Extraordinary David

Chapter 1198: collapse

David played with the artifact "Phantom Necklace", and lost the ‘God of Fear’’s master-recognition mentality. His spirit easily entered the master’s recognition circle, making this magical “Phantom Necklace” completely belong to him.

The "Phantom Necklace" can change its appearance and breath at will. It also has a certain effect on hiding the breath. If it is used in conjunction with the artifact "Crown of Traces", the effect will be even better.

David didn't have any need to change his appearance. Let alone a demigod, he was an ordinary knight. As long as he was stronger, he could change his muscles to a certain extent, thus achieving the purpose of changing his appearance.

But changing the breath is a bit special. The breath is equal to a person's business card, representing this person, and changing the breath is to impersonate someone.

David has never seen this artifact "Phantom Necklace" in books, perhaps because he has not read enough books, but it is more likely that this artifact has not been made public.

An artifact like this kind of effect will be guarded once the effect is made public.

David has no need for the rest. He doesn't need to change his breath and pretend to be someone else. The only function he needs is to hide his breath, so that the exploration of the rules of the world from God's great world cannot accurately locate him.

Now, no matter where he is, he has to wear the divine tool ‘Crown of Traces’ to prevent the God of War from finding an accurate position.

On the other side, the ‘God of Fear’ has withdrawn his mind, and he is still a little afraid.

The loss of the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers is nothing. The belief in the "God of Fear" has been spreading well. It is not difficult to re-train a fifth-level bishop by expending some power of faith to grant some divine grace.

The fear behind the "God of Fear" is that he will continue to be tough. Lord Arthur can definitely get the position of the Temple of Fear from the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers.

Just like the hapless "God of Storm", even the last temple could not be kept.

However, in the eyes of the “God of Fear”, the “God of Storm” also asked for himself. The believers of the “God of Storm” found the wrong place for sacrifice. On the land of Lord Arthur, the leader of Lord Arthur The people have sacrificed, and it is normal that Lord Arthur and the "God of Storm" are immortal.

The conversation between the "God of Fear" and Lord Arthur was very short, but in this short period of time, the "God of Fear" understood the temper of Lord Arthur.

That was a lawless guy, he definitely dared to fight face-to-face with the gods, and the most frightening thing was that he really had such strength.

Lord Arthur plus the black dragon Alexis, anyway, the ‘God of Fear’ does not want to be an enemy of him. You must know that the ‘God of Fear’ cannot allow the gods to enter the world of God’s Great World Lord.

Therefore, if you are an enemy of Lord Arthur, you will only be passively beaten.

The more the ‘God of Fear’ thought about it, the more he felt uneasy. He moved his mind and made a decision.

The fifth-level bishop of Jeffers was tied to a special chair, and his hands, neck, and feet were tied with special chains.

These chains are full of patterns, and the patterns are shining at this time, making the fifth-level bishop Jeffers unable to mobilize even a trace of energy.

These chains are the tools of the Supreme Council for dealing with the strong, and they are not simple to play a role. They need to work with the patterned array of the entire room to limit the energy in the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers.

"Jeffers fifth-level bishop, let me talk about why you want to assassinate the Leon Templars. You haven't done much in the past thousand years, and being a killer is even rarer!" Speaker Gould asked in a deep voice.

Speaker Gould has information about the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers. This fifth-level evil **** believer is extremely low-key and doesn't make many shots.

So although there is a wanted for the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers, the wanted merits are not too many. With the strength of the fifth-level bishop, the wanted merits are not enough for the strong to take action.

This is also the life-saving method of the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers. He will carefully calculate the impact on himself every time he moves, and will not let his rewards reach a dangerous level.

"Speaker Gould, don't ask me any questions, whatever you want to do!" Jeffers fifth-level bishop said very simply.

Speaker Gould frowned slightly. He knew that it was not easy to get something from the fifth-level bishop Jeffers. This kind of old monster that had lived for thousands of years had no use for physical punishment. Those who are spiritually gifted, using mental interrogation methods are equally useless.

"Then I have no choice but to hand you over to the Temple of War!" Speaker Gould shook his head and said.

