Extraordinary David

Chapter 1186: Release

It's not that the fifth-level bishop of Kulic didn't know that this was the territory of Lord Arthur, but he didn't care.

Perhaps Lord Arthur is very powerful, but as long as he awakens the "Storm God", Lord Arthur's strength is a joke.

Of course, there is a relationship between Kulic’s fifth-level bishop’s information obscuration. Although many news about Lord Arthur are widely circulated in the top aristocratic circle, it is still difficult to receive news from outside the top aristocratic circle.

There are very few followers of the "God of Storm". Even if the intelligence network developed by the fifth-level bishop of Kulich through threats and inducements, they can only get news from the middle and low-level nobles, but they can't get the news from the top nobles. obtain.

They dare to reach out to the top nobles, and it is extremely likely that they will endure the revenge of the top nobles.

As for the organization of "The Twilight of the Gods", the fifth-level bishop of Kulich also has too few believers in the "God of the Storm" in the great world of Gods, and has a weak voice in the "Twilight of the Gods".

Although the fifth-level bishop of Kulic is very strong, he lacks believers and alliances, and even the intelligence network of "Gods Twilight" cannot be accessed.

In ignorance, the fifth-level bishop of Kulich chose Lytton Star Tigett Island, and even for reasons of confidentiality, he did not pass the rest of the people in the "Gods Twilight".

Eventually everything went well, and a percentage of the population was sacrificed, and the'God of Storm' could be awakened immediately. The fifth-level bishop of Kulic was waiting to reappear the glorious era of faith in the'God of Storm'.

Standing next to the fifth-level bishop of Kulic is a fourth-level priest, and the remaining ten believers are about level one or two.

The thunderstorm did not affect the altar, and the outside of the altar and the altar were like two worlds.

The greatness of God made the fifth-level bishop of Kulich extremely excited. The thunderstorm that covered the entire Tijie Island was the power of the ‘God of Storm’ he borrowed through the altar, and this power made him think that this was mighty power.

Just when the fifth-level bishop of Kulic thought that his sacrificial activities would come to an end, the thunderstorm outside the altar suddenly stopped.

"My lord will walk on the earth, and all creatures will obey His words, and those who disobey will be punished by thunder and lightning!" The fifth-level bishop of Kulich and the other eleven believers chanted loudly.

They all thought this was a harbinger of the awakening of the "God of Storms", and success was imminent. They needed to express their faith in the "God of Storms".

It's just that something unexpected happened. Amidst the still thunderstorm outside the altar, a figure appeared from the void, standing outside the altar.

"Who are you?" The fifth-level bishop of Kulic asked with some horror at the people who appeared.

The power of the thunderstorm is known to the fifth-level bishop of Kulich, and even he, a fifth-level bishop who has practiced lightning magic, only dares to hide within the scope of the altar and be protected by the altar shield.

The power of thunderstorms continues to increase with the increase of time. The thunderstorm flashes continuously between the sky above Tijie Island and the ground, and each flash will increase the energy of lightning by one point.

Today, every lightning bolt in a thunderstorm has at least a fifth-level attack power, and the fifth-level bishop of Kulic can't hold it for long.

But the person who appeared, standing in the still thunderstorm, seemed to be actively dodged by lightning.

"Kill my leader in my territory, you are still asking who I am!" David said in a deep voice.

He didn't seem to see the altar shield in front of him, and walked forward while speaking. When the altar shield came into contact with his body, it broke open without any resistance.

David walked in front of the fifth-level bishop of Culich. His height was higher than that of the fifth-level bishop of Culich. Coupled with that unparalleled aura, the fifth-level bishop of Culich looked extremely short.

The fifth-level bishop of Kulic was trembling all over, he knew who was here.

Although the fifth-level bishop of Kulich didn't care about Lord Arthur when he determined that the target of the sacrificial offering was Lytton Singh Tije Island, Lord Arthur's fierce name shocked the ‘God Twilight’ organization.

The hairs on the entire body of the fifth-level bishop of Kulic were erected. This was not scary, but the impact of lightning energy after the altar lost its shield.

Although the thunderstorm outside the altar has stopped, it has not disappeared, and the terrifying lightning energy still exists.

Without the shield, the lightning did not flood in because it was in a static state, but the lightning energy affected twelve people.

