Extraordinary David

Chapter 871: Tit

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"Sir Lord!" The law enforcement knight saw David and bowed quickly to salute.

David nodded slightly, and when he saw that the scene was well protected, he was very satisfied.

The last time he passed the investigation of the attacked site at the Bama Star Qinya Manor, he found the Keith family hidden in the main city of Bama and related to the believers of the gods. This matter is also known on the Dun'er Star side.

Therefore, after the fourth-level Sky Knight was stabbed, Dunhill ’s law enforcement team protected the scene for the first time, and did not go forward to explore on its own, but waited for the arrival of Lord Arthur.

Of course, the most important reason is the identity of the fourth-level sky knight. This is directly under the lord Arthur. This lord will surely pursue it personally.

David jumped out of Phantom Pterosaur, put away Phantom Pterosaur, and walked to the body of the fourth-level sky knight.

His spirit swept through the body of the fourth-level sky knight and found that there was no wound on the surface of the body, but when his spirit swept through the fourth-level sky knight, the brain of the fourth-level sky knight was disturbed by some kind of power.

At this time, David must be 100% sure that the strongman of the fifth-level bishop must be the shot. Only the fifth-level spirit with the mental attack ability can kill the fourth-level sky knight in this way.

Only a mental attack can destroy the brain of the fourth-level sky knight without any damage to the fourth-level sky knight.

David is about to call out Xiaobai, when he suddenly feels that there is a strange energy exploding in the body of the fourth-level sky knight.

In an instant he judged the strength and power of this energy burst. He wanted to avoid it, but it would cause damage to this area of ​​the main city of Dunle after the avoidance.

If he hadn't become the fifth-level Templar Knight before, David would encounter such a situation, where he would manage other losses, of course, it was important to save his life.

Now his choice is a spirit move, black armor appeared on his body, and a fifth-grade round shield was held in his left hand and blocked in front of him.

David's spirit opened, and the law enforcement knights around him flew out.

Just after David finished this, a strange pattern appeared on the body of the fourth-level sky knight, and then all the flesh and blood in the body exploded violently. Shine.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop came to Dunlestar without any trouble. He also had his own forged identity. He used the forged identity to formally pass through the planetary portal to the main city of Dune.

The reason why Cameron came to Dunhill was that the bishop of Cameron had considered it.

He found that Lord Arthur had a persistent love for his own territory, even if the territory was hurt a little, he would retaliate.

Just as the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin went to destroy Qinya Manor, according to the normal situation, after discovering that it was a fifth-level bishop who destroyed Qinya Manor, most people would accept it and feel bad luck.

Because the Qinya Manor is only an industry, it is not cost-effective to decide the life and death of the fifth-level bishop for an industry.

But Lord Arthur traced to the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin and killed him. This kind of attachment is a crazy thing to the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

So Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop chose to come to Dunlestar. He knew from intelligence that there are forty-four fourth-level sky knights brought by Lord Arthur. He only needs to kill these fourth-level sky knights. You can anger Lord Arthur and let Lord Arthur come in person.

What Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop did not anticipate was that he originally planned to assassinate the fourth-level sky knight from a remote place.

But when he assassinated a fourth-level sky knight at the main wall of Dunr, the remaining thirty-nine fourth-level sky knights seemed to have found the death of their companions, and they all rose into the air to cover each other.

Even a moment later, there were thirty-nine fourth-level sky knights formed in the air.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop wanted to assassinate thirty-nine fourth-level sky knights. It was no longer easy to attack. It was almost announcing to the entire world of the gods that a fifth-level bishop appeared blatantly.

It is estimated that the fifth-level Templar knights who are available at all times will come over, and the merit of killing a fifth-level bishop is not low.

As long as the five major temples know that the fifth-level bishop is here, they will also send a large number of fifth-level sacrifices and temple knights.

