Extraordinary David

Chapter 1174: resurrection

The moment the soul of the'Titan Golden Armor King' entered the small world of the soul space, the soul body that had lost consciousness suddenly seemed to be activated.

The soul body quickly transformed from the blur to the body form of the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’. It opened its eyes to look at the surrounding environment and was suddenly surprised.

In the process of purifying the soul of the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’, it also thought of resisting, but soon it discovered that no matter how resisted, it could not escape the destiny of purification.

Therefore, the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ has taken the main consciousness into the core of the god-level soul, and most of the god-level soul core can only contain very little consciousness and knowledge.

But the god-level soul core of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ is different. Its god-level soul core is inherently very large and can accommodate more consciousness and knowledge.

The core protects one's main consciousness, and most of the consciousness of the'Titan Golden Armored King' is disconnected from the main consciousness, and is scattered throughout the soul to be purified by the Shadow Servant.

If the Shadow Servant is smart enough, he might discover the tactics of the "Titan Armored King", but the Shadow Servant senses that the soul of the "Titan Armored King" no longer resists, and after being purified inside and out, the purification is ended.

In general, the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ will continue to struggle in the process of being purified.

The consciousness in the soul core of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ will automatically elicit in the process of struggling. I did not expect that the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ would choose to be forbearing and be purified.

The Shadow Servant has no ability to purify the core of the god-level soul, but what is stored in it is the last hope of the gods in the world.

When the main consciousness in the core of the soul of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ discovered that the soul body was transferred, the main consciousness of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ immediately regained control of the soul body.

"Where is this?"'The King of Titans and Golden Armor' exclaimed in horror.

It's no wonder that the "Titan Golden Armor King" feels weird. In perception, this space is somewhat like a small world of gods, but it is somewhat stable like a big world.

This made the'Titan Golden Armor King' very uneasy. It had thought about countless possibilities, but did not expect to enter such a space.

"Something went wrong!" David's heart secretly said, his consciousness turned into a big hand and grabbed the soul body of the'Titan Golden Armor King'.

The soul body of the'Titan Golden Armor King' wanted to escape, but the space around it was solidified, and even the ability of the god-level soul to break through the space could not be displayed.

This is David's world, and he is the master here.

It is easy for David to imprison any life in this world, unless this life can break the small world of soul space.

David's conscious hand grasped the soul body of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’, and looked at the soul body of the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’ in the conscious hand, he felt a little headache.

Originally, he thought that Shadow Servant had cleaned up the remaining consciousness inside. Who knew that the soul body of the "Titanic Golden Armored King" had autonomous consciousness.

Just when David was in trouble, a branch of the World Tree stretched out.

With a move in David's heart, he could feel the idea of ​​the World Tree, which wanted the soul body of the'Titan Golden Armor King'.

"World Tree, this soul body is useful to me. I want to transform the soul body into my soul clone!" David doesn't know whether the World Tree can understand his request, but he also doesn't want the World Tree to be the King of Titans. The'soul body is used for other purposes.

The world tree came with a clear meaning, and took the soul body of the'Titan Golden Armor King'.

The strange energy was born on the branches of the World Tree, scouring towards the soul body of the'Titan Golden Armor Emperor'.

The main consciousness of the'Titan Golden Armored King' felt that the rules of the entire world were repelling it, and the main consciousness that was originally rooted in the core of the soul was loosened.

"What kind of tree is this?" The'Titan Golden Armored King' doesn't know what the world tree is. Perhaps most of the gods don't know the existence of the world tree, let alone the Zerg who has studied the world the least.

The singular energy of the World Tree rushed to the main consciousness of the'Titan Golden Armor King', and its main consciousness was washed down layer by layer, and the washed main consciousness turned into the most primitive soul energy, which overflowed in the soul space. In the small world.

The'Titan Golden Armor King' wanted to struggle, but faced with the suppression of the rules of the small world of the soul space, perhaps it could resist one or two when it still had a divine body.

