Extraordinary David

Chapter 1155: intelligence

David returned to Garmixing in the morning, and he was very satisfied with his actions overnight.

Talking about revenge against the temple of war, in fact, this is just by the way, the real reason is estimated that no one in the great world of God can guess.

If David wanted to obtain the knowledge of becoming a god, he needed to obtain it from the gods who believed in the gods.

Originally, he had a lot of choices. Gods like the Death God and the Blood God are all possible, but the traces of these evil gods are hard to find, let alone him, even the five major temples cannot find these evil gods.

Later, even if the **** of war wanted to capture David alive, David did not expect to obtain the knowledge to become a **** from the **** of war.

Because David knew very well how powerful the God of War, one of the five great gods that could rule the world for tens of thousands of years, was that he could not defeat the God of War even with the help of the black dragon Alexis.

But something unexpected happened. After David defeated the God of War's Descendant Body, and Shadow Servant absorbed the God of War God's mind, he gained a talent ability in God's mind.

David found that this was the best way to gain the knowledge of faith and becoming a god, and it was logical to take revenge against the temple of the **** of war.

"Lord, you have to be careful!" Legend Annabella reminded him softly when he saw David.

When such a big event happened, when my friends couldn't reach David, they naturally contacted the legend of Annabella.

The legend of Annabella understands the background of the Temple of War, and David's behavior is openly opposed to the Temple of War.

We must know that even if David killed the two archbishops of the Temple of War before, it was a legitimate defense in the eyes of everyone in the gods.

It was the Temple of War who attacked David on the initiative, and he should have been killed.

But David took the initiative to attack the Temple of War, turning the unilateral action into a conflict between the two sides.

"Legend of Annabella, don't stay at Garmistar for some time recently. I will arrange for you to go to Morse to help Lord Harlow govern the leader!" David did not care about the reminder of the legend of Annabella. He said with a smile.

How could David not know the horror of the Temple of War, regardless of how many times he frustrated the attack on the Temple of War, but how could the Temple of War be able to rule the world of God for thousands of years, how could he only have this strength.

He must arrange the safety of Annabella's legend. Garmistar's goal is too obvious, everyone knows that he is in Garmistar.

If the Temple of War wants to find David, the first target should be Garmixing.

"Lord Lord, I won't leave!" Legend of Annabella didn't know David's thoughts, shook her head and refused.

"This is an order. What is the effect of your stay here? I still need you to help me collect information on Morse Star. Your job is very important!" David said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord Lord!" The legend of Annabella was obviously unwilling to leave, but still bowed in response.

Legend of Annabella understands that her own strength can't help David much. Coupled with the intelligence-gathering mission that David arranged for her, she also feels that this suits her well.

Legend of Annabella took a while to pack things up, and then left through the planet-level portal.

Jiamixing once again returned to the state where David was alone, and he was used to it a long time ago, and he activated the ‘Breaking the Sky’ talent ability at random and returned to the castle room.

Summoning Shadow Servant, he put a hand on Shadow Servant's shoulder.

The biggest achievement of one night is the spirit of the five gods of war, and all of them are the spirits of the gods of the temple of war.

Five spheres of knowledge floated in front of David's eyes, which were exactly the spheres of knowledge gained from the five spiritual thoughts of the Shadow Servant of the God of War.

David's spirit paid attention to the first ball of knowledge, and he got the details of the ball of knowledge.

"God's Hymn" knowledge light ball, "God's Hymn" is a kind of auxiliary talent ability, which has no effect on combat. It only acts on the temple. It can enhance the temple's absorption of the power of faith and accelerate the "divine power crystallization" form.

In addition, if there are multiple idols with the talents of ‘Odes of God’, these idols can be linked together through ‘Odes of God’ to form a network that shares the power of faith.

David had an unpleasant feeling. His mind focused on the rest of the knowledge spheres, and found that the other four spheres of knowledge were also the ‘praise of the gods’.

It is no wonder that if he is the **** of war and has such auxiliary talents, he will also be placed in the **** of the temple god.

