Extraordinary David

Chapter 1165: meet

President Biddle put on a formal suit, which was equipped with a miniature life-sustaining device to prevent David from taking action in case of an accident.

Although his status is noble, he is just an ordinary person, which is too fragile.

Although it is impossible for the Temple of War to set a trap against President Biddle, it is not only worthless, but also meaningless. Even if the Federation lacks a president, it can also elect another president at any time.

But the accident may not come from the war temple's targeting, but the war temple's misunderstanding of the strength of President Biddle. Meeting in space, as long as there is a slight misjudgment, President Biddle may cause problems.

Oxygen, low temperature, sudden changes in pressure, etc., many situations can make ordinary people fatal.

David did not wear a general uniform, but changed into a federal formal suit similar to Secretary Chambers, with a young face standing behind President Biddle like a guard.

This time the meeting between President Biddle and Archbishop Choate is a government affair. David’s mission is to protect President Biddle, not to participate in the meeting.

In addition, David didn't want to expose himself early, and if there was any movement in the war temple, he would be easier to deal with without considering his situation here.

Of course, another reason is that Admiral David is very famous in the world of God, and his presence may cause unnecessary trouble.

"Time is almost there!" President Biddle looked at the time on the identity bracelet and said in a deep voice.

The presidential spacecraft has flown in front of the world barrier with the gods. Standing in front of the porthole, you can see the black and white world inside the world barriers ahead. There is the gods world.

On the other side, a huge ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ appeared.

What David saw through the eyes of the clone clone of the demigod was the black and white ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’, two spaceships produced by different knowledge systems in two big worlds facing each other across the world barrier.

Archbishop Choate was also looking at the presidential spacecraft on the opposite side, and he looked more at the two hundred battleships not far behind the presidential spacecraft.

After a period of mischief, Archbishop Choate also got to know the warships of the Federation.

Two hundred battleships are already a powerful combat capability that can threaten the fifth-tier powerhouses, which shows that the Federal President Bidar attaches great importance to it.

Archbishop Choate showed a slight contempt on his face. This kind of use of the power of foreign objects is simply a wrong path of development.

The interstellar federation had this kind of abnormal growth because there was no God's shining light.

Archbishop Qiaot flew out of the "Starry Sky Flying Boat". With the scepter in his hand, he gently pointed towards the world barrier, and the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" issued a pure white diaphragm.

This diaphragm passed through the world barrier, and strange things happened. After the diaphragm penetrated the world barrier, a pure white channel was formed in the world barrier.

This passage was connected to the front of the presidential spacecraft before it stopped.

"President Biddle, I can't leave the world of Gods due to my status. Let's meet in this channel!" Archbishop Choate said loudly.

Archbishop Choate used the divine language, and Secretary Janet was on the sidelines to translate for President Biddle.

President Biddle's face changed slightly, he did not expect the Archbishop Choate to meet in this way.

He is just an ordinary person. Although there is a life-sustaining system in his clothes, the life-sustaining system has no defenses. It is very dangerous to go directly into space.

President Biddle did not look at Admiral David behind him. If he asked Admiral David for advice, then Archbishop Choate on the opposite side would definitely not see him as the Federal President.

More importantly, Admiral David did not wear a military uniform, so he must not want to expose himself.

If President Biddle exposes Admiral David as a result, Admiral David will definitely be dissatisfied with him. He still distinguishes the importance of such things.

"Archbishop Choate, if you ask, then we will meet in the passage!" President Biddle nodded and said.

President Biddle naturally spoke the federal language, and a priest beside him was also translating for him.

At this level of meeting, even if Archbishop Choate has mastered the federal language, he still needs translation. This is a gesture.

Seeing President Biddle's agreement, Archbishop Choate flew into the passage with two fifth-level priests and two fifth-level priests and flew to the middle.

To be honest, Archbishop Choate didn't mean to make things difficult for the Star Federation, but because he was the world representative of the God of War, and he couldn't leave the world of God.

