Extraordinary David

Chapter 857: Compensation

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David took the Dickens housekeeper to the planetary portal.

The Deakins butler had not awakened from the shock, and stood beside David with some souls.

Two alchemy carriages were parked next to the planet-level portal, and they were driven by two fourth-level sky knights.

Forty-one fourth-level sky knights brought out of space debris were released by David, and they will cooperate with the interstellar federal security system to maintain the safety of Garmin Star.

David's practice does not require the fourth-level sky knight, and only the fourth-level sky knight's role.

As long as you wait for a while, after the self-care ability of these fourth-level sky knights increases, you can hand them over to the house of Deakins butler to arrange some family tasks.

Don't look at the title of the Luce family reaching the Duke, which has its own private planetary territory, but in fact the Luce family is still all supported by David alone.

Some occasions of the family require a knight to go. With his temperament, it is impossible to participate, but it is not suitable for a long time. The Lus family always has to be integrated into the aristocracy.

These fourth-level sky knights can finally enrich the Luce family, of course, the premise is that the task cannot be too complicated.

The level 4 sky knights are like a blank piece of paper, which needs to be learned to be competent. In this regard, David is prepared to be operated by an intelligent system. David only needs to find time to input some knowledge of the gods into the intelligent system, and the rest does not He asked.

Planetary portals glowed white, and in the tremor of space energy, Bishop Evans appeared with two priests in front of the portal.

"Duke Arthur, are you already a Templar?" Bishop Evans looked at David very rudely. He couldn't believe it.

According to records, there have been countless geniuses in the great world of the gods for thousands of years, but he can't find one who can really compare with the prince Arthur in front of him.

For a year, with a special talent, from the trainee knight to the sky knight, it is not impossible.

Therefore, even if the speed of David's previous practice is fast, for this group of people at the top of the world, there is only one more gifted genius.

Geniuses like this appear almost every few years.

The talent ability of "Blood Power Purification" is similar to other talents. They are all talents that can speed up the cultivation of knights. This is not a secret in the top circle.

But these geniuses can only be considered as potential before becoming a fifth-level Templar.

But Bishop Evans had never imagined that when he first saw the Duke of Arthur, he saw a young fifth-level Templar.

With the fifth-level spirit of Bishop Evans, how could he not perceive the breath of the fifth-level Templar knight who was obviously uncontrolled by Duke Arthur.

"I have been shutting down for the most recent period, plus Jia Mixing's environment is good, my luck is also very good, successfully promoted!" David replied with a smile.

David said it easily, but the people next to him did not listen easily. When was it so easy to be promoted to Templar 5.

Although the environment of Jia Mixing is good, it is still far inferior to those of the top stars who have been operating for thousands of years.

There are so many fourth-level sky knights of the top nobility. It is difficult to appear a fifth-level templar in one generation. Is the environment really so important?

Let's talk about retreat again. For two months, it is considered a retreat for the peak fourth-level sky knight. Among those peak fourth-level sky knights who want to be promoted to the fifth-level templar knight, which one is not closed in years.

"Duke Arthur, I originally brought you good news. I didn't expect you to surprise me first!" Bishop Evans stabilized and bowed with a smile.

"Bishop Evans, let's go to the castle, I can't wait to know what the good news is!" David bowed down and gave a gift, then said a hand salute.

The Dickens housekeeper arranged for Bishop Evans to ride in an alchemy carriage, accompanied by David as his master, and the other by two priests.

"Duke Arthur's great work, even the alchemy carriage is controlled by the Sky Knight!" Bishop Evans looked at the fourth-level Sky Knight driving the alchemy carriage and sighed softly.

The lords of the top aristocrats will have this kind of arrogance, because the fourth-level sky knight will not be willing to be a driver, even if he is driving for the fifth-level templar.

David smiled without explaining much.

At the gate of the castle, a fourth-level sky knight approached and opened the door of the alchemy carriage.

Bishop Evans also found it wrong at this time. When the fourth-level sky knight was so worthless, even the driving door was done by the fourth-level sky knight.

To know that normal things are done by servants, Sky Knight has its own pride.

"Bishop Evans, because of the last attack, the machine servants in the castle were damaged. During this time, I have been closed, and I have not asked about it. I will help these knights temporarily!" Doubtful and explained with a smile.

What David said was that Count Aibe invaded Carmichael with 22 top nobles. In that incident, all the robots here were destroyed.

The intelligent system automatically allocates resources. David did not live in the castle at all. The intelligent system only produced a few cleaning machine servants, and the rest of the resources were used in the huge project of transforming the planet.

Anyway, there are a lot of fourth-level sky knights, so let the fourth-level sky knights do it first. It happens that the fourth-level sky knights have the ability to learn from each other. In the space debris, many fourth-level sky knights are responsible for the castle operation there. The fourth-level Sky Knights all have the same abilities.

"I also feel indignant at the attack on Gami Star, which is a tramp on the noble system!" Bishop Evans and David said as they walked into the castle.

Sitting down in the lobby, there are four levels of sky knights serving drinks for the two.

Bishop Evans is gradually getting used to this extravagant behavior of David.

"Duke Arthur, just the day before yesterday, the Five Great Temples made a decision on the treatment of Earl Abbe and the 22 top nobles, which involved compensation to you. I came here to inform you!" Ivan Bishop Si spoke very formally to David.

When David heard Earl Abbe, he couldn't help but immediately realized that Abbe was being cut.

"Thank the temple for justice!" David bowed and thanked.

"The Earl Abbe was removed from the position of Speaker of the Supreme Council and cut the Earl to Earl's title. At the same time, he will compensate you Dunhill Star, the territory that belonged to the Lidun family, and the compensation list of the other 22 top nobles is here!" Ivan Bishop Swan announced.

