Extraordinary David

Chapter 849: just

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The reason why Speaker Abbe will refute, he does not want to let Duke Arthur go on, because many things will be very ugly once they are on the bright side.

In particular, when he teamed up with 22 top nobles to deal with the Duke of Arthur, his prestige would decline directly if it spread among the noble circles.

Suppressing a certain nobleman is a common task for high-ranking noblemen, but attacking a nobleman is just crossing the line.

If Speaker Abbe could attack the Duke of Arthur for some benefit, then one day he would attack other nobles for other things.

"Speaker Abbe, how do you know that I have no evidence?" David looked at Speaker Abbe and asked.

David did not actually want to involve the temple in this matter. He especially wanted to disperse the five ranks of the Templars, and they could be defeated one by one as soon as they found a chance.

However, Speaker Abbe had no way to covertly use the opportunity of this 'plague' attack to put some crimes on David's head and at least control David.

As long as David is controlled, then he has the opportunity to solve David.

"The two bishops, you both know that I grew up in the Interstellar Federation, and signed an agreement with the Divine World and the Interstellar Federation to use interstellar scientific and technological items!" David turned to the two bishops.

Bishop Bolling and Bishop Evans both nodded. This agreement, which would not have been famous, became more and more special due to the continuous improvement of the identity of the agreement person.

Even the two major temples have heard about the widespread use of interstellar technology by Garmistar, but the use of interstellar technology by Duke Arthur is authorized, so the temple does not mean to question.

"When I have some troubles, I will turn on the video camera function of Star Federation. Please watch the next video!" David said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared from the top of the meeting room.

Speaker Abbe and Lord Amos's face changed in unison. They had previously held meetings with the rest of the fifth-level Templars in this conference room. They did not detect that there was such a function.

In other words, their meeting may have been recorded by Duke Arthur using interstellar federal technology, which is tangible evidence.

Just when they were thinking, the figure of diplomatic 'Starship Flying' appeared on the light curtain, and then six Templars who were all wrapped in armor of the fifth-grade knight appeared. The video continued until the six Templar knights of the fifth-grade Everyone in the diplomatic 'Starship' killed.

This video was recorded by a small monitoring device left by David. The small monitoring device is very small and has no energy fluctuations. It will not attract the attention of the six tier five Templars.

There is a lot of rubble-like material in space, especially in that chaotic place, there are often various debris floating in space.

At that time, David also tried to find out whether the attack process could be filmed. Anyway, the cost was extremely low, and I didn't expect it to succeed.

"Duke Arthur, these Templars may be anyone. How do you think there is a Templar of my Arthur family?" Lord Amos lost his calmness after seeing this video and asked directly.

Both Bishop Bolling and Bishop Evans were squeezing their anger. The two top noble lords did not put the temple in their eyes. They were still under investigation.

"Lord Emmos, you are too anxious to continue looking down." David shook his head.

The video on the light curtain is not over yet. The lens appears in a ‘Starship’, and six tier five Templars sit in the main cabin.

A fifth-level Templar knight called the name of McPhee's fifth-level Templar, and was reprimanded by McPhee's fifth-level Templar.

After that, the video jumped quickly and came to Tula Star. At that time, the five tier five Templars left and left the ‘Starship’. The video captured the face that each tier five Templar knight opened when he left.

Even Bishop Bolling and Bishop Evans were shocked in the meeting room. These six tier five Templar knights were being photographed at such a close angle.

The significance of this is intimidating. No wonder McPhee Class 5 Templar Knight will be killed afterwards. It turns out that Duke Arthur has always been with McPhee Class V Templar Knight.

Everyone present understood the reason for the destruction of the Baruch family, which was because of it.

Of course, Speaker Abbe and Lord Amos are clear here, and their faces are also very ugly.

Anyone who sees that the fifth-level Templars cannot find Duke Arthur, and may be assassinated at any time, will not be comfortable in their hearts, but they have endless hatred with Duke Arthur.

There is an enemy like Duke Arthur who cannot even sleep peacefully.

