Extraordinary David

Chapter 864: search

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In the heads of David and Gould, Qi recalled the Keith family's information, which is also the basic knowledge of the nobility.

The Keith family is the great noble of the great world. Of course, it can only be regarded as the middle and bottom of the big noble. The family has five fourth-level sky knights.

"My Lord Gould, as a member of the Supreme Council, asked the law enforcement team of the main city of Bama to surround Villa 12 and search the villa!" Lord Shen Gould said.

"Master Lord, this requires me to report to your boss. Please wait for a while, but before that, we will surround Villa No. 12 and will not let anyone go!" Level 4 Sky Knight said bowed.

Members of the Supreme Council make a search request, and the law enforcement team can decide whether to accept it. In fact, this is to see which side of the nobility is powerful.

Of course, the top nobility will not make such a request for no reason. Once the other party has no problems, their reputation will be damaged.

Lord Gould trusts Lord Arthur absolutely, so he can only bear things on his own.

It is not easy to make such a decision in an important period when he is going to participate in the election of the competition speaker.

David has manipulated the Shadow Attendant to enter the villa 12 first. At this time, the people in the villa have discovered the situation outside. Some knights are using the contact circle to contact.

The shadow attendant walked through the room, and the entire villa did not find anything, but David locked it according to the breath provided by Xiao Bai and manipulated the shadow attendant to enter the ground of the villa's basement.

Under the ground, a downward passage was found. The four walls of the passage were all isolated patterns. The dark door entered was also a pure institution. There was no energy response. Such a secret door was the most difficult to find.

Twenty meters down the passage is a secret room with a single portal in the secret room.

The spatial fluctuation of this single portal is much smaller than the other portals, and it is 20 meters underground, coupled with the effect of isolating the patterns, it is no wonder that there is such a portal in the main city of Bama. None was found.

The single portal is placed in the main city of Bama, and there are a few more people in the big city like this that can't be found.

And if the portal is placed in a manor far from the city, it may be safer, but it is also easier to find. Some strangers suddenly appear near the manor, and they will naturally be noticed.

David knew how the five-level bishop left, and the Keith family must have dealt with believers in evil spirits.

It is not allowed to arrange portals in the main city of Bama. It may be fine if they are not caught, but if they are caught, it will be a big trouble.

Each portal is to enter the teleportation network of the divine world, and needs to be reported and numbered.

David saw some ancient patterns on the single portal. This single portal relied on these ancient patterns to skip the process of filing and numbering, and secretly accessed the transmission network of the gods world.

The shadow attendant flew to the personal portal, and David entered the personal portal through the spirit of the shadow attendant, and found the relevant transmission information easily.

The goal of the fifth-level bishop's teleportation was Degas, and he was able to find this, thanks to the fifth-level bishop for not using the planetary portal.

To know the planetary portal of the main city of Bama, the daily traffic is not a small number.

Even if David forcibly entered the alchemy pattern of the planetary portal, he could not find out the exact teleportation target of the fifth-level bishop, which required too much work.

However, this single portal of the Keith family is simple. It is estimated that this single portal is almost never used, so the recent usage records of a single portal are only one in and one out.

The time of entry is consistent with the time when Qinya Manor was attacked. Due to the reason of the portal, it is impossible to leave the information of the planet on the other side when it is sent here.

The alchemy carriage of the Clarence chief of law enforcement and the alchemy carriage of the Duke of Addis, Keith family arrived almost simultaneously.

The Duke of Addis looked at the two lords in the sky. His heart was full of panic. Of course he knew what his family had done, and even he did it all by himself.

It's not a year or two since the Keith family was connected to the "Gods of the Gods". Through this relationship, the family has gained a lot of benefits, but not much.

This time there was news from the "Gods of the Dusk", which was used by the portal, and the Duke of Addis did not care.

But he never thought of it, just borrowed a portal, and even got two lords.

