Extraordinary David

Chapter 873: Magic

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Next to the most prosperous main street in the main city of Dune, there is a jewelry shop with a medium facade. This is an old shop with a history of hundreds of years.

Several young men and women nobles are choosing fine jewelry, and behind them are a few followers.

Because the security of Dun'er Star has been very good, plus several young nobles themselves are low-level knights, with self-protection power, but they have not brought many followers.

The manager of the jewelry store received it with a smile, just like the ordinary sales manager.

If there is no ‘light magic’ afterwards, perhaps no one will ever know the identity of the jewelry store ’s manager.

Just when the young noblewoman selected an earring, a dazzling but unobtrusive milky white light radiated from outside the store, and then a gleaming rain fell.

These light rains ignored the roof and ceiling of the jewelry store and went straight through the building into the interior of the jewelry store.

"Really comfortable!" Several young men and women nobles stopped their movements, smiling and feeling the baptism of light rain.

When they go to the temple on weekdays, they will receive the baptism of "light magic", but they have no worries about the sudden appearance of light rain, but accept the baptism of light rain.

"'Light magic'!" At this moment, the manager of the jewelry shop made a screaming cry.

The light rain fell on several young men and women nobles and the people behind them who were in charge of the affairs. These people were all face enjoyment and happiness, but when they fell on the jewelry store managers, there was a black light rising, and they seemed to want to fight this light rain. .

However, where the magic of this scale is so easy to fight, although the black light is immense, this is the role of the "light magic", so that the believers of evil spirits are undoubtedly exposed.

"Evil God believer!" Seeing the black light, several young men and women nobles exclaimed. The two were already formal knights who immediately put on their armor and protected their companions behind them.

Where the jewelry shop had time to manage them, the black light of his body also rushed out of the building, ignored the roof, and became the most striking mark.

The jewelry store manager knew that he had to escape from the light rain of ‘light magic’, otherwise he would have no trace of life.

His figure flickered, his breath was no longer hidden, and the strength of the fourth-level evil **** believer was fully revealed.

That is because the strength of the jewelry store manager has reached the fourth level, which also has the ability to move. Otherwise, even if the power of "light magic" is not strong, it can be performed by four fifth-level rituals and more than two hundred priests. Believers also have enough lethality.

Several young men and women nobles in the jewelry shop couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but then they wanted to chase out to watch, but they were persuaded by the stewards behind.

When he came to the jewelry store outside the shop to take care of it, he looked up and looked around. He showed a look of despair because he saw a super-large ‘light magic’ beyond the imagination. Such a wide range shows that there are a lot of clergy.

The jewelry store manager only wanted to save his life. He put a hand on the waist space bag, and a lot of puppets appeared, but in the light rain of the "light magic", these puppets had almost no combat power, and the whole body rose black light. And began to melt a little bit.

The jewelry store manager certainly didn't want to rely on this large group of puppets to fight. With a wave of his hand, these puppets rising like him rising in black light spread out all around.

His own figure flashed to the sewer entrance at the roadside, lifted the lid of the entrance with his hand, and then entered the sewer with another flash.

But just before the jewelry store manager was about to enter, a figure appeared, sweeping his neck with his hand as a sword, his head flying.

When his head flew, he saw all the puppets being cut off by the figure in an instant.

"Five-level Templar Knight's energy avatar!" This is the final thought of the jewelry store manager.

There are many such things within the scope of the shining "light magic", some believers of the evil **** ran out like the jewelry store manager, and some wanted to use the built secret road to leave.

Some low-level believers of evil gods died directly in the light rain of ‘light magic art’.

With the mark of ‘Light Divine Art’, no matter how these devotees believe, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the fifth-level Templars and their energy avatars.

"How come there are so many believers of evil gods, and Lord Arthur's territory is so chaotic?" Bishop Evans asked frowning as he moved forward with the priests.

