Extraordinary David

Chapter 835: Lord

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David held the space debris in his hands and walked around in the Baruch castle. He had just been dismantled for a long time and was transported away. At this time, he needed to use the last time to remove all the remaining items. Put away.

The next battle will be level five, which will most likely affect the castle.

"It's finally here!" David's spirit murmured his eyes as he held the last tiles into the space pendant.

Lord Marcus's body did not hide his breath. Lord Marcus even hoped that Duke Arthur would take the initiative to find him.

Based on the energy he used to fight the Duke of Arthur, he analyzed the strength of the Duke of Arthur, which is the main reason why he is willing to come here to fight the Duke of Arthur.

Lord Marcus believed that he would be able to defeat the Duke Arthur regardless of his status, and even if he could not, he would be able to die with the Duke Arthur.

He saw the family castle, the castle representing the glory of the Baruch family, and he was no longer angry.

The slight **** smell made Lord Marcus know what happened to the family castle.

"Duke Arthur, dare to fight fairly!" Lord Marcus's body stood in the air, and he mobilized the power of the blood to send out the war.

From the castle below, David rose into the air and flew into the air, hovering two hundred meters across from Lord Marcus.

Lord Marcus looked at the space debris held in David's hands and strengthened his determination to kill David.

The biggest pocket card of the Baruch family now falls in David's hands and must be recovered anyway.

"Lord Marcus, your breath is very unstable, you should rest more at this time!" David said with a smile.

Although David was not a fifth-level Templar, but his spirit reached the fifth level, Lord Marcus did not conceal his breath. He felt that the situation of Lord Marcus was wrong.

Of course, he did not care about Lord Marcus, but used words to stir up the emotion of Lord Marcus.

"Duke Arthur, don't talk nonsense, only one of us can live today!" Lord Marcus' emotions did not even fluctuate, but said coldly.

David's eyes narrowed, and he finally knew what was wrong with Lord Marcus's condition.

He had heard of the biggest trouble for the fifth-level Templar. In the continuous improvement of strength, the feeling of the fifth-level Templar will gradually fade away. When the emotion completely disappears, it will either enter the death penalty or become a Only know the killing machine.

At this time, David's best choice is to stay away from Lord Marcus. As long as he does not fight Lord Marcus, Lord Marcus will lose the ability to take the initiative in a short time.

At this time, fighting with Lord Marcus, the state of Lord Marcus must have a mortal heart.

But David was not prepared to do that. If he was just a person, he would have run as far as he had.

But his hole card gave him enough confidence, even the mad Lord Marcus could not hurt him.

"Lord Marcus, I'm sorry, I can't give you a fair battle, although this may be the last battle of your life!" David Shen said.

"There is nothing fair or unfair. At this stage, there is only life and death!" Lord Marcus said as he took a set of black knight armor equipment from the space ring, and also had a fifth-grade light long sword in his hand.

Lord Marcus did not understand what David meant, but he did not want to wait any longer. At this time, he had a great advantage in his battle with David. Who knows if David will be dragging him? Time, what support is waiting for.

There has always been a legend among the noble circles that Duke Arthur is not only powerful, but also has a strong presence behind him.

David didn't speak again at this time. With one wave of his hand, six figures appeared in the air. Four of these figures were wearing the same black armor as Lord Marcus, and the other two were wearing fifth-grade knight armor. , The five-grade light sword in all hands.

In another flash, four of the fifth-level Templar knights divided four energy avatars, forming up to ten fifth-level combat forces in the air, surrounding the Lord Marcus in the middle.

"Who are they? How could they let your income summon space?" Lord Marcus' just established momentum dissipated instantly, and his mood changed dramatically, he asked repeatedly.

According to the current situation of Lord Marcus, this rapid change in emotions is not a good thing. This makes his few emotions fade quickly. Even he has a feeling, maybe it will not take three days. After the battle, his emotions will completely disappear.

But Lord Marcus could not control his emotions. Perhaps the non-top aristocrats did not know the black knight armor, but he was also the lord of the black knight armor.

This black knight armor was a gift from the gods long ago, and it was only circulated among the top nobles, because once the black knight armor appeared in the hands of non-top aristocrats, the top aristocrats would get the black knight armor by all means.

The black knight armor can be regarded as the best knight armor that can be used by the fifth-level templar knight. The most important thing is that because the black knight armor is made by gods and has the imprint of the gods, it has a certain reference to promote the promotion of the fifth-level templar knight. effect.

Four black knight armor appeared at once, enough to make Lord Marcus emotionally out of control.

And up to six tier five Templars will honestly obey David ’s orders, stay in the summoning space obediently, and deliver their lives safely to David whose strength is lower than themselves, which makes Lord Marcus Incomprehensible.

"Battlefield!" David summoned six tier five Templars. He would never delay the time, he said quietly.

His own body quickly descended into Baruch Castle, and then, where Lord Marcus could not see, he activated the talent of ‘Underground’ to sneak underground with space debris.

David did this for his own safety. He would personally manipulate up to ten avatars to fight against Lord Marcus, and if he did not hide the body, the body would be his greatest weakness, and he would surely become a mad attack by Lord Marcus. The goal.

He holds space debris in his hands, and his combat power is limited.

David disappeared into the castle below, and the six fifth-level Templar knights and four energy avatars in the sky burst out of the power of the bleeding veins. These bloodline forces were connected together to form a terrible fifth-level knight battle array. .

Lord Marcus felt the pressure around him in the fifth-level knight battle. His rich combat experience made him judge that none of the five-level templar knights here can fight him head-on.

