Extraordinary David

Chapter 833: attack

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In front of the Baruch star-level portal, the energy avatar of Lord Marcus was instantly destroyed. This process was all seen by the fourth-level sky knights flying in the sky thousands of kilometers away.

Suddenly the alarm sounded, and thirty-five fourth-level sky knights in the sky came together at a very fast speed.

Thirty-five fourth-level sky knights knew they would never destroy the energy avatars of Marcus Lords, so they would never be weak, so as they assembled, they formed a knight battle formation in the sky.

The third-level earth knights inside and outside of Baruch Castle are slower, but they are also rushing over quickly.

David ignored the Baruch family knight who was coming over. He came to the planet-level portal, and his spirit swept over the planet-level portal. The light of the planet-level portal quickly dimmed.

He used his "alchemy master" ability to forcibly close the planetary portal and cut off the connection between Baruch Star and the outside world.

Of course, with the financial resources of the top nobles of the Baruch family, there is definitely not only one portal on the Baruch star, but David does not believe that the Baruch family will place the two portals very close.

When he used a shadow attendant to inspect Baruch Castle, he did not find there were small and medium portals there.

David closed the planetary portal, at least the area can be cut off from the outside world.

In a moment, thirty-five level four sky knights had reached the top of their heads and were about to dive to him. The hundreds of level three earth knights on the other side also formed a large knight battle formation, about 600 meters away from him.

When David waved his hand, four phantoms appeared, and it was four energy avatars.

At the same time, he also rose into the air, his wings spread out behind him, and around him were 96 black spears.

After showing this state, David is not prepared to stay alive, he needs to kill all the creatures here in the shortest time, and he cannot expose his ability.

Ninety-six black spears formed a knightly battle array and shot at thirty-five fourth-level sky knights.

These fourth-level sky knights have long formed a knight battle formation, and an energy shield composed of blood power has appeared in front of them, blocking 96 black spears.

"You are a believer in evil spirits!" There are four levels of sky knights shouted.

In the world of gods, those who can use this kind of spiritual manipulation ability and have powerful powers, in addition to the magic arts of the temple sacrifice, are believers in evil spirits.

Therefore, the fourth-level sky knight is called like this, which is why David does not want to reveal his talent.

Even if David had the power to kill the five ranks of Templars and fight against the top nobles, he would not dare to reveal the secrets of his spiritual talents, that would become the public enemy of the godly world.

David heard a mocking smile from the fourth-level sky knight.

Countless lightnings appeared on his hands, and these lightnings jumped around his hands like a cheerful child.

At this time, David activated the "mutated lightning" talent ability, which was called from the "lightning pattern" in the soul space.

Perhaps the power of 'mutated lightning' is not great, but the most powerful of 'mutated lightning' is not destructive power, but penetrating power.

With the wave of David's hands, more than a hundred "mutated lightning" flew out. These "mutated lightning" ignored the shield formed by the power of the bloodline, and ignored the fourth-grade armor of the knight.

As the thirty-five fourth-level sky knights were charging downwards, when the "mutated lightning" touched their bodies, they were allowed to stagnate, and the knight battle array suddenly appeared chaotic.

Ninety-six black spears, with four energy avatars, rushed into the thirty-five fourth-level sky knights and launched the slaughter.

Most of the fourth-level sky knights affected by ‘mutation lightning’ did not fully recover from that paralysis, but were hit by energy clones and black spears.

There are some fourth-level sky knights who got rid of the paralysis effect, but they are also struggling in vain.

In fact, David wanted to make a quick decision, otherwise, only four energy avatars were enough to kill thirty-five fourth-level sky knights.

The battle in the sky is just about to end. The hundreds of third-level earth knights on the ground have gathered a dreadful powerful bloodline, only three hundred meters away from David.

David's spirit moved, and a 'hypnotic pattern' flew out. To deal with these knights whose spirit and strength are much worse than him, the role of 'hypnotic pattern' is more effective.

"Defense!" Shouted the three-level earth knight who led the knight battle.

He didn't know what the weird pattern was, but he understood that today's opponents were too terrible and needed to go all out.

Hundreds of third-level earth knight charge knights appeared with a blood power shield before the battle, blocking the 'hypnotic pattern'.

The "Hypnotic Pattern" did not continue to come closer, but it glowed gray in front of the shield of blood power, and the light gray energy scattered.

Since David's "hypnosis" talent ability level exceeds five, this is far from the blood power shield gathered by the third-level earth knight can block its power.

The scattered light gray energy passed through the shield outside the knight battle array and entered the knight battle array, turning into an invisible shadow into the soul of some third-level earth knights.

These three-level earth knights affected by the "hypnotic pattern" suddenly stopped their bodies together. The knight battle formation composed of hundreds of third-level earth knights was completely divided by these hypnotized knights.

When the third-level earth knight who is still in a normal state is a bit strange what happened, the more light gray energy emitted by the "hypnotic pattern" continuously enters the soul of more third-level earth knights.

After five breaths, hundreds of third-level earth knights controlled the warhorse beneath them and stopped at a position 100 meters away from David. They bowed their heads to perform the knight salute, just like meeting their noble master.

Thirty-five level four sky knights in the sky were all killed. Ninety-six black spears and four energy avatars joined together and lost the protection of the knight battle formation. These level four sky knights are like lambs to be slaughtered. .

The Shadow Servant constantly absorbs the soul of the fourth-level sky knight, and then separates its space objects and corpses.

David hovered in the air and waved his hand. More than 60 knights who originally guarded the planet-level portal joined the knight battle formation of the third-level earth knights, forming a group of up to 432 knights. The formation of knight battle.

"Offense!" David Shen ordered.