The fifth-level bishop of Jeffers kept silent, seeming not to fear the threat of Speaker Gould.

Speaker Gould took out the speaker and contacted the circle and contacted Archbishop McIntyre. This is the last chance for the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers. If he does not answer any questions, Speaker Gould will really hand it over to Archbishop McIntyre. .

The fifth-level bishop of Jeffers just sat, and even closed his eyes.

Speaker Gould entered a message in the contact circle, explaining to Archbishop MacIntyre that the murderer of the Leon Templar had been caught and could be handed over to the Temple of War at any time.

While Speaker Gould was waiting for the restoration of the Temple of War, the fifth-level bishop Jeffers suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with fear.

"Why, scared?" Speaker Gould was a little surprised by the reaction of the fifth-level bishop Jeffers. He thought it was the fifth-level bishop Jeffers who was worried about being sent to the temple of war.

But soon Speaker Gould discovered that the situation was not right, and the breath of the fifth-level bishop Jeffers was rapidly weakening.

It is necessary to know that in this highest-scale interrogation room of the Supreme Council, bound by a few patterns and chains, according to the truth, the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers could not do it if he wanted to commit suicide.

But in front of him, the breath of the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers was constantly weakening. Under the mental perception of Speaker Gould, he felt that this was the internal collapse of the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers.

"I heard that you caught Jeffers fifth-level Cthulhu followers, Archbishop Barney confessed to me to ask for Jeffers fifth-level Cthulhu followers!" At this time, news came from Speaker Gould’s speaker-level contact formation. He is Bishop Bolling of the Temple of the Earth.

Bishop Bolling was not very polite to Speaker Gould, because privately they had an excellent relationship, and they were brothers.

"Bolin, look at what's going on with Jeffers' fifth-level Cthulhu followers?" Speaker Gould didn't even think about how Bishop Bolin knew about this. He quickly opened the contact circle and called Jeff The situation of the fifth-level bishop of Sri Lanka and the convulsions was transmitted to Bishop Bolin in real time.

"How is it possible? This is the Cthulhu who is a believer of Jeffers fifth-level Cthulhu who abandoned him. His body should have been decayed long ago, but because the Cthulhu forcibly used his divine power to maintain his body indestructible through divine grace, he was allowed to live.

Now that Cthulhu wants to abandon the followers of Jeffers Level 5 Cthulhu, and withdraw the divine power bestowed by God, naturally his body will not be able to support it, and collapse is inevitable! Bishop Bolin explained to Speaker Gould while transferring the image to another patterned card.

There are not many attempts by the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers, but one of them was related to Archbishop Barney, who was still very young.

Although Archbishop Barney has been trying to capture the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers for so many years, but how easy it is, even as the archbishop of the Earth Temple, Archbishop Barney can't find the trace of the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers.

The nobles have eyes and ears in the temple, and the temple does not have eyeliners in the nobles. Such a big thing happened on the Supreme Council. Although the four major temples did not participate, they were paying attention in their own way.

After hearing that the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers had been arrested, Archbishop Barney finally did not hold back and made a request through Bishop Bolling.

Speaker Gould heard Bishop Bolin's explanation and shook his head helplessly. In this case, he had no good way, and could only watch the fifth-level Bishop Jeffers slowly die.

"I recorded the death process of the followers of the fifth-level Jeffers, I believe it will satisfy the Archbishop Barney!" Bishop Boleyn did not propose to ask for the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers, he said with a smile.

Speaker Gould disconnected from Bishop Bolling, and at this time the reply from the Temple of War arrived, and the fifth-level Bishop Jeffers handed it over to the Supreme Council for trial.

In fact, Archbishop MacIntyre in the Temple of War really wanted to come back in person, but as long as he thought of Lord Arthur being here, he didn't have any idea of ​​coming back.

Even in the entire war temple, there are no priests and priests willing to come at this time.

Archbishop MacIntyre also knew that the murderer was caught, so the Supreme Council was at best a little negligent, failing to guard the Leon Templars, and the murderer was a believer in the evil **** and an enemy of the temple itself. The biggest responsibility cannot be transferred. The Supreme Council.

