Extraordinary David

Chapter 1150: massacre

"Lord Arthur, you have won!" Speaker Gould looked at David blankly, and he still feels unreal in a dream.

"Win!" David responded with a smile.

He let go of his spirit and wrapped up the temporary war temple.

David discovered that although the Temporary War Temple did not have an energy core, the materials used in the Temporary War Temple had special effects, which prevented him from fully perceiving every corner of the Temporary War Temple.

As long as the temporary war temple has a sealed room, it can shield his mental perception.

David used his spirit to forcibly open all the doors of the Temporary War Temple. He wanted to see if the Temporary War Temple still had other hidden means.

Soon he discovered the scanning magic circle driven by the power of faith. With the knowledge of the ‘alchemy master’, he traced back the signal transmitted by the scanning magic circle.

The direction of the signal from this scanning array is Haida Xing's space, and David knew that this was sending a message to the "Starry Sky Flying Boat", the temple of war in space.

"Speaker Gould, I will deal with the trouble and come back soon!" David received the Temporary War Temple into the'Artifact Space Card' with a wave of his hand, and then said.

If it weren't for this opportunity, it would be impossible to obtain a treasure like the Temporary War Temple, otherwise David would be able to enter the main temple and occupy the warehouse of the main temple.

"Be careful!" Speaker Gould didn't know what David had discovered, so he could only remind him.

The energy feathers behind David flapped and his figure became blurred and disappeared in place.

Speaker Gould and the two legendary lords only saw a faint figure flying straight to the sky and disappeared quickly. They looked at each other and wanted to prove that this was not a dream in this way.

Facing the **** of war, all fifteen legendary knights who were waved by the **** of war lost their combat effectiveness. The powerlessness at that time gave them a deep memory.

After that, Lord Arthur's battle with the God of War was beyond their knowledge.

Although Speaker Gould and the two legendary lords fell to the ground, they were still able to see through their eyes, hear through their ears, and through their mental perception. They were very close to the battlefield. After the battle, they were even better than those who passed through the scanning array in space. The priests and sacrifices can see more clearly.

Lord Arthur’s ‘swordsmanship’ talent, and the higher-level attacks of the God of War, made these lords who claimed to be the top powers of the great world to feel weak.

After David left the range of perception of Speaker Gould and the two legendary knights, he activated the ‘Break the Air’ talent with a wave of his hand.

"Get out of here!" Archbishop McKinley found that the scanning circle had lost contact, he felt the hairs all over his body stand up, and he could not help but command loudly.

Archbishop McKinley, who is very familiar with Lord Arthur, naturally knows what kind of crazy past that the gentle Lord Arthur had on weekdays.

The enemy of Lord Arthur could not survive at all.

Archbishop McKinley set up such a trap and failed to successfully capture Lord Arthur, so he would face revenge from Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur’s revenge is death. If you analyze the level 5 powerhouses who have fallen over the years, you will find that most of them fell in the hands of Lord Arthur.

The ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ that came from the Temple of War accelerated and prepared to return.

A spirit swept through all the "Starry Sky Flying Boat", and then inside a "Starry Sky Flying Boat", in front of Archbishop McKinley, a space gap appeared. David's figure emerged from it, and he stood in front of Archbishop McKinley.

"Protect..." Guarded by the archbishop trained by the war temple, the two fifth-level Templar knights just made a sound and disappeared as if they were caught by their necks.

In the entire ‘Starship Flying Boat’, except for David and the Archbishop McKinley standing in front of him, every corner was shrouded in light.

David activated the ‘Electric Light Realm’ inside the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’. Those ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ who had left a certain distance and thought they had escaped to the sky were all surrounded by electric light.

The power of the Demigod-level ‘Electric Light Realm’ in the hands of the Demigod-level David is far beyond what the priests and sacrifices of these war temples can resist.

Even the shield of the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" was instantly broken.

In a breath, all the fighting power that came to the Temple of War died this time.

"Lord Arthur, I didn't expect to meet again in this way!" Archbishop McKinley said as he looked at David with a look of despair in his eyes.

