Extraordinary David

Chapter 831: meet

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David looked helplessly at the huge Baruch Castle, the main castle belonging to the top noble Baruch family. Lord Marcus's body was not in it.

Where did he know that since McPhee's fifth-level Templars decided to participate in the task of attacking him, the Baruch family made the worst plan.

Judging from David's past record, he has a very strong assassination ability, but this assassination ability also needs to find a target to be able to perform.

Therefore, the response of the Baruch family is that the body of Lord Marcus is hidden, leaving only the energy identity in the family castle.

David did not frighten the snake, he quietly withdrew from Baruch Castle, but he did not leave like this.

According to the information of the Baruch family, this lord Marcus is in a bad state. If the energy avatar of the lord Marcus is killed, then the lord of Marcus does not say that there is a problem immediately, at least it will make him very There is no energy avatar available for a long time.

Due to the size of the Baruch family, if Lord Marcus does not appear for a long time, it will inevitably affect the Baruch family. David believes that Lord Marcus ’s body cannot be hidden for too long and will appear actively.

David ’s incarnation, an underground electric light moves quickly with the talent of ‘Underground Potential’ and returned to the planetary portal again.

He observed the situation near the planet-level portal through the eyes of the shadow attendant. The highest knights arranged here are only three-level earth knights, and the rest are formal knights, adding up to about sixty.

These knights are distributed near the planet-level portal. Their mission is to alert them when they find danger.

In such a scattered situation, even if the fifth-level Templar knight arrives, these knights cannot be wiped out in a flash.

What the Baruch family really needs to protect is the main castle, so the main castle that is thousands of kilometers away is the focus of safety. In addition, the main castle is close to here, so you can come to support it at any time.

After checking the environment, David came to the bottom of the planetary portal, which is exactly the center of the entire area, and the knights defending the portal are all within 500 meters.

Under the cover of the space-energy white light of the planetary portal, a faint black pattern rose from the ground.

This is when David activated the "hypnosis" talent ability, and the "hypnosis pattern" emerged.

A wave of almost undetectable energy swept through more than sixty knights here. These knights were inexplicably affected by the energy, and their eyes were hollow.

The super five-level talent of the God of Plague, Gladstone, has terrifying power, especially for these low-level knights for David, and it really became silent.

Even the third and fourth-level knights who patrolled the ground and the sky thousands of kilometers away did not notice the anomalies here.

David felt that his soul was connected to more than sixty souls, and these souls were forcibly sealed by the hypnotic pattern, leaving only the command of the command.

His mind moved, and there were more than sixty souls in the soul space, which controlled these knights separately.

More than 60 knights still continue to guard the planetary portal, but their movement has changed, and they are forming a complex knight battle array.

Even if the strength of these knights is weak, the knight battle formation composed of more than sixty knights can still exert the power of the fourth-level peak.

Of course, the power of this fourth-level peak can only erupt in an instant. It is not realistic to want to persist for a long time, because David uses the master-level `` knight battle array '' to arrange a short-term knight battle array.

In an attack, the power of more than half of the knights' bloodline is instantly excited, and then a more advanced bloodline power is assembled through the knight battle array to implement a powerful attack.

Subsequently, an alchemical feather pen appeared on the ground, and began to draw patterns on the ground of the planetary portal.

This is David's use of the Shadow Attendant to draw a pattern. This is a confinement pattern, borrowing the pattern energy around the planetary portal.

After ten minutes of drawing, the newly drawn patterns on the ground flashed slightly. These patterns were hidden in the patterns on the ground. If you are not an alchemist who knows the alchemy patterns very well, you ca n’t see the ground. Differences from before.

Lord Marcus' energy avatar has not returned yet. David sees that there is still time. He cast his gaze on the 'Starship'.

This ‘Starship’ has been stopped here since Lord Marcus did not speak, and the rest did not move it.

