Extraordinary David

Chapter 1194: meet

In the sky, a knight seated a golden eagle and flew into the square of McKenna's family castle. At this time, the castle had no defenses, so the golden eagle was able to land in the square.

The knight jumped down when the golden eagle was still ten meters above the ground.

"Your Lord Speaker!" The knight ignored the other lords present, and went straight to Speaker Gould and bowed in salute.

"How's the investigation?" Speaker Gould asked directly without introducing him to the lord next to him.

"This is all the relevant information!" The knight took out a pile of information from the space item and handed it over.

Speaker Gould took the information and looked through it at random, then nodded and waved to the knight.

After the knight saw the salute, the golden eagle caught the knight and soared into the sky.

The lord present, including Lord Ludwig, did not ask much. Needless to say, this knight is a member of the intelligence organization. The'League of Dawn' and the intelligence system of the Supreme Council are all in the hands of Speaker Gould. It can be said that the whole **** The person in the great world who has the most secrets is Speaker Gould.

The intelligence system of the ‘Dawn Alliance’ alone is a combination of twelve powerful top noble intelligence organizations, coupled with the intelligence system of the Supreme Council, as long as Speaker Gould wants to know anything, he can be heard through the intelligence organization.

"Lord Ludwig, there was a big incident yesterday in Astar. Priest Johnston was assassinated. According to information from the Temple of War, there was a mark of the McKenna family left on the scene of the assassination!" Gould The speaker waved his hand, and an energy barrier surrounded all the lord, he said softly.

"Prince Johnston? I have never heard of this. This kind of planting method is too naive. Wouldn't the Temple of War slaughter the McKenna family based on this?" Lord Ludwig asked incredulously.

A premeditated assassination, how could it be possible to leave important physical evidence at the scene, or family imprints, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it was a fraudulent act.

"You forgot, the people in power in the Temple of War are not business-savvy people!" Speaker Gould shook his head lightly and reminded.

The capable priests and priests of the War Temple were almost completely killed by Lord Arthur. The Archbishop McIntyre who is now in power was not famous at all before, and did not have any achievements.

Even the bishops promoted by Archbishop McIntyre are extremely strange to the lords.

It does not necessarily mean that these new managers of the Temple of War have no brains, but many things that require experience cannot be figured out with wisdom.

Not to mention that from the low level to the high level, the sense of expansion is enough to affect the judgment of the wise.

"Also, the assassinated priest Johnston was not an unknown person. He wrote many temple works and was a master of theological theory. Although he did not know his name among the nobles, he was actually Very famous." Speaker Gould continued to explain.

"Then what to do? You can't let the Temple of War prevaricate with this reason!" Lord Ludwig said, shaking his head.

"Prince Johnston is a fourth-level sky knight. The location of the three fourth-level sky knights of the McKenna family when Johnston was assassinated, and the witnesses are all here. It can be confirmed that the McKenna family did not have the time to assassinate John. Officer Ston." Speaker Gould said lightly.

Having said that, Speaker Gould had a strange smile on his face.

"There is also this information for you. After a while, no matter who is from the Temple of War, this information can make the other party lose face!" Speaker Gould drew a copy from the information in his hand and handed it to Luther. Lord Vichy said.

Lord Ludwig had obtained the information and looked at it, and soon a strange color appeared on his face.

The other lords were a little curious, and took the information over. After reading them, they all had the same strange expressions.

"The Bishop of the Temple of War Absolun visits Lord Ludwig!" A voice came from outside the castle. In fact, as early as when Bishop Absolun was marching here, all the lords here felt it.

However, they were a little dissatisfied with the fact that the war temple sent a fourth-level priest to deal with this matter, so they did not stand up to welcome it.

Unexpectedly, it was a bishop. It is normal for a fourth-level priest to be a bishop. In the past, there were also fourth-level priests who became a bishop in the war temple, but they were all talents that were focused on training.

This unfamiliar fourth-level priest, judging from his age, did not look like an individual.

