Extraordinary David

Chapter 837: plan

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Speaker Aibe convened the meeting again. This time he had to convene the meeting. If he does not come forward to coordinate, the top aristocratic coalition forces may fall apart.

It was the conference room or the projections of the lords. The atmosphere this time was very different from the last meeting.

The loss of a fifth-level Templar and the killing of a top noble lord are two completely different things, especially within the alliance.

The five top nobles who participated in the attack on the Duke of Arthur could no longer sit still. They frequently mobilized their combat power, not only to hide the body of the fifth-level Templars, but also to disperse the high-level knights of the family everywhere.

This is just to guard against the assassination of the Duke of Arthur, but no matter how good the guard is, it can't be forever. The family's fifth-level Templars can't never show up.

Based on the analysis of the attack on the Baruch family, even the fifth-level Templar knight's energy avatar is not safe, because Duke Arthur first destroyed the energy avatar of Lord Marcus.

If Duke Arthur targeted the energy avatars of the fifth-level noblemen's fifth-level Templars, how would these five noblemen respond in the future.

The reason why the five top nobles sent the fifth-level Templars to attack the Duke of Arthur was the decision of Speaker Abbe, and now the consequences have been found by Speaker Abbe.

Speaker Abbe looked at the projections of the lords in the conference room. He knew that if this incident was not handled properly, his prestige would be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that once Duke Arthur knows the event, he himself will be the target of Duke Arthur.

"Everyone, if you want to come, you will also know the agenda of this meeting!" Speaker Ai Sheng said.

"Speaker Abbe, let's just say, how to deal with Duke Arthur?" Lord Felix of the Jenner family asked directly.

Regarding the rise and fall of the family, Lord Felix has no time to go around.

Duke Arthur doesn't know where, and first of all, he and four other top nobles who directly participated in the ambush operation are definitely the targets of the attack. Every minute of delay here, his family will be threatened for one minute.

"Lord Felix, I understand your mood. I have a plan, but Lord Felix needs your cooperation!" Although Speaker Abbe was displeased in his heart, he said with a smile on his face.

"As long as the Duke Arthur can be resolved, I need to cooperate and I will not quit!" Lord Felix nodded without hesitation.

"I want to use Jenner Star to arrange a trap to lead Duke Arthur into it, and then kill Duke Arthur at Jenner Star with absolute superiority!" Speaker Abbe saw Lord Felix did not refuse and proposed with a smile.

Lord Felix's face changed, and what kind of person Duke Arthur was, all the lords here knew.

Judging from the style of Duke Arthur's behavior, his character is extremely greedy and has a very crazy revenge. You are typical to provoke him and he destroys your family.

When we introduced Duke Arthur to Jenner Star, we must think of the consequences of the destruction of Jenner Star.

Although everyone present is not yet aware of the details of Baruch Star, but from the information obtained, it can be analyzed that the entire Baruch Star is being ravaged.

Some of the contact phalanxes of Baruch Star can still be contacted before. The news is that the massacre is going on. Soon afterwards, these contact phalanxes cannot be contacted anymore. the reason.

But one thing is certain, Baruch star is over.

As for the situation of Lord Marcus, the hearts of the lords on the scene were all clear. Even if Lord Marcus was not killed by the Duke Arthur, Lord Marcus could not support it for a long time, and he would soon become a living dead.

Lord Marcus's status is not a secret in the league, especially at the last meeting, his misfortune made the lords confirm that his status is not optimistic.

This is also the reason why most lords did not agree to support immediately in the last meeting. Whether Lord Marcus died or became a living dead, that part of the resources of the Baruch family would become a piece of fat.

As long as the Baruch star is supported later, Lord Marcus will inevitably face Duke Arthur, and Lord Marcus will win or die, and will make Lord Marcus a living dead faster.

How could the interests originally occupied by a top aristocrat not let the other top aristocrats covet?