"Duke Arthur, can you guarantee the authenticity of the video content?" Bishop Evans asked in a deep voice while casting a magic technique.

David did not dodge, this divine art did not have a hint of threat, combined with the problem of Bishop Evans, this should be a divine art to verify the testimony.

The white light enters his body and turns into a white figure straight into his soul space. It is just that when he first enters the soul space, he has not come and has a role. The crystal of the battle angel and the crystal of the bald and strong man **** emit a golden light at the same time. This white pattern is masked.

David hasn't figured out what happened yet, but he knows that this magical technique is estimated to have no effect on him, and he doesn't have the feeling of having to tell the truth.

In fact, after entering the soul space of David, the verification divinity performed by Bishop Evans was regarded by the crystals of the two gods as the peep of the rest of the gods.

Because the fighting angels and bald headed spirits were in the stage of self-preservation before, they instinctively used their own methods to deceive the other gods from prying, instead of breaking up or counterattacking, this instinct was brought into the crystal they left behind.

Of course, if it is a verification divinity performed by the God of Justice personally, the crystals of battle angels and bald-headed gods will not prevent the divine from taking effect, but Bishop Evans cannot perform divine-level divine magic.

"Yes, I guarantee that all the videos I showed to the temple are real!" David Shen said.

"Duke Arthur, are you a believer in evil spirits?" Suddenly, Speaker Abe asked.

He had been waiting for this opportunity to ask fatal questions when Duke Arthur was affected by the verification magic.

"I'm not a believer in evil spirits!" Before answering Bishop Evans, David replied immediately.

"Speaker Abbe, your behavior is an insult to the reputation of the Temple of Justice. Do you think you can use the Temple of Justice to achieve your ulterior motives? My Bishop Evans here expresses strong dissatisfaction to you, and will give each temple Submit a question about whether you can continue to serve as the Speaker of the Supreme Council! "Bishop Evans' anger can no longer be suppressed, he said in a deep voice.

If Duke Arthur answered believers in evil spirits, perhaps the behavior of Speaker Abbe could be forgiven by the Temple of Justice, but in fact the Duke Arthur took the opportunity to get rid of Speaker Abbe ’s accusation.

This caused Speaker Abbe to offend the Temple of Justice and cleanse the grievances for the Duke Arthur.

Bishop Evans made it clear to Speaker Abbe that the position of Speaker Abbe had achieved its position. As the bishop of the Temple of Justice, although he could not interfere with the secular power, he had the right to make recommendations.

With the relationship of the five temples, Bishop Evans ’proposal is hard to be rejected.

"Bishop Evans, I join you in submitting to the temples questions about whether Speaker Abbe is capable of continuing to serve as the Supreme Council Speaker!" Bishop Bolling would not let this opportunity pass.

Perhaps Bishop Bolling took the initiative to target Speaker Abbe, and it will be settled. He was accused of using his identity to help his brother Lord Gould suppress Speaker Abbe, but his support for Bishop Evans is different.

"The two bishops, I was only in a hurry and wanted to know the truth!" Speaker Aibe explained anxiously.

The two bishops submitted their questions together, and it was almost certain that Speaker Abbe would be dragged from the position of Speaker of the Supreme Council.

Although Speaker Abbe also has supporters in the temple, the identity of the supporters is at most equal to that of the two bishops, which has little effect on the ending.

"Duke Arthur, what evidence do you have to provide!" Bishop Evans waved his magic off and asked.

"I still have some videos to play!" David glanced at the speaker Abbe and said to Bishop Evans.

The video on the light curtain turned into a group of tier five Templars entering Garmi from space and then destroying buildings everywhere.

Twenty-four fifth-level Templar knights entered the castle, and then Speaker Abbe suggested that each of them be interested in the artworks. These five-level Templar knights took away the essence of many of the artworks, especially Those knight armor shimmering with lavender light, all the pieces that were not left were put away by the fifth-level Templars.

Then came the fifth-level Templars discussing how to deal with the Duke of Arthur, including the use of war alchemy, and how to lure the Duke of Arthur to appear.

