Extraordinary David

Chapter 1183: Congratulations (Happy birthday to [look up plus sky]!)

The God of Justice sits on the seat of God, and there are spots of light in front of him. These are the information about Lord Arthur collected by the Temple of Justice.

Even the history of Lord Arthur in the Star Federation is recorded, almost recording most of the experience of Lord Arthur.

The battle between the **** of war and the three gods actually alarmed the four gods, including the **** of justice, but the **** of war did not ask for help, and the four gods did not go.

Among them are the reasons why the four gods believe in the **** of war. As an alliance, they have a deep understanding of the **** of war and know how powerful the **** of war is.

Regardless of whether the **** of war is a **** who believes in becoming a god, his melee ability is far from what the ordinary three gods can resist.

But the battle was beyond the expectations of the **** of justice, and the **** of war and the three gods did not have a victory or defeat.

The "breath lock rune" came from the hand of the **** of justice, he knew the whole incident, and he knew exactly why the **** of war left the small world.

The **** of war must be tracking Lord Arthur, and the three gods are the helpers invited by Lord Arthur.

In terms of intelligence, the Temple of War ended all operations against Lord Arthur, including conventional and unconventional methods such as intelligence gathering, bribing dark lines, and so on.

The God of Justice knows the God of War very well. This is when the God of War and Lord Arthur have reached a reconciliation, and the Temple of War will act like this.

It is important to know that the hatred between the Temple of War and Lord Arthur is extremely deep. The three archbishops fell directly or indirectly into the hands of Lord Arthur, plus a large number of the five-level powerhouses of the Temple of War also fell into the hands of Lord Arthur. .

If it were not for the order of the God of War, it is estimated that the new Archbishop MacIntyre of the Temple of War would not dare to make such a decision.

Archbishop McIntyre was not convinced by the crowd. Once he issued an order beyond what most people in the Temple of War could accept, the consequences would not be acceptable to him.

What the God of Justice needs to consider now is how the Temple of Justice should handle its relationship with Lord Arthur. This is no small matter.

No matter what method Lord Arthur uses, but the three gods can come to the great world for him, it shows that he has the ability to mobilize the three gods.

This had to be taken seriously by the God of Justice, who were three gods who were able to make a tie with the God of War.

If you are an enemy of Lord Arthur, then it is equivalent to being an enemy of three gods. If these three gods are evil gods belonging to the big world, the **** of justice can call several gods to join forces, but the three gods After the battle of the gods, he left the great world of gods, which shows that the three gods are not the gods of the big world.

Now the Cthulhus are ready to move, and many anomalies in the great world of Gods indicate that the Cthulhu is awakening.

At this point in time, to be enemies with three powerful god-levels is to force the three god-levels to the side of the evil gods.

Of course, the most important thing among them is that the three gods are not the gods of the big world. As long as they don't appear in the big world of the gods, neither the **** of justice nor the other gods would want to be enemies of each other.

Tolerating one Lord Arthur can avoid head-on conflicts with three powerful gods, and can concentrate on dealing with the evil gods. The **** of justice quickly considered the choice.

Gods are extremely wise, and they won't do things that are uneconomical.

Another important piece of information is that it has been made clear that Lord Arthur has no believers in the divine world, which is very important.

Once Lord Arthur has believers in the great world of God, there is a principled conflict with the five major temples, which involves a struggle for belief.

In that case, the five great spirits joined forces to kill Lord Arthur.

In the great world of Gods, there can only be five beliefs, and even if there are deities again, they can only be deities attached to these five beliefs.

The God of Justice wants to tolerate Lord Arthur because Lord Arthur has no believers in the world of God. Without the major premise of the struggle of faith, Lord Arthur’s power is strong enough and it is normal to receive some preferential treatment.

As for Lord Arthur’s current demigod strength, in the eyes of the **** of justice, Lord Arthur’s cultivation talent is absolutely unparalleled in the world, but on the basis of no faith, relying on cultivation to become a god, then the speed of becoming a **** is the least. It will take thousands of years.

