Extraordinary David

Chapter 862: Attack

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"Is there no response?" Lord Amos watched as the butler walked in dejectedly and asked aloud.

"Yes, Master, I have asked. Lord Felix of the Jenner family also applied to Lord Arthur. The invitation letter to the Knights Templar reception has been delivered to the Jenner family at this time!" The butler bowed back. .

"Lord Arthur doesn't want to be kind anymore. Is he really such a bully for my Arthur family?" Lord Amos patted the palm of his hand on the table, his eyes flashing fiercely.

The butler stood silently, knowing what Lord Amos held.

Perhaps every top aristocrat has something to hold, that is, the fifth-level Templar knight who is closed to death, as long as any fifth-level Templar knight is released, it will cause huge damage to the other party.

The five-level Templar Knights at the death pass have no trace of emotions, and only retain a trace of the sense of the family blood before closing the death. Under normal circumstances, they will not actively attack the family blood.

However, not all the Arthur family has blood, so this kind of death knight Templar Knight must be sent to the target location immediately after release, otherwise it will launch a ruthless slaughter on the planet where it is located.

"Lord Arthur is really like the Mather family is the Baruch family, there is no backlash!" Lord Amos continued.

But as the anger slowly subsided, his reason returned, and he did not speak as hard as before.

Less than a last resort, he would not release the fifth-grade Templar Knight, because if he did that, the Duke of Arthur would definitely have no worries and would directly kill the Arthur family's territory.

The Baruch family was able to kill two fifth-level Templar knights of the family at the same time because they were underestimating the enemy. The consequence was that even the fifth-level Templar knight could not be released.

Lord Amos did not know that it was not that the Baruch family did not release the fifth-level Templar Knight, but that the clan who had the information of the fifth-level Templar Knight was killed by David.

Even David got three Templar Knights of Level 5, and now he has become one of his fighting strengths.

"Did Lord Gould not reply there?" Lord Amos sat back in his chair and asked Shen Sheng.

"Lord Gould said that he needed to meet Lord Arthur at the reception to know Lord Arthur's attitude!" The steward sighed and bowed back.

"Then wait for the Supreme Council, then I will officially meet Lord Arthur, if he does not give the opportunity, then he will die!" Lord Amos shook his head.

Lord Gould's words were obviously pretexts. How could the relationship between Lord Gould and Lord Arthur take so long to meet, and both parties could contact at any time.

Lord Amos now only thinks about the plenary session of the Supreme Council. When that time, Lord Arthur as a full member of the council will of course go to participate.

As time passed, discussions in the nobility circle continued, but no one heard of the trace of Lord Arthur.

The heart-warming lotus produced by Bamaxing Qinya Manor in recent months has become the top ingredient in the aristocracy, but no one dared to touch Qinya Manor.

In order to protect Qinya Manor, at least more than 20 top nobles have purchased the manor around Qinya Manor. As long as anything appears in Qinya Manor, more than 20 top noble families will react as soon as possible.

In particular, Lord Gould also arranged a medium-sized portal in the manor next to Qinya Manor to facilitate the support of the Qinya Manor by the Maine family.

"Heart-warming lotus" is no longer an ordinary top-grade ingredient, but a super sacred medicine that can cure the fifth-level Templar.

Bishop Gershwin Level 5 looked at Qinya Manor from afar, he was a member of the "Gods of the Dusk".

Although the "Gods of the Dusk" seem to be cooperating with the Lidun family, they actually have more goals than the Lidun family imagined.

The appearance of "Heart-Heart Lotus Seed Soup" did not initially attract the attention of the "gods of the gods". Such little things would not be taken seriously by them.

However, as Lord Gould took the opportunity of "Warmhearted Lotus Seed Soup" and united many lords with the fifth-level Templar Knights, this made "Goddess Twilight" truly see the importance of "Warmhearted Lotus Seed Soup"

Through the information of the Lidun family, the "Gods of the Dusk" knew about Qinya Manor and wanted to take action.

In fact, the Lidun family did not want the "Gods of the Dusk" to move the Qiya Manor before the Arthur Lord was resolved.