'Starry Skyship' has no attack ability, but this is not to say that the energy in 'Starry Skyship' is weak, on the contrary, 'Starry Skyship' has the most powerful energy control system, using precious alchemy materials, 'Starry Sky Boat' can burst out in a short time Super energy.

The Shadow Attendant flew into the 'Starry Skyship', and various patterns were constantly added inside the 'Starry Skyship', changing the role of the 'Starry Skyship'.

Lord Marcus's energy avatar passed through the planetary portal, from Baruch star to the main city of the shining star, this is the seat of the highest council, he came here to want to see Speaker Abbe.

"Lord Marcus the Great, you have not made an appointment, Lord Speaker is approving the official document, please wait a moment, I will prepare a drink for you!" Speaker Abbe's housekeeper blocked Lord Marcus outside the Speaker's Office of the Supreme Council, Bowed and said.

Lord Marcus' visit was too sudden. Speaker Abbe was dealing with affairs. At this time, it was not easy to disturb. Speaker Abbe's temper was not good, and the housekeeper did not want to touch this mold.

But the status of Lord Marcus is also extremely high, which makes the housekeeper have to deal with it carefully.

"You immediately inform Speaker Abbe, I have something to see him!" Lord Marcus Shen Sheng said.

Lord Marcus was still pressing his anger at this time. If it wasn't for the majesty of Speaker Abbe, he had already intruded directly.

The steward was also flexible in mind, and listening to Lord Marcus's tone, he knew that there must be something extremely important.

"Please wait a moment!" He said apologetically, then turned to the office door and tapped on the alchemy circle on the door.

"What's the matter?" There was an unpleasant voice from Speaker Abbe.

"Lord Marcus sees you!" The butler reported respectfully.

With a ‘click’, the door opened and Speaker Abbe also appeared as an energy avatar.

"Lord Marcus, how come you come to me?" Speaker Abbe greeted Lord Marcus with a smile.

"McPhee fell!" Lord Marcus said without a smile on his face, he said in a deep voice.

"Butler, let me know, I will need to hold a remote meeting with my allies in half an hour!" Speaker Aibe's face changed, and he glanced at the butler.

After speaking, he let Lord Marcus enter the office and closed the door.

The steward's eyes are fixed. The League meeting can be said to be a small Supreme Council meeting. In the past, as long as the resolution passed at the League meeting was almost certainly passed at the Supreme Council.

This is also one of the highest standard meetings in the secular world of the gods. Suddenly convening a meeting of this level represents an extremely serious situation.

"Lord Marcus, you will talk about the fall of McPhee. You can rest assured that I will not let McPhee sacrifice in vain!" Speaker Abbe arranged for Lord Marcus to sit down on the sofa and sit on Marcus himself. Said across from Lord Lord.

How Lord Marcus discovered McPhee's "Starship" and the process of contacting the Templar Knights of Algernon and the Templar Knights of Gerald.

At this time, he needed the support of Speaker Abbe and borrowed the power of the top nobles to overcome the difficulties of the family.

Of course, this is the most ideal choice. Once Speaker Abbe has turned his face and refused to recognize people, he will spread Speaker Abbe and the whole story, and it will not be his family.

"Duke Arthur is really well-deserved and cunning enough to hide in advance, it seems that someone leaked the information in advance!" Speaker Abbe heard Lord Marcus's account, and his face was not good-looking.

In his view, the six tier five Templars ambushed in the best ambush area, this is a deadly game.

Duke Arthur was able to escape, it must have received the news in advance.

This is what Speaker Abe is angry, but his heart is also very strange, who leaked this news, to know that any of their top aristocratic lords in the alliance of top noble powers have had more than decades of friendship, to talk about Inter-family communication can last more than a thousand years.

It can be said that their top noble forces share common interests, and all members will not harm their own interests.

"Speaker Abbe, what are you going to do?" Lord Marcus Shen Sheng asked.

"Lord Marcus, you just heard that. I will hold a meeting of lords to discuss how to deal with this matter. Duke Arthur is good at assassination, but he is only a person, and we have the strongest gods in the world. Alliance and strength! "Speaker Abbe said with a smile on his face.