Even these fifth-level Templar knights are weaker than ordinary fifth-level Templar knights, but the fifth-level Templar knights are fifth-level Templar knights. When they form a knight battle, their power is far from horses. Lord Kus can fight.

Lord Marcus sank and flew down. He could not be trapped by the knightly battle, otherwise he would not have the power to fight back.

Just when he moved, the four figures were faster than him, appeared in front of him, and swayed the blade of the bleeding vein to him.

The fifth-grade light long sword in the hands of Lord Marcus blocked the blades of the four bloodlines, and then the fifth-grade light long sword swept out a huge white sword light and cut in the direction of the four figures.

It is the four energy avatars that block Lord Marcus. Speaking of speed, the energy avatar is much faster than Lord Marcus.

When the huge white sword came to the body, the four energy avatars flashed together. At the same time, one of the energy avatars invoked the power of the bloodline from the knight battle array and swept a huge white sword light towards Lord Marcus.

Lord Marcus flashed slightly on the side of the figure descending in the air, letting out the white sword light attacked by the energy clone, but the white sword light he emitted continued to fly towards the ground.

With a bang, the thousands of years old Baruch Castle was split by this sword.

The huge white sword light not only avoided Baruch Castle, but the location it chose was where David disappeared.

David, who had left the place long ago and was transferred to the kilometer away through the talent of ‘underground’, could not help lamenting the horror of this old five-level Templar.

Lord Marcus was trapped in the knightly battle, but when he first attacked, he grasped the opportunity accurately and launched an attack on David's possible existence.

Lord Marcus knew very well that David was the important core here. Although these five-level Templar knights obeyed David ’s orders, as long as they killed David, there might be a turning point in this battle.

He didn't even hesitate to attack Baruch Castle at all. This is a landmark of the top noble Baruch family.

Lord Marcus saw no success with the sword, and did not hit David, who he thought was hidden in the castle. He waved the fifth-grade sword again, and three huge white swords flashed, sweeping towards the castle on the ground.

For this attack, he paid a price. The fifth-grade light sword in the hands of the Mike Templar above penetrated his back. Although he was partially blocked by the black knight armor, he still let his back A deep wound was stabbed.

The wound is not the most serious. What is more serious is the power of the fifth-level blood vessels in the wound, which are attached to the wound and constantly eroding the wound.

Lord Marcus knew very well that he could not defeat a knight battle consisting of six tier five Templars and four energy avatars, so his initial choice was to attack David, for which he could pay a considerable price.

He frantically used the power of the blood in his body to ignore the attack behind him.

Lord Marcus is well aware of the defense of his black knight armor. In a short period of time, he can withstand several attacks. Although he has been hit hard, he can support him to destroy the castle below and David in the castle.

Although David's power has reached the level of a fifth-level Templar, but Lord Marcus is an ordinary fifth-level Templar, his attack contains his talent.

After forcibly receiving a blow from the Templar of Kro, three huge white sword lights fell into Baruch Castle.

A dull explosion sound came from inside Baruch Castle, and then a white light radiated from the inside of Baruch Castle, which was the light of the power of the fifth bloodline, and each of these lights was extremely destructive.

The thousands of years old Baruch Castle is transformed into pieces of no larger than the palm in the white light. This attack of Lord Marcus is far from being as simple as the ordinary sword light of the three bloodlines.

If David really lives in Baruch Castle, I ’m afraid he will be killed by this attack.

It is important to know that David, who is thousands of miles away, can feel the terror energy fluctuations inside Baruch Castle.

Baruch Castle can stand for thousands of years, and its strength is needless to say. Although most of the defensive patterns were removed by David, it is not that the three lines of blood can easily and completely destroy the sword light.

After destroying the Baruch Castle, Lord Marcus showed a look of despair on his face. Do n’t look at the attack he just seemed to be an ordinary bloodline attack. In fact, it was his most powerful attack. His talents.

He has no second chance to use the talent ability, it takes a long time to recover, and the six fifth-level Templar knights around him will not give him time.

At this time, the four energy avatars respectively hit the black knight armor of Lord Marcus with their fists, and the power was very clever, making Lord Marcus's figure in the air involuntarily rotate.

Templars of Molly tuned the power of the fifth-level blood in the knight's battle array and gathered them on his fifth-level light sword, when Lord Marcus's back turned to him.

The fifth-grade light long sword pierced, accurately penetrated from the place where the Kloth Templar had broken open, and the terrifying fifth-level bloodline rammed into the body of Lord Marcus.

However, the fifth-grade light sword was also blocked by the blood of Lord Marcus to three centimeters away from the heart of Lord Marcus, where it was close to Lord Marcus's heart and sea space.

Through the perception of Molly Templar, David felt that the fifth-grade light sword was extremely difficult to penetrate.

The Templars of Kro, Templars of Harry, Templars of Bayer, Templars of Mike, and Templars of Harlow are transmitted through the knight battle array, and the power of the five tier five Templars comes in The hands of the Temple Knight pushed the fifth-grade light sword.

With the sound of "click!", The fifth-grade light sword with the help of multiple forces pierced the final defense of the blood of Lord Marcus.

"I don't want to!" Lord Marcus yelled out with his last power.

The heart was punctured, the vitality of Lord Marcus quickly dissipated from the body, his eyes were confused, and his emotions completely disappeared before he died.

The Shadow Servant flew up and absorbed Lord Marcus's soul. Lord Marcus' body also fell to the ground after being absorbed.

It was not until then that David flew out of the ground, carrying space debris to Lord Marcus's body.

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