With this time, the five gods had already solved the trouble of the evil **** waking up, and had the ability to deal with Lord Arthur's affairs.

"Archbishop Julian, send Arthur Luce a gift for promotion to a demigod!" The will of the **** of justice landed in the idol of the temple of justice, and he sent a parable to Archbishop Julian.

Archbishop Julian was extremely surprised when he received the divine metaphor. The meaning of the **** of justice is very clear. This is to make friends with Lord Arthur and recognize the identity of Lord Arthur as a demigod.

In the history of God's Great World, no demigod has ever received this treatment.

Because those demigods were cultivated by the five great temples, they are equivalent to the weapons of the five great temples. How could the five great gods express their friendship with their weapons?

This is just the attitude of the **** of justice. The other gods of wealth, the gods of the earth, and the gods of knowledge all adopt the same attitude. The gods are so familiar with each other that there is no need to discuss such matters.

Speaker Gould stayed in Garmistar for an afternoon. He just wanted to stay in Garmistar for a meal. He hadn't eaten the food cooked by Lord Arthur for half a year.

Of course, Speaker Gould was not insignificant in Garmixing. In a short time, he helped David contact multiple stable mineral supply channels.

Rebuilding Garmistar requires a lot of materials. David has the technology of the Interstellar Federation, so there is no need for ready-made materials, just the most primitive ore.

After the huge underground space of Garmistar and the Zerg world was consumed, David's stock of materials was not much, and he needed a lot of supplements.

In fact, this is also the active help of Speaker Gould. David himself also has an industry. The materials needed can be handled by the Dickens Butler. However, Speaker Gould is willing to help, and the speed of purchasing materials will be much faster.

The Dickens Butler contacted people with similar identities, and there was still a process of negotiation. Speaker Gould was just a greeting, and the material supplier could even send the materials over first.

"Arthur, can you have dinner?" Speaker Gould asked, looking at the sky.

"I've been prepared long ago!" David smiled and made a polite gesture.

Long before this, David summoned the Anton legendary knights of the Templars who stayed beside him, and the Anton legendary knights handled the corresponding affairs.

The two entered the restaurant and sat down, and the legendary Knight Anton brought two fruit salads to them.

Speaker Gould looked at the fruit salad, only feeling a luxury.

Yes, as the Speaker of the Supreme Council, the top noble Speaker Gould, also feels the luxury of fruit salad in front of him.

Because this fruit salad is all made with spiritual fruits, although he has even drank the "spiritual red wine", the "spiritual red wine" can only be used at important moments of cultivation.

Although spiritual fruit is not as good as ‘spiritual red wine’, it will only be eaten during cultivation. It is an extremely wasteful behavior to eat fruits as usual.

"Arthur, this is too extravagant!" What did he say based on the friendship between Speaker Gould and David.

"Spirit fruits don't need to be for our province, I have a stable supply!" David waved.

When Speaker Gould heard this, he didn't ask much, and he stopped eating politely.

The fruit of the spiritual things turned into gentle energy, warming his body, but he still felt too wasteful. If he could practice immediately at this time, he would be able to get a lot of benefits from the legendary rank.

Obviously, the quality of the spiritual fruit this time far exceeds the one hundred spiritual fruit given to him last time.

"I have obtained a space fragment, and there are spiritual fruits in it. Recently, after research, the output of spiritual fruits has increased a little!" David explained the rhetoric he had prepared.

David is not even telling lies, the first spiritual fruits are all produced in the cultivation space in the "artifact space card".

It's just that he didn't talk about the spirit race. Without the spirit race, with the conditions of the cultivation space, it is impossible to give birth to a spiritual plant.

"Don't explain this kind of thing to me, this kind of space debris is..." Speaker Gould stopped here and pointed to the sky, and then continued: "They will covet it too!"

"I don't know their attitude yet. If it doesn't work, I will leave for a while!" David understood who Speaker Gould was referring to, he said in a deep voice.

"Blame me, I shouldn't have mentioned them!" Speaker Gould picked up the red wine glass on the side and drank.