Besides, the Leon Templars have fallen. Archbishop MacIntyre doesn't want to come forward for the ordinary priests. The temple of war now does not have that kind of confidence, for the ordinary priests to completely break with the Supreme Council.

On the contrary, Archbishop McIntyre is sometimes still fortunate that Leon Templar was not tried. In fact, it was the best result. Otherwise, Archbishop McIntyre would really have to turn his face with the Supreme Council for this fifth-level Templar priest. It will be even more unbearable.

What the Temple of War needs now is a period of recovery, to restore the number of its own powerhouses to the previous scale, or even more, to be able to suppress the Supreme Council.

The most regrettable thing about Archbishop McIntyre is the number of envoys in his hand, and there are only three envoys left in the war temple.

The strength of these three divine envoys are very weak, and the strength that the divine surrender exerts is not to mention, at most it can suppress a legendary knight.

And because of the weak strength of the three divine envoys, the three divine envoys are almost consumables, and each time the divine envoy drops against a legendary knight, one divine envoy will be lost.

This is not before, when the highest level of the gods in the great world was only level five. At that time, even the weakest divine envoy, the gods would be able to solve the level five opponents without much effort after a single drop.

But dealing with legendary knights requires more consumption, which is not something that a weak divine envoy can bear.

Archbishop McIntyre had the idea of ​​reviving the temple of war in his heart, but without the corresponding strength in his hands, he could only tolerate it.

Speaker Gould summoned the knights to clean up the corpses in the interrogation room. Perhaps it could no longer be said to be a corpse. After the body of the fifth-level bishop Jeffers collapsed, only a few fragments remained.

In the speaker's office, David felt the Shadow Servant suddenly fly out, and then absorbed a soul.

Since his mental range reached one thousand meters, this kind of thing has happened frequently. As long as there is death within one thousand kilometers, the Shadow Servant will instantly appear in the death within one thousand kilometers. Place, absorb the soul.

David himself had no need for soul energy, all of which was digested by the Shadow Servant.

This time David was surprised that the soul he had absorbed was a fifth-level soul with the origin of a fifth-level soul. A move in his heart knew that this was the fall of the fifth-level bishop Jeffers.

He couldn't help sighing the cruelty of Speaker Gould's actions, and directly killed the fifth-level bishop of Jeffers.

David didn't know that it was precisely because he informed the ‘God of Fear’ that he was afraid of the ‘God of Fear’ and abandoned the fifth-level bishop Jeffers who might reveal the location of the Temple of Fear.

The trial court restarted, and the entire trial process went smoothly.

Archbishop MacIntyre did not come, and no representatives from the Temple of War came, which made the trial process without any waves.

The chief justice and the four judges made the verdict through the evidence provided by the Noble Affairs Office and the Law Enforcement Office under the observation of the nobles.

All priests who participated in the slaughter of the McKenna family will be stripped of their bloodlines and sent to the Mineral Star to mine until death.

The justice also took into account the reasons for the temple of war, and did not directly sentence 86 priests to be strangled.

But the deprivation of blood is no more relaxed than strangling on the spot. Most knights would rather die than be deprived of blood.

After losing his bloodline and being sent to Mineral Star, these priests won't live long.

The environment of the mineral star is extremely harsh, and stronger people can't bear it. It is a blessing to be able to live there for a year without blood.

The verdict was reported to the Temple of War and the other four temples. For this well-founded verdict, the four temples had no objections, nor could they raise any objections.

There was no direct response from the Temple of War, which seemed to have acquiesced to this result.

But many people in the Great World of Gods have seen one thing, that is, an extremely obvious rift has occurred between the Temple of War and the nobles, especially between the Supreme Council.

Only a few people guessed that the pupa who started this rift was an evil god, but even if they knew this, it could not affect the creation of the rift between the temple of war and the nobles.

Among the nobles, at least there is a lot less respect for the war temple. In the eyes of the nobles, the war temple is slowly losing its superiority and turning into an enemy of the nobles.

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