Extraordinary David

Chapter 860: News

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"Master, the Litton family will not admit it!" Jeffrey Butler didn't understand what David meant and bowed.

"Just gossiping in the past, and I heard that the Lidun family left with some fourth-level sky knights from the Dunle star. I said that I want the Litton family to send back all the knights from the Dunle star!" David Waving decided.

"Yes, master!" Jeffrey Butler bowed.

David glanced at the secret chamber. Perhaps it seemed to the Jeffrey housekeeper that the secret chamber was evacuated because of the preciousness of the items inside.

But in his eyes, this is a provocation to him, what a precious thing can be in the secret room of a non-main castle.

David and the Litton family have no possibility of reconciliation. At this time, as long as they seize a little opportunity, they will take the opportunity to suppress.

Jeffrey Butler took David to continue to visit the castle, all the way to the warehouse, Jeffrey Butler opened the doors of several warehouses.

The warehouse was full of materials, and it could be seen above the warehouse that the Lidun family did not do anything.

For castles like this, there is always a complete record, including the registration of all items, the log of the warehouse entry, and even the details to the daily consumption will be recorded.

Except for a few special items that have not been recorded, like the previous secret chamber, the rest of the items are not dared even if the members of the Lidun family want to swallow them privately.

"What? Is this news certain?" Earl Abbe's energy avatar was contacting the intelligence officer of the Litton family, and he cried out infrequently.

The energy avatars of the fifth-level Templars of Avid watched Earl Abbe standing blankly after finishing contact.

"Aybe, what's wrong?" Aved asked the fifth-level Templar Knight.

In recent days, the energy avatars of the two of them have been together because they need to discuss some important things. However, the five-level Templars of Avid did not visit the family on weekdays, and he did not pay attention to the contact of Earl Abbe .

"Duke Arthur has advanced!" Earl Abbe said with a helpless smile.

"What?" Avid's fifth-level Templar showed a look that was the same as Earl Abbe's before.

How old is the Duke of Arthur, he has become a fifth-level Templar, this is no longer a question of potential, but really entered the ranks of the top strong.

When Duke Arthur was a fourth-level sky knight, he could assassinate a fifth-level templar, and now he is also a fifth-level templar, so which fifth-level templar in the world can block his assassination?

If it is the rest of the nobility, hearing this news will at most sigh Duke Arthur's talent, and then say something envious and jealous.

However, the five-level Templars of Avid are different from Count Aibe. They and the Duke of Arthur have become dead enemies. How can they not be scared when they hear this news in this case.

"Is the information accurate?" Aved asked the fifth-level Templar.

Although the Lidun family is not as good as before, the intelligence network has not been greatly affected, and the information given will not have any problems.

In addition to such a major matter, without repeated certification, the intelligence personnel would not dare to report it.

"Verify many times!" Earl Abbe understood the idea of ​​the five-level Templar Knight of Avid, he said in a deep voice.

"Trouble!" Aved's fifth-grade Templar Knight sighed.

Even if Duke Arthur had the ability to kill the fifth-level Templar Knight, but in the end it was only the fourth-level Sky Knight, and the defensive power could not reach the level of the fifth-level Templar Knight. .

But now that the Duke of Arthur has become a fifth-level Templar, the original plan will not work, and the manpower must be increased for the "Gods of the Dusk", and the price paid by the Litton family will increase.

"Re-contact there, fortunately to get the information in time, otherwise you will be in vain again!" Count Abbe suggested.

"I'll contact you immediately!" Avid's fifth-level Templar Knight nodded and said.

At this moment, the housekeeper walked outside and bowed.

The butler did not speak. He knew that the two inside knew it when he came, as long as there was time in it, he would summon him.

"Butler, is there anything?" Earl Abbe waved his hand and the door opened, he asked aloud.

"Master, Lord Avid, Duke Arthur sent a letter!" The butler bowed and took out an envelope and said.

Earl Abbe and the fifth-level Templar Knight of Avid glanced at each other, wondering why Duke Arthur sent them letters.