Who are these two lords? Lord Gould is currently well-known and is a strong contender for the Speaker of the Supreme Council.

Lord Arthur is even more terrifying. It is the existence of successive killing of several fifth-level Templars. The top noble Maruk family is destroyed in his hands, and the Litton family has fallen from the position of the top noble The previous speaker was also pulled down by Lord Arthur.

Among the many top aristocrats, Lord Arthur, the lord who has just become the top aristocrat, is the most terrible. No one will be willing to be against him.

"The Duke of the Keith family has seen the great Lord Gould and the great Lord Arthur!" The Duke of Addis stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

Lord Gould and David ignored the Duke of Addis, and it was not the right time to say hello to Duke of Addis.

"Clarence chief of law enforcement, can you start?" Lord Gould asked Shen Clarence chief of law enforcement.

"Lord Gould, are you sure to use this power?" The Clarence chief of law enforcement also did not visit the Duke of Addis, he asked seriously.

The chief executive of Clarence knew that he could not refuse. Although he had the power to refuse Lord Gould ’s application, it meant that he would offend Lord Gould and Lord Arthur at the same time, let alone Lord Gould. There are so many allies behind the lord.

"Of course, I'm pretty sure that I will bear all the consequences!" Lord Gould glanced at David and then affirmed.

"Subpoena, send a search team to search Villa No. 12!" Clarence's law enforcement chief turned and ordered to his men.

The law enforcement knight led his life away.

"Search the villa? Why?" The Duke of Addis squeezed nervousness and anxiety, and he looked at Lord Gould and asked.

If it were usual, the Duke of Addis would never speak to Lord Gould like this, but at this moment he faced this situation and had to stand up.

"Duke of Addis, someone attacked Qinya Manor, killed my man, and destroyed my manor!" David said in a deep voice without waiting for Lord Gould to speak.

Duke Addis's heart sank, and he never thought that things would be so great.

Some time ago, the villa No. 35 in the main city of Bama was attacked, and people were caught. The evidence pointed directly to the top noble Mather family.

After the Mather family was attacked, at least tens of thousands of people were killed, and even the fifth-grade Templar knight of the Mather family was also killed.

From this incident, it can be seen how terrifying Arthur ’s revenge against the attack on his own property is. For a villa in the main city of Bama, there are no formal people in the villa, only a few stewards.

This is the kind of loss that caused Lord Arthur to kill the Mather star where the top noble Mather family is located, causing the Mather family to pay a heavy price. It is said that Lord Arthur is not satisfied with the loss of the Mather family and continues to deal with Mather family.

"Lord Arthur, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Keith family!" The voice of the Duke of Addis changed, and he anxiously defended.

"It doesn't matter. After searching, you know that the five-level evil **** believers came to Bama Star from your villa and left from here!" David said lightly, then he continued with a cold smile: "Or If you do n’t let the law enforcement team intervene, I ’ll solve the trouble myself! ”

Hearing David say this, not to mention the Duke of Addis, even the chief executive of Clarence on the side changed his face, and let Lord Arthur solve the result in person. It does n’t need to think about it. It can be seen by seeing so many noble families slaughtered.

The Duke of Addis didn't speak anymore. He stepped aside and motioned to the Clarence chief of law to search.

He would rather fall into the hands of the law enforcement team at this time than want to be targeted by Lord Arthur. The consequences are completely different.

"Enter the search!" The chief executive of Clarence also understood what the Keith family had committed, and the search team had arrived. He waved and ordered.

In the great world of the gods, there are two kinds of sins that cannot be offset by the nobility. One is to betray the great world of the gods, and the other is to blasphemy and collude with believers of evil gods. Almost all these two kinds of sins are covered.

Evil God believers believe in Evil God, colluding with Evil God believers, this sin is difficult to be offset by the knighthood.

The most important thing is that everyone in the world of the gods hates the believers of evil gods, because the evil deeds of the believers of the gods often lead to the death of a large number of civilians. They act irresistibly and are spurned by the world of gods.