The fifth-level bishop of Kulic and another fourth-level priest performed best, and the ten first-level and second-level followers of the evil **** fell to the ground in convulsions.

These Cthulhu followers are constantly paralyzed, making them feel that life is better than death.

He couldn't even make a scream, the only thing that could move was the involuntary whole body shaking under the influence of lightning energy.

"Lord Arthur, my lord is about to wake up..." The fifth-level bishop of Kulic was about to say something threatening, but just halfway through his words, David grabbed his neck and picked it up.

The remaining words were stuck in the throat of the fifth-level bishop of Kulic, unable to speak.

At this time, a terrifying power appeared on the idol, and David sensed a divine mind entering the idol.

David frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that the "God of Storm" would really wake up, and a spiritual thought came.

As soon as this divine mind appeared, it began to **** control of the surrounding lightning energy.

David’s “Electric Light Domain” is only a talent of the demigod, and is inherently weaker than the “God of Storm”’s ability to control lightning, but the power that the “God of Storm” can cast down is only legendary Order.

The demigod lightning talent ability of the demigod ranks against the legendary **** lightning talent ability, it is really hard to say who is strong and who is weak.

But David was not on the path of faith and becoming a god. Just when the spirit of the "God of Storm" appeared, he brought the fifth-level bishop of Kulich to the statue, and the statue did not officially descend. At that moment, six divine instruments, the'Chain of Death God' stretched out behind him, to tightly bind the statue.

The God of Storm, who was robbing David for control of the lightning, did not expect this to be the result. After being locked in by the magical instrument, the God of Death, the God of God could no longer control the lightning energy around him.

David has already had experience dealing with idols. Although the idol in front of him is an altar idol, not a real idol, but a prop to descend from the gods, the magical ‘Death Chain’ still has a strong effect on it.

"Little divine thoughts dare to appear in front of me!" David said in a deep voice.

He grabbed it casually and directly crushed the idol. The spirit of the'God of Storm' was exposed, and the Shadow Servant immediately rushed to absorb it.

The ‘God’s Breath Detection System’ of the five major temples sounded the alarm. Archbishop McIntyre of the Temple of War recently had an instinctive inertia towards this alarm bell.

"Which one of our planets has the trouble again?" Archbishop McIntyre asked loudly.

In the recent period, most of the surrenders of the evil gods caused by the followers of the evil gods have been in the areas managed by the war temple. This is precisely through the weak hands of the war temple.

So when the alarm bell rang, Archbishop McIntyre thought that it was the area of ​​the war temple that was in charge.

"Archbishop MacIntyre, it was Li Dunxing who posted the breath of the gods. According to the intensity, it should be the gods!" The priest reported immediately, but when he was reporting, the priest's expression changed slightly and said: "The breath of the gods disappeared. Strange!"

"Li Dunxing, which Cthulhu is so courageous?" Archbishop McIntyre was shocked. There was a Cthulhu who dared to engage in trouble on Lord Arthur's territory and even surrender. Isn't he afraid of his own divine mind?

As for what the priest said that the spirit of the gods disappeared, it goes without saying that Lord Arthur must have made the shot.

Otherwise, the gang of followers of the evil gods have spent such a great deal of work, and if the **** descends, the time for a few breaths will end, which is simply impossible.

Archbishop MacIntyre was a little sympathetic to the evil god, and the **** descended on Lord Arthur's territory, and it is very likely that he descended in front of Lord Arthur.

Not to mention the evil god, even the **** of war did not dare to descend in front of Lord Arthur.

However, after Archbishop MacIntyre thought about it this way, he immediately put aside this idea and began to chant the God of War "Book of God" softly in order to cleanse the blasphemous thoughts that had just arisen in his heart.

As for the emergence of evil gods, they have all appeared on Lord Arthur's territory, and their temples are still used.

Not only the war temple, the other four temples also did not investigate the location of the gods' breath, especially after a few breaths, the gods' aura disappeared, and it made the four big temples understand what happened.

Not to mention that the spirit of the gods disappeared, even if the spirit of the gods is still there, it is not the turn of the temple to take action to solve the trouble of Lord Arthur.