David didn't learn the sphere of knowledge of the "God's Hymn" by himself, but infused it into the gods in the "Temple of Destruction" in the small world of the soul space, and was absorbed by the soul clone there.

The soul clone easily absorbed the sphere of knowledge of the ‘Odes of the God’, and then the idol radiated a wave of waves, which was the fluctuation triggered by the ‘Odes of the God’ talent.

David's mind entered the statue of God, and he found that there was a ‘God’s Hymn pattern’ in the soul clone.

In the small world of the soul space, the overall increase speed of the power of faith has not changed, but after entering the temple, when the power of faith is transformed into a ‘crystal of divine power’ through the idol, the efficiency is obviously improved.

Of course, this improvement is still of little effect to David.

Because for him, it takes a long time for him to condense a ‘Divine Power Crystal’ in a few years and a few months to condense a ‘Divine Power Crystal’.

David shook his head helplessly, his harvest this time was not ideal.

He took out the lord-level contact circle and opened it. Since the lord-level contact circle was made by the temple, when he acted, he completely closed the lord-level contact circle.

As soon as it was opened at this time, a bunch of information was sent like bombing.

David took a look. It was a message from some lord. Someone asked about the situation and some wanted to help.

He naturally didn't want others to help. Most of these lords were members of the ‘Dawn Alliance’. Not to mention that these lords were dragged down by a huge family. Even if these lords participated in the operation, their strength would not help him much.

David thanked them one by one. This is the advantage of having a strong network. Even if it is an enemy of a powerful war temple, there are allies to help.

It is not in vain that he took out the ‘Dawn Cultivation Method’ and ‘Spiritual Wine’ to help Speaker Gould establish the ‘Dawn Alliance’.

"Lord Arthur, you are in trouble!" Speaker Gould sent a request for contact, and the first sentence after David agreed to connect was a warning.

"Speaker Gould, what's the trouble?" David didn't panic. He dared to deal with the Temple of War and thought of the greater action of the Temple of War.

"There was news from the temple in the morning. The temple of war had gathered a large number of ascetics and prepared three temples of space war to fly to Garmistar." Speaker Gould said as he sent a piece of information.

This information is not easy to obtain. The actions of the Temple of War will definitely block the news, that is, the members of the "Dawn Alliance" have their own intelligence network. Now the intelligence of the intelligence network is integrated daily, and its intelligence capabilities are greatly increased.

Although the actions of the war temple are secret, they still require the participation of some priests, and these priests have become the source of leaked news.

In addition, Archbishop Choate has just taken charge of the Temple of War, and it is difficult to convince the crowd. It is normal for a priest to disclose the news.

"Space war temple!" David thought of the five space temples used by the five great temples to deal with the Zerg, and that power almost swept everything.

Although the war temple only sent three space war temples this time, it was not as good as it was when dealing with the Zerg, but it was the action of the five major temples.

The Temple of War This time, three times as many space war temples were dispatched than the war against the Zerg.

The space war temple is also a kind of temporary temple, but this temporary temple is larger than ordinary temples, and its interior is more complicated, and it has the ability to navigate in space at high speed.

David frowned. The Temple of War is going all out to attack Garmixing this time.

But he didn't quite understand that this kind of fanfare action of the Temple of War, wouldn't he worry about leaving Garmistar early and leaving only an empty planet?

What David didn't know was that Archbishop Choate of the Temple of War was really afraid of death. The **** of the morning war came again. This time, Archbishop Choate must act immediately to capture Lord Arthur.

Archbishop Choate chose the safest way to mobilize all space war temples in the war temple inventory.

If it weren't for a space war temple that needed to cooperate with the space temple defense space door of the four major temples, Archbishop Qiaot would want to transfer that space war temple back to participate in the operation.

There are only four space war temples in the war temple. The building of the space war temple requires more advanced materials and consumes a lot of faith.

Archbishop Choate not only mobilized all the space war temples that could be mobilized, but also sent some ascetics to participate in the operation.

