Extraordinary David

Chapter 1178: God war

Even if the black dragon Alexis obtains the ‘God of War’ talent and masters it, he still hopes to make more preparations.

"Black Dragon, you successfully angered me!" The God of War looked at the golden battle axe that Black Dragon Alexis took out, his eyes were cold and sharp, and the voice in his mouth was no longer emotional.

"War, war, war!" Three war words were uttered, the space was like a drum of war, and the **** of war boiled with supernatural power.

On the opposite side of the God of War, Alexis the Black Dragon, the clone of the King of Titans, and the clone of the King of Blade Mantis all felt the terrifying battle from the God of War.

However, under the scales of the black dragon Alexis, a faint wave is spreading to the surroundings, wrapping the black dragon Alexis, the clone of the Titan Golden Armor and the clone of the Blade Mantis King. Inside.

This is precisely David's request that the World Tree expand its influence on the main world, enveloping all three gods in it.

This not only prevents the clones of the Titan Golden Armor King and the Blade Mantis King from being suppressed by the gods, but also allows the two Zerg god-level clones to exert their full strength, and it can also help the three gods. The level resists the influence from the soul level of the **** of war.

You must know that the **** of war is not a god-level **** who is trained to become a god, but a **** who is more good at spiritual belief and becomes a god. Don't be misled by the performance of the **** of war with the battle axe.

The God of War is also startled. He is a **** recognized by the rules of the God’s Great World. Although the body of a **** who believes in God will be suppressed in the Lord’s World, he is one of the five masters of the God’s Great World. The suppression of the main world is very slight, and he can use the world rules of the main world to give the enemy's soul level influence.

But the three gods in front of him were not affected by his battle.

This caused the **** of war to be a little more careful. It seemed that the three gods on the opposite side were not as easy to deal with as expected.

When the three gods appeared, the **** of war did not take them to heart. If he were in another world, he might still worry about one or two, but in the world of God, this is his home ground. Occupy a huge advantage.

Although the **** of war was focused on fighting, he did not charge immediately and carried out a thunderous blow. Instead, he used his hands without a battle axe to point at the black dragon Alexis, the avatar of the Titan Golden Armor and the Blade Mantis King Those' clones.

"As the master of the big world, I believe you are evil!" The **** of war judged.

With the sound of the judgment of the **** of war, the entire star field seemed to be shaking. After this kind of shaking, the world rules of the gods of the great world would find three gods and judge them as evil.

As long as the black dragon Alexis, the avatar of the Titan Golden Armor and the avatar of the Blade Mantis are successfully tried and become the evil existence of the gods of the great world, then no matter what methods they used before to hide themselves from being The rules of the world find that there is nowhere to hide like a lamp in the dark.

The rules of the world where the gods belong to the great world will more suppress the existence of evil, and when the **** of war uses magic skills, it will also cause the three gods to suffer more damage.

But this time the **** of war missed again, the world rules did not find the target, and there was no movement after the shock.

The alarm bells of the five temples kept ringing. After the Archbishop MacIntyre of the Temple of War heard the bells of the main temple ringing continuously, he had not yet figured out what had happened.

"Archbishop, found the breath of three gods appearing in this star field, and the breath of my lord also appeared there!" The priest who made the report pointed to the alchemy star chart with excitement.

"Everything is carried out in accordance with the process and reported to the other four temples. Since our lord has already taken action, we just have to wait!" Archbishop McIntyre said in a deep voice.

Archbishop McIntyre's heart was far less calm than it was on the surface, and the position on the alchemy chart was relatively not far from Garmistar.

When he heard that the breath of the three gods appeared not far away from Garmixing, he guessed whether the three gods are connected with Lord Arthur, otherwise there would be no such coincidence.

The huge **** belongs to the big world, and the three gods happened to appear in that position.

No wonder Lord Arthur's strength increased so quickly, there were three gods behind it.