So no matter how powerful the fifth-level bishop is, he rarely fights openly, especially in a big city like the main city of Duner. There will be many intelligence points belonging to various forces, and the speed of news dissemination will be very fast.

Fortunately, Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop ’s plan was not completely in vain. He saw Lord Arthur suddenly appearing in the sky.

As long as Lord Arthur appears, he will have the opportunity to carry out an assassination.

Afterwards, David ’s spiritual exploration had actually swept the fifth-level bishop of Cameron, but the second-level bishop of Cameron, who had performed the shadow magic, was in the shadows and was sheltered by the magic. Spiritual discovery.

David ’s spiritual detection is too primitive. He has not learned the abilities related to mental detection. He completely relies on his own spirit. This may be useful for ordinary fifth-level strongmen, but for the fifth-level bishop who is good at concealment, it is not. It's enough.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop did not observe Lord Arthur with his eyes. He observed Lord Arthur's actions through his magical eyes. In this way, he could avoid the perception of sensitive people.

These are the experiences of ‘Goddess Twilight’ who have been chased and killed for thousands of years. The ‘Goddess Twilight’ chased and killed by the Great World of Gods is more careful than those knights who stand in the bright place.

Upon seeing Lord Arthur viewing the body of the fourth-level sky knight, Cameron's fifth-level bishop was delighted, and he activated the magic pattern hidden in the body.

The white bloodline's power flashed, the fifth-level bloodline's power shone on the fifth-level shield, and David pressed the fifth-level shield against the corpse.

This fifth-grade buckler was forged by David himself. He possesses the dual abilities of 'Forge Guru' and 'Alchemy Guru'. He can be called the strongest forge and alchemy master in the entire world of the gods.

Some time ago, he obtained some fifth-grade materials from many top nobles or in the castle.

This also gave David the idea of ​​making a shield by hand. In the world of the gods, it is an extravagant thing to use five-grade materials to make shields.

Because the fifth-level Templar knight's own defense is unfolded, it has a defense that is not weaker than the fifth-level shield. An additional five-level shield is an additional layer of defense at the same level, and it cannot reflect more value.

Besides, there are a lot of fifth-grade materials needed for fifth-grade shields. In the case of the Great World, even the fifth-grade templar knights use light swords, forging shields with fifth-grade materials is too extravagant.

In the case of the same fifth-grade materials, whether to forge a shield with little use, or forge two or three practical and powerful long swords, this choice is naturally very clear.

But David's situation is different. His Luce family has no other knights besides him, let alone the fifth-grade templar knight.

The twelve fifth-level Templars who were resurrected by him to become his avatar, each had their own complete set of equipment, and he did not need him to prepare for them.

So David forged this fifth-grade buckler with willfulness. On top of the buckler, he added dense and dense patterns. He did not choose those special ability patterns.

The power of the special power pattern is too weak for the fifth-level strongman. Besides, the ability of the pattern on the round shield will not help much if the ability he possesses cannot deal with the enemy.

The biggest characteristic of David's fifth-grade round shield is its sturdiness. He took almost all his strength and used a lot of precious alchemy materials to make this round shield.

In the face of real danger, he did not want to expose too many abilities, and this fifth-grade buckler played the best role.

The power of the fifth-level shield and the fifth-level bloodline suppressed the body of the fourth-level sky knight. The flesh and blood of the explosion did not spread around, and was blocked by the fifth-level shield.

To be honest, the power contained in the exploding flesh and blood has little effect on David. This power may be repelled a few steps for the general fifth-level Templars, but for David it is completely within control. .

But the corpse explosion made by the fifth-level bishop of Cameron is not so simple. After the green flesh was blocked, it was hit on the fifth-level shield to turn into a green mist and wrap David.

If David does not block the corpse explosion, today the main city of Dune does not know how many people will die because of the green poisonous mist.

Observe David's Cameron's fifth-level bishop's heart through his magical eyes. This poison is not ordinary poison, but it was exchanged from a highly poisonous fifth-level bishop of the "Gods Twilight". , Is a real five-level poison.