The main thing these leaders did was to delay some time. Now it seems that they did it, but now they have no time to **** the interests of the Baruch family. First, we must solve the trouble of Duke Arthur.

"Lord Felix, borrowing the losses incurred by Jenner Star, shared by our families, no one will refuse?" Lord Amos on the side saw Lord Felix hesitating and watching the lords present Said.

He was the lord of the Arthur family and the top nobleman involved in the ambush of the Duke of Arthur. At this time, he wanted to resolve the Duke of Arthur sooner.

Speaker Abbe offered to place the battlefield on Jenner Star. Lord Amos certainly agreed. He wanted to finalize this matter immediately. Otherwise, would he put the battlefield on his Mather star?

"Lord Amos's proposal is good. If there is a loss, I can make a third, and the rest of you will bear it together!" Speaker Abbe nodded.

"no problem!"




None of the present lords would care about this, and they all supported it.

"Okay, just lay traps on Jenner Star, but how does Speaker Abbe plan to lead Duke Arthur? How can he be sure to kill Duke Arthur?" Lord Felix asked after nodding.

"Through our intelligence organization, the false news was released, saying that the fifth-level Templar knights of the Jenner family, Mather family, Bottom family, Milner family and Muir family concentrated on the Jenner star and gathered together against the Duke Arthur! "Speaker Abbe replied with a smile.

"How did Duke Arthur dare to go this way?" Lord Felix asked puzzled.

The five tier Templar knights of the five top aristocrats come together, even if each one has five tier five Templar knights, if Duke Arthur has the ability to deal with so many tier five Templar knights at the same time, he will not ambush Shi disappeared in one step, and then started again after the fifth-level Templars dispersed.

"I have read the data of Duke Arthur, this is a crazy and extremely paranoid guy, as long as the news is released, he will definitely try his best to go to Jenner Star and secretly find a chance to shoot!" Speaker Abbe Shen Sheng replied.

Some lords nodded and agreed with Speaker Abbe ’s opinion. If there is only one fifth-level Templar knight in Jenner, Duke Arthur may think that it is a trap. On the contrary, such news will make Duke Arthur more at ease. Go to.

"As for how to say that you can kill Duke Arthur with confidence, I decided to take the lead by my Litton family. Every Confederate of the Alliance will have a fifth-level Templar, and I believe that twenty-three fifth-level Templars will leave Arthur. The Duke is definitely not a problem! "Speaker Abbe continued.

The meeting room was quiet, and the lords present were thinking about gains and losses.

The fact that Speaker Aibe said that sending a fifth-level Templar knight does not mean sending an energy avatar. To deal with opponents with a fifth-level strength, the energy avatar's combat power is not enough.

Therefore, the arrangement of Speaker Abbe is that each top aristocrat sends a five-level Templar knight to fight and kill Duke Arthur in an invincible manner.

"Oh, there is nothing to worry about. If such a strength can't deal with the Duke of Arthur, then the Duke of Arthur is a demigod!" Speaker Abbe said with a smile when he saw the look of the lords.




The lords all agreed.

They are not worried about not being able to defeat the Duke of Arthur, but they are not used to dispatching the fifth-level Templar knight.

"This is also an autumn hunting event. Please also bring good wine. We haven't had such a large gathering for a long time. After solving the Duke Arthur, we will hold a grand reception in Jenner Star!" Ai Speaker Bei finally said with a smile.

At the end of the meeting, the twenty-three top nobles were quietly acting. This powerful and long-standing noble alliance has existed for a long time. Once the force is exerted, even the intelligence organization on the side of Lord Gould cannot find clues.

On the third day after the meeting, Lord Gould sent a message to Lord Arthur's liaison circle.

At this time, David was sitting on the body of the sonic boom iron beetle. Under the terrifying speed of the sonic boom iron beetle, he could do nothing but mobilize the power of blood to protect himself.

After sensing the energy fluctuations of the lord contact circle, he took out the lord contact circle.