When the Litton family was still glorious in the past, it would be a good thing to solve the Qinya Manor by ‘Gods of the Dusk’ because it could break Lord Gould ’s cards and disintegrate the newly formed top aristocratic alliance.

But now the Litton family has lost the right to compete for power. They are more concerned about removing the Arthur lord, which is more threatening to the Litton family. As for the Qinya manor, there is no Arthur lord. What use?

Before Lord Arthur, Qinya Manor ’s ‘warm heart lotus’ was only top-quality ingredients.

After the appearance of ‘Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup’, it was not that nobles tried to make it by themselves. There are still a lot of ‘Nuanxinlian’ flowing out.

But no one can make ‘Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup’ have an effect on the fifth-level Templar Knight, which also achieved the prestige of Arthur ’s ‘Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup’.

'Divine Twilight' is different, they pay more attention to the situation of the world's top combat power. 'Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup', a super sacred medicine that has an important role for the fifth-level Templars, can not and should not appeared.

In particular, after knowing that Lord Arthur became a fifth-level Templar, ‘The Gods Twilight’ was not 100% sure about the assassination of Duke Arthur, and they included Qinya Manor into the priority destruction plan.

Bishop level 5, this is a title of strength that is not recognized by the five major temples, because bishops are only eligible for the appointment of senior managers of the temple recognized by the five major temples.

The bishop of the believer in evil spirits can be called a bishop as long as he reaches the fifth level.

In the view of the Five Great Temples, this is an insult to the Five Great Temples.

The mission of Bishop Gershwin V is very simple this time, as long as he destroys Qinya Manor.

This task allows him to be a fifth-level bishop. It is really overkill, but the task is too important. If it is unsuccessful once, there will be no chance for follow-up.

Bishop Gershwin fifth stepped out, his figure flashed and then appeared at fifty meters, and then flashed again at fifty meters in front.

The positions he chose were all positions where the figure could be hidden. Although he seemed to be walking in the court, he had been alerting the top noble guards of Qinya Manor and had not found him.

The actions of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin are extremely strange. Of course, with his actual combat power, it is not a big problem to instantly clear the knights in this area.

But the style of ‘Gods of the Dusk’ is to be low-key, that is, because they are low-key, they can be kept to this day.

Unlike the sacrificial rites and knights of the Great World, it is extremely difficult for a five-level bishop of a demon believer to appear, and any five-level bishop is a very important combat power.

There are many priests in the five major temples in each generation of the temple's sacrifice, and each generation of the five-level templar knights in the entire world of the temple is as little as one hundred and many hundreds.

This is related to the different resources and talent reserves of the two sides. The number of knights is almost everywhere in the entire world of the gods. As long as the blood of the nobles is excited, it has the knight talent.

The shrine can also use the power in its hands to bring spiritual talents found in the world into the shrine, and cultivate it into a shrine.

What about evil believers?

They can only use their luck to find spiritual talents that have not been discovered by the temple and the nobility through special channels, and then threaten and lure them. If they are young or even directly abducted, they can be used for everything.

The spiritual talents that can be obtained in this way can't guarantee the talent at all, just like luck, maybe one generation can produce two fifth-level bishops, and sometimes even a few generations cannot have a fifth-level bishop.

If it were not for the fifth-level bishop to have a way to prolong life, the "goddess twilight" would no longer exist.

The fifth-level bishop of Gershwin is rather special. He is still at a normal age, or he is still a mature man. From the face to the body, there is no such anomaly as most fifth-level bishops.

There is a price to be paid for prolonging life, and the shortcomings in appearance can only be regarded as minor shortcomings. The temperament and temperament of the character are the real costs.

Bishop Gershwin, who is more like a normal person, will be sent to perform this kind of task. Even if it is found, it will not be reminiscent of the "gods of the gods."

The fifth-level bishop of Gershwin flickered outside Qinya Manor. The alchemy pattern here was strengthened by David. The fifth-level strongman could not enter unless it was forcibly broken.

But the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin is not an ordinary fifth-level powerhouse. Almost all fifth-level bishops have their own special talents. Cultists without special talents are almost unable to reach this point and fell.