Archbishop MacIntyre guessed in his heart that he was also thankful that he had not taken any action against Lord Arthur, otherwise he would have taken Lord Lord Arthur, and he would not be able to deal with the three gods.

Just as Archbishop McIntyre was thinking about it, he felt a trace of pulling force through the scepter.

This is an invitation from the other four archbishops to discuss important matters. Archbishop MacIntyre does not have a spiritual clone, and can only enter the fragments of public space by himself.

When Archbishop McIntyre appeared on the platform, the other four archbishops were already waiting for him.

"Archbishop McIntyre, I want to know who are the three gods that the great **** of war will deal with?" Archbishop Barney asked first.

This is also an issue that the other three archbishops are concerned about. They have all received the results of their temple scans.

If only the presence of the three gods' auras were discovered, then they would only need to investigate immediately and wait for some information to be detected before they could report to their respective gods.

But then the breath of the **** of war appeared, preventing them from sending out investigations. Once the battle of the gods was opened, the nearby area could not be entered at all.

"Archbishop Barney, I don't know!" Archbishop McIntyre said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Don't you know anything about such a big event?" Archbishop Julian asked incredulously.

The actions of the God of War, dealing with three gods at the same time, the Temple of War did not even know about it, which is incredible.

Unless the **** of war does not trust his temple, it will be understandable after thinking about it.

In the recent conflict between the Temple of War and Lord Arthur, the loss was heavy, and the result of the battle was only the surface destruction of Garmistar. This kind of Temple of War is very disappointing if it is the **** of war.

Imagine that when Archbishop McKinley entered the fragments of public space, he was directly promoted to the legendary rank by the **** of war. Archbishop McIntyre in front of him showed no signs of charity.

"It's close to Garmisch, is it related to Lord Arthur?" Archbishop McIntyre really didn't know how to answer, and could only say what he considered.

"Needless to say about the guessing situation, I want to report it to my lord, and you can't use uncertain words like doubt or suspicion!" Archbishop Ambrose said in a deep voice.

Archbishop McIntyre awkwardly squeezed his scepter, and the scepter in his hand embarrassed him even more, because his scepter was smaller and thinner than the scepter model simulated by the spirit clones of the other four archbishops.

"Archbishop McIntyre, you want to give us an accurate reply. Do you want us to report to our lord?" Archbishop Adele asked impatiently.

Archbishop McIntyre hesitated. The God of War faced three unknown gods alone, and he really couldn't know the consequences.

But according to his beliefs, he fully believes that the God of War can solve the three unknown gods. The God of War has never failed for tens of thousands of years.

"There is no need to report for the time being, I will notify the archbishops if there are new circumstances!" Archbishop McIntyre said, bowing.

The four archbishops glanced at each other, then turned and left without stopping.

Seeing the disappearance of the four archbishops, Lord McIntyre gritted his teeth. He felt the opposition of the four archbishops, but he had nothing to do.

In space, the nerves of war finally lost patience after many attempts before the war.

The **** of war surged with divine power, and his figure disappeared in a flash. Facing the three gods, he chose to take the initiative to charge.

He chose to charge the black dragon Alexis, and the black dragon Alexis is ready to defend himself, ready to deal with the charge of the **** of war.

When the black dragon Alexis saw that the figure of the **** of war was about to charge, he changed direction and rushed towards the "Blade Mantis King".

Where the black dragon Alexis, the avatar of the Titan Golden Armor and the avatar of the Blade Mantis Emperor stand alone, the black dragon Alexis stands alone, the avatar of the Titan Golden Armor and the Blade The Mantis Emperor's clone is closer.

Generally speaking, even if the **** of war has one-on-three confidence, he should give priority to attacking the black dragon Alexis, a single enemy.

But the battle plan of the **** of war is to attack the black dragon Alexis first, put the black dragon Alexis into a defensive state, and then turn to attack the'Blade Mantis King', even though he has to face it The combination of the two zerg gods made the black dragon Alexis lose the opportunity to participate in the battle the first time.