At this time, the "Titan Golden Armor King" felt that it was about to dissipate completely, it couldn't help but be anxious, it wanted to beg for mercy, but the terrifying world rules suppressed it could not do anything, including sending out consciousness exchanges.

After the last trace of the main consciousness of the "Titan Golden Armor King" disappeared from the core of the soul, the life energy of the World Tree wrapped the soul and turned into a fruit to hang on the World Tree.

Looking at the familiar fruit, David couldn't help feeling uneasy, wondering if World Tree really understood what he meant.

The world tree is bound to the small world of his soul space. In a sense, the world tree is one with him. As long as the world tree understands his meaning, nothing can go wrong.

With this thought, David's mind touched the fruit.

After contacting the fruit, his mind felt a soul body eager for consciousness. This feeling was very strange. According to the truth, the soul body itself is not conscious.

This has to be said about the operation method of the world tree. After the soul body loses all consciousness, there is still life energy to re-contain the soul body.

The soul body is affected by the life energy, and has a weak sense of dissociation. The dissociative consciousness understands that the soul needs the main consciousness to survive, so the dissociative consciousness urgently hopes that the main consciousness can enter.

After David's mind entered the soul body, he was welcomed by the free consciousness.

Of course, David would not leave his main consciousness in the soul body, although as long as he controls the god-level soul body and becomes the main consciousness of the god-level soul body, he will reach the god-level soul level.

However, he is a little bit dissatisfied with the soul body of the'Titan Golden Armor King'. Compared with his own small world of soul space, the only advantage of the'Titan Golden Armor King' soul body is the **** level, and the rest are not at all. What an advantage.

It is naturally impossible for David to choose a god-level soul body that has lost its potential and give up his own potential master soul.

With a move of his mind, the four legendary soul clones inside the soul fortress, and the 292 fifth-tier soul clones glowed golden light.

The golden light connects all the soul clones together, and then a beam of light shoots toward the soul fruit on the world tree.

This is the process of assimilation. David used this method to successfully assimilate a large number of soul clones again and again.

The assimilation took a long time this time. About ten minutes passed before the golden light beam slowly dissipated. David also felt the connection between the god-level soul in the soul fruit and him.

The soul of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ in the soul fruit was severely damaged during the previous battle and the process of being purified by the Shadow Servant.

However, after the soul of the'Titan Golden Armor King' was transformed into David's new god-level soul clone, the energy contained in the soul fruit was quickly absorbed by the god-level soul clone, and the originally damaged god-level soul was restored to its best state. .

After David's mind entered the soul clone of the'Titan Golden Armor King', he felt beyond imagination.

Although he had become a demigod and thought he was very close to the gods, after he truly entered the god-level soul clone, he discovered the gap between the demigod and the god-level.

David felt that his thinking speed was like riding a roller coaster. Without the ability to activate the'Thinking Storm' talent, he just connected the soul clone of the'Titan Golden Armor King', and his thinking speed was as open. The effect of the'Thinking Storm' talent ability.

This is still the case where the'Titan Golden Armor King' only has a soul left, and David only perceives the difference in the soul of the gods.

Even just by perceiving the thinking speed of the soul clone of the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’, it also made him understand why the god-level sees other lives like ants.

Under this kind of thinking speed, the god-level and non-god-level thinking speed are not on the same level.

Just like two people are talking, one person uses all of his mind, and the other person is in the process of conversation, just need to deal with it at will, most of the mind is distracted thinking about other things.

The ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ is only a god-level who has cultivated to become a god, not a **** who believes in godhood. If he is a **** who believes in godhood, his thinking speed will be many times faster.

David hesitated. If it were not for the threat of the God of War, he might still be reluctant to leave the soul clone of the "Titan Golden Armor King" out of his own small world of soul space.

In order to deal with the threat from the **** of war, David must have an absolutely powerful self-preservation power.