Earl Abbe took the letter. It was a very formal letter with a seal bearing the heraldic pattern of the shadow leopard, with alchemy energy lingering on the seal.

He flicked his fingers, opened the seal, and took out the parchment inside.

"Courage! It's so deceiving!" After reading the content, Earl Abbe said, squeezing his face in a somber expression.

Templar knight of Avid did not need to take the letter. His spirit swept the letter and he knew the content of the letter.

"Don't you tell them not to make small moves?" Asked the five-level Templar Knight of Avid frowned.

In fact, neither Earl Abbe nor the Avid 5th-level Templar Knight had any idea of ​​taking anything away from the Durst star, and he did so in the same way.

However, although the order was issued, the person who executed the order did not follow the requirements.

Those items with records that can be compared are certainly not dare to move, but the items in the secret chamber, such as the fourth-level sky knight that Dunhill is willing to leave with them, are not listed here.

The territory responsible for Dun'er Star is a branch of the Lidun family's heirs. After losing the Dunr star lord, this heir's family suffered great losses.

Within a family of the same size as the Litton family, there are also factions. Even the same family is divided into several branches and competes with each other.

At this time, the two tier five Templars will not bother, because this kind of competition can maintain the vitality of the family, but did not expect the clan to be personal.

Earl Abbe's "dare to act" refers to the dwellers of Dun'er Star evacuated, and the reference to "deceived too much" refers to David.

"Let them send the items and people back!" Although the fifth-level Templar Knight of Avid rarely asked about the affairs of the clan, he said directly at this time.

"Indeed, we must not disrupt our plan because of this incident!" Earl Abbe also sobered from his anger, Shen Sheng said.

In fact, the two of them are very helpless. The Lidun family has fallen to the point where they need to bow their heads.

This also increased their determination to resolve the Duke of Arthur. Without removing the Duke of Arthur in one day, the shame of the Litton family could not be washed out in one day.

"The housekeeper, let the family law enforcement knight come forward, send the clan who violated my order to the clan prison, let them introspect, and bring back all the items and knights brought back from Dunlestar!" Earl Abbe ordered to the housekeeper.

The steward bowed and left, leaving two fifth-level Templar knights with helplessness and hatred.

In the main castle of the Main family, Lord Gould also received information.

"Hahahaha!" Lord Gould's laughter stirred in the room, and the laughter was full of joy.

He must be happy, of course, since the Duke Arthur just showed his talent, he invested in the Duke Arthur.

And with the growth of the Duke of Arthur, the Maine family's investment has also increased.

Any top aristocrat would make such an investment, like some talented knights, and even receive training from the family.

But Lord Gould did not expect that the young man he considered to be very talented at the time, the nobleman who was close to his son Charlie, now became a fifth-level Templar knight who also existed.

There is also information in the temple that the Duke Arthur is going through the procedures for the top noble, and it will not take long for the Duke Arthur to become a member of the top noble.

It can be said that in just over a year, the Duke Arthur has gone through many generations or dozens of generations of families.

From the lowest baron, to the present-day duke, to the top nobles, and members of the highest council, the change of status among them is so unimaginable.

"Baron Blackmer, prepare a generous gift to congratulate Duke Arthur on his promotion to the Knights Templar and let Charlie go!" Lord Lord Gould ordered Baron Blackmoor beside him.

Baron Blackmer was also shocked by the news, but he had already seen the genius of Duke Arthur.

To say that the whole **** belongs to the world, which knight is most likely to become a Templar, in the eyes of Baron Blackmer is Duke Arthur.

Although the Duke of Arthur had been promoted to the Templars a little early, he hadn't broken away from his expectations.

"What about Ian?" Baron Blackmer asked softly, as if reminding.

If Duke Arthur had any trouble with the Maine family, then Ian was the only trouble.

Ian is the illegitimate child of Lord Gould. He acted arrogantly and had a conflict with the Duke of Arthur. Now he is being punished by Iron Furnace Star.

