Extraordinary David

Chapter 883: Prose

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David was very disappointed with the two "Books of God", but when he looked at one of the "Books of God", his energy avatar in the castle suddenly burst into a memory.

His energy avatar absorbed the fifth-level soul origin of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron, but according to normal, after the cleaning of the shadow attendant, there should not be any mark of the original body in the fifth-level soul origin, It is even less likely that a memory will appear.

David absorbed that memory and found that it was the memory of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron reading the book of God.

In other words, reading aloud is not correct, because according to that memory, the bishop of Cameron also did not recognize the text in the book of God.

Cameron's fifth-level bishop is holding the "Book of God" to recite the above content according to the inheritance of the shadow sect.

"God's Book" is the link between Cameron's fifth-level bishop and the **** of shadows. When there is a fifth-level bishop, the ancient gods in sleep will automatically give a "God's Book" through daily recitation ", can be connected with God, strengthen the connection of faith.

The memory of the God Book is related to the gods. In order to ensure the purity of the fifth-level believers, the gods engrave the memory related to the God Book in the fifth-level soul source, even if the fifth-level bishop dies, the fifth-level soul source The chance of resurrection cannot affect the belief in gods.

Of course, this memory is a key to let the fifth-level bishop die, and the soul will automatically return to the place of the **** according to the belief connection.

Unlike the unclear recitation of the fifth-level bishop Cameron, David understood every word of the text, and he could not read these words without accepting the memory of the second-level bishop Cameron's "Book of God". come out.

Now David can know the pronunciation of these words one by one according to the memory of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

In addition, David also knows the name of this script from the memory of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron, "Shen Wen", which is a script used by ancient deities.

David recalled the pronunciation in his head, and his fingers flicked across the "Book of God".

The pronunciation in the memory is very simple, and it has a magnificent reading, like the bell of the temple, and the wildness from ancient times.

Although he knew the pronunciation of The Book of God, David did not pronounce it, because his perception told him that once he read the Book of God in his hand, it would inevitably produce unpredictable things.

This unpredictable thing will not be a good thing. Although it is not life-threatening, it will be very troublesome.

David believes in his own perception. His perception is unmatched among the fifth-level strong men in the entire divine world. Not everyone has the help of ninety-six fifth-level soul avatars.

After analyzing it in his heart, he understood the risks.

According to the information he received, the Cameron fifth-level bishop believed in the God of Shadows, even if the Cameron fifth-level bishop used the "fanatical belief" To deceive the God of Shadows, but the belief of Cameron’s fifth-level bishop also exists, but there may not be such fanaticism.

Perhaps as long as David reads the content of the "Book of God" in his hand, he will involuntarily get in touch with the shadow **** and become a believer in the shadow god.

David didn't want to be a believer in the shadow god. The shadow **** now has very little influence in the world of the gods. Belief in such gods will get no benefit, and will be targeted by the five major temples.

David put down the "Book of Gods" in his hand and thought about it and picked up another "Book of Gods". This time he took the initiative to contact the fifth-level soul of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin.

Sure enough, when he opened the "Book of God" in his hand, a memory came from the source of the fifth-level soul of the fifth-level bishop of Gershwin, which was exactly the recitation of the "Book of God" in his hand.

With the pronunciation of the two "Books of God", plus the research results of the super server, David is able to grasp the meaning and pronunciation of all the "Shenwen" in the two "Books of God".

David always feels that "Shenwen" is not simple. You must know that by simply reading "Shenwen" in the "Shenzhen", you can take the initiative to get in touch with the gods. the power of.

He did not dare to read two "Books of God" aloud, but this does not mean that he could not speak other "spiritual writings".

David looked around. The super server is on the side of the mountain, and any attempt here may cause damage to the super server.

He left the mountainside and found an open place on Gami Star, with his feet standing on the ground.

David looked at all his talents and focused on the "control ice" talent. To be honest, this talent has a very limited role. The power of the "control ice" talent is too low. The strength does not match.

However, when doing experiments, this low-power talent is safer.

"Bing!" David opened his mouth and said "Shenwen".

As he spoke out in one sentence, he felt a strange change within five kilometers of the spiritual range, as if there were some more rules.

And just as David uttered the word'ice', he felt that his spirit consumed a tenth.

When David's face changed, he didn't expect that he would consume so much spirit just by saying a "spiritual text".

To know the huge amount of his spirit, even the thousand-year accumulation of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron is out of reach.

David's spirit absorbed too much soul energy, coupled with the integration of soul space into the small world of the plague **** Gladstone, the total amount of his spirit was unimaginably high.

However, it is this total amount of spirit that consumes one-tenth of a word. Fortunately, when he chooses to say "Shenwen", he chooses to say a word.

Of course, this consumption is not a fundamental loss of spirit. It can be recovered by taking a day off or practicing spiritual cultivation.

So although David was surprised by the exhaustion of his spirit, he decided to continue the experiment.

His spirit moved, the'ice control' talent ability was activated, and an ice wall rose at a distance of two kilometers.

This is not so much an ice wall, but rather an ice city wall. After activating the "ice control" talent ability, the ice wall he stimulated is at most tens of centimeters thick, but this time the ice wall excited is full. The thickness of the meter.

And the ice wall appears faster, and David has a feeling that when he inspired the ice wall through the "control ice" talent, within the entire range of five kilometers, he just said the rules after the word "ice" in the gods. Help in the excitement of the ice wall.

This makes it easier for him to excite the ice wall, and the ice wall is more powerful.

David moved his mind, and a figure flew in the distance, it was his energy avatar.

