Extraordinary David

Chapter 912: remind

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The news that the Mather family found that their owner Lord Amos was missing was four hours later. After the members of the family found out that Lord Amos had managed the family, Lord Amos had not yet appeared.

After that, the Arthur family received news that Lord Arthur appeared in Waken Star. The family knight arrived at Jura Manor and saw the destroyed castle.

The Mather family knew about it, and naturally the rest of the nobles also knew about it. Because of the enmity between the Mather family and Lord Arthur, many nobles put their eyes inside the Mather family.

These nobles wanted to get clues from Lord Amos and use the news to get benefits from Lord Arthur.

In the valley of Litton Star, Earl Abbe's energy avatar was walking anxiously around the room.

After receiving the news that Lord Amos was assassinated, the energy avatar of the fifth-level Templar of Avid went to Werken Star personally to check the situation at the battle site.

This is also the place where the traces of the battle of Lord Arthur are clear, and you can get a clearer understanding of the strength of Lord Arthur.

Recently, there have been more and more legends about Lord Arthur, and the terrifying boast of Lord Arthur's strength has also made the people in the Lidun family panic.

"How are you looking?" The energy avatar of the fifth-grade Templar of Avid flew in from outside the door, and Earl Abbe asked a little.

"I looked closely at the scene and found that Lord Arthur had attacked twice, once penetrated the castle straight into the basement, and the other time completely smashed the castle!" Avid's fifth-level Templar knight returned.

"The castle's defense is not strong, as long as the Templars should be able to do this easily?" Earl Abbe didn't understand why Avid's fifth-level Templars looked like this, and asked strangely.

As a fifth-level Templar knight, it is not difficult to destroy an ordinary castle or completely destroy an ordinary castle, it is just a matter of how much power is consumed by the fifth-level bloodline.

"I don't feel the power of the fifth-level bloodline!" said A Shengde, the fifth-level Templar Knight Shen Sheng.

Earl Abbe slightly stunned, his eyes flashed inconceivably, without using the power of the fifth-level bloodline, it was understandable to completely penetrate the castle by power, but how to destroy a castle without using the power of the fifth-level bloodline?

Is it a continuous attack?

But Avid's fifth-level Templar had already said that Lord Arthur had made only two attacks.

"No, even if Lord Arthur didn't use the power of the fifth-level bloodline, did Lord Amos not use it?" Count Abbey said immediately.

"During the entire battle, Lord Amos has not shot, there is no trace of Lord Amos's shot on the scene, only a dent that fell into the castle, in terms of form, it should be that the energy avatar was shot into the castle! "Avid’s fifth-level Templar Knight is very experienced, and his observations are extremely careful, and he sees many details that ordinary people cannot notice.

Earl Abbe swallowed softly, and he understood what this meant.

Lord Amos did not want to fight at all, but wanted to run away, using energy avatars to escape, but Lord Arthur’s second shot took the energy avatars back to the castle. After that, Lord Amos had no chance of fighting, just Was resolved.

Earl Abbe and the Templar Knights of Avid looked at each other, and there was bitterness in each other's eyes. How did such an enemy make them face.

"Contact "Gods of the Dusk", we are willing to increase resources, and ask them to take action as soon as possible!" Earl Abbe thought about it and gritted his teeth to make a decision.

With this decision, the resources of the Lidun family are not enough to consume itself.

But in the face of such a terrible Arthur lord, they must solve this big trouble as soon as possible.

In the past, Lord Amos shared the hatred of Lord Arthur, but now with Lord Arthur, there is only the Lidun family who can't resolve the grudge.

"It can only be so!" Avid's fifth-level Templar Knight nodded in agreement.

He took out the dedicated contact circle and waited for a response after activation.

Ten seconds have passed, thirty seconds have passed, one minute has passed, and five minutes have passed. With the passage of time, the look on the face of the fifth-level Templar of Avid has become more and more ugly.

The Avid 5th-level Templars don’t believe that there is no dedicated person to manage the contact circle on the side of the "Goddess Twilight". No matter what time he used to open the contact, the "Goddess Twilight" will respond in the first time.

