Extraordinary David

Chapter 1147: Shinshi

"Is this a demigod?" Speaker Gould opened his mouth wide and murmured in disbelief.

Not only Speaker Gould, but the two legendary lords also received a huge impact.

Speaker Gould thought about himself. In order to become a legendary rank, he tried many methods, even risked his life to kill the gods, and finally became a legendary knight with the help of Lord Arthur.

The two legendary lords were promoted to legendary knights through the help of Lord Arthur.

They are also extremely proud in their hearts, thinking that they are standing at the pinnacle of the knights of the gods.

Although there is a demigod ‘Holy Knight’ on top of it, the demigod ‘Holy Knight’ is a legendary powerhouse thousands of years ago, completely incomparable with knights of the same generation.

But they never thought that Lord Arthur had become a demigod knight.

Speaker Gould and the two legendary lords would not think that Lord Arthur had lied. The terrifying giant tornado just now was smashed by Lord Arthur. It was impossible for a legendary knight to attack.

After a period of loss, Speaker Gould was full of enthusiasm. Lord Arthur became a demigod knight in just a few years. His talent is not as good as Lord Arthur, but even if it takes ten times the time. , Perhaps this life is also expected to achieve a demigod rank.

You must know that since he was promoted to the legendary rank, Speaker Gould's life span has been extended a lot, and he will no longer worry about life span in a short time, which also allows him to have enough time to continue practicing.

David didn't explain much either. He knew his own family affairs and how difficult it was for him to be promoted to this demigod.

In order to be promoted to the Demigod, he turned the world of Zerg upside down and let the two Zerg Gods fight.

In order to be promoted to the semi-divine level, he risked his life to absorb the insight of the basic rules of the god-level, and was close to death several times.

It can be said that the entire **** belongs to the great world, even those knights who have lived for hundreds of years, are not as rich as his experience in just a few years.

"Chairman Gould, we leave here now, Haidaxing will be handled by the temple!" After a while, David felt that his demigod body had recovered, and the'rule of destruction energy' was full, he suggested .

"Okay, our mission is over. I didn't expect the Temple of War to use a useless temporary Temple of War to set up traps. I will inform all the Lords of the Supreme Council of the whole thing this time when I go back!" Speaker Gould hated Said bitterly.

No matter how many contradictions there were between the nobles and the temple of war, it was all on the surface. Who knew that the temple of war had the support of the **** of war, and the nobles could only deal with it coldly for a period of time at most.

But after this time, the nobles and the Temple of War have truly broken, and they openly used the temple mission to frame the nobles, frame the Speaker of the Supreme Council and members. This has made the nobles no longer believe in the Temple of War, let alone cooperate with them.

David didn't use the ‘Break through the sky’ talent. Although this kind of spatial talent can leave here as soon as possible, he didn’t want to expose the horrible effect of the ‘Break through the sky’ talent.

To know that short-distance space ability is nothing, some special space treasures can do it, but long-distance space movement, if it can be used at will, it is a bit shocking.

This is also David's life-saving trump card. If he can not use it publicly, he will not easily expose it.

Just as David and the fifteen legendary knights were about to leave, David looked at the temporary war temple not far away, and he sensed movement there.

"What's wrong?" Speaker Gould asked strangely when he noticed that David was paying attention to the temporary war temple.

Speaker Gould thought David had any thoughts about the Temporary War Temple. If David really had any thoughts, he would take the Temporary War Temple away.

"Archbishop McKinley left the means in there!" David said, pointing to the temporary war temple.

Archbishop McKinley, sitting in the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ in space, has a magic circle in front of him, which is connected to the magic circle in Haida Star’s temporary war temple.

Although the Temporary War Temple does not have an energy core, Archbishop McKinley still left a small amount of power of faith as energy in a scanning component of the Temporary War Temple.

This can support the scanning component to continue to run after installation and send the scanning results to Archbishop McKinley.

The seemingly useless temporary temple of war, however, allows Archbishop McKinley to understand the situation of Speaker Gould and the 14 legendary knights on Haida Star.

