Extraordinary David

Chapter 885: welcome

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Just after noon, Dun'er Xing, on the streets of the main city, every window sill, even some roofs that can be mounted, are full of people.

In addition to the inhabitants, these people are the nobles who have come from various planets. Perhaps there are also civilians, but the number is far less than the nobility.

After all, nobles are free through planet-level portals, and ordinary civilians can't afford the teleportation costs of planet-level portals, except rich businessmen.

There are even many planet-level portals that are not open to ordinary civilians, but only to nobles or related personnel of noble families.

The gods belong to the world and serve nobles. Civilians have no power in this world.

A trombone sounded, and the castle of the lord flew out forty sky knights riding various flying mounts. They were wearing fourth-grade knight armor, and they were not holding weapons, but the shadow leopard coat of arms.

Forty level four sky knights fly every distance in the sky, two sky knights stop and stand on their left and right.

Soon from the castle of the lord to the sky of the planetary portal, there appeared a sky passage guarded by forty fourth-level sky knights.

It can be seen that all guests today will not travel from the ground, which is also a feature of the Knights Templar reception.

Planetary portals have been augmented with energy supply, activating a special magnification array within them, making planetary portals several times larger than before.

The Deakins housekeeper stood in front of the planetary portal. In front of him was an alchemy loudspeaker. This alchemy loudspeaker was connected to dozens of loudspeakers in the main city, and could make his announcement spread throughout the entire host. city.

This is of course David's handwriting. After seeing the influx of so many tourists in the main city of Dune, he naturally needs to show his master.

In the end, the prosperity of Dun'er Star was also good for him. In two days, he made some alchemy items and alchemy circles with master-level alchemy. This loudspeaker is one of them.

David did not directly use the sound reinforcement equipment of Star Federation. Although it was simpler, but he also had to consider the impact. He used a lot of Star Federation technology in Garmic Star, because Garmic Star did not belong to the Great World. People have no impact on the world of God.

However, the main city of Dunre is different. There are too many tourists here, and a large number of immigrants come in. Once the items of the Star Federation are used, some people will be dissatisfied.

Although David is not afraid of some people's dissatisfaction, he also wants to avoid trouble, especially the attitude from the temple.

From noon, the planet-level portal will no longer be allowed to be used by anyone except those who have invitations.

Just as everyone was waiting, the forty fourth-level sky knights in the sky each took out the alchemy circle, and then the alchemy circle was activated.

The energy shields from the alchemy circles in the hands of the left and right two fourth-level sky knights are connected together to form a cylindrical channel. All the cylindrical channels formed by the alchemy circles in the hands of the four-level sky knights are connected. Has established a substantial channel composed of energy.

This energy channel with white light is very eye-catching even in the daytime.

A cry of exclamation came from all over the main city, and no one thought that Lord Arthur would have such a generous hand.

The nobles who know alchemy even understand that this kind of alchemy circle is specially designed and made for this Templar reception, which requires a stronger level of alchemy.

In the case of the rare shortage of the Alchemist Master of the Great World, the financial, physical and human resources required to build such a forty alchemy circle combined with forty energies are extremely scary.

Of course, no one in the main city thought that these alchemy circles were all made by Lord Arthur.

Planetary portals emit a light, this is someone using portals.

People close to the planetary portal are wide-eyed, and they are waiting for the rare event to officially begin.

A knight beside Dickens' housekeeper whispered to tell him to send the news from the staff.

"The great top noble Lord of the Main family, Lord Lord Gould, the fifth-grade templar!" announced the butler of Deakins.

Following his announcement, a ray of light was projected from the castle of the lord, and the coat of arms of the main family was projected in the sky of the main city.

Planetary portals flashed, and a giant lord-level alchemy carriage guarded by thirty full-scale four-level sky knights appeared. The alchemy carriage was moved by twelve flying creatures flying horses.

The uniform flying mounts used by the thirty-fourth-level sky knight guards are much better than the forty sky knights of the messy flying mounts on David's side.

