Extraordinary David

Chapter 915: shine

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The Shining Star is very special today. As early as the previous days, there were a lot of'Starships' and Alchemy Wagons. Most of these people were nobles from various planets. Others were very rich businessmen and High-ranking officials.

From the morning, the main road of the shining main city from the planetary portal to the straight road in front of the gate of the highest council, the road of glory, at this time, both sides were full of people.

These people have a slightly lower status, while those with a higher status sit in the alchemy wagon, relying on the height of the alchemy wagon, and do not need to be crowded with most people.

On both sides of the road above the road of glory, there are many'Starships', these are'Starships' of top nobles and large nobles with sufficient strength.

Some members of the top aristocratic families who are not eligible to participate in the Supreme Council come to watch the most important ceremonies of the Great World in this way.

The Noble Affairs Office sent a large number of staff to maintain the order of the shining stars.

As many as ten Templar Knights invited by the Supreme Council alone are all released in the form of missions. Templar Knights of Level 5 who can accept such quests will not refuse, but will be glorious.

Because the targets sent by the Supreme Council are the strongest of the fifth-level Templars, this is also the recognition of the fifth-level Templars.

So don't look at the large number of people shining in the main city at this time, but no one here dares to pass by a little, and the deterrent power of the fifth-level Templars is very strong.

Not to mention that there are a lot of fifth-level strongmen in these ‘star flying boats’ in the sky.

"Woo woo", around the gate of the Supreme Council, ten huge trombone horns were blown on the left and right, and all of them were earth knights.

The people who heard the horn sounded together, which showed that the entrance ceremony of the Supreme Council of the Great World was about to begin.

As the trumpet sounds ended, the five teams, each composed of a hundred third-level earth knights, entered the road of glory from the highest council into five squares and proceeded toward the planetary portal.

The same third-grade knight armor, third-grade epee, and heavy warhorse wearing third-grade horse armor underneath.

Of course, these are really shocking scenes for ordinary people or low-level nobles, but for big aristocrats and top aristocrats, it does not matter.

These five hundred third-level earth knights belong to the knights of the Supreme Council. They are talented knights selected from the nobility and receive the knight training and resource supply of the Supreme Council.

Become a knight of the Supreme Council. These knights need to swear to the God of Justice to protect the Supreme Council for life.

The high-ranking nobles of the Supreme Council Knights and the top aristocrats are disrespectful, but for the knights of the small and medium nobles, it is very important.

A knight who joins the Supreme Council can receive the training and inheritance of a knight equivalent to the top aristocracy. At the same time, it will receive the highest standard of care in equipment and resources. Although it has lost its freedom, for knights who have no resources and hopeless life, they seek strength. Is the most important.

The Knights of the Supreme Council are not dangerous. This army is rarely used. Except for such important ceremonies as today, only the Supreme Council needs to be mobilized when it wages war.

Beside the road of glory, countless pairs of eyes are shining at the 500 earth knights, these eyes are full of envy.

The financial resources of ordinary noble families and the knights they can support are very limited. Just like when David first came to the world of the gods, the Ruth family had little assets, but even Andrew’s knight resources were difficult to supply.

Most small aristocrats, the family’s income can only support one knight. If there are several children with blood in the family, only one will be selected for cultivation. The rest of the children may not be able to practice, or they will switch to the rest of the power and exchange it for life. Resources.

Five hundred knights understand the mentality of the nobles who stand on both sides of the road of glory. Most of them are from this family. Now they represent the highest council with the strength of the knight. The momentum of the Cavaliers is so bright.

After the 500 earth knights, 64 sky knights appeared. They were wearing fourth-grade knight armor and carrying a fourth-grade sword. The flying mounts under them were all griffins. Fighting flying mounts.

Sixty-four sky knights fly low and high on the road to glory, and they are also supreme council knights.

At this time, not only the audience on both sides of the road of glory showed envious eyes, but even the audience in the "Starship" in the sky was envious.

Sixty-four sky knights wearing fourth-grade equipment are the strongest fighting forces except for the fifth-level templar. The fourth-level sky knight battle of this scale is to encounter ordinary fifth-level templar knights. Can also be suppressed.

Not to mention the flying mount griffin, the number of such extraordinary creatures in the divine world is extremely rare, and only the highest council controls a complete population, which can continue to provide the highest council knights with griffins.

Five hundred and sixty-four knights walked along the road of honor, and all the people who watched felt the essence of the great world of the gods. It is only an honor guard to know.

In front of the planet-level portal, the five Earth Knights phalanx were scattered, divided into two rows on the left and right, and sixty-four fourth-level Sky Knights hovered in two rows in the slightly higher sky, also on the road of honor In the air, thousands of kilometers of welcome passages were formed.

The Supreme Council has its own set of methods of operation. After the honor guard finished its performance, the first lord appeared from the planetary portal.

Lord-level alchemy carriage, the windows of the alchemy carriage are wide open, allowing people to see the inside of the alchemy carriage.

The lord sits side by side with the fifth-level templar, this is a powerful top aristocrat with the strength of two fifth-level templars.

Around the lord-level alchemy carriage, twenty sky knights are guarding.

At this moment, every top aristocratic family will not skimp on the opportunity to show their strength, which is also the tradition of the Supreme Council.

Every lord who participated in the Supreme Council came as a real person, and the lords who were rarely seen on weekdays will appear on the same day.

This is why there are so many nobles. Many legendary characters can see real people today.

This is a bit like star chasing in the interstellar federation, but people in the world of the gods are not chasing and dancing, but powerful to great existence.

A lord appeared, and most of the top nobles had only a fifth-level Templar knight, but the number of accompanying sky knights was not less than twenty.

There are even as many as eighty sky knights beside a lord. The number of them is astonishing. No matter how this lord brought so many sky knights, the lord's reputation immediately rose.

