Extraordinary David

Chapter 1167: diplomatic

"Report, the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" that belongs to the Great World was found ahead, and the other party requested to open a communication channel!" The crew reported to President Biddle.

In fact, the **** fleet discovered the opponent as early as the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" appeared, but the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" did not have the slightest weapon on it, and the defenses were completely released.

Therefore, the **** fleet allowed the other side to approach the presidential spacecraft's scanning range, and then had the opportunity to contact the presidential spacecraft to apply for contact.

"It's the'Starry Sky Flying Boat' from the battle star!" Secretary Janet explained to President Biddle softly.

Secretary Janet has conducted research on Battle Stars, and because he needs to communicate with the Star Federation frequently, the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" in the Battle Stars will be equipped with a communication system for the Star Federation to facilitate communication with the Star Federation.

"Open the communication channel!" President Biddle nodded, and he ordered in a deep voice.

With the opening of the communication channel, a projection appeared in front of him, and it was Viscount Dward.

"I have seen Admiral David!" Viscount Dward's projection scanned the cabin. After seeing David, he bowed and saluted, and then said to President Biddle: "I saw President Biddle!"

In Viscount Dward’s thoughts, no one is more important than Admiral David, and he did so.

He doesn't need to care about President Biddle's views. Perhaps he sees more clearly the essence of Biddle's presidential identity, which is currently a symbol, with limited real power in his hands.

"Lord Dward, is there anything you stop me from doing?" President Biddle had no influence on the order of the greetings from Dward, he asked.

If such a problem did not arise before encountering Admiral David, President Biddle might still be grudged.

But since seeing the power of Admiral David with his own eyes, President Biddle has no idea in his heart to compare with Admiral David.

"President Biddle, there is news from the Supreme Council that you have detained Archbishop Choate and his party who met with you. Is there such a thing?" Viscount Dward asked Zhengrong.

"It's true, Archbishop Choate and the four entourage are on the spaceship!" President Biddle nodded and said.

"President Biddle, can you ask your spacecraft to wait here for a while? Speaker Gould of the Supreme Council is coming, and he will talk to you about it!" Viscount Dward did not express any excitement, and continued calmly. .

"I also hope to meet Speaker Gould!" President Biddle agreed.

President Biddle glanced at Admiral David beside him, and he was full of confidence.

Viscount Dward did not intend to discuss diplomatic matters with President Biddle. His identities are not equal to those of President Biddle. He only needs to complete his own tasks and leave the rest to the Supreme Council.

The **** fleet was scattered, protecting the presidential spacecraft, and stopped in the outer space of the battle star.

Viscount Dward’s ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ did not leave, and stopped not far from the President’s spacecraft.

It didn't take long to wait. Only two hours later, news came from the frigate and found that a "starry sky flying boat" belonging to the great world was approaching.

When the luxurious "Starry Sky Flying Boat" approached, a smile appeared at the corner of David's mouth, and the speaker's "Starry Sky Flying Boat" came.

The ‘Xingkong Feizhou’ revealed its identity and then directly docked with the presidential spacecraft. The president’s spacecraft was a telescopic channel, and the Speaker’s ‘Xingkong Feizhou’ was an energy channel.

After the two passages were connected, Speaker Gould walked through the passage alone to the presidential spacecraft.

President Biddle stood at the entrance of the presidential spacecraft, welcoming Speaker Gould.

President Biddle is also a veteran politician. Seeing the expression on Speaker Gould's face, he didn't get angry, and he even believed that there was a contradiction between the war temple and the Supreme Council that Admiral David said.

"I want to come to President Biddle and Admiral David to understand the purpose of my coming this time. I want to know why the Star Federation detained Archbishop Joet and his party?" As soon as he took his seat, Speaker Gould asked.

"President Gould, as President of the Interstellar Federation, I submit a diplomatic note to the Supreme Council of the Great World of Gods, with a complete video of the meeting between Archbishop Choate of the Temple of War and us!" President Biddle had long ago. Preparation, he is also waiting for someone with sufficient identity in the great world of God to come over, so that he can hand over the diplomatic note in person.