"Don't you?" Avid's fifth-level Templars thought of a terrible conclusion. He stared at the contact circle.

The atmosphere in the room became extremely depressing, and both the Templar Knights of Avid and Earl Abbe thought of the worst consequences.

As soon as David returned to Gami Star, he hadn't come and dealt with the harvest. His lord contacted the circle and a request for contact was sent.

He swept away and found that it was Bishop Evans who contacted him.

"Hello, Bishop Evans!" David activated the lord to contact the circle and greeted Bishop Evans.

"Lord Arthur, was Lord Amos killed by you?" Bishop Evans asked directly, Shen Sheng.

David was really a little surprised. It was not long before Lord Amos was killed, Bishop Evans came to the door.

"I contacted you not to blame you. The temple was very dissatisfied with the reduction of the five ranks of Templars. The death of Lord Amos this time is afraid that there will be some other priests who will make you dissatisfied with you My friend, I warn you that in the last few years, you can no longer be in contact with the fifth-level Templars!" Bishop Evans continued without hearing David’s response.

This time, Bishop Evans really contacted Lord Arthur out of kindness to friends.

Of course, the existence of Friend Lord Arthur is of great benefit to him. The strength of Lord Arthur and his status in the nobility can affect his position in the Temple of Justice to a certain extent.

Bishop Evans will not let this opportunity to make a good relationship with Lord Arthur.

David also heard what Bishop Evans said in words, which reminded him of the impact.

Indeed, in the most recent year, there were too many tier five Templar knights who died, so much that the temple was worried about the decline in the overall strength of the divine world.

"Thank you Bishop Evans for the reminder, but this time I went to Werken Star for a fifth-level evil spirit believer. I got the exact news that a fifth-level evil spirit believer appeared in that castle!" David said with a smile .

When he said this, David was confident.

In his space pendant, there is the body of the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan as evidence. This is very well proved. As for the body of another fifth-level bishop of Monsalat, in his opinion, it is still useful. It will not be taken out.

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Bishop Evans was shocked, and then asked with great joy.

For the temple, any fifth-level bishop is the temple's biggest enemy.

Lord Arthur has previously killed two fifth-level bishops, and his words are naturally more credible.

Just as David was about to answer, another contact application came in. He looked at Bishop Boling and laughed.

"Bishop Evans, Bishop Bolling wants to talk to me at this time, can you invite him to talk together?" David asked with a smile.

To be honest, Bishop Evans did not want Bishop Bolling to participate at this time, but he could not say it. Bishop Bolling was the younger brother of Lord Gould and the relationship between Lord Gould and Lord Arthur, The relationship between Bishop Bolling and Lord Arthur is very close.

Just now Lord Arthur is talking about the fifth-level bishop. Judging from the situation at that time, it is likely that the fifth-level bishop has been resolved by Lord Arthur.

At this time, Bishop Bolin participated, making Bishop Evans very unwilling, but Bishop Evans took the initiative to add Bishop Bolin to the contact channel.

"Bishop Evans, what a coincidence!" Bishop Bolling greeted Bishop Evans with a smile.

"Bishop Bolling, yes!" Bishop Evans replied helplessly.

"Lord Arthur, the death of Lord Amos has a big impact. You'd better stop killing the Templars in a short time!" Bishop Bolling did not care about Bishop Evans and said to David.

"Bishop Evans told me the same way just now, but I think you have misunderstood. I went to Werken Star because of the appearance of the five-level evil **** believer, not because of Lord Emos. If Lord Emmos had an accident, That's what the five-level evil **** believers did!" David said with a smile.

"Five-level evil spirit believer, do you know which fifth-level bishop?" Bishop Bolin stunned and asked quickly.

"The corpse is here with me. You will come to see if you have time!" David did not know the names of the two fifth-level bishops, he said.