David took out the divine body of the'Titan Golden Armor King'. The divine body of the'Titan Golden Armor King' was very miserable, and there were many serious injuries on the divine body.

These injuries that went deep into the abdomen were nothing to David, but the most serious aspect of the ‘Titan Golden Armor’’s divine body was that the back half of his body was severed.

David used his ‘immortal vitality’ to increase the survivability of the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’ divine body, and then healed his fatal injuries little by little.

Only the part where the second half of the body is cut off, the'immortal vitality' is extremely laborious to repair. He estimates that if such a missing divine body is to be completely repaired, the'immortal vitality' consumed alone will be enough for him to continuously provide a lot. God.

So David directly took out the second half of the'Titan Golden Armor King' body. Since the latter half of the body was obtained on the battlefield, he later removed God-level flesh and blood from it for experimentation.

The experiment failed. The second half of the body of the'Titan Golden Armored King' only left the bones, and all the flesh and blood was wasted.

But even if it is only the skeletal part of the second half of the body of the "Titan Golden Armor King", it can also reduce a lot of David's workload, and it is much easier to restore only the flesh and blood.

The second half of the body was connected to the divine body of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’, and the two bodies were connected independently without David’s intervention. The two bodies were connected together.

David spread his wings behind his back, and with the help of energy feather wings, he constantly created an'immortal vitality' and poured it on the divine body of the'Titan Golden Armor King'.

Although the recovery speed of the divine body was slow, it was still recovering little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

David didn't worry, he waited for so long, and waited for a few more days.

The ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ body recovered in three days. Fortunately, the underground space was large enough, and the soulless ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ body was asleep.

Even if it is asleep, the horrible god-level fluctuations are constantly emanating from the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’ divine body.

Fortunately, this is the world of Zerg, whether in the great world of the gods or in the interstellar federation, this kind of terrifying fluctuation will attract attention.

All the temples of the great world of Gods form a surveillance network densely distributed throughout the great world. As long as there is a god-level aura, an alarm will appear.

The Interstellar Federation also has a similar defense mechanism, except that the Interstellar Federation uses a special scanning device that can scan out the breath of the gods.

Of course, this kind of scanning device is not likely to be deployed in all Star Federations, only in theaters and star regions near the theater.

All the golden armors on the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’ divine body have been restored, although some gold armors have not reached the strongest defense state because they have not been strengthened by their divine power for a long time.

But those positions that are missing golden armors are covered by new ones and will not be specifically targeted.

From the small world of the soul space, David manipulated and removed the soul clone of the'Titan Golden Armor King' and submerged it into the body of the'Titan Golden Armor King' god.

One hundred percent fit, so that there is no repulsion between the soul clone of the'Titan Golden Armor King' and the'Titan Golden Armor King' divine body, and they are easily integrated.

Part of David's mind was in the soul clone of the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’. He felt that the soul clone was wrapped in the divine body, and he felt an extreme sense of security.

As long as the divine body does not fall, nothing will happen to the soul protected by it.

Immediately after the fusion was completed, David felt extreme hunger from the soul clone of the'Titan Golden Armor King'.

This is not to say that the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’ wants to eat, but that the divine body lacks the power of faith, making the body on the verge of falling into the **** level.

With a stroke of David's hand, a ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ flew out from the clone of the demigod who was practicing.

The ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ enters the body of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’, and after the ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ enters the body, it will automatically activate and operate.

The reason why the ‘Titan Golden Armor King’’s strength fell sharply was because of the loss of the ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ and the heavy damage to the divine body.

Now that the heavy damage of the divine body has recovered, the "Imperial Inheritance Pattern" has also returned to the divine body, and the rest is to constantly replenish the power of faith in the body of the "Titan Golden Armor Emperor".

Of course, David will not completely hand over the ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ to the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’, but it’s not a problem to use it at any time when the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ needs it.

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