It can be said that these videos confirm the evidence that Speaker Abe murdered the Duke of Arthur. If these things were done in secret, even the temple would be helpless.

But it is not trivial to murder the reserve members of the Supreme Council, the gods are the Duke of the Great World.

Even the murderer is the Speaker of the Supreme Council, a group of top noble lords and Templars.

"Duke Arthur, I will report your accusation to the temple, and ask you to turn the video into the alchemy pattern!" Bishop Evans said with a smile.

The priests of all the temples in the room looked at Speaker Abe and Lord Amos with contempt, but Speaker Abe and Lord Amos were cold all over. This result was definitely not what they wanted.

Who would know that there is such a complete video evidence in the hands of Duke Arthur, and what is even more incomprehensible is that there is such evidence in the hands of Duke Arthur, why not take the initiative to seek justice in the temple.

Where did they know that David had no plans to deal with trouble through the temple from the beginning.

The video just wants to be able to stand at the highest point of morality at some time. Speaker Abbe ’s position is too high, plus the support of 22 top nobles. Without these videos, he It is difficult to gain an advantage in public opinion.

"Speaker Abbe, I will not accept your accusation. Duke Arthur has nothing to do with believers in evil spirits. This has been confirmed. In addition, you made me feel sick. When Duke Arthur was in a diplomatic role, he represented God Belong to the big world, your behavior is to betray the big world of the gods! "Bishop Evans turned his head and said to President Aibe Shen Sheng.

Now that his face has been torn, Bishop Evans has no need for politeness.

The evidence in his hands is sufficient to disregard Speaker Abe.

Don't look at the attack on Duke Arthur and the diplomatic "Starship". It does not seem to be a big deal, but this thing is not unusual. Duke Arthur's foreign identity represents the world of the gods, as long as he does not return to the handover mission. , Then Duke Arthur has always had diplomatic status.

Duke Arthur, who attacked his diplomatic identity, was a betrayal of the world of God. This alone is enough to make Speaker Abbe lose all his support.

Speaker Abbe did not speak. He stood up and glanced at David with cold eyes, then turned and left.

Lord Amos hesitated and did not leave immediately, but stayed.

In the view of Lord Amos, Speaker Abbe is over. Although he can't physically punish Speaker Abbe due to his aristocratic status, the punishment for going to the office and reducing the rank is inevitable.

Losing the speaker's aura, the decline of the title will cause the Leeton family to lose the power of the top nobles. Even if the Leeton family has two fifth-level Templar knights, the family has many hidden cards, but after losing the power of the top nobles, Its influence will make the Lidun family lose a lot of benefits and fall from the top nobles.

Coupled with the terrible enemies like the Arthur Duke and Duke Arthur, it is conceivable how terrible the ending is.

"Duke Arthur, taking the opportunity of Bishop Bolling and Bishop Evans here, I applied to the Temple of Earth and the Temple of Justice for plea compensation!" Lord Amos stood up and bowed to the two bishops and David.

Even if the nobles are wrong, they can make up for the crimes committed by compensation corresponding to what they have done. Of course, the crime of betraying the world of God is the exception.

Lord Amos offered compensation at this time, just to take advantage of the opportunity of the two temples, so that Duke Arthur would not take revenge on the Arthur family.

"Lord Emmos, what crime did you commit?" Bishop Evans looked at Lord Emmos and asked Shen Sheng.

"I was bewitched by Speaker Abbe and sent the family Gerald tier five Templar Knight to participate in the ambush of Duke Arthur, accepted the order of Speaker Abbe, and accompanied him to Garmic to attack Duke Arthur!" Amos The lord had long thought of the answer and blurted out.

"Lord Emmos, have you forgotten Villa 35 in the main city of Bama, you sent someone to slaughter everyone in the villa!" David had not spoken yet, and Hawthorne's fifth-level sacrifices reminded Road.

This matter is that Hawthorne ’s fifth-level priest is responsible for justice, and of course Lord Lord Amos let this thing go, of course he will not allow it.

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