"Bishop Absolun, please come in!" Lord Ludwig did not come out to welcome him either, he said in a deep voice, inspiring blood.

Standing at the gate of the castle, Bishop Absolun was annoyed in his heart. He was the bishop of the Temple of War, with a high authority. This Lord Ludwig was too shameful to him.

But he was here to negotiate, and he couldn't turn around and leave before he started the negotiation, so there was no way to explain to Archbishop McIntyre when he returned.

Bishop Absolun looked at the six fourth-level priests behind him, who were responsible for protecting him, but the six fourth-level priests estimated that they could not even handle a finger of Lord Ludwig.

But with the current strength of the Temple of War, it was not easy to be able to send six fourth-level priests, and it was impossible to send him the few Templars.

Bishop Absolun thought for a moment that he belonged to the Temple of War, and in his heart he encouraged himself. No matter how the Lord Ludwig, he did not dare to touch him, the Bishop of the Temple of War.

Thinking of this, Bishop Absolun strode into the castle.

As soon as he entered the castle, he saw Officer Johnston who fell on the ground. Officer Johnston was the only fifth-level Templar in his hand, but now he fell on the ground and knew his life or death.

The rest of the knights were okay. At this time, they all squatted on the ground like a quail, and even Bishop Absolun didn't dare to look up.

Bishop Absolun frowned. He was extremely dissatisfied with these knights, who did not have the slightest dignity and courage.

Just as his gaze swept over the corpse on the side, his body shook a few times when he saw the people sitting behind him. If it weren't for a fourth-level priest behind him to help him, he would lose his stance on the spot. fallen.

Bishop Absolun saw Speaker Gould, and saw nine legendary lords including Lord Ludwig.

It was only now that he understood why the knights didn't even dare to lift their heads.

Not to mention those knights, no knight dare to look up in front of ten legendary knights.

Forcibly stabilized his emotions, Bishop Absolun began to comfort himself, it was only Speaker Gould here, the terrifying Lord Arthur was not here.

After such psychological comfort, Bishop Absolun found that he was not as afraid as before.

"I have seen Speaker Gould, Lord Ludwig, and Lord Lords!" Bishop Absolun saluted.

"I came here with a few lords just to be a testimony. Bishop Absolun should talk to Lord Ludwig. Let's watch!" Speaker Gould waved.

Speaker Gould did not have the slightest respect for Bishop Absolun, and Bishop Absolun did not feel angry at all. In front of Speaker Gould, Bishop Absolun was very rectifying his position.

Who is Speaker Gould? That is the Speaker of the Supreme Council, who is in charge of the'Knight Prohibition Card'. More importantly, this is a good friend of Lord Arthur. With this alone, Bishop Absolun dare not say anything. Speaker Gould has any complaints.

"Lord Ludwig, the Temple of War captured the McKenna family because of the assassination of Priest Johnston. We have evidence that the assassination of Priest Johnston was done by the McKenna family. Please let go of everything. The priest!" Bishop Absolun turned to Lord Ludwig and said in a deep voice.

"Is your so-called evidence of the assassination of Priest Johnston a piece of clothing with markings? That is to say, after someone killed Priest Johnston, they tore off their clothing at the scene?" Rudd Lord Vichy asked in a mocking tone.

"Lord Ludwig, Priest Johnston is a pious priest. We found that he had a conflict with the McKenna family, not just the physical evidence left at the scene." Bishop Absolun gritted his teeth.

Bishop Absolun also discovered at this time that their evidence was somewhat problematic.

But everything has been done, it can't be said that the killing was wrong.

A group of novices without any experience will inevitably make mistakes when encountering such a designed case.

In fact, the person who designed this case also took into account the situation in the temple of war, and only then would he have the current result.

"Priest Johnston is a pious priest. This is your pious priest. Let's see what Johnston did!" Lord Ludwig threw a piece of information in his hand to Bishop Absolun sarcastically.