Actually, Speaker Abbe's heart was not comfortable. If possible, he didn't want to tear his face with Duke Arthur in the face, which would make him a direct target of Duke Arthur.

Before knowing Duke Arthur's true hole cards, any Templar Knight of the 5th level did not want to be the target of Duke Arthur's assassination.

"McPhee fell because of the alliance mission. I hope that the alliance can help the Baruch family, at least guarantee the family's interests until there is a fifth-level Templar knight!" Lord Marcus said his conditions.

"Lord Marcus, I will propose it at the meeting and try my best to achieve the proposal!" Speaker Abbe considered it and nodded.

At this time, the hearts of allies cannot be hurt. In any case, the Baruch family and Lord Marcus, the fifth-level Templar, cannot move the Baruch family at least until Lord Marcus does not shut down. beneficial.

Besides, the rest of the top aristocrats need to contribute, even if they are doing things, they must show care for the Baruch family.

"Then I'm going back to the meeting!" Lord Marcus didn't mean to stay any longer, nor could he participate in the remote meeting here.

Lord Marcus walked out of the Supreme Council and looked back at the building representing the supreme authority of the great world. This majestic building built on the scale of the temple shook his head again and flew into the direction of the portal.

After seeing Lord Marcus, the teleportation staff set the teleport destination for him in advance. He stepped into the portal and the figure disappeared into the portal.

The light flashes on the planetary portal, and the space energy gathers inward, and then a body composed of energy appears.

Lord Marcus' energy avatar was wrapped in space energy. He waited for two seconds and allowed the space energy to slowly dissipate. In the process, he was still thinking about what Speaker Abbe was talking to him.

The electro-optical light that David turned at this time was at the foot of the position where Lord Marcus appeared, which was his calculated position.

Just as the space energy that protected him from Lord Marcus disappeared, more than sixty knights simultaneously stimulated the power of the bloodline, and a bright white bloodline power turned into a long sword and struck Lord Marcus.

At the same time as more than sixty knights shot, the patterns on the ground also flickered. Numerous patterns of imprisonment formed the imprisoned circle. The goal was Lord Marcus.

The energy inside the "Starship" parked aside is also a surge of energy. A terrifying energy was instantly mobilized and struck Lord Marcus.

"Dare you!" Lord Marcus did not expect his clan knight to attack him. He roared, and an energy armor composed of the power of the fifth-level bloodline appeared.

This is the savvy of Lord Marcus. He does not believe that the family knights will attack him for no reason. The attacks of more than sixty knights will not cause him much damage. There must be a back hand.

Sure enough, Lord Marcus, who was about to move, sensed a force of imprisonment, making his figure stagnate.

Lord Marcus was cold-hearted. With a wave of his hand, he dispelled the full blow of more than sixty knights who gathered the power of blood. This is still the case where he retained most of his strength to deal with the rest of the attacks.

At this time, the energy beam from the "Starship" came to the front, and Lord Marcus opened his palms, and a group of fifth-level blood vessels turned into an energy shield in front of him.

After the "Starship" emits this energy, many of the internal patterns suddenly burst, which is caused by mobilizing a large amount of energy beyond the limit.

From here, we can see how powerful the energy emitted by the "Starship" is. It hits the palm of the Marcus collar.

If possible, Lord Marcus did not want to resist this energy at all, but he was restricted by the imprisoned pattern.

Although the imprisonment of the imprisoned pattern could be lifted as long as Lord Marcus struggled, the time designed by David did not leave him the time to struggle, and the continuous attack was endless, like the place of mercury.

The energy shield of the fifth-level bloodline in the palm of Lord Marcus collided with the energy beam emitted by the "Starship", and the huge impact caused the energy shield of the fifth-level bloodline to collapse, but it was also resisting Energy beam.

It was just an effort to make Lord Marcus' figure back involuntarily.

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