Extraordinary David

Chapter 917: Voting

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At close range, Lord Gould perceives deeper information in the breath of the four fifth-level templar knights. He is different from Lord Fred who is the blood of the Black Dragon.

Lord Fred was far away from each other and relied on the induction of the blood of the same origin to perceive the blood of the Black Dragon of the four fifth-level Templars.

That is, Lord Gould is himself a dragon blood, and he has studied the blood of Lord Fred in Black Dragon, which has discovered the clue at close range.

Lord Gould was shocked. The first thing he thought about was the connection between Lord Arthur and the Morse family, but this thought was thrown away by him in a flash in his mind.

If the four tier five Templar knights were really Templar knights of the Morse family, it would be impossible for the Morse family to allow the four tier five Templar knights to follow the Lord Arthur.

In fact, this was also a moment of confusion in Lord Gould's mind. He did not want to be surprised at all before the vote was about to take place.

"Lord Gould, I'm just here to vote for you!" David smiled back to Lord Gould's question.

"Lord Arthur, you still have to compare the votes and choose the best!" Lord Gould said with a smile.

Lord Gould was extremely proud. Lord Arthur's public expression was a good help, enough for some lords who had good relations with Lord Arthur to make a choice.

In addition, Lord Arthur is still very influential among neutral lords. The strong strength makes any lord not want to be the opposite of Lord Arthur.

"Lord Gould, please return to your position, and the meeting will begin soon!" Lord Ludwig of the Golden Dragon Bloodline reminded at this time.

Lord Ludwig was the temporary moderator of the Supreme Council. In the past, the moderators of the Supreme Council were all Speakers. This time, Earl Abbe lost the position of Speaker. Lord Ludwig, the former Deputy Speaker, became the speaker. host.

Of course this host is temporary, but Lord Ludwig wants to be the official host.

Lord Ludwig also did not want to disturb Lord Gould, but let Lord Gould talk to Lord Arthur again, fearing that some of the lords he had contacted would switch to others.

"Lord Ludwig, I'm very sorry, but when I saw my friend, I lost my mind!" Lord Gould bowed very gracefully.

Lord Gould nodded to David and returned to his inner platform.

"On behalf of the Supreme Council, I welcome you to visit. As the former speaker, Abbe, retired from the position of the speaker in advance for some reason, I will preside over this assembly today!" Lord Ludwig left his platform and flew to He said after hovering in the center.

David heard Lord Ludwig say this, his brow could not help but frowned, Ai Bei was not resigned, but was dismissed, and was also expelled from the top aristocracy, and lost the status of ordinary parliamentarian.

If the matter of Count Abbe had nothing to do with him, he would not care about Lord Ludwig. As he said, this time he came to vote, and he was not prepared to intervene in the rest.

But there were some reasons for David, and the words of Lord Ludwig directly affected him.

"Lord Ludwig, Earl Abbe is not out of office!" David Shen reminded.

Lord Ludwig's face was stiff. The reason why he said he would resign was because he was the deputy speaker himself. If Speaker Abbe had a problem when he was in power, he would not be able to leave the relationship.

So he needs to minimize the impact of Abbe’s dismissal, so that he can use the status of deputy speaker to get more votes.

"Lord Arthur, this is your first time to participate in the Supreme Council. Please pay attention to your speech!" Lord Ludwig Shen Sheng said.

"When did the Supreme Council allow members of the Parliament to express their views? Is Lord Dewig ready to directly assume himself as the Speaker?" Lord Gould said lightly.

The Supreme Council was originally designed to facilitate all the top nobles to jointly manage the major affairs of the divine world. To some extent, the identity of any member of parliament is equal.

The Speaker is only responsible for the affairs of the Supreme Council. It is not that the Speaker is more honorable than other lords, but that he has more power in his hands.

If you don’t let the parliamentarians speak, it’s not as good as all the parliamentarians. It’s not as good as ordinary parliamentarians’ representatives can raise their hands to vote for the parliamentarians. Where are so many five-level Templar knights focused?

None of the lawmakers thought that this was just the beginning, and two important competitors were tearing apart.

"Lord Ludwig, please answer me, send someone to attack the diplomatic envoys, collude with believers of evil gods, do you think these are insignificant, or do you think the temple punishes the Litton family?" David did not flinch. What he meant was that he did not want Lord Gould to come forward for him, he asked fiercely.