However, everyone knows the speed of Arthur's development. It is beyond the expectation of many people to be able to send forty Sky Knights.

Lord Gould sat in the alchemy wagon. He saw through the window the white glowing passage in the sky and the white dragon coat of arms that occupied most of the sky above the main city, with a smile on his face.

After seeing Lord Gould's alchemy carriage appear, everyone in the main city bowed to salute, which is a respect for a strong presence.

"White Dragon Bloodline, Charlie Knight is here!" Just as everyone thought that there would be a moment to wait for the arrival of the second invitee, the Deakins housekeeper continued to announce.

A luxurious alchemy carriage passed through the planetary portal, and two flying horses moved the alchemy carriage to catch up with Lord Gould's team.

Almost all the nobles on the ground showed an envious look. Two notifications showed that the Charlie Knight had received the invitation letter instead of coming with Lord Gould.

At this level of the reception, there is a special invitation, indicating that the relationship between Charles Knight and Lord Arthur is excellent.

When Lord Gould's team entered the passage from the sky, the talents on the ground raised their heads again, paying attention to Lord Gould's alchemy carriage.

Lord Gould's arrival is like a head start. There are constantly five levels of Templars coming, and the coat of arms projected in the sky changes with the announcement of the Deakins butler.

Each of the names spoken by the Deakins butler has a huge influence in the divine world.

It is difficult to see one person in the weekdays, but today I see them all.

Of course, everyone sees only the fifth-level Templar knight’s car, and does not see the true features of the fifth-level Templar knight, but this is already very remarkable, especially those who are completely composed of the fourth-level sky knight. team.

Almost all fifth-level Templar knights bring at least ten or more fourth-level Sky Knight guards. Naturally, these guards are not really protecting the Templars, but an honour, showing the strength and heritage of the Templars. .

In fact, everyone who is watching on the ground of the main city does not know that this time the Templar Cocktail Party created a miracle. All the Templar knights who came came from the body.

There are many reasons for coming by ontology. The main reason is because of the power of Lord Arthur. After killing the fifth-level bishop of Cameron alone, the strength of Lord Arthur has long been popular among people. At least in the nobility circle, Lord Arthur is rumored. When he was the first knight, although there were knights who did not stand up for support, none of the five templar knights jumped out and opposed it.

From this point, it can be seen that the circle of Templar Knights in the fifth circle recognizes the strength of Arthur, and the respect of the gods in the big world for the strong, plus the character of Arthur Lord 狚眦 must be reported, let the invited Templar All attend in person.

Even some fifth-level Templar knights who were not prepared to come by body, changed their minds after hearing the plans of the other five-level Templar knights.

In particular, when it comes to security, the ontology coming to Dunhill does not need to worry about security.

This is Lord Arthur’s territory. Even the fifth-level bishop of Cameron, who was chased and killed by the Five Great Temples for thousands of years, was also killed by Lord Arthur after Dunhur star killed him. Outside the shrine, there is no place safer than the main city of Dunle.

Coupled with so many Level 5 Templar knights coming together, who is capable of doing things here.

The fifth-level Templars also drove them to use the ontology, that is, the food for this reception was all made by Lord Arthur.

In the aristocratic circle, it is said that the level of ‘cooking’ of Lord Arthur has reached the top level in the ‘cooking master’, even more than any ‘cooking master’ in the godly world.

And the dishes cooked by Lord Arthur have a magical effect, not to mention the "Heart Heart Lotus Seed Soup" and the world's first red wine.

Some nobles figured it out. The fifth-level Templars of the Great World came to the majority. This event is not a grand event for decades, at least it can be a grand event in a hundred years.

"The Temple of War, Bishop McKinley, the fifth-level sacrifice of Heaviside, and the Templar of Annabella arrives!"

"The Temple of Knowledge, Emerson five-level sacrifice!"

"The Temple of Wealth, Carlton's fifth-level sacrifice!"

