!" Speaker Gould contacted David at this time, also to inform him of the current situation.

"Isn't it a good thing for McKinley to become the archbishop?" David said with some surprise.

Previous information showed that Archbishop McKinley had a very difficult life in the Temple of War. He did not expect McKinley to become the biggest winner.

"Archbishop McKinley is no longer the McKinley before. Some people get power and changes will happen. Just now, Archbishop McKinley asked the Supreme Council to send three emergency teams to the Temple of War. A clear-headed person should not do anything. Such a decision!" Speaker Gould said not optimistically.

Speaker Gould is to tell Archbishop David McKinley that he is not credible, and he is very aware of the current status of Archbishop McKinley.

Archbishop McKinley just gained power and lost his usual calmness. Perhaps he also has enough confidence in the Temple of War.

The previous conflict with the aristocratic circle was only due to the fact that there was no archbishop in the Temple of War. Now that Archbishop McKinley has the power, he has the confidence to suppress the entire aristocratic circle.

"Speaker Gould, I understand what you mean, and I will pay attention!" David said in a deep voice.

He didn't want Archbishop McKinley to become an enemy, because he didn't have many friends in this world, and Archbishop McKinley was also a friend who fought with him many times.

But David knew better that capturing him alive was an order issued by the God of War, and no matter who was in power, the Temple of War would execute this order.

"What is this?" Archbishop McKinley looked at the list of knights newly sent by the Supreme Council, feeling humiliated, and he questioned the priest.

In the list of recruited knights, there is not a single Templar knight, which is composed entirely of four-level sky knights. That is to say, the Supreme Council not only did not agree to send an emergency team led by three legendary knights, but even the Templars who had previously agreed. Also retracted.

"Archbishop McKinley, here is a letter of protest from all the top noble lords. Take a look!" The priest did not answer Archbishop McKinley. He continued to take out a thick stack of letters and handed it over.

Even if Lord Arthur was attacked by the Temple of War, the nobles only verbally protested, but this time all the top nobles sent official letters of protest.

It can be said that this is something that has never happened in history, at least no matter when before, there are still some top nobles who have maintained no formal conflict with the temple of war.

"You go out!" Archbishop McKinley waved after receiving the letter.

When the priest left, Archbishop McKinley looked at the protest letter in his hand with an extremely ugly expression on his face. He felt that he seemed to have done something wrong, but he didn't want to admit it.

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