A diplomatic note written in two languages ​​and a video player that can be played directly were placed in front of Speaker Gould by Secretary Janet.

Speaker Gould picked up the diplomatic note and read it carefully, his expression gradually becoming ugly.

Before coming, Speaker Gould actually had some guesses.

Because of the conflict between the Temple of War and the Supreme Council, it skipped the Supreme Council and directly contacted the Interstellar Federation.

Because the War Temple has no diplomatic experience, and perhaps the noble archbishop who owns the War Temple, he wants to meet directly with the Federal President.

With the hegemony of the War Temple, once there is a problem in the talks with the Federal President, the War Temple is very likely to use unconventional methods.

By coincidence, President Biddle also just became the President of the Federation. After receiving an application for the meeting with Archbishop Choate of the Temple of War, he did not have much experience, only thinking that this was a major historical achievement.

Fortunately, the ministers and General Marshal Andre were still calm, and first invited General David to accompany them.

Speaker Gould, who understood what happened, only felt extremely ashamed. Although it was not done by the Supreme Council to do this diplomatically, the Temple of War also represented the great world of God.

The Interstellar Federation does not distinguish between the Supreme Council and the Temple of War, but only thinks that God belongs to the great world and ignores the most basic rules of diplomacy.

"President Biddle, I am deeply sorry for this matter on behalf of the Divine World. We will make appropriate concessions on some interests. I hope this incident will not affect the Divine World and the Interstellar Federation for thousands of years. Alliance!" Speaker Gould stood up and said deeply to President Biddle.

"President Gould, I also understand that the Temple of War is different from the Supreme Council. I accept the apology of the Supreme Council!" President Biddle also stood up and said.

Speaker Gould understands what President Biddle meant. President Biddle can accept the apology of the Supreme Council, but he does not intend to accept the apology of the Temple of War, because Speaker Gould only represents the Supreme Council.

"President Biddle, I will inform the other four temples of the incident, and the four temples will discuss the handling of the war temple, but you can rest assured that there will never be any war temple involvement in foreign affairs in the future. !" Speaker Gould promised.

The two sides sat down again, and Speaker Gould saw that President Biddle was willing to solve the problem and did not want the problem to become too radical.

This also gave Councilor Gould a sigh of relief. He was worried that President Biddle would do something irrational.

The alliance between the divine world and the interstellar federation is related to the interests of the battle stars. If the alliance is broken, then the defense of the divine world and the interstellar federation against the Zerg world will be wiped out.

In the end, the interests of the gods in the battle star will suffer huge losses, and may even cause the complete collapse of the battle star.

It should be known that once God belongs to the big world, the interstellar federation, and the Zerg world, any one of them cannot benefit from the battle star, then that party will not allow the battle star to continue to exist, and provide a steady stream of resources to the opponent.

The alliance between the divine world and the interstellar federation is broken, and the divine world needs at least ten times the current combat power on the battle star in order to barely retain its benefits.

The Interstellar Federation will lose the interests of the Battle Star because it does not have high-end combat power to fight against. At that time, the ‘Doomsday Defense’ composed of ten artificial planets close to the Battle Star could destroy the Battle Star.

"President Biddle, what do you plan to do with Archbishop Choate?" Speaker Gould asked aloud after the atmosphere eased.

This is also the issue that Speaker Gould is most concerned about. In any case, Archbishop Choate is the archbishop of the Temple of War. He is entrusted by the four temples and must do something.

Regardless of what Archbishop Choate did wrong, he must be taken back from the hands of the Interstellar Federation, and how to deal with it after returning depends on the decision of the temple.

"You don't need to ask me about this. Archbishop Choate is a prisoner of Admiral David, and everything is up to him!" President Biddle didn't want to make decisions on behalf of Admiral David, he said.

This is not a shirk. It is really difficult for President Biddle to make a decision on behalf of David. He needs to consider David's attitude.