"The Temple of the Earth, Bishop Bolling, Horus fifth-level sacrifice!"

"Temple of Justice, Bishop Evans, Hawthorne five-level sacrifice!"

The people who watched the ceremony on the grounds of the main city of Dune were shocked. The five temples rarely participated in secular affairs. This time, so many important people were sent to participate in the reception.

Wearing a simple gray robe, David never wanted to hide this artifact'dark shadow' anymore since he learned that the temple had publicly publicized his killing of Cameron's fifth-level bishop.

On this important occasion, of course, he must wear this top dress of the gods world.

"Lord Gould, welcome you!" David smiled and bowed to salute.

"Lord Arthur, congratulations!" Lord Gould did not show the elder's attitude in formal occasions, and also used honorifics.

It's just that Lord Gould's gaze has been glancing at the artifact "Dark Shadow" on David. It is no secret that the Cameron fifth-level bishop has the artifact "Dark Shadow".

Look at Lord Arthur standing in front of him, the atmosphere is full of dark and evil breath, Lord Lord Gould will not think that this is due to Lord Arthur's belief in the evil god.

Even if Lord Arthur really believed in the evil spirit, it would not be revealed in this public place.

Then there is only one possibility. This seemingly ordinary gray robe on Lord Arthur is the legendary artifact ‘Dark Shadow’.

"Is this the "dark shadow"?" Lord Gould asked softly.

"You are so good eyesight!" David replied with a smile, since he was wearing it, there was no need to hide it, especially the person who inquired was Lord Gould.

Lord Gould strongly resisted the urge to get started, but he didn't get started, but behind him he stretched out a hand and grabbed the artifact "Dark Shadow".

"Is this really an artifact?" On this occasion, he grasped the artifact "Dark Shadow", and was not killed by Lord Gould and Arthur. Naturally, only the Knight Charles.

He was curious to feel the texture of the artifact "Dark Shadow", but he couldn't do anything special with his strength.

"Charlie, don't be rude!" Lord Gould snorted. He had seen other tier five Templars approaching not far behind him.

"After a while, I'll take a look!" David said with a smile.

The artifact ‘dark shadow’ was recognized by him, as long as within five kilometers of his spiritual range, a single idea could recover the artifact ‘dark shadow’, so he didn’t care to lend it to Charlie to watch.

"That's it!" Charlie said with excitement on his face.

"Lord Arthur, let's go first!" Lord Gould showed rare envy. His four brother-like friends had been killed in battle, and he could no longer find such friendship.

There are too many important guests today, and after nodding his head to signal Jeffrey Butler to lead Lord Gould, he needs to welcome the next guest.

The arrival of a five-level Templar knight who knows or does not know well, the large hall of the Lord's castle, is now a little small.

And in the sky beside the lord's castle, all the fifth-grade Templar knights' ceremonies and alchemy carriages are parked above, bringing a different kind of scenery to the main city.

"Congratulations, Lord Arthur!" Bishop McKinley said with a smile.

Bishop McKinley was invited by David at the latest, but this is not that David forgot him, but that the previous Bishop McKinley was only a fourth-level sacrifice, and Bishop McKinley was also a person of the Temple of War, who sacrificed at the fourth level. It would be unpleasant to attend such a party as an identity.

However, after the last Divine War, Bishop McKinley received divine grace and was fortunately promoted to a five-level sacrifice.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Bishop McKinley has already reached the peak of the fourth-level sacrifice. Divine grace, combined with previous accumulation, suddenly jumped over the threshold that blocked many geniuses.

After becoming a fifth-level priest, Bishop McKinley's status in the Temple of War has also improved a lot, and he has become one of the strong contenders for future archbishops.

"Bishop McKinley, I want to congratulate you too!" David replied with a smile.

If it is not the status of the fifth-level ritual, there is no need to hold a reception. If the bishop McKinley reaches the fifth level, he will also hold such a celebration reception.

David was also really happy about the successful promotion of Bishop McKinley, and the two laughed at each other.

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