"Withdraw all Ian's nobility status, cut off his knight resource supply, let him leave from Iron Furnace Star, send him to Wanton Star, let him spend the life of ordinary people!" Lord Gould shook his head.

In the capacity of Ian, if you make a mistake, as long as you stay in the Iron Furnace, you will return to the family after you leave. Even if you are unlucky, you will be a low-level noble and backed by the Mein family. Casual life.

Especially now that the power of the Maine family is growing, Ian has many opportunities in the future.

But Lord Gould's decision cut off any chance of Ian.

Wanton star is a special planet of the great world of the gods, where exile and abandoned nobles are there.

Wanton Star is an extremely rare planet lacking cultivation energy. Even on Wanton Star, there are not enough resources, and even planet-level portals are not arranged.

There is purely the world of ordinary people, where exiled nobles can enjoy the lives of ordinary rich people, but have lost everything in the future.

"I'll do it now!" Baron Blackmer responded with a deep voice.

"Our relationship with Duke Arthur is even closer. Duke Arthur has reached the fifth level, but he is not married yet!" Lord Gould did not say anything.

"I will also pay attention to this matter!" Baron Blackmer said with a smile.

The meaning of Lord Gould's words is very obvious, it is to choose a woman in the family to marry the Duke of Arthur, but it is not clear in his identity.

He could think of this, and one can imagine how much he valued Duke Arthur.

The main influence of the Maine family has come from. It is the Duke Arthur's "heart-warming lotus seed soup", coupled with the close connection between the Duke Arthur and the Maine family, the Maine family is gradually moving towards the top noble Pinnacle.

Duke Arthur is the strongest ally of the Maine family, and Lord Gould wants to strengthen his relationship.

The news that Duke Arthur was promoted to the fifth rank of Templars was first circulated among the top aristocratic circles, and then spread throughout the aristocratic circle with unimaginable speed.

There are no real secrets in the aristocratic circle, and news like this circulates through various receptions and various parties.

The Noble Affairs Office also sent the latest notice to all nobles, and the Ruth family of Duke Arthur was promoted to the top nobility.

This news hit the hearts of nobles with a more violent trend. The new top nobles mean the rise of a family.

This is the ultimate dream of countless nobles, which means to become the biggest cake sharer of the gods world, enjoying various top resource quotas.

Especially the 22 top nobles who had participated in the invasion of Garmich, although they paid compensation, they were still extremely uneasy.

These top aristocrats are madly looking for various relationships and want to meet Lord Gould. As for meeting the Duke Arthur, they have tried it for a long time, and no one has ever succeeded.

"Charlie, welcome you!" David smiled and watched as Charlie Knight took the initiative to move forward, a greeting salute that only friends would use.

He saw Charlie Cavaliers seem to have somehow to say hello, so he took the initiative to step forward.

"Arthur, I'm still a little worried that you will change!" Charlie Knight could not help but relax when he saw David's movements and smiled and politely replied his arms.

"No matter how you change me or me, you can't promote a Templar and you don't recognize your friends!" David said with a smile.

David is really in a relaxed mood. He and Charlie Knight are true friends. Charlie Knight is also one of his few true friends. The more he achieves his status and strength, this friendship becomes more precious.

At least David now wants to make friends with whom he can communicate freely, which is almost impossible.

With his equal strength and status, which one is not an old fox may accidentally fall into the trap.

Both 'Heart-Heart Lotus Seed Soup' and Jia Mixing's red wine were delivered, and this treatment was not even available when Bishop Evans visited.

"This is a gift from my father!" After Charlie Knight tasted the perfect taste, he thought of the gift. He passed a space ring and said.

"Thank you Lord Lord Gould. I plan to stabilize at the Dunhill star and hold the Templar reception here. You will come as a guest!" David said with a smile and put away the space ring.

The reason why Charlie Knight is a guest is because the standard of participation for the Knights Templar reception is level 5. Unless this party is specially invited, those less than level 5 are not eligible to participate.

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