"There is information that the five fifth-level Templar knights of the five top aristocratic families, the Jenner, Mather, Burtom, Milner and Muir families, gathered in Jenner Star. The knight and the important personnel are scattered and hidden, and it will take some time to investigate! "

David saw this news and shook his head helplessly.

He also wanted to go to Jenner Star immediately, but looked at the space debris in his hand, but gave up that idea.

For David, this space debris is not just a reserve resource, he is more interested in the extremely rich energy contained in space debris.

David found that the space barrier around the space debris is not a real world outside, but a void. The energy of the space debris flows into the space debris from the void, thus supporting the energy richness inside the space debris.

He didn't know much about space, he didn't understand the principle, but he understood that the world rules in this space debris are different from the world rules of the Divine World or the Interstellar Federation.

David has already thought about it. When he returns to Gamistar, he will transfer the super-large magic circle to the space debris. His training speed, as well as the training speed of the fourth-level sky knight and the fifth-level temple knights, Greatly improved, no longer have to worry about energy issues.

So even if he got the news of several other top aristocrats who ambushed him, he was not prepared to go, and he still returned to Gami Star according to the original plan.

In the main castle of the Jenner family of the Jenner Star, five tier five Templar knights are sitting in the hall. This is the tenth day they have gathered here.

The news was released long ago, but the expected Duke Arthur did not appear.

Not only the five tier five Templars were anxious, but also the eighteen tier five Templars who were hidden outside the castle using the isolation circle.

This time Lord Abbe came here in person, and only if he was here, he could suppress so many fifth-level Templars.

Many of the fifth-level templars came from the lords of the top nobles. Not all top-level nobles can have multiple fifth-level templars.

Most of the top aristocrats have only one fifth-level templar knight who can shoot. To cultivate two or more fifth-level templar knights, it is not just resources, but also luck and the reserve of knights in the family.

Why the top aristocrats can almost guarantee that each generation can produce at least one tier five Templar, the reason lies in the talent reserve.

After countless years of reproduction, the number of knights with the power of the family bloodline has reached an extremely large number. On this basis, it is easier to select a group of talented knight seedlings to cultivate.

Because the top nobles have sufficient resources, the cultivation of knight seedlings can be cultivated at one time, and there is no need to select them again.

And the resources mastered by ordinary nobles can only train family knights in a targeted manner. This is the difference.

But even with this kind of training, the chance of a fifth-level Templar Knight is very low, which is why the top nobles rarely have multiple fifth-level Templar Knights at the same time.

Although the ten-day period is not long, it is extremely influential to keep 23 tier-5 Templar knights at the same time.

Perhaps the remaining top aristocracy could not be discovered in a short time. As long as Duke Arthur does not appear again, the situation here is difficult to keep secret.

If it were not for the reconciliation of Speaker Abbe, the Templar Knights of Level 5 would have retired, but that is how they could not wait long.

According to Speaker Abbe ’s estimate, the prince of Arthur had not yet appeared in up to five days, and this trap could not continue.

"Is the information accurate?" Lord Gould asked sinkingly.

"It has been confirmed that Speaker Abbe and the at least ten tier five Templar knights have strange movements. It is suspected that there is any secret plan!" Baron Blackmer nodded and confirmed.

"Speaker Abbe has a good plan to pass false information to Arthur through my side!" Lord Gould was more angry, the calmer his voice.

Baron Blackmore, who knew him well, understood that the anger in Lord Gould's heart had been ignited.

"Intensify the intelligence and get the intelligence from Speaker Aibe at all costs!" Lord Shen Gould ordered.

Immediately after Lord Blackmore left, Lord Gould took out the Lord and contacted the circle. He was a little worried that Duke Arthur had already gone to Jenner Star, so that he had killed Duke Arthur.

As the lord continued to wait for the connection in the phalanx, Lord Gould's mood became more tense.

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