Archbishop McKinley sensed what was happening around him, and Lord Arthur's revenge was as sharp as ever.

In the past, Archbishop McKinley had seen it from various intelligence and information. Only after he became an enemy of Lord Arthur did he understand the despair of those enemies of Lord Arthur.

"Archbishop McKinley, I didn't expect it!" David said in a deep voice.

Even if David knew that he had faith in his heart, he would only put faith first, but he was still helpless because he was about to lose a friend.

"Good luck! You are too powerful!" Archbishop McKinley said bitterly.

Facing death, Archbishop McKinley thought of his past with David. From fighting with David to becoming friends with both sides, he obtained resources from David and gained a greater voice in the temple of war.

If it has been like this, they will always be friends, but unfortunately everything has changed because of the **** of war.

Archbishop McKinley has obtained everything he dreams of, the position of the highest power archbishop of the war temple, and the legendary combat power, but all he needs to do is to be the enemy of Lord Arthur.

In fact, Archbishop McKinley had no choice. When the **** of war chose him, then he and Lord Arthur could only survive, either he died or Lord Arthur died.

"Perhaps you will survive in another way!" David said something that Archbishop McKinley didn't understand, and a sword pierced the heart of Archbishop McKinley.

During the whole process, Archbishop McKinley did not fight back. He knew that his legendary strength was forcibly promoted by the **** of war. He had an absolute advantage against the fifth level, but it was hard to say against the strong at the same level. Not to mention the demigod Lord Arthur.

Regardless of the reason why Archbishop McKinley explained to the other priests and priests the reason for the defeat of the God of War, in fact, he recognized the power of Lord Arthur in his heart.

It was a sacrifice who was not good at fighting. After losing the heart of fighting, he also lost the consciousness of resistance.

Archbishop McKinley died, and the Shadow Servant had absorbed all the souls that were killed at this moment. At this time, he appeared at the corpse of Archbishop McKinley and absorbed the soul of Archbishop McKinley who was being taken away.

Although Archbishop McKinley has just become the archbishop, because of the special period, the **** of war urgently needs a powerful archbishop to preside over the affairs, so the **** of war consumes a lot of divine power and forcibly reforms the archbishop.

David put away the corpse of Archbishop McKinley, and his spirit swept through all the "Starry Sky Flying Boats". The "Starry Sky Flying Boats" of these war temples stored a large amount of war materials.

The "Electro-Optical Domain" he used, but the control was extremely fine, did not destroy the "Starry Sky Flying Boat", but killed all lives.

"Speaker Gould, I have prepared a'Starry Sky Flying Boat' for you. Let's take the'Starry Sky Flying Boat' to add stars to the bay. From there, go through the planet-level portal and go back!" David returned to Haida Star from space "Starry Sky Flying Boat" was taken out of the pendant and said.

Speaker Gould looked at the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" in front of him, and understood where Lord Arthur had just gone and what he had done.

The "Starry Sky Flying Boat" itself is a unique style of the Temple of War, and the mark of the scepter shows that this is a "Starry Sky Flying Boat" for the archbishop of the Temple of War.

Since Lord Arthur has brought back the Archbishop's special ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’, then the fate of Archbishop McKinley needless to say.

"Lord Arthur, I will inform all the nobles about the actions of the War Temple this time, and minimize the influence of the War Temple!" Speaker Gould gritted his teeth.

Speaker Gould cannot help David in battle, he can only weaken the influence of the Temple of War by influencing the nobles.

"Yes, if it weren't for Lord Arthur to take the shot this time, we would all be trapped in Haida Star!" a legendary lord said angrily.

He was deceived to participate in the mission of the Temple of War. Although he came in the name of the Five Great Temples, the Temple of War clearly wanted to fully bear the consequences.

In addition, Speaker Gould and the two legendary lords knew that they could not be enemies with the five temples at the same time, and could only target the dominant war temple.

"You have to be careful!" David nodded and said.

The "Starry Sky Flying Boat" arrived at Wanjiaxing and landed in the tent area outside the main city. The people here have not yet received a report.