When Archbishop McKinley saw Speaker Gould leading the legendary knights to fight against the incarnation of the "God of Blood", he knew that his plan was at least half successful.

Because even if Lord Arthur was not attracted, as long as Speaker Gould died in the hands of the incarnation of the ‘God of Blood’, he would be able to obtain the ‘Knight Forbidden Card’, the artifact left by Speaker Gould.

As long as he gets the magical ‘Knight’s Forbidden Card’, he can make up for Archbishop Guy’s mistake, and can be rewarded by the God of War and recognized by the other four archbishops.

Archbishop McKinley had contact with the four archbishops, and the sense of distance, although the four archbishops did not say it, could still feel it.

To gain a foothold in the divine world, it is not only necessary to control the temple of war, but also to obtain the approval of the other four archbishops, so that the cooperation affairs of the temple can be discussed with the four archbishops on an equal basis.

Taking this opportunity to get rid of Speaker Gould is the first step in Archbishop McKinley's plan.

If it is under the hands of the Temple of War, not to mention that Speaker Gould has the magical ‘Knight Prohibition Card’ in his hand, and if any of them is allowed to escape, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Besides, all the priests and priests in the war temple are mostly from nobles. This kind of thing may lead to fierce opposition from priests and priests. Look at the legend of Annabella as an example. Once there is something that triggers the bottom line If it happens, betrayal can happen.

So the best way to solve Speaker Gould is to use the hand of the avatar of the God of Blood to get rid of Speaker Gould. Afterwards, Archbishop McKinley kills the God of Blood and becomes Speaker Gould. No one can say anything about revenge.

As for the trap, it's not that fifty fourth-level priests were buried, and the war temple also suffered losses.

Just when Speaker Gould was about to be killed by the "God of Blood" divine mind clone, Lord Arthur suddenly appeared and rescued Speaker Gould.

But Archbishop McKinley was not disappointed. Instead, he was extremely excited. His plan to draw Lord Arthur was also successful.

Afterwards, Archbishop McKinley followed the battle between Lord Arthur and the incarnation of the "God of Blood" through the scanning array powered by the power of faith. He wanted to wait until the battle between the two sides was determined, or both sides were injured. Hands on.

Unexpectedly and somewhat unexpectedly, Archbishop McKinley saw Lord Arthur defeat the incarnation of the "God of Blood", and the incarnation of the God of Blood escaped.

As expected, Archbishop McKinley has been seeing Lord Arthur creating one after another impossible since he knew Lord Arthur. Lord Arthur has made achievements that many people can't even imagine.

Even if Archbishop McKinley wants to deal with Lord Arthur, he still has a blind faith in Lord Arthur in his heart.

Said to be unexpected, the combat power of the incarnation of the God of Blood exceeded the expectations of Archbishop McKinley. It can be seen that the God of Blood has truly awakened and is controlling the God of Blood. Nian incarnation of the battle.

But even with the control of the ‘God of Blood’, the incarnation of the ‘God of Blood’ was still defeated, defeated by Lord Arthur.

Archbishop McKinley can only use his last resort, and he also believes that his own method is unmatched by Lord Arthur.

He opened a summoning space inside the temporary war temple through remote control, and the fourth-level sky knight in the summoning space came out.

This is what David perceives. Although he did not accidentally release his spirit, his extremely powerful spirit's perception of the surroundings still discovered the fourth-level sky knight in the temporary war temple.

The fourth-level sky knight walked out of the useless temporary war temple indifferently, his strength could only barely fly into the air, but he did not have a trace of tension because of the many legendary knights.

It seems that in the eyes of the fourth-level sky knights, these legendary knights and Lord Arthur are all native chickens.

"The envoy! Archbishop McKinley actually left an envoy in the temporary war temple!" Speaker Gould exclaimed.

It's no wonder that Speaker Gould was surprised that he knew this fourth-level sky knight, and this envoy was the strongest envoy in the war temple except for the legend of Annabella.

