Extraordinary David

Chapter 1181: activation

"Order to continue the investigation, find out the scope of the divine battle, and mark it on the star chart!" Archbishop Ambrose ordered the investigation'Starry Sky Flying Boat'.

The fifth-level sacrificial priests on the scouting "Starry Sky Flying Boat" conveyed the order of Archbishop Ambrose to the five fourth-level sky knight priests. The five fourth-level sky knight priests had no opinion. They had not anticipated this situation before. Then there will be corresponding solutions.

A fourth-level priest took out a large bag of light red powder from the space items. This light red powder is a low-level alchemy material and is not of high value.

He sprinkled the light red powder forward, the powder dispersed and floated in space, and at the same time, a series of terrifying space cracks appeared in his vision.

"There is no access to the inner area of ​​God War, and the interior is completely occupied by space cracks!" The fourth-level priest reported to the investigation'Starry Sky Flying Boat'.

"Survey along the edge!" The fifth-level priest ordered in a deep voice.

The five fourth-level priests began to scout carefully along the edge of the battlefield a little bit, each time they first opened the way with light red powder, and then moved forward. This way, although the progress was slower, it was much safer.

The investigating ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ followed five fourth-level priests on the periphery, collecting the findings of five fourth-level priests at all times.

After the powerful God-level attacks, it will break the space and produce obvious space cracks. These obvious space cracks will heal quickly. This healing is the automatic ability of the big world.

Break the space continuously at the same place, then although the surface space cracks will disappear, the space cracks will not recover, but will turn into hidden space cracks.

Hidden space cracks are even more terrifying. They have no trace and no trace. Once touched, there is no difference in the power of explicit space cracks.

From here, we can see how fierce the battle between the **** of war and the three gods is, and the entire airspace has turned into a space crack hell.

The reconnaissance mission is still going on, the speed is very slow, and the marks on the star chart are increasing.

The ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ moved again, and the distance of the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ was not much moved each time. It was just for the convenience of collecting and clearer scanning results and passing them to the Archbishop Ambrose in the main temple.

Suddenly, the body of the investigating "Starry Sky Flying Boat" shook, and then half of the investigating "Starry Sky Flying Boat" was cut open, exposing the space inside.

The reconnaissance "Starry Sky Flying Boat" was originally a speed type "Starry Sky Flying Boat", and there was no war at this time, so the defensive array was not activated.

But who knew that there would be several consecutive heavy blows that stretched for kilometers would overlap in the same place, causing an invisible space crack sword to be stretched out of the battlefield airspace.

The bad luck of investigating the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" happened to pass by the long sword of the invisible space crack. The result was that the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" was cut open by a half.

A small half of the investigating "Xingkong Feizhou" was cut open, and the complete pattern formation system of the "Xingkong Feizhou" was also severely damaged and could no longer work.

The human living environment inside the "Starry Sky Flying Boat" also disappeared. Inside the boat, there are not all priests and sacrificials of the fourth and fifth levels, as well as a large number of investigative professionals.

The strength of these investigative professionals is very low, unable to reach the fourth level of strength for survival in space.

In just an instant, dozens of professional investigators in the Temple of Knowledge were exposed to space. They did not have enough strength to make them unable to cope with the most basic cold in space. In addition to suffocation, dozens of technical personnel soon The personnel lost their lives.

The fifth-level priests and a few fourth-level priests stood in space with ugly faces. They could only watch the death of their companions, but could not do anything.

The cruelty of space is terrible. If you enter space without Level 4, you will die if you lose the protection of the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

Archbishop Ambrose of the main temple of the Temple of Knowledge found that the scan data connection was interrupted, and he understood that something went wrong.

However, because the detection speed was too slow before, a few more detection ‘Star Flying Boats’ passed by, this time carrying more ore powder.

David returned to the Zerg world and returned to the underground space of the domain of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ clone through the portal.