Only a small and a half of the main city of Dunre was cleaned up. There were only a few fourth-level evil **** believers, and there were more low-level evil **** believers who were directly killed by "light magic".

This situation is rare, and it is important to know that any planet will strictly control the identity of the entrant, especially the long-term population.

From the situation of the main city of Dune, it can be seen that it has almost become a trading area for believers of evil gods. If there is no support from the lord, it is impossible to reach this level.

"Bishop Evans, how long has it since Lord Arthur took over the Dunhill star, the former speaker may be extremely innocent!" Bishop Bolling said lightly.

"Yes, I blamed Lord Arthur!" Bishop Evans said with a smile.

He had a good relationship with Lord Arthur. Although he raised a question in his mouth, he actually wanted to use this dialogue to let the clergyman beside him understand that the matter here had nothing to do with Lord Arthur.

With so many followers of Evil God appearing this time, it is estimated that the subsequent troubles are not small. Bishop Evans does not want to affect Lord Arthur.

The two bishops smiled at each other and understood each other's ideas.

This is also the reason why David informed the two bishops. At least these two bishops, considering that Dunlestar is his lord, will try to reduce the damage to Dunlestar during the Qing Dynasty.

If he came through the other three temples, especially the Temple of War, although he had an excellent relationship with Bishop McKinley of the Temple of War, he could not rest assured of the style of operation of the Temple of War.

It is difficult to say whether the Temple of War will come with a powerful offensive divine art directly in the main city of Dune. In order to eliminate the believers of the evil god, the Temple of War can do anything.

"Let's help Lord Arthur clean up!" Bishop Evans said with a smile.

"Yes, by the way, give the participating priests some points of benefit!" Bishop Bolling then joked.

The priests around them also laughed. Everyone knows what the advantage of Lord Arthur's shot is. But the wine that even the archbishop loves, but the quantity is too small, it is difficult to reach these ordinary priests.

The priests also know the relationship between the two bishops and Lord Arthur. Although Bishop Bolin joked, Lord Arthur has a high probability of giving thanks, so they could n’t help but increase the strength of the magic in their hands. .

The main city of Dune is chaotic. Of course, the chaos here is just the chaos of the believers of evil gods.

It is estimated that David himself did not know that there would be so many believers of the evil gods in the main city of Dune, and even the Lidun family members who agreed that the believers of the gods entered the Dune star did not expect this.

Dunhill has a rule that as long as there are two residents who have lived in Dunhill for a long time and their wealth status reaches a certain level as a guarantee, they can move to Dunhill.

This is also to attract excellent talents to enter Dunhill. This policy was originally very good. Two residents with a low status can be used as insurance. Those who apply to move to Dunhill will not be ordinary people.

However, this rule has become a loophole for the believers of the evil spirits to enter the Dun'er Star, and a gap opened by the members of the Lidun family has caused a large influx of believers of the evil spirits.

At this time, Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop regretted that he chose Dunhill to act. Although he knew that there were a lot of evil spirit believers on the Dunhill star, and many evil spirit believers traded resources from here, he really did not expect his action to be The impact is so great.

These believers of the evil gods are not the people of the dusk of the gods, but these believers of the evil gods are the basis of the dusk of the gods. The dusk of the gods will choose the excellent people among the believers of the gods to absorb the dusk of the gods.

Now an action by the fifth-level bishop of Cameron has caused the believers to lose an important trading point and caused a lot of losses to the believers.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop moved while thinking, his movement speed in the shadow state was not slow, his purpose was very clear, bypassing the scope of "light magic", to the planetary portal.

Without these evil spirit believers, he could not do this, but at this time the evil spirit believers in the main city of Dune have discovered the action of the temple, and the "light magic" shining on the sky has not yet reached some areas. The evil spirits in this area The believers began to run away.

The believers of the evil gods scattered and fled outside the city. They had various special abilities, which caused a certain amount of chaos to the main city of Duner.

In particular, there are constant evil puppets appearing, so that the priests in the sky have to focus on the "light magic" to focus on clearing. During this process, the scope of "light magic" will be reduced.