David sits in the Lord's Castle in the main city of Dune. His lord contacts the circle and has the exact time to go through the portal to the shining stars.

According to the interpretation of the Dickins butler, the time for each lord to go to the Supreme Council is said. The Supreme Council gives an order based on the evaluation of the lords in all aspects.

Except for the first lord of the opening, the rest of the lords are headed according to this ranking, and the more behind, the more honorable the identity.

David doesn't know how he is sorted, but he knows that he must be relatively backward, because his time to shining stars is set at nearly twelve.

"Master, don't you really change your dress? Do you not bring the Sky Knight?" Dickens Butler asked again.

The Deakins housekeeper actually knew the answer long ago. He explained to David the importance of showing strength. This is an important tradition of the divine world and a respect for the Supreme Council and everyone in the divine world.

But David vetoed more than ten dresses prepared by the Deacon butler, although those dresses were more gorgeous than the gray robes on his body.

In addition, David also made it clear that there is no need to lead the Sky Knight to the shining star, which makes the Dickens butler extremely anxious.

Innis, who was invited by the Dickens butler to stand aside, is a top tailor, and is secretly looking at David's gray robe.

Unlike what the Dickens housekeeper saw, Master Innis saw an extreme simplicity. The style of the gray robe is far from being as simple as the surface. The person who designed the gray robe must be the master of the tailor.

Because any detail of this gray robe gives a sense of natural nature, Master Innis wants to move any place and feels that this natural nature is destroyed.

I have to say that Master Innis really has a vision. The artifact "Dark Shadow" comes from the hand of the shadow god. The spirit's understanding of the rules of the world is unknowingly reflected in the overall design and small details of the artifact "Dark Shadow".

David saw Master Innis's gaze and smiled and nodded to him.

"Dickens butler, you don't need to change your dress, your eyes are not as good as Master Innis!" David said with a smile.

The Dickens butler looked at Master Innis with a question in his eyes.

"I don't know how precious the robe on Lord Arthur's body is, but looking at this design has a sense of integration with the world, I'm still far from this level!" Master Innis bowed and praised.

Master Innis's words are very sincere, and this is what he thought.

"Good eyes, this one is made by Evil God himself, it's a spoil!" David nodded approvingly.

Not only did Master Innis's eyes change this time, but the Dickens Butler also stared at the gray robe that was inconspicuous to him.

They all understand the meaning of David's words. Evil God made it by hand. No matter whether it is Evil God or any kind of god, as long as it is made by a deity, then this is an artifact.

The Deakins butler was a little embarrassed. He persuaded David to replace the artifact with ordinary dress. As David said, his vision was not good, and he bowed his head in shame.

"Dickens Butler, it's almost time, drive for me!" David noticed the time and reminded.

"Master, this is my honor!" Dean Kensman bowed in response to David's order.

The Deakins butler knows very well that this is David’s credit for his merits. To know that this is the highest council entrance ceremony that has attracted the attention of all the nobles of the great world. Many people want to accept all their lives on that glorious road. Noble attention.

This is the highest honor of a housekeeper. How can the Deakins butler not be excited.

As for the fact that there is no Sky Knight to accompany, then what about the Dickens butler knows how famous Lord Arthur is today. The title of God is the first knight in the world, more important than the forty Sky Knights.

The Deakins butler was on the lord-level alchemy carriage, which did not actually require his manipulation, nor was he capable of manipulation. The lord-level alchemy carriage required blood power or spirit to manipulate it.

David let the Deakins butler sit in the driving seat, which gave Deakins butler glory.

Four knights wearing the fifth-grade knight armor came quietly, standing at the four corners of the lord-level alchemy carriage, guarding the lord-level alchemy carriage.

Then the lord-level alchemy carriage rose into the air and flew towards the planet-level portal.

The Dickens housekeeper looked at the four knights he didn't know. The knight's armor shone with pale golden light, which made him look dizzy.

Because it represents a fifth-grade grade, there is only one possibility to wear fifth-grade knight armor.

It was just that possibility that made the Dickens housekeeper dare not imagine.

David passed the planetary portal of the main city of Dunre on time. When it appeared again, it was a lively scene.

"Master, this is the road to glory to the Supreme Council!" The butler's voice trembling a little, the excitement and excitement made him tremble even his body.

Relatively speaking, David's appearance is very shabby, because any other lord has at least dozens of people at the time of the appearance, but he only has six players including the Dickens butler who drives.

If it weren’t for the ‘Shadow Panther coat of arms’ pattern on the lord-level alchemy carriage, many people thought he was in the wrong place.

Of course, this does not include the celebrities of the top aristocrats and large aristocrats in the "Starship", as well as some noble knights with extraordinary knowledge. They also recognized the existence of the four knight-level knight armor.

A breath of air rose into the air, these are the fifth-level Templars who were surprised and could not control the breath.

The breath of the fifth-level Templar was overwhelming everyone on the scene. Fortunately, although the fifth-level Templar had a lot of breath, it didn't mean any harm, but it made the people present feel a little uncomfortable.

The chaos here has attracted the attention of the ten fifth-level Templars responsible for maintaining order, especially the ascension of all the five-level Templars, which can only be handled by their tenth-level Templars.

Ten tier five Templars wore the highest council’s law enforcement badges on their chests. They were preparing to investigate what had happened, and they also saw four tier five Templar knights guarding the lord-level alchemy carriage of Lord Arthur.

Four strange fifth-level Templar knights appeared together, no wonder they will cause the other fifth-level Templar knights to be surprised. You know that the fifth-level Templar knights are not ordinary existence, no heritage, no resources, no talent, no luck. Cannot be promoted, any of which will almost prevent the promotion.

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