Lord Arthur currently has an extremely special status in the great world of Gods. It is precisely because of the large-scale actions of the followers of the Cthulhu that the Cthulhu has awakened one by one, so that the five temples have to fight with Lord Arthur, and do not want to fight both the Cthulhu and Lord Arthur.

So at least before the Cthulhu problem is resolved, Lord Arthur is another special existence outside the five great temples in the great world of Gods, and to some extent it is tied with the five great temples.

The fifth-level bishop of Kulic was caught by David. David did not seal his eyes and ears. He could see what happened.

The ‘God of Storm’, who was awakened after sacrificing the souls of millions of people on Tijie Island, was first suppressed by Lord Arthur when he was preparing to use his might to punish Lord Arthur.

This result is unacceptable to the fifth-level bishop of Kulic. In his cognition, the'God of Storm' is an invincible existence. In the doctrine, it is written that the'God of Storm' was wounded and sleeping by a sneak attack.

As long as the ‘God of Storm’ wakes up again, he can defeat the five great gods, regain his possession of the god-general world, and let faith spread in the god-general world.

But what happened before him subverted all three views of the fifth-level bishop of Kulic.

What is said to be invincible, and what is said to be strong, where are all going, Lord Arthur can't defeat it, can he still defeat the five gods?

The fifth-level bishop of Kulic felt deceived, and his faith was collapsing.

"Desecrate my lord, die!" The fourth-level priest on the side suddenly yelled like crazy, his hands flickered, and then an electric light appeared.

It's just that the electric light was short and small, and it dissipated after only protruding about a centimeter.

The fourth-level priest looked at his hand in disbelief. What he had just cast was lightning magic, which has a very strong offensive power. At the same time, because it is a magic technique, it is equivalent to borrowing the power of the "Storm God", so There are different powers according to the level.

This kind of magical technique that borrows from the gods cannot be affected in theory, that is to say, the power displayed is standard and will not be suppressed because of the strength of the enemy.

However, there is a huge gap between the power of the fourth-level priest and David. Coupled with the use of lightning magic in David's demi-god ‘Electric Light Realm’, the ability to appear that little lightning is the power of the magic.

Not to mention the divine arts performed by the fourth-level priests, that is, the "Storm God" divine mind wants to **** the control of the lightning energy with David, which is only five to five.

David didn't even have any interest in watching the four-level priests. Within his spiritual range, he could perceive the situation on Tijie Island.

If this is not his territory, he can leave this thunderstorm area.

The thunderstorm area here is affected by the "God of Storm". Without the influence of no one, the power will slowly weaken, which can last for decades. If the conditions are met during this period, a large amount of lightning energy will be added. Can form a long-lasting thunderstorm spectacle.

Tijet Island may meet this condition. There are many lightning in summer, and it is possible to supplement lightning energy.

But David was not prepared to leave this thunderstorm area. Leaving could only show the horror of the ‘God of Storm’, while removing it would show the power of Lord Arthur.

Thinking of this, David waved his hand, and the ‘Electric Light Realm’ shrank, and all the lightning energy covering the island of Tijie gathered towards him.

Those terrifying lightnings turned into dense electric snakes, making electrical noises that numb the scalp.

When the lightning approaches David, it is automatically absorbed by the "Lightning Pattern". The capacity of the "Lightning Pattern" is like infinite, and this opportunity to replenish lightning energy is also rare.

The fourth-level sacrificial cults and the ten first-level and second-level followers of evil gods on the ground were instantly turned into ashes under the impact of the concentrated lightning energy.

Only the fifth-level bishop of Culich was not affected by lightning because he was carried by David, but the mind of the fifth-level bishop of Culich was greatly impacted by seeing such a scene.

In the heart of the fifth-level bishop of Kulich, Lord Arthur is the real god. After his faith had just collapsed, faith was reborn in his heart.

David didn't know the idea of ​​the fifth-level bishop of Kulich in his hand. He was pulling away the lightning energy on Tijie Island and trying his best to restore the land, which was an important alchemical planting base.

Although everything on Tije Island was destroyed by lightning, David relied on the "Electric Light Realm" to recover all the lightning energy in the realm and restore the original state of the land without a problem.

With the concentration of lightning energy in the distance of Tijie Island, David had to lift into the air, otherwise the terrifying lightning energy might affect the ground under his feet. He was here to recover, not to destroy.

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