David was really taken aback, and a planet was just sentenced to him, what a great benefit.

Bishop Evans smiled and handed a thick list to David. When he came, he was shocked by David. At this moment, David was finally surprised, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

David took the list and didn't check it, but set it aside.

He also looked at the things on this list lazily, and then left it to the Deakins butler to deal with.

"To be honest, I didn't expect Dunhill to compensate me!" David said honestly.

"This is the common opinion of the five archbishops. You were treated unfairly in this incident. At the same time, in this incident, Earl Abbe and his family used the power given by the temple to commit betrayal to the world of God. This behavior must be punished with the strongest punishment in order to be contained completely! "Bishop Evans said with a sharp flash in his eyes.

Although the temple does not participate in worldly affairs, all worldly powers are managed by the temple, and the harsh punishment occurs when Earl Abbe's behavior angers the temple.

During Duke Arthur's mission to the Interstellar Federation, the attack on Duke Arthur was a betrayal of the great world of the gods. This cannot be questioned.

Except for Earl Abbey, the six top nobles involved all paid more compensation than other top nobles. Since Earl Abbey was the mastermind and commander, he was naturally responsible for the biggest crimes.

Even the Baruch family, who was badly injured, had to pay a heavy compensation.

David sighed in his heart that this was the reign of theocracy, and the scenery, like Count Abbe, was immediately suppressed after being abandoned by theocracy.

If it were not for the noble ’s own rules, all crimes could be atoned by wealth, and Earl Abbe himself had an influence.

In this incident, Earl Abbe did too disgraceful. Among the nobles, there were many nobles who supported David, and there were many supporters of David among the top nobles. This made the noble circle not punish the temple. objection.

There is also the efforts of Lord Gould, and the top nobles associated with David also exerted their influence, making few people in the aristocratic circle speak for Earl Abbe.

In fact, it is not easy for the temple to punish nobles like Earl Abbe. The Speaker of the Supreme Council, the lord of the top nobility, these identities are the best umbrellas.

If the ordinary temple wanted to take action against Count Aibe, it would immediately be opposed by the entire noble forces.

No matter how strong the temple is, it is also necessary to consider the reaction of the nobility. In order to maintain the nobility of the nobility, the noble circle is very resistant to the temple directly intervening in the internal affairs of the nobility.

Only in this incident, the top aristocracy circle has been divided, and the influence of David and Lord Gould in the top aristocracy circle is also not small.

The action of Earl Abbe against David is actually the confrontation between the two new and old noble forces, Lord Abbey and Lord Gould.

The Five Great Temples also took this opportunity to severely punish Earl Abbe, strengthening the power of the Temple and giving a warning to some top nobles.

The temple has long wanted to rectify the aristocratic atmosphere, this time is an opportunity.

It is also the situation that David received such heavy compensation. Of course, the red wine produced by Gami Star also has an important function. Otherwise, the deprived territory can be used as a reward for the merit of the temple, and it does not necessarily compensate David.

"The justice of the five archbishops moved me, and I will thank you in person in the future!" David didn't know the complicated situation, and he bowed.

"The last news is the news that the Archbishop asked me to bring to you, but I did not expect you to have reached it, so congratulations, Duke Arthur, you will formally become a member of the Supreme Council, and your family will officially become a top noble, because now The Speaker of the Supreme Council is vacant, and the temple will handle the relevant procedures for you! "Bishop Evans said with a smile.

The last news that Bishop Evans brought was to tell Duke Arthur that after he reached the Templar Knight level 5, the temple would agree to Duke Arthur's top noble status.

It should be understood that the identity of the top nobles represents a large number of top resource quotas, especially the various resource allocation rights from Warstar, which is where the top nobles become stronger and stronger.

Earl Abbey, in order to make David fall into the trap, promoted David to become a member of the Supreme Council, so that David at the highest level of the Council, the power to become a top noble.

But the top nobles still need the recognition of the temple. The news brought by Bishop Evans is equivalent to directly eliminating a lot of processes, allowing David to step into the top aristocracy.

In the past, big aristocrats wanted to become top aristocrats, not only to meet various conditions, but also to wait for a short time, wait for the approval of the Supreme Council, wait for the recognition of the temple, and go through the corresponding procedures.

None of these can be completed in two or three years. If there is an archbishop, David saves the trouble.

David didn't understand why the temple would treat him so well. He stood up and bowed to salute his gratitude.

Bishop Evans also received a generous gift when he left, and each of the two priests also came.

"Dickens Butler, it looks like I'm going to keep you busy again. Let's take a look at this list first!" After sending Bishop Evans away, David returned to the castle and said the thick list.

The Dickens housekeeper took over the list, which is the most high-quality industry in the world of the gods, with super-large estates, well-known hotel chains, as many as ten large-scale minerals alone, and many of them Castles, villas, etc. around the world.

Dickins Butler, who had previously been an old Duke butler, was shocked when he saw the contents of the list.

The compensation that can be obtained by the top nobles, after being approved by the temple, will naturally not be an ordinary industry.

Even to satisfy the Duke Arthur, the compensation chosen by the top nobles is the best industry they can come up with.

In addition to the immovability of the industries in their respective territories, the best industries outside the territories can be paid. As long as the Duke Arthur can calm down his anger, the top nobles still want to interview him and pay a higher price.

"Master, the industries on the list can make the family power spread over most of the planets of the gods world. The family needs more managers!" The rare Deakins butler was a bit struggling to manage the industry, he bowed.

"According to your request, expand the management of the family. By the way, Dunhill is already my territory. You can go with me and select available talents there!" David said with a smile.

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