The knights urged the warhorse beneath them. The horse first trot, then accelerated, and quickly reached the highest speed. Their goal was Baruch Castle.

David is faster than these knights, and he came to the castle thousands of kilometers away with four energy avatars in a flash.

The defense of Baruch Castle is fully open, and the thickness of the energy shield alone can allow the fifth-level Templar to spend some time before breaking open.

David didn't have time to attack slowly. He controlled the Shadow Attendant through the energy shield and into the Baruch Castle. A fourth-level dagger stabbed the defense pattern a few times, destroying the defense map. Connection points.

The energy shield also disappears after the defense pattern is destroyed.

At this time the knight battle formation also arrived, a huge sword of blood power stabbed on the gate of the castle, and the gate was broken.

Four hundred and thirty-two knights rushed into the castle and began the killing.

In Baruch Castle there are more than thirty earth knights, as well as some formal knights, more serving the servants of the Baruch family.

The resistance seemed weak. In the efficient slaughter of 432 knights, everyone in the castle was killed in just a few minutes.

David will not have any soft heart, even if it is a servant here, it is also carefully cultivated by the top noble Baruch family and is absolutely loyal to the Baruch family.

After completing the offensive mission, the 432 knights returned silently outside the castle. Their gaze to David remained absolutely obedient.

David has a deeper understanding of the terrible degree of the talent of 'hypnosis'. Now he can only 'hypnosis' the third-level earth knight easily. If the fourth-level sky knight is in a weak state, there is a high probability that he can be 'hypnotic'. But the normal state is a bit difficult.

He thought of Gladstone, the **** of plague, and that falling **** could even hypnotize the fifth-level Templar.

"The knights were scattered in small groups, and the Baruch star was cleared!" David issued an order to the 432 knights.

This is the Baruch star. It is the most important thing to try to fight against the strength of the Baruch family.

Four hundred and thirty-two knights bowed together to salute, then turned into seventy-two knight groups, and six knights in each knight group scattered toward all directions.

David's command is their will. All the creatures on the Baruch star are their enemies. They lose their fear, their feelings, and their ability to think alone. The only thing left is the fighting instinct.

David looked at the leaving knights, and his heart was indifferent. Since the Baruch family's McPhee fifth-level templar knight wanted to kill him, he was ready to be extinct.

He did not have much foundation in the divine world. What he could fear the rest of the nobles was his fierceness. His revenge made many nobles in the divine world feel terrified.

Today, David ’s enemies are top nobles and extremely powerful, but he still follows his own way and kills his enemies.

David walked into the castle as the main castle of the Baruch family. Although the material used in the castle is not a precious alchemy material, it is also an extremely rare stone.

The most important thing is that the history of this castle, according to the introduction of the top noble Baruch family, this castle also has a history of at least 5,000 years. Such a long history blesses this castle so that this castle is full of time. Imprint.

As he entered Baruch Castle, David used ninety-six soul avatars and demolished everything around him.

He was walking, chairs, tables, sculptures, rugs, paintings, etc. beside him, and even the floor tiles on the ground were constantly flying up, and he was taken into the space pendant.

Within a kilometer from David, ninety-six invisible hands continually dismantled all objects and grabbed these objects to his side.

He walked to the main building of the castle, went up to the second floor, and walked into the study of the castle.

At the moment of entering the study room, all the bookcases in the study room as well as the books placed on the bookcases flew up and disappeared.

David's goal is not these books placed in the bright place, although he will not let go of these, even the most common decoration here is absolutely priceless in other places.

The top aristocracy occupies most of the resources of the divine world, the remaining aristocracy occupies a small part, and the number of the top aristocracy is very small compared to the rest of the aristocracy.

This has resulted in the extreme concentration of wealth. Almost all precious items are concentrated in the hands of top nobles. There may be some large nobles outside, but there are only a few, which are all regarded as heritage treasures.

The best works of art that David obtained from Dennis Castle are the ordinary goods that the Baruch family put in an inconspicuous place.

After a group of bookcases flew, a wall hidden behind was revealed. This wall did not seem to be different from the rest of the walls, but in the eyes of ‘Alchemy Master’, many patterns were hidden on this wall.

There are even patterns on the blood veins, which show the particularity here.

David smiled, to be honest, the pattern on this wall is extremely high. If it is not ‘Alchemy Master’, it is impossible to find the extraordinary on the wall.

Even ‘Alchemy Master’ wants to crack the patterns on the wall from the outside, it is difficult to do so.

The shadow attendant penetrated directly into the wall and destroyed the alchemy pattern from inside. After the destruction of the alchemy pattern, the wall flipped open to reveal an entrance.

David took a deep breath, he did not walk directly into the entrance, because this is a short portal.

When the shadow attendant visited the castle before, he found this wall, but the shadow attendant entered the other side of the wall but did not find it, which made him extremely curious.

The design of this entrance is very clever. The organ of the wall is opened through the blood of the Baruch family. When the wall organ is opened, the pattern of the short-distance portal is connected to activate the short-distance portal.

David activates the "Lightning Body" and brings out an electro-optic fusion from the "Lightning Pattern" in the soul space. This is also his strongest defense state, immune to most of the damage.

After defending, David recalled the Shadow Attendant and stepped into the short portal.

After slight energy fluctuations in space, he saw himself in a huge enclosed stone space.

The stone enclosed space is densely covered with complicated patterns. These patterns have the effects of isolation, concealment, and confusion. The purpose is to prevent this stone enclosed space from being discovered.

On the ground of the space, there is also a set of alchemy arrays. This set has as many as 500 arrays. This is a set of space isolation arrays. Its function is to forcefully create a special space to let the internal Space is separated from the outside world.

David was extremely curious about what was stored here, which deserves such attention from the top noble Baruch family.

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