In the **** of war, the reason why the black dragon Alexis dared to act alone is definitely his confidence in his own strength.

Especially the black dragon Alexis took out the golden battle axe to provoke, which made the **** of war think so.

If the **** of war wants to defeat the three gods, he must first cut his arm and hit one **** with all his strength to break the three gods' union.

As for the black dragon Alexis is not prepared to defend, but wants to fight the **** of war, the **** of war does not believe that the black dragon Alexis will do this.

As long as you know the prestigious **** of war, you won't want to fight with him one-on-one. The best way is to make a defensive state, block his first round of attacks, and then wait for the support of the two Zerg gods.

When the three gods form a siege, it is the best choice.

The black dragon Alexis is in a defensive posture. If he wants to switch to a combat posture before supporting the "Blade Mantis King", he needs to make an adjustment.

The adjustment time is very short, but in this level of battle, this short time is enough to affect the battle.

The God of War charged with indomitable momentum. In his eyes, the "Blade Mantis King" was nothing. As long as it was close to a certain distance, it was not a problem to win the "Blade Mantis King".

"God of War!" As soon as the God of War entered the attack range, he shouted.

The surface of the golden battle axe is as golden as the substance, and the power of the golden battle axe reaches the extreme under the supernatural power.

The slash of this battle axe is very powerful. At the same time, with the perfect combination of speed and strength, the slashing position is also the most uncomfortable position of the "Blade Mantis King".

Just as the **** of war shouted, the sword arm of the'Blade Mantis King' ejected.

This is an attack that hurts both sides. The "Blade Mantis King" doesn't care whether he is injured or not. All it wants is to exchange injuries with the God of War.

The speed of the blade arm ejected extremely fast, the **** of war felt the danger, the golden battle axe cut out with all his strength was forcibly retracted, and the face of the axe blocked the blade of the blade arm.

With the sound of "clang", the huge divine body of'Blade Mantis King' was shaken by the counter-shock of the face of the war god's axe.

The golden battle axe in the hands of the **** of war shook slightly, dissipating the blow of the sword arm of the "Blade Mantis King", and he even had spare power to regain control of the golden battle axe.

The golden battle axe drew an arc and slashed towards the'Blade Mantis King' again.

This arc slash was performed when the "Blade Mantis King" had withstood the force of the counter shock. It was too late for the "Blade Mantis King" to block it.

At this time, the front claws of the'Titanic Golden Armored King' stretched out, hitting the golden battle axe, and knocked this inevitable attack away.

At the same time, the other front paw of the ‘Titan Golden Armored King’ swept towards the God of War, and the figure of the God of War slightly dodges the attack.

While avoiding the attack of the'Titan Golden Armored King', the golden battle axe, with the power of the'Titan Golden Armored King' attack, drew an arc and slashed towards the'Titan Golden Armored King'.

The speed of the battle axe of the **** of war has been obviously accelerated, and his control of the borrowing force has reached an unimaginable point, and his weapon can be accelerated by the strength of the opponent.

‘The King of Titan’s Armored Armor’ ignored this attack. It had the same idea as ‘The King of Blade Mantis’, as long as it hits the **** of war is victory.

One of the legs of the'Titan Golden Armor King' stretched out and pierced towards the **** of war.

The **** of war had a faint arrogance on his face, and an attack of this level was completely non-threatening to him. He just shook his body and let his feet attack.

It was just that the attack of the God of War's golden battle axe was blocked again, and this time the arm of the "Blade Mantis King" blocked the attack of the God of War.

The **** of war has no time to attack again. Behind him, the black dragon Alexis has rushed over and is about to form an encirclement.

The **** of war didn't hesitate at all, his figure retreated as soon as he flashed, and stopped after a full five hundred meters.

At this time, the **** of war has already sensed something wrong. He didn’t know about Alexis, the black dragon, but the fighting method of the “Titanic Golden Armor King” and the “Blade Mantis King” made him feel extremely familiar. sense.

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