Then Speaker Gould's complexion changed, and he recklessly operated the'Dawning Practice' to absorb the energy contained in the red wine.

The red wine on the side did not attract the attention of Speaker Gould, because he did not feel the speciality of red wine in his perception.

In fact, this red wine is very special. It is made from the spirit grapes produced in the small world of David's soul space, and it is not made by David himself.

As the spirit race stabilizes in the small world of soul space, more and more spiritual plants are planted, and naturally more produce.

The brewing of the ‘spiritual red wine’ was left to the Spirit Race by David. After he taught the process and steps, the Spirit Race explored and tried.

Perhaps it was the spirit race's innate sensitivity to spiritual things, and it didn't take long to produce the current ‘spiritual red wine’. This ‘spiritual red wine’ has also become a resource for David’s daily practice.

The ‘spiritual red wine’ brewed by the spirit tribe is not as blatant as the ‘spiritual red wine’ brewed by David. All the energy is implicitly contained in it, and it is impossible to discover the special features of the ‘spiritual red wine’ without careful perception.

David is already a demigod. This training resource, known as the "super spirit red wine", can play a great role in the practice of demigod. For Speaker Gould, who is only a legend, it is an excess. .

David did not expect this result, but in front of him, Speaker Gould was unlikely to have any problems.

After a long time, Speaker Gould slowly opened his eyes.

"What kind of red wine is this, I almost didn't withstand the surging energy?" Speaker Gould asked in disbelief looking at the empty glass.

At this time, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​wanting another glass. On the one hand, he really didn't have the spare energy to absorb energy. On the other hand, such red wine must be extremely precious.

"This is'Super Spirit Red Wine'. The output is a little low. It is currently used for my practice. I will show it to you for tasting!" David introduced with a smile.

"It's wasted to drink for me. I feel that this'super psychic red wine' can provide me with considerable help even when I am promoted to a demigod!" Speaker Gould said with some dismay.

To be honest, he knew that the ‘Super Spirit Red Wine’ had such ample energy that he would never drink it at this time. He had to save it until the time of promotion. He estimated that the possibility of being promoted to a demigod would increase a lot.

Of course, Speaker Gould is still too far away from the demigod, and he has not even formed his own rules.

"When you get promoted, I will prepare it for you!" David said casually.

At present, he can't supply "Super Spirit Red Wine" to others. On the one hand, it is true that the energy contained in "Super Spirit Red Wine" is too sufficient to be suitable for use by the legendary rank. On the other hand, he is also using a lot of "Super Spirit Red Wine". ', the premise of the resources sent is not to affect his own cultivation progress.

In the subsequent dishes, all vegetables are spiritual things, but the meat dishes that Speaker Gould likes are rarely touched. Even the meat dishes cooked by David far beyond the level of the "cooking master" are far inferior to those. The veggie vegetables were attracted to Speaker Gould.

Just as the dinner was about to end, news came from David's lord-level liaison circle. His spirit swept across the lord-level liaison circle, with a weird smile on his face.

Speaker Gould couldn't help being a little curious when he saw David put the lord-level liaison circle on the table.

This situation should be prepared for the remote transmission of small items. The lord-level contact circle has a built-in small item transmission circle. A planet-level portal must be nearby to open this small item transmission circle.

The news that David received was naturally the Temple of Earth, the Temple of Justice, the Temple of Wealth, and the Temple of Knowledge. The message congratulated David on becoming a demigod and delivered gifts on behalf of their respective temples, requesting the opening of a small item transmission circle.

David would not refuse the goodwill of the four great temples. He opened the small item transmission circle and agreed to the application of the four great temples.

Then, within the lord-level contact array, white light flashed continuously, and then four refined wooden boxes with the patterns of the four major temples appeared on the table.

Speaker Gould knew that the four temples were expressing their respective attitudes just now. It can be seen that the four temples were not malicious. David estimated that he would stay away from the gods once again, and avoid the hunting of the temples.

"It seems that the four great temples don't want to be evil with you!" Speaker Gould said with a sigh.

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