The divine envoy will suffer damage to his body every time he bears the descent of the gods. Some of these injuries can be healed. Once healed, his strength can be greatly improved.

However, there are not many opportunities for the **** to heal. It is necessary for the **** of war to use the body of the **** carefully when the **** descends. However, with the love of the **** of war for battle, as long as the hands of the god, he rarely cares about the situation of the **** .

Anyway, there are many envoys in the war temple, and even if all of them are dead, another group of envoys will appear in a few years.

In the Temple of War, there are not many who can still heal and improve their strength after the **** descends. This fourth-level sky knight envoy is second only to the legend of Annabella.

The fourth-level sky knight envoy did not look at Speaker Gould, he looked at Lord Arthur, and then took out a golden battle axe from the space item.

David's eyes narrowed slightly, and he recognized that this golden battle axe was an artifact of the temple of war, and its power was extremely terrifying.

"War! War! War!" The fourth-level sky knight **** envoy raised the golden battle axe in his hand and let out a roar.

The voice of the fourth-level sky knight divine envoy resonated from ordinary to the entire world, and the power of the white blood on his body turned into strange patterns and danced.

David had seen Annabella’s legendary Goddess before, but at that time his strength was too weak to break the horror of Goddess.

Right in front of him, the breath of this fourth-level sky knight envoy instantly broke through the fourth-level sky knight, reaching the fifth-level sky knight, and then the breath of a legendary knight.

This is not over yet, the golden battle axe in the hands of the fourth-level sky knight **** envoy emits golden light and blends into the body of the fourth-level sky knight **** envoy, raising his aura again to reach the aura of a demigod.

David couldn't help sighing. Although he didn't know how the **** descended, he knew very well that the body of the fourth-level sky knight **** envoy after this time, unless there is a lot of'immortal vitality' repaired, otherwise it is There is no cure.

This divine envoy uses the body of the fourth-level sky knight to bear the energy of the demigod level. Even if it is consciously controlled by the **** of war, it cannot guarantee that the body of the fourth-level sky knight divine envoy will not be damaged.

This is still a state of no fighting. If you fight, the **** of war can no longer protect this body.

It is necessary to know that the goddess of a normal fourth-level sky knight only reaches the legendary rank. This time, the goddess used the magical golden battle axe to forcibly increase his strength to the semi-divine rank, which far exceeds the endurance of the fourth-level sky knight **** envoy. limit.

"You are Arthur Luce, why do I have such a familiar feeling?" said the fourth-level sky knight envoy. At this time, the envoy was already controlled by the **** of war.

When the **** of war saw David, the first feeling he felt was extremely familiar. He had never seen David before.

"Strange, the same ‘Black Dragon’s body’, but you are different from that person!" The God of War shook his head after feeling a bit.

David knows that the **** of war is a comparison between him and the clone of the demigod. To say that he has the same thing as the clone of the demigod, in essence, the clone of the demigod is exactly the same as him.

From genes to bloodlines, the cloned clone of a demigod is exactly the same as David.

But there are too many differences. The demigod clone clones completely cultivated the'Black Dragon Sleep', and used the Zerzu's'Imperial Inheritance Pattern' to push the'Black Dragon Power' to the Demigod level.

Although David's body also cultivated'Black Dragon Sleep', there is not only the'Black Dragon Power' in his body, he also has a lot of mixed energy.

In particular, the “rule of destruction energy” of the “destruction domain” is fundamentally different from the “power of the black dragon”. The observation of the **** of war is not judged from the microcosm, so in his view David and Arthur Lu Si is not the same person at all.

But both have the ‘black dragon body’, which makes the **** of war strange. Many years ago, the dragon clan left the world of the gods, how could there be two pure black dragon clan bloodlines.

David was a little surprised. The black dragon Alexis on his shoulder was not discovered by the **** of war. He originally thought that after encountering the **** of war, the secret of the black dragon Alexis could no longer be kept.

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