He recruited the clones of the'Titan Golden Armor King' and the'Blade Mantis King' clones from the'Artifact Space Card', and then split a'Royal Inheritance Pattern' from the five demigod clone clones' Two Zerg god-level clones were given.

Although this battle with the God of War did not achieve David's expected result, it also made him recognize the strength of the God of War.

It also made him put out the idea of ​​challenging the **** of war in a short time, he was not in a hurry, and there were opportunities in the future.

It is currently very safe here, with two Zerg god-level clones, two Zerg demi-god clones, and five demi-god clone clones.

It can be said that the hidden strength in this demigod territory is stronger than any Zerg god-level territory.

David came to the area of ​​the Cube Super Intelligent System in the underground space. He was checking the work progress of the Cube Super Intelligent System.

Now that more than half a year has passed, most of the research progress made by the cube super-intelligent system has passed.

David's fingers pulled quickly across the light curtain, and rows of data flashed before his eyes.

At this time, he opened the talent ability of'Thinking Storm', and even connected four legendary soul clones, 292 fifth-level soul clones, which gave him the ability to study the incomparably large and complex interior Quick View.

The research results of the cube superintelligence system are very good, and the space war temple entity is no longer needed.

The robot scanned the entire space war temple several times at close range using special scanning instruments. The space war temple is in physical form in terms of structure, energy operation circuits, and more hidden functions. It is transformed into a virtual form and stored in the memory of the cube super intelligent system.

David found several hidden God Mark patterns in the Space War Temple. He changed the frequency of the God Mark Patterns to make the God Mark Pattern Marks a position he could accept. .

As for the Temple of War, the Temple of Space War was completely lost.

Anyway, David has reached an agreement with the God of War, and the Temple of War will not trouble him again.

And this space war temple estimates that even the **** of war is embarrassed to ask for it. This is David's trophy. According to the rules of God's Great World, the trophy belongs to David.

David needs the Temple of Space War, otherwise his plan to restore the surface of Garmistar will be a lot of trouble.

He walked into the Space War Temple, and his task was to reactivate the Space War Temple.

In the hall, David saw the empty idol thrown on the ground at will. Of course, apart from him, no one dared to blaspheme the idol of the **** of war so much.

Last time he used the artifact "Death Chain" to ban the **** of war. After driving out the spirit inside, he put the idol back in the Space War Temple, and later received the Space Pendant together with the Space War Temple.

After being placed in this underground space by David for more than half a year, now he was about to activate the temple of war before thinking of the role of the gods.

Fortunately, he didn't destroy the **** of war at the time. If he destroyed it, he wanted to make a new one, but he could not do it now.

The materials required for the production of the gods are not accessible to David, and there are also issues in the production process and so on.

Of course, after the cube super intelligent system has completed the research progress of the space war temple, it can focus on this aspect of research.

David picked up the idol with spirit and put it back on the altar. He considered it for a moment, and took out a five-level soul clone from his small world of soul space and put it into the idol.

Although he cannot make idols, he is very experienced in how to use idols.

The fifth-level soul clone entered the idol, and David felt a sense of return through his mind in the fifth-level soul clone.

The idol is like the most perfect body. After the fifth-level soul clone enters it, it immediately merges with it.

Obviously, this idol is more advanced than the idols in the Temporary War Temple. After the fifth-level soul clone enters it, the warm comfort is not comparable to the idols in the Temporary War Temple.

This is not surprising to David. The Space War Temple is one of the most powerful weapons of war in the War Temple, and the cost of all aspects is completely different.

With the entrance of the fifth-level soul clone, the face of the **** image became the appearance of David.

David invited the Shadow Servant again, and transferred the other ‘God’s Hymn’ knowledge light sphere inside the Shadow Servant to the **** statue in front of him.

The fifth-level soul clone has absorbed the sphere of knowledge of the "God's Hymn", and David's perception found that the idol has a special ability, the "God's Hymn".