The range of changes in the "Light of Magic" is very short, and it does not make sense to the rest of the believers, but it is an excellent opportunity for the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop was in the shadows. He first went to the edge of the main city, and took the opportunity to kill the other side of the main city by the light rain of "light magic".

When the light rain of ‘bright magic’ turned back, it almost swept past the body of Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop, leaving the Cameron ’s fifth-level bishop in shock.

He knew very well that once he was exposed, with his rising black light level, he hardly thought that all the fifth-level templar knights and fifth-level priests in the temple would abandon the pursuit of the rest of the believers.

Killing a fifth-level bishop is more important than killing hundreds of other evil believers.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop has no idea of ​​self-denial, selfishness is a characteristic of believers in evil spirits, and it does not matter what sacrifices others have for their own lives.

The four tier five Templars are fighting today, so many believers of the Evil God have fled, but their speed is not even as good as that of the tier five Templars, let alone the energy avatar.

Besides, at the speed of the energy avatar, even the 4th-level evil **** believers cannot resist the attack of the energy avatar.

Therefore, it is better to say that this kind of battle is a slaughter, an accident that happened against the believers of evil gods.

"Bishop Bolin, after we returned, we jointly reported that the Lidun family is no longer an ordinary evil deed, but ignores the temple's order and openly supports the believers of evil gods!" Bishop Evans said indignantly.

"Of course, what does the Liden family want to do? Isn't my lord honoring them so much? Even so deep in collusion with the believers of evil gods!" Bishop Bolin didn't even have a smile at this time, he said quietly.

Previously, because of the joy of discovering believers of evil gods, with the appearance of more and more believers of evil gods, it turned into anger in the heart.

The world of gods is blocking the believers of evil gods everywhere, so as not to have room for the development of believers of evil gods, but here in Dun'er Star, so many believers of evil gods are covered.

"Not only that, all other Litton family territories have to be cleaned up. The Litton family hides dirt and dirt, so they must pay the price!" Bishop Evans said.

If the temple specifically forcibly acts against a noble lord, it is equivalent to telling the entire nobility circle that the temple has lost trust in this noble.

No matter how strong this noble is, it will lose the acceptance of the nobility circle.

Bishop Evans himself has no power to make such a decision, but he has the right to apply upwards. Especially the Litton family is no longer a top aristocrat. In addition, what happened here, he is confident that he can pass the application with a high probability.

"I will cooperate!" Bishop Bolling nodded.

There are also a lot of intelligence personnel in the main city of Dune, and what happened here has been reported to the outside world at the same time.

The main city of Dune was used by the two great temples to clean up a large number of believers of evil gods using ‘light magic’. No such noble would push it on Lord Arthur.

The nobles are not stupid, and they understand that such believers of evil gods who can be settled in the main city of Dun are not short-term.

There is only one possibility. The Lidun family is related to believers in evil spirits. Although it is not known how deep the connection is, it is impossible to tolerate it no matter how deep it is.

Like the Keen family in the main city of Bama before, it is also a great noble. Although it is not the same as the Litton family in knight fighting power, it is the same as the **** in the world.

But such a large aristocrat, because of collusion with believers of evil gods, provided an illegal portal for believers of evil gods. As a result, the Keen family now went up to the Duke of Addis and all the people were under investigation.

Regardless of the result, the Keane family is almost fixed.

Therefore, the nobles who got the news that the Litton family was connected with the believers of the evil gods responded one after another, and they began to examine the relationship with the Litton family and disconnected all connected contacts.

David did not anticipate that the two temples he invited had solved a big trouble for him.

With his indifferent temperament, he will not discover these evil spirit believers in a few decades, and his men's ability to manage Dickens is, but he has no ability to discover the existence of evil spirit believers.

If this trouble breaks out a few years later, David estimates that he can't tell. By then, it will be difficult for Dunlestar to find the Litton family again.

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