To know that the two fifth-level bishops did not even have the chance to react, they were controlled by the black dragon Alexis, and David did not even know the combat ability of the two fifth-level bishops, let alone the identity of the two. , Only know that the two fifth-level bishops are believers in death.

But let David mention the name of the **** of death, which he would never do.

According to the black dragon Alexis, when the strength is low, submitting the name of the **** is not a big deal, because the **** does not pay attention to the ants.

But when the strength reaches a certain level, the name of the **** in the mouth will be concerned by the god.

David has just killed the two Level 5 bishops of the **** of death, and even destroyed the incarnation of the **** of death. He has received special attention from the **** of death. At this time, the name of the **** of death is called. Deal with yourself!

"What? The body of the five-level evil **** believer is on your side?" Bishop Evans exclaimed.

Even if Bishop Evans had this speculation, it was only speculation. He could not believe that Lord Arthur had killed the fifth-level bishop in a short time.

At this moment, Bishop Evans suddenly discovered that Bishop Bolin disconnected somehow, he suddenly patted his head, and secretly insulted Bishop Bolin insidiously.

"Lord Arthur, I'll be on your side right away!" Bishop Evans contacted David on his own initiative, so naturally he couldn't end the contact without saying hello.

Bishop Evans immediately ran out quickly after disconnecting. He could not fly in the temple. He could only use this method.

In the Castle of Garmín, Bishop Bolling arrived first, and Bishop Evans also arrived less than a minute late.

"Lord Arthur, see you again!" Bishop Evans bowed to David.

"Bishop Evans, please sit down!" David also stood up and returned the gift, and then pointed to the seat beside him and invited.

Bishop Evans glanced at the already sitting Bishop Bolling, nodded, and then sat down himself.

"You are just here. I'm about to take out the body. Can you help me see what the body is?" David said with a smile while taking the body of the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan from the space pendant.

Bishop Evans and Bishop Bolling did not speak, and their attention was focused on the body taken by David.

Once the corpse is taken out, a strong force of death spreads around. This is the remaining force of death in the corpse. Everything in the space pendant is still. Now taking out the corpse is equivalent to the force of death in the body when the corpse dies. Delay emanated until this time.

"Is a believer of the fifth-level evil **** of Bunyan!" Bishop Evans recognized the identity of a believer of the fifth-level evil **** of Bunyan at a glance.

In the shrine, there are detailed information of these five-level bishops, he will not admit it wrong.

Bishop Bolin on the other side also recognized it, and his face was completely excited.

Bunyan's fifth-level bishop is very well-known in the five temples. Although he is not as terrible as Cameron's fifth-level bishop, he is also a notorious guy.

The believers in death are best at evil sacrifices, and the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan is the best among them. The most evil sacrifices in recent centuries are almost all from his hands.

The body of the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan is no less valuable than the body of the second-level bishop of Cameron, which is also the favorite sacrifice of the gods.

"Lord Arthur, can the body of Bunyan's Fifth Level Cultist be returned to us for processing this time?" Bishop Bolin did not have the idea of ​​eating solitary food. He also understood that since David had called the two parties, it was impossible to remove the body Give it to any party alone.

"Same as last time, there is also a space bag. I don't care how it is allocated!" David took out the space bag again and put it in front of the two bishops.

"Thank you, Lord Arthur, we will send the relevant rewards as soon as possible!" Bishop Evans' spirit swept through the space bag, his face showing surprise, he thanked.

There are a lot of evil items in this space bag, especially the large number of evil sacrifice items, which even made Bishop Evans look shocked.

The evil items in the space bag enter the shrine and are a sacrifice that can trigger the grace. Although its importance is not as good as the body of the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan, it is also a rare harvest.

"You have to testify for me. The death of Lord Amos has nothing to do with me!" David did not care about any rewards. By relying on the body of the fifth-level bishop, he had an excellent relationship with the two temples, even with the two. The archbishops have a good relationship.

Bishop Bolling and Bishop Evans glanced at each other, and they were very helpless. After taking the body and space bag of the fifth-level bishop of Bunyan, they would come forward to exonerate Arthur.

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