Archbishop Choate can’t help. Archbishop Gay and Archbishop McKinley are too prodigal. The fifth-level Templars and fifth-level priests of the Temple of War have fallen in large numbers. Now if you continue to mobilize the five-level powerhouse of the Temple of War, it will make the Temple of War. Can no longer protect the safety of important temples.

The ascetic is a special existence in the five great temples. Every ascetic who has practiced asceticism for more than a hundred years will become a fanatic.

The ascetics have not been considered as a combat power that can be recruited, nor are they included in the combat power of the temple, but the group of ascetics is a force that cannot be ignored.

Some ascetics are punished and become ascetics, and the other part wants to strengthen their faith through asceticism.

The life of ascetics is extremely boring. In addition to practicing, they sing the "Book of Gods" every day. They eat the simplest and least food. Their only spiritual sustenance is their belief in the **** of war.

If the legend of Annabella obeys the arrangement and joins the ranks of ascetics, her unsteady belief will be repeatedly strengthened like hypnosis in this kind of repeated life day after day.

As long as the ascetic can practice for a hundred years, he will inevitably become a fanatic. At the time, Archbishop Guy wanted to make the legend of Annabella a fanatic.

Archbishop Choate made such a transfer, he had never considered the escape of Lord Arthur, or he thought that Lord Arthur would flee after hearing the wind, and no longer need to fight with Lord Arthur.

He regarded the battle with Lord Arthur as a war, and he didn't care about the eyes of others.

In the eyes of Archbishop Choate, the reason why Archbishop Gay and Archbishop McKinley fell was because they were too concerned about the opinions of others and did not mobilize all the war machines in the Temple of War.

The three huge space war temples are flying in space in the shape of a character, and the three huge space war temples are full of ascetics.

In every huge space war temple, there are at least two thousand ascetics.

Among these ascetics, there are more than 80 fifth-level powerhouses and as many as 3,000 fourth-level combat powers, but these are not the main ones.

To exert the greatest power of the Space War Temple, a lot of power of faith is needed. The power of faith is transmitted through the faith network of the remote temple, which consumes a lot of money, and the Space War Temple transfers the power of the other war temples in the faith network. The power of faith is far less convenient than the power of faith of two thousand fanatics in every space war temple.

Even if Lord Arthur has any ability to isolate the belief network, the Space War Temple can still maintain a strong defense.

Archbishop Choate did everything to the extreme for safety.

Moreover, Archbishop Choate did not think of concealing the purpose of Lord Arthur's actions, and even he deliberately let his subordinates leak information, so that the news that the Temple of War wanted to attack Garmixing spread.

Jiamixing, since Speaker Gould notified the action of the David War Temple, the intelligence system of the ‘Dawn Alliance’ and the information provided by the Annabella Legend’s own contacts have been continuously transmitted through the lord-level contact formation.

This allows David to clearly grasp the location of the three huge space war temples in the war temple, and he can prepare early.

David also took advantage of the recent days to clean up the Garmistar and put away a lot of precious materials and equipment.

The cube super intelligent system was taken into the small world of soul space by him. This intelligent system cannot be purchased even if there are credit points in the Interstellar Federation.

Even if David uses the status of General David, the deputy commander of the Federal Command, it will be very troublesome. Super intelligent systems like the Cube need to be customized, and the customization time is very long.

David doesn't want to lose the Cube Super Intelligent System, especially the Cube Super Intelligent System still has a lot of data saved by him, which is even more important than the Cube Super Intelligent System.

That research room was also moved by David into the small world of the soul space, connected with the cube super intelligent system.

In the future, if he wants to use the research room, he can directly manipulate it through his consciousness. In the small world of the soul space, David is the master, and he can manipulate everything at will.

On the surface of Garmistar, only a part of the defensive weapons remained.

As for the various plants of Garmistar, David didn't care. His truly valuable plants are managed by the spirit race in the small world of the "artifact space card" and the soul space.

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