Once he left the god-general world, he lost the connection with the **** of war, and most of his strength could not be used, and the magic arts that needed to communicate with the **** of war became decorations.

This is why the temple only built five temples belonging to the five major gods on the battle star, used to negotiate with the Zerg gods, and only sent a small number of priests to maintain it. The main reason is that the temple’s priests cannot perform magic on the battle star and cannot Battle star becomes a place of faith.

It is relatively difficult for President Biddle to enter the passage. After leaving the presidential spacecraft, he loses the artificial gravity and even ordinary people can fly in space.

But ordinary people want to control their own flight in space, it is very difficult to do without training.

Fortunately, the six transcendents who accompanied him took President Biddle, Secretary Chambers, and Secretary Janet into the passage. David flew to the passage himself, but he did not want the transcendents to help.

The clone of the demigod has been in a stable state for a period of time, and now he can reduce his aura, at least the Archbishop Qiaot and the accompanying fifth-level priests and fifth-level priests cannot detect his strength.

In fact, Archbishop Choate did not notice David's existence at all, and it is not surprising that he could not perceive David's strength.

In the perception of Archbishop Choate, together with the six extraordinary guards, their strength is equivalent to ordinary people in the eyes of Archbishop Choate.

So it's not surprising that you can't perceive David's strength. In the opinion of Archbishop Choate, David is probably a soldier.

President Biddle's life-saving system started operating after leaving the presidential spacecraft, forming an air film on his head, allowing him to survive in space.

However, after entering the pure white channel, the life-sustaining system automatically stopped operating. It was not that the life-sustaining system had a problem, but the life-sustaining system detected a suitable living environment and automatically shut down the life-sustaining device.

The two sides met in the middle of the pure white channel. In the channel, the color is normal, but outside the channel, the color is still black and white while the other is colored.

Standing on the side of Archbishop Choate, watching the world of the battle star is black and white, while President Biddle is standing on the other side of the world barrier, watching the world of God's Great World also black and white.

Secretary Janet turned on the camera. This was a historic meeting. It was the first meeting between the President of the Federation and the top leaders of the Great World Temple. It will be recorded in the history of the Federation.

"Thank President Biddle for accepting my invitation. Although the War Temple has not directly dealt with the Interstellar Federation in the past, it has cooperated with the Interstellar Federation many times through the Supreme Council!" Archbishop Choate said with a smile.

"Archbishop Choate, I am also honored to meet with you. I believe this will be a new chapter in the diplomacy between the Star Federation and the Divine World!" President Biddle's diplomatic language is also very skillful.

In his heart, President Biddle is despising Archbishop Joet, saying what the Supreme Council, isn't the Supreme Council incompatible with the Temple of War?

David, who was watching the meeting between the two sides, frowned when he saw President Biddle.

Although President Biddle's expression has not changed at all, it is not necessary to look at emotions and thoughts through expressions, and mental changes can also be detected.

Archbishop Choate is a fifth-level priest and possesses a strong spirit. President Biddle is almost undefended in front of him.

The thoughts in President Biddle could not be concealed from Archbishop Choate.

David knew this too, but he couldn't intervene at this time. Meetings at this level were solemn and he couldn't interrupt if there were no accidents.

"President Biddle, the Star Federation and the Divine World have established diplomatic relations for thousands of years, and there have been defectors going to the Star Federation. Our Lord God Yu requires the Star Federation to expel all defectors out of the country. Please cooperate with this request!" The archbishop felt slightly unhappy, and he directly stated his request.

President Biddle was taken aback for a moment. He did not expect that Archbishop Choate would request this.

Although he is the President of the Federation, he seems to have great power, but in fact, it is not a simple force that can shield the defectors from the great world of God.

Even if he is the President of the Federation, it is not easy for these forces to obey his orders.

"Archbishop Choate, the Star Federation is an equal world. The power of my president is not as great as you think. In addition, there are too many defectors involved, and my ability is limited!" President Biddle said, shaking his head.