This is also normal. The God of War’s body was destroyed by Lord Arthur, and the God of War was defeated by Lord Arthur. The news was that the time was too short to pass on.

Another point is that this kind of news is not easy to pass through contacting the circle. At most, it will be quietly informed when the friend is private.

At that time, the priests and priests of the war temple in the space of Haida Star began to be immersed in the shock of the news, and later prepared to flee for their lives.

And when David appeared, the speed of the massacre was too fast, and there was not enough time to pass the message.

So when the Archbishop of the War Temple’s "Starry Sky Flying Boat" landed, the priests and priests of the War Temple staying in Wanjiaxing came to greet them, and even the priests and priests of the four major temples who were driven back wanted to come and listen to the situation.

In the eyes of everyone, the hatch of the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" opened, and the priests and priests of the Temple of War were preparing to salute, only to find that it was not Archbishop McKinley who walked out of the "Starry Sky Flying Boat, but Lord Arthur.

With a wave of David's hand, an electric light appeared, killing all the people who wore the robes of the priests and sacrificial robes of the war temple.

"Lord Arthur, what do you mean?" Bishop Evans of the Temple of Justice was taken aback and asked loudly.

Although he was driven away from Haida Xing by Archbishop McKinley, but in the end the five great temples were in the same spirit, and the people of the war temple in front of him were killed, of course he had to stand up.

"Bishop Evans, do you really know why I am?" David asked in a deep voice.

Bishop Evans was a little silent. When he saw Lord Arthur killing the people in the Temple of War, he was indeed angry for a while, but he didn't know the reason.

Archbishop McKinley used the name of the Five Great Temples to lure the reinforcements of Speaker Gould and the Supreme Council to Haida Star. It was precisely because of this that their four bishops were driven away from the Temple of War.

Lord Arthur appeared here and sat on the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ of the Archbishop of the Temple of War. It is very likely that Lord Arthur knew what had happened. This was to avenge Speaker Gould.

Even Archbishop McKinley was killed by Lord Arthur, otherwise, where did this ‘starry sky boat’ come from?

"My hatred with the Temple of War must be known to everyone. The Temple of War has set traps again and again. I will fight back against it. Today is the beginning of the counterattack!" David said in a deep voice again.

"How is Speaker Gould?" Bishop Boleyn couldn't help asking.

Bishop Bolling was very worried that Lord Arthur was really avenging Speaker Gould, and the Main family would decline.

"Bishop Bolin, dear bishops, I'm fine!" At this time, Speaker Gould stepped down from the "Starry Sky Flying Boat", and then all the 14 legendary knights walked down.

"Speaker Gould, you are fine!" Bishop Boleyn's heart suddenly dropped, he said with a smile.

"About the course of this incident, I will send it in writing to the Temple of Earth, the Temple of Justice, the Temple of Knowledge, and the Temple of Wealth, and I will also make it public to the entire world of Gods. I never thought that the Temple of War would act like this, and I completely ignored it. The law jointly formulated by the five temples!" Speaker Gould exclaimed.

The four bishops understood that the action of the War Temple had failed, and Speaker Gould, who was targeted by the War Temple, would inevitably counterattack.

Not to mention that it was Speaker Gould, the four bishops felt that the War Temple was acting excessively.

"Everyone, I'll leave first!" David deliberately distanced himself from the twelve legendary knight clones, but did not leave with him, he bowed slightly and said.

The four bishops were willing to write a written story because of Speaker Gould, and it was difficult to leave Lord Arthur because of Lord Arthur’s killing.

David recovered the space pendant of the Archbishop of the War Temple, and he flew to the planet-level portal of the main city.

Speaker Gould, the two legendary lords, all bowed to salute and watched David leave.

"Four bishops, we have completed the mission of the temple this time. How do we distribute the merits we should have?" Speaker Gould looked at the four bishops after David disappeared.

When he asked this, he was actually asking questions about the missions issued by the five major temples. Now the personnel of the temple of war have fallen for this mission, but someone must give him an explanation to the Supreme Council.

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