This is also the most useful ability that David can assign to the gods. He does not have the ability to descend from the gods, and giving those fighting magic skills is just a waste.

David entered into the idol with his heart, and tried to manipulate the idol to activate the "God's Hymn".

I don’t know if it’s because of being the same as David’s soul clone, or another reason. After the idol activated the "God's Hymn", he perceives the idol in the "Temple of Destruction" in the small world of the soul space, and the idol is also It also opens up the talent ability of "God's Song".

In addition to the ability to increase the concentration of the power of faith, the innate ability of the "God's Hymn" is that every idol that activates the "God's Hymn" will be connected to the rest of the idols that open the "God's Hymn" through the power of belief , Forming a belief network.

In the great world of the gods, the temples all over the great world are connected through the innate ability of the "God's Song".

With the successful connection of the "God's Anthem", a large amount of power of faith was transmitted from the "Temple of Destruction" in the small world of Soul Space to the Temple of Space War through the belief network.

At this time, the Space Temple in front of you should no longer be called the Temple of War, but should be called the'Temple of Space Destruction'.

With the entry of a large amount of power of faith, all the magic patterns of the "Space Destruction Temple" began to reactivate, and the "Space Destruction Temple" also slowly left the ground.

Of course, David cannot allow the ‘Space Destruction Temple’ to lift into the air here. Although the underground space is huge, it absolutely cannot tolerate the ‘Space Destruction Temple’ flying.

With a wave of his hand, he took the'Space Destruction Temple' into the small world of soul space. After removing all hidden dangers, he was very relieved of the'Space Destruction Temple', but didn't have to worry about leaking his secrets.

David activated the space wormhole leading to the ‘safety point of God’s Great World’, and then stepped into it, and again he was already five hundred meters below Garmi Star.

On the contrary, the **** of war in his own small world, looking at the "Aura Locking Rune" in his hand, his eyes were thoughtful.

Before, the breath of Lord Arthur and the breath of the three gods disappeared into the great world of gods at the same time. The disappearance of the breath of the three gods was determined by the temple's **** breath detection system.

The accuracy of this divine breath detection system is very high, and the divine breath is discovered through all the temples in the divine world without any mistakes for thousands of years.

The determination of Lord Arthur's breath was achieved by the God of War using the "breath lock rune" in his hand.

Although an agreement was reached, the **** of war did not give up the idea of ​​observing Lord Arthur.

The **** of this war is certain. Lord Arthur has either discovered a special space channel, or obtained a certain space artifact, or obtained a certain space talent ability, all of which can achieve freedom in the big world. Passable.

It's just that although there are many ways to look at it, this is only theoretical, and really very little is done.

The special space passage is like a space gate connecting the world of the gods and the world of the Zerg. Once such a space passage appears, it will be immediately discovered by the gods of the two big worlds and will enter the competition.

The god-levels of the two big worlds did not discover this special space channel, and it is unlikely that it was an ancient space channel.

If it is a spatial artifact, to be honest, this possibility is even more impossible than a special spatial channel, because the gods with spatial abilities are very rare, and because the talent of the spatial system is too special, the risk factor for promotion is very high, absolutely. Most of them fell at the Demigod level.

Therefore, there are very few artifacts left by the space gods, and the space artifacts that can travel through two big worlds have only appeared in legends.

The **** of war only knows the space artifact that travels through the two big worlds in the legend, but how low is the possibility of Lord Arthur getting it.

The last thing the God of War wants to believe is that Lord Arthur has the space ability to travel through the two worlds, which is an extremely rare mutation ability among space capabilities.

If Lord Arthur had this kind of mutation space ability, it would almost be able to enter the attack and retreat to the degree of defensiveness, and it would be much more difficult to kill Lord Arthur.

David returned to the great world of the gods, he was slightly aware, and the sense of peeping at the rules of the great world of the gods reappeared. He knew that this was probably the hand of the **** of war again.

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