He himself was saved by David, and Archbishop Choate was also arrested by David.

Of course, President Biddle heard that Speaker Gould only mentioned Archbishop Choate, and he only answered Archbishop Choate.

He could see that Speaker Gould was planning to abandon the two fifth-level priests and two fifth-level priests accompanying Archbishop Choate.

Speaker Gould thought that way, if it wasn't for the identity of Archbishop Choate to be too sensitive, he wouldn't even want to return it.

Isn't it right to apologize for making such a major diplomatic mistake?

"Admiral David, we are also old friends. I wonder if I can take my face back to Archbishop Choate?" Speaker Gould turned his head and said with a smile to David.

Speaker Gould and David's identity still had a lot of dealings, and they fought side by side on the battlefield together, so Speaker Gould spoke more casually.

"Chairman Gould, you still want to give your face, I will let Archbishop Choate come out, I will take some trophies and let him go!" David did not intend to keep Archbishop Choate forever, he Following the words of Speaker Gould replied.

"Admiral David, as long as Archbishop Choate is alive, you can do the rest at will!" Speaker Gould saw that David gave him such a face, so he naturally handed out his hole cards.

David nodded, showing that he understood what Speaker Gould meant. He stood up and walked out of the living room. When he came back in a while, he was holding Archbishop Choate in his hands.

David casually threw Archbishop Choate on the floor in the middle of the meeting room, and Archbishop Choate fell to the ground limply, without the demeanor of the archbishop of the Temple of War.

Archbishop Choate saw Speaker Gould. He was not at all happy to see the savior, but lowered his head forcefully.

If there is a hole in the ground at this time, Archbishop Choate wants to put his body into the hole.

Speaker Gould looked at the appearance of Archbishop Choate and didn't feel much joy in his heart. This is the most distinguished person in the world of God, but now he is lying on the ground like a dog, making him feel sad.

David stretched out his hand, took off the scepter held by Archbishop Qiaot, and took the space items from Archbishop Qiaot.

He swept through the space objects with spirit, and after seeing the objects inside, he couldn't help frowning and a little dissatisfied with the harvest.

However, thinking that Archbishop Choate has just become the archbishop of the Temple of War, it is estimated that he wants to take it down, and he needs to wait for his position to stabilize before proceeding.

"Give it back to you!" Archbishop Choate didn't care at all about the space items. After David took away his scepter, he reacted greatly and reached out to grab it back.

David didn't have the slightest politeness and kicked him to the ground with one kick.

"President Gould, I will accept these trophies, and Archbishop Choate's people will give it to you!" David pointed at the Archbishop Gould on the ground and said.

Speaker Gould's eyes condensed. The foot of Admiral David just now obviously contained a swell of energy. His strength was not as good as Admiral David, and he couldn't see the effect of that energy, but he didn't expect it. What a good thing.

"Is Archbishop Choate's body okay?" Speaker Gould asked Archbishop Choate, but his gaze swept across David's side.

"There is absolutely no problem with life!" David said with a light smile.

Archbishop Choate heard Speaker Gould's inquiry and stood up reluctantly. He did not speak but told Speaker Gould that he was okay.

"President Biddle, I will communicate the follow-up of this matter to you through Ambassador Cumming. I will leave first!" Speaker Gould stood up and said.

"I am also very concerned about the follow-up of things, and hope not to wait too long!" President Biddle also stood up and said.

President Biddle was actually very unwilling in his heart, but he also knew that Archbishop Choate could not be left to the Interstellar Federation.

The courts of the Interstellar Federation were also unable to try Archbishop Choate. The location of the attack was on the border between the gods and the battle stars, and was not within the scope of the Interstellar Federation.

Unless Archbishop Choate is killed on the spot, he cannot die.

President Biddle can only remind Speaker Gould of his dissatisfaction with Archbishop Choate by saying that he is concerned about the follow-up.

"Admiral David, I accept your love this time!" Speaker Gould did not forget to say to David when he left.

Speaker Gould walked ahead, and Archbishop Choate barely followed.

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