To be honest, if it wasn't for General David to be by his side, plus I told him yesterday, the relationship between the Temple of War and the Supreme Council is now strained, President Biddle would really have to consider the request of Archbishop Choate.

Because Archbishop Choate has exerted President Bidel's influence since the first meeting, this influence is not on the spiritual level, but on the perception.

Archbishop Choate performed divine arts, transformed into energy channels, and formed an environment in which humans can survive. These methods are nothing to the people of the gods in the big world, but for ordinary President Biddle, It is an extraordinary method.

Archbishop Choate also asked President Biddle to enter the energy channel for discussion, and he suppressed President Biddle in terms of momentum.

"President Biddle, are you rejecting my lord's request?" Archbishop Choate asked in a deep voice.

The aura on Archbishop Qiaot suddenly increased, and the spirit of the fifth-level priest formed coercion.

Of course, Archbishop Choate did not dare to hurt President Biddle. That would be a diplomatic incident that would cause big troubles in the diplomacy between the Star Federation and the Divine World.

The situation of the Temple of War is not good now, because he has caused problems in the diplomacy between the two great worlds, which will have a large negative impact on the Temple of War.

When Archbishop Choate's momentum rose, the two extraordinary took a step forward and stood in front of President Biddle.

The two extraordinary faces were extremely ugly, but they were able to hold on.

David didn't make a move. He felt Archbishop Choate's breath control and didn't mean to hurt people.

"Archbishop Choate, what do you mean?" President Biddle said in a heavy voice.

"I am abrupt, I am not used to someone rejecting my lord's metaphor!" Archbishop Qiaot withdrew his breath and said lightly.

A fifth-level priest behind Archbishop Choate, using the body of his companion as a cover, waved his fingers in front of him, using his spirit to draw a complex pattern.

"If there is nothing else, we will say goodbye!" President Biddle disliked the communication method of Archbishop Choate very much, and used his strength to overwhelm others when he said nothing, he said in a deep voice.

"Please wait!" Archbishop Choate waved.

President Biddle looked at Archbishop Choate, waiting for him to say something.

"President Biddle, no one can violate my lord's divine metaphor. If you agree to my request, then everything is easy to say, but if you refuse me, I can only use some means!" Archbishop Choate said coldly.

Regardless of the fact that Archbishop Choate was very timid in dealing with Lord Arthur, but when dealing with these ordinary people in the Star Federation, he showed an unimaginable determination.

After Archbishop Choate finished speaking, the pattern in the hands of the fifth-level priest behind him was completed, and the pattern flew towards President Biddle.

President Biddle looked shocked. Although he didn't know what the flying pattern was, he also knew that the pattern was definitely not a good thing.

The two transcendents wanted to resist, but found that the fluctuations in the pattern made them slow, and their brains seemed to slow down.

Archbishop Choate looked at President Biddle coldly. He believed that immediately President Biddle would be controlled by magical magic and would be 100% obedient.

As for the others here, after they control President Biddle, they will use the same means to control them all.

With the help of President Biddle, using the power of the Interstellar Federation government, it is not difficult to find Lord Arthur in the Interstellar Federation and expel him. The order of the God of War can also be completed.

As for the discovery of President Bidel's magical skills, Archbishop Choate doesn't believe anyone in the Star Federation will find out.

The pure white channel alone has the effect of shielding all signals. All the federal spacecraft and warships outside watch are false images, and the real situation in the channel will not be discovered by the spacecraft and warships.

After all, Archbishop Choate despised the Interstellar Federation, thinking that the Interstellar Federation was just a group of low-level ordinary people in addition to long-range space weapons.

Under this concept, this method came up.

There are also reasons for being too tightly persecuted by the God of War, and having a bad relationship with the Supreme Council of the Great World of Gods. It is almost impossible to accomplish this through the Supreme Council.

The use of magic to control is the lowest cost and easiest way to succeed.

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