Clarence's chief of law enforcement initially sympathized with the Duke of Addis, but after knowing the reason, the trace of sympathy also disappeared.

The Duke of Addis watched the search team enter, and he was still a little flustered. The institution in the villa was not an ordinary institution. It was the work of the master of the institution, plus the help of the "God Twilight" sent someone to strengthen it. It's hard to find out.

David did not directly point out the location of the agency. This face should still be given to the chief executive of Clarence. He will point out when he has no gain, and there will be no feeling of guiding the law enforcement team to do things.

"Reporter, I didn't find it!" The captain of the search team came out from the villa and bowed down to report.

Duke Addis heard the news, a faint flash of joy flashed across his face, but he controlled it well.

Suspicion flashed in Lord Gould's eyes, and he looked at David, only to see that David still had a smile on his face, and his mind also settled down.

"Did you check it carefully?" The Clarence chief executive frowned.

The chief executive of Clarence didn't believe that the two lords would come to the main city of Bama to do boring things and wrong the Keith family. To be honest, the Keith family is not worthy of the two lords.

"Go to the basement and press down the third lamppost on the left by one third, then turn left three times and turn right two times!" David reminded with a smile.

The captain of the search team has not yet reacted, but the Duke of Addis is sweating. The biggest secret of this villa 12, how can it be easily revealed by Lord Arthur.

"No need to search, I will open it for you!" Duke of Addis said weakly.

The performance of the Duke of Addis illustrates the authenticity of Lord Arthur ’s words. All the people in the scene were admired. If you know that the search team of the law enforcement team is a professional, they have not found anything suspicious. Lord Se is already known.

"Control everyone!" Clarence Commander Shen Sheng ordered.

There is nothing more to say at this time. After confirming that Villa 12 is indeed in trouble, everyone in this villa has become a criminal.

After hearing the order, the law enforcement knights of the law enforcement team rushed into the villa and began to arrest people.

There are two tier five Templar knights outside. Although there is also a tier four sky knight in the castle, they dare not resist.

The Duke of Addis walked ahead and took everyone to the basement, opening the organ in the same way as David said.

After the organ was opened, a downward passage appeared in the basement.

Everyone went through the passage and saw the secret room and the single portal in the secret room.

"Duke of Addis, you are ready to be questioned by the priest of the Temple of Justice. Now please hand over the space items and take the coat of arms!" The chief of law enforcement of Clarence immediately turned his head when he saw the ancient patterns on the single portal. Speak to the Duke of Addis.

This single portal is not a long-term thing, as can be seen from the modern alchemy patterns, but there are ancient patterns on such portals, there is only one explanation, there are those who have mastered the ancient patterns Man built a single portal for the Keith family.

Regardless of how much such a single portal that can be anonymously transmitted violates the law, it is said that there are only a few believers of evil gods who can understand the ancient patterns.

Why are ancient patterns lost, and those powerful patterns are lost because many ancient patterns are related to ancient gods.

After the five gods ruled the divine world, the ancient patterns were banned. After no inheritance, the ancient patterns quickly disappeared into the mainstream world of the divine world.

If the Duke of Addis was a single portal obtained from other places, as long as he passed the interrogation of the priest of the Temple of Justice, his guilt would not be too great, at most it only paid compensation.

But the Duke of Addis knew that he could not pass the interrogation of the priest of the Temple of Justice. He looked pale and bowed his hands to hand out the space items and the coat of arms.

"The two lords, I need to **** the Duke of Addis back, and thank the two lords for their help in finding out the sins hidden in the main city of Bama!"

Although it was evening, Villa 12 was located in the center of the main city of Bama, and the actions of the law enforcement team could not be concealed.

When the onlookers saw Lord Arthur, they were already in silence for the Keith family. Among the people who were the most incapable of offending God in the big world, Lord Arthur was definitely the top few existence.

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