Bishop Absolun received the information and saw that it was recorded that Priest Johnston was raising a group of women in a villa in the main city of Asing. These women were all missing women in the main city.

Bishop Absolun couldn't believe the information in his hand. How could the priest Johnston be such a person, and how could he be such a person with such a profound understanding of gods.

"Does it need to be confirmed? Now the Noble Affairs Office, the main city law enforcement team and several noble representatives from the main city are all going to the villa, or Bishop Abu Solon will come and have a look?" Lord Ludwig continued to pursue.

These pieces of information were actually all that Speaker Gould ordered the intelligence organization in his hand to start a comprehensive investigation of all the information of the War Temple after he had a violent relationship with the War Temple.

Every war temple is investigated, and the war temple in the main city of Axing is naturally within it.

Officer Johnston’s investigation is also part of it, but if Speaker Gould doesn’t care, the information of Officer Johnston will not be reported to him.

We must know that the entire war temple is too large, and there is too much darkness involved.

"I need to investigate to get back to you, but anyway, there are always assassinations. The priests are just dealing with the assassins!" Bishop Absolun said with some lack of confidence.

"I can provide the location and witnesses of the three sky knights of the McKenna family yesterday when the priest Johnston was assassinated. Bishop Absolun, you can also provide corresponding evidence. I will ask Speaker Gould to testify. Bishop Lun is still not satisfied, I can ask the archbishops of the other four temples to come and help preside over the notarization!" Lord Ludwig said in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute, I want to ask Bishop Absolun, when can the Temple of War kill the nobles without trial? Is the Temple of War used to deal with the nobles like this?" Speaker Gould interjected suddenly.

This sentence was very heavy, and Bishop Absolun's expression tightened.

Bishop Absolun could not answer. This action was originally an act of revenge. If the relationship between the War Temple and the Supreme Council is not so tense, the War Temple will not act alone, at least it will notify the Supreme Council.

"These priests are all left for a fair trial. If the Temple of War is not at ease, you can send someone to participate in the trial!" Speaker Gould continued.

His words were determined in one word, and Lord Ludwig showed gratitude. It was Speaker Gould who came forward to take over the trouble of these priests.

"President Gould, are you the highest council of representatives?" Bishop Absolun was silent for a long time before asking aloud.

"I represent the Supreme Council, represent myself, or Bishop Absolun thinks I am not qualified? I can ask Lord Arthur to come and talk to you!" Speaker Gould replied in a deep voice.

After Speaker Gould uttered the name of Lord Arthur, Bishop Absolun only felt dizzy in his brain.

The biggest note of the Temple of War in recent times is not to be an enemy of Lord Arthur. Anything related to Lord Arthur must be concessioned and not to provoke Lord Arthur.

This is a metaphor for the God of War. With the release of the metaphor, the fear of Lord Arthur by the priests and priests of the Temple of War reached the extreme.

Lord Arthur, who can make the gods of war surrender, in the hearts of the priests and priests of the temple of war, Lord Arthur is the demon who can oppose the **** of war.

This kind of inexorable evil, accompanied by a large number of powerful men in the temple of war, fell into the hands of Lord Arthur, making Lord Arthur's evil name even worse.

Outsiders can't imagine the fear of Lord Arthur in the Temple of War, which is a fear that can be compared to belief in the God of War.

When Bishop Absolun heard Lord Arthur coming over to discuss with him, he didn't even hear what Speaker Gould said casually, and his brain went blank.

Not only Bishop Absolun, but the six priests behind him were all pale, with fear flashing in their eyes.

Speaker Gould glanced at Lord Ludwig and the other lords. They didn't expect that just the name of Lord Arthur would make the bishops and priests of the Temple of War react like this.

The priests and priests of the Temple of War had to fear Lord Arthur before this happened.

"We need to go back and discuss it!" Bishop Absolun finally recovered his mind, he said in a hurry, and left with six fourth-level priests.

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