The speed of the energy avatar is almost extreme, and the eyes of ordinary people from far and near can't keep up. Once he comes to the ice wall, he punches out.

With a bang, a crack appeared on the ten-meter ice wall, and then the ice wall exploded.

Although the ten-meter-thick ice wall was destroyed by a punch of energy, David did not feel a bit of disappointment, but instead a smile appeared on his face.

How powerful is the power of the energy split, which is equivalent to the full blow of the fifth-level Templar. Don’t look at the ice wall being destroyed by a boxing, but the whole process is a full second.

That is to say, an ice wall can block a fifth-level Templar knight at least for one second. For a fifth-level strongman, one second can determine the victory or defeat.

Besides, under the rule of the words "Shenwen" and "Bing", an ice wall was erected for less than one tenth of a second.

When David thought about it, within four to five kilometers of his body, a dense ice wall erected.

The energy doppelganger was trapped in it, constantly boxing, but no matter how it was hit, more ice walls would appear.

Over the past ten minutes, David felt that the singular rules within the spiritual range disappeared, and then the energy clone punched down, and dozens of ice walls were crushed by a blow.

David lamented the power of this "Shenwen", maybe this can become a killer and a card for him, but it can never be used often.

He is not stingy of mental consumption. Now that he has the top-level spiritual cultivation method of "illusion", he will improve daily from soul to spirit. It can be replenished by consuming a little at most a day.

David is worried about the influence of the "Shenwen". This kind of writing of the gods should not have been mastered by him. He does not know if he has mastered the "Shenwen" by the five temples, will it bring him? trouble.

He didn't prepare to test the "Shenwen" which has an impact on his talents, but chose ordinary words.

"Happy!" David said, ready to consume a lot of energy.

To his surprise, not much spirit was consumed this time. Of course, this is not much according to his mental problems. If a person who is not a fifth-level spirit says the word, the consumed spirit is enough to make the fifth level strong. The person fell into exhaustion.

David sensed that within a five-kilometer range of the spiritual range around him, a relaxed breath lingered, as if he would be happy as long as he was in it.

David has also tested some "spiritual texts", and he dare not use complete sentences, because he has a feeling that once a complete sentence is spoken, his spirit may be completely consumed.

Through the practice of short words for a short time, he also mastered some of the laws of ‘spiritual writing’.

The most consuming spirit is the influence on the natural rules. Such "spiritual writings" that affect the natural rules will consume a large amount of spirit to be inspired.

The "spiritual writing" that affects the soul consumes much less spirit.

Some nouns or auxiliary words have no effect. Of course, David is not sure about these. After all, he has only got two "Books of God", and he does not have all the "spiritual texts" he has mastered.

After half a day of experimentation, David's face was very pale, which was the reason for consuming a lot of energy.

Through the eyes of the shadow attendant and the energy avatar, looking at the face of the body, he warned himself that he could not experiment this way again in the future. His enemies were many and he could not let himself be in a state of exhaustion. He always needed to ensure his combat effectiveness.

David practiced the'illusion method', and when he opened his eyes two hours later, his spirit was completely restored, and he also improved a little.

It was already afternoon, and David rose into the sky, recruited the'Phantom Pterosaur', and flew towards the planetary portal.

The main city of Dun'er Star did not have much influence because of the previous believers of the evil god, but because the disappearance of the believer of the evil **** and the influence of the Arthur Lord strengthened, it attracted more people to come.

In particular, there will be a Templar reception in two days, which is one of the biggest events in the entire world of the gods in recent decades.

Those nobles who did not accept the invitation also tried their best to come to Dunle Star, only to see the legendary Templar reception.

It should be known that although the Templars Reception was not held in public, the Dunle Star was not closed. As long as you can be in the main city of Dunre, you can watch a part of the Templars Reception.

The location of the Templar’s ​​Reception is in the Lord’s Castle, but those tier five Templar Knights and other invited guests must come from the planet-level portal, this is a rare opportunity to be able to see many tier five temples Knight's chance.

Even as a nobleman, many noblemen have never seen the most powerful fifth-level Templar knight in the legendary great world.

Therefore, many days ago, all hotels and inns in the main city of Dune were settled by the swarming crowd, and even many residences in the main city were rented at great prices.

When David appeared from the planetary portal, what he saw was the crowd of people in front of the portal.

"Have seen the great Arthur!" said the two groups of law enforcement knights guarding the planetary portal.

As the voices of the two groups of knights sounded, the original noise in front of the entire planetary portal disappeared instantly, whether ordinary people or nobles, bowed to salute.

"You did a great job!" David bowed slightly and said in a deep voice.

Although there are many people in front of the planetary portal, it is not confusing. This is related to the two groups of law enforcement knights.

There is also the breath of water mist in the air, which is the result of continuous sprinkling of holy water.

There are holy water and two groups of knights, plus dozens of fourth-level sky knights in the sky, it is estimated that no evil **** believers dare to enter Dun'er Star.

The two groups of law enforcement knights praised by David looked excited. They used boxing chests, and the collision of armored gloves and breastplates showed their mood at this time.

"Dun Star welcomes all kind-hearted guests!" David looked at the saluting crowd again and said with a smile.

After he finished speaking, he didn't stay, and the figure of'Phantom Pterosaur' disappeared in place.

After David left, these people near the planetary portal raised their heads. They looked in the direction where David disappeared, and emotions such as excitement, excitement, worship, envy rose.

Today, the reputation of Lord Arthur has been raised again after killing the fifth-level bishop of Cameron. He has been listed as the first knight by the knights in the aristocratic circle.

And immediately after the title of the first knight was put forward, it was immediately unanimously recognized by many tier five templar knights.

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