Bishop Gershwin stepped out one step, his figure disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he was already inside the Qinya Manor.

If David is here, he will see that this is the same space ability as his 'space burst' talent.

The horror of space capabilities is that you can ignore a lot of defense, and you can attack and retreat.

Entering the Qinya Manor, Gershwin's Bishop Level 5 also relaxed a little. He let go of his spirit, and the Level 5 Spirit covered a large area.

There is no knight in Qinya Manor, so the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin does not need to be too careful. He came to Qinya Lake, and no one could find him.

He took a bottle out of the space objects. Before opening the bottle, he had a special glove on his hand. One can imagine how cautious he was with the liquid in the bottle.

"This task is too meaningless!" Bishop Gershwin said softly, opening the bottle.

Green gas floated from the mouth of the bottle. Bishop Gershwin Level 5 laid a space wall in front of him. He didn't want to inadvertently be poisoned, which would make him the joke of the whole "goddess dusk".

Pour the green liquid in the bottle into Qinya Lake. He stood by the lake for a moment. When he saw many ‘warm heart lotus’ in the lake water withered instantly, a smile appeared on his face.

By cutting off the ingredients of "Heart-Heart Lotus Seed Soup", the fifth-level Templar Knights of the Great World can be weakened, which is why the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin took up this task.

For every fifth-level bishop, none of them can become a fifth-level after nine deaths, and these knights can only get endless resources because of their good background, and they can become five. Templar knight, this is the reason for the jealousy of the bishop of level 5.

It was only when the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin thought that the mission was completed, only a half of the poisonousness of 'Heart-warming Lotus' was extinct, as if it had lost its effect.

"Huh?" Gershwin's fifth-level bishop felt very strange, to know that his bottle of poison was provided by a highly poisonous fifth-level bishop of "God's Dusk".

Not to mention this bottle, just one drop can make this Qinya Lake a poisonous lake, and there will be no more life in the next 100 years.

Bishop Gershwin Level 5 did not know that his bottle of poison was poured into the Qinya Lake, but it triggered the rapid excitation of the invincible vitality group at the bottom of the lake, automatically cleaning up the poison in the lake.

Normally, the indestructible vitality group that David stays at the bottom of the lake can also support at least a hundred years, so that the indelible vitality energy in the lake water does not disappear.

But the toxic poison poured into by the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin triggered the counterattack of the immortal vitality, instantly consuming all the uninterruptible vitality in the inexhaustible vitality group, and also removing the toxic poison in the lake.

The Bishop of Gershwin Level 5 didn't know this. He thought he hadn't completed the task. In fact, after that group of inexhaustible vitality was gone, there was no such magic in Qinya Lake before.

"I didn't want to make a big deal, it seems that I can't do it!" Gershwin Bishop shook his head and murmured.

He no longer concealed his own breath, a terrifying spirit erupted, and the entire alchemy defense circle of Qinya Manor was affected by his spirit. The working workers stayed together and then fell to the ground.

Crowder Superintendent was visiting the manor. When the horrible spirit was swept away, he only came and thought he was attacked, but he could not press the alchemy medal in his waist to sound the alarm.

How terrible is the bishop of the fifth level, perhaps in the battle between the fifth level, it is difficult to judge who wins and loses the bishop of the fifth level and the Templar of the fifth level, but if it is to deal with the combat of less than the fifth level, the bishop of the fifth level Has a natural advantage.

The spirit is invisible and invisible, plus the practice of the mental attack, as long as it is within the spiritual range, almost everyone who is below the level 5 bishop's spirit will be affected by the mental attack.

The Bishop of Gershwin was not for killing. The killing was just that he didn't want to leave any clues. The space energy in his hands pooled, and then the cracks in the space of Qinya Lake Dao Road appeared.

Not to mention ‘warm heart lotus’, the entire Qinya Lake was devastated.

The powerful destructive power of the fifth level was really revealed at this time. The Bishop of Gershwin fifth level did not know what conditions were needed for the planting of 'Heart-Heart Lotus', but his solution was simple, destroying the entire Qinya Lake.

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