Just as Cameron's fifth-level bishop rejoiced, the Divine Eye saw what happened next, making him open his mouth involuntarily, and he couldn't believe it.

As soon as the green poison was approaching David, the "Plague Pattern" in David's soul space shone, and then the "Plague Pattern" issued an attractive force, from reality to illusion, bringing all the poison around him. Inhale into the 'Plague Pattern'.

With the disappearance of the fifth-grade poison, David stood up and looked somberly at the deep, broken marks left on the walls of the city wall.

He is not worried about powerful enemies, as long as he can fight head-to-head, he is fully confident to solve each other.

But this strange opponent that could not be found gave him a terrible headache.

David summoned Xiaobai. After appearing, Xiaobai sniffed around and gave him a doubtful response.

David understands that this is Xiaobai and has not found any other strong breath. Although disappointed, he also knows that he cannot blame Xiaobai and reclaim Xiaobai back to the summoning ring.

The main reason why the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin could be easily followed by Xiaobai was that the second-level bishop of Gershwin was taken lightly.

The task of destroying is too simple, so simple that there is no danger, so that the Bishop of the fifth level of Gershwin never thought who would find his trail afterwards.

Therefore, during the entire course of action, the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin did not use any technique to hide his breath.

But Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop is different, but he knows that Lord Arthur has traced the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, so his actions are cautious, and he has always used divine art to hide his breath.

In the end, Xiaobai's level is still too low. After the second-level bishop of Cameron used divine art, he could no longer find his breath.

"Look for someone to fix it here!" David Shen said to the law enforcement knights who came back.

"Yes, Lord Lord!" Of course the law enforcement knights knew that it was Lord Arthur who rescued them. At this time, the loyalty to Lord Arthur skyrocketed. This kind of lord who can block the danger for his people is not affected by the Knight Love.

David re-called the "Phantom Pterosaur" and jumped on the "Phantom Pterosaur". The "Phantom Pterosaur" inspired the talent of "Stealth".

Cameron's fifth-level bishop's magical eyes lost Lord Arthur's figure, and he frowned, which was not his favorite situation.

He naturally knows ‘Phantom Pterosaur’ and knows better than other people in the world of the gods. In the ‘Evening of the Gods’ there are detailed information about ‘Phantom Pterosaur’.

It's a pity that after thousands of years, there is no longer a living 'Phantom Pterosaur', let alone a mutated 'Phantom Pterosaur' with special talents.

Even if it is not a mutated phantom pterosaur with special talents, the ordinary phantom pterosaur's concealing ability in the dark place is no worse than his magic skill.

At this time, both sides are in the stage of hiding, which makes Cameron's fifth-level bishop have to be more careful. He feels that danger may appear at any time around him.

Where is David at this time, he is not here, but came to the planetary portal.

He has the highest authority for planet-level portals. From the records of planet-level portals, he looked at the record of coming to Dune Star in the last day.

In this record, the number of people who came to Dunle Star recently reached more than 1,000 people, which is also related to the prosperity of Dunle Star, especially after Lord Arthur took over Dunle Star, and his friendly top aristocrats took the initiative to The cooperation of Seoul Star, which made Dun Seoul Star get rid of the impact of changing the lord in a short time.

David looked at the lists one by one, and he did not go to check other related information, because he knew very well that if the other party used a fake identity, they wanted to find it out, and they could not find it out in a short time.

What he can rely on is his powerful perception talent. In addition to his own fifth-level master soul, he also has ninety-six fifth-level soul avatars, which makes his perception ability stronger than any spirit of the same level. How many.

David has also discovered his own talent for perception from many events before. This talent does not appear on the attribute panel, but it does exist.

Perhaps the perception talent is the same as his power talent and speed talent, both of which make the shadow attendant unable to analyze and judge.

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