"These issues are not matters discussed in the Supreme Council this time. If I have any inadequate expressions, please forgive me!" Lord Ludwig finally woke up and said quickly.

Just now I was too excited to think about competing for the Speaker. At this time Lord Ludwig reacted and he actually had a conflict with Lord Arthur.

Lord Ludwig grinned hard and expressed his attitude to David. He had no trace of intention to offend David.

When David saw this look, Lord Ludwig also lost the idea of ​​continuing to provoke, and took back his eyes on Lord Ludwig.

There was a smile on Lord Gould's face. This performance of Lord Ludwig's loss of points would cause Lord Ludwig to lose a lot of votes in the next election.

"Today's theme is to elect a new speaker. Next we introduce four candidates. First of all, please request Lord Fred!" Lord Ludwig also understood this, so he immediately ended a lot of prepared words, He even skipped the step of canvassing for himself and went directly to the next step.

Lord Fred got up and bowed to salute.

"Lord Lord Daryl, please!" Lord Ludwig continued to introduce.

This Lord Darryl, the Lord of the Fish family with the blood of the Blue Dragon, also stood up to salute the Lords.

"Lord Lord Gould, please!" Lord Ludwig, after saying the name Lord Gould, many of the lords present expressed their enthusiasm with applause.

This also dulled the expressions of Lord Fred and Lord Darryl. They clearly saw the gap with Lord Gould.

Lord Ludwig is also very helpless, he is ready to put himself in the final announcement, hoping to occupy a favorable opportunity.

But these careful thoughts have become extremely ridiculous in the face of real strength.

In fact, when deciding to convene the Supreme Council to discuss the election of the Speaker, most of the MPs believed that the ultimate winner was Lord Gould.

In the past two months, the remaining three competitors have exhausted the means and used various relationships to win over many lords.

But Lord Gould only used the same one to block the offensive of the three competitors, that is, "Heart-Heart Lotus Seed Soup", this five-level Templar Knight's holy medicine.

"I am also one of the candidates!" Lord Ludwig waited for the applause to stop, and finally said.

After his announcement, as he imagined, there was no response, and even his supporters were embarrassed to express their views at this time.

In the following time, the four candidates for the speaker began to speak one by one, which was also the last chance to win votes.

This time Lord Fred, Lord Darryl, and Lord Ludwig did not want to fall to the end, because once Lord Gould spoke, they might not have anything to do with them.

The three lords are very well prepared. In terms of changes in the distribution of tasks, the increase in the welfare of parliamentarians, and enhanced support for lords, etc., many aspects have formulated detailed and relevant plans.

The three lords showed their magical powers and nodded so that the lords could not hear them.

Of course, all the lords understand that the sacrificed benefits will only be the interests of the nobles, but those present are all vested interests, and who cares about the interests of the nobles.

David was a bit bored. He looked at the four competitors and found that they were all dragon blood.

This is definitely not accidental. Thinking of the black dragon Alexis said, the knight cultivation method is originally from the dragon family. The knight with the dragon blood has a natural advantage in knight cultivation.

David can finally understand why Lord Gould will be easily accepted by all the lords and become one of the candidates for the Speaker. Lord Gould's use of "warm heart lotus soup" is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is Gould Lord's white dragon bloodline.

David himself did not feel the knight's emphasis on blood, because his practice time was too short, as short as each level of the knight, he could not have too many opportunities to communicate with knights of the same level.

Because his strength is normally higher than the knight of the same level, there is no knight who will mention the importance of bloodline in front of him.

It should be known that David's original bloodline was only the'Shadow Panther Bloodline'. This bloodline can only be regarded as medium in the bloodline of the knight. If there is no adventure, it is almost impossible to reach the strength of the fifth-level Templar knight.

Needless to say, the rest of the thirteen tier five Templar Knights under David’s team have a much different speed of cultivating before they reform the bloodline and after the black dragon bloodline. This is the advantage of the dragon blood.

While David was thinking boringly, Lord Gould stood up and applause rang again in the circular hall.

"Thank you lords for your support. I think the Supreme Council has been established for thousands of years and has a mature operating mechanism, so I have no intention of interfering too much with the operation of the Supreme Council, but only for some unreasonable parts. Change." Lord Gould said with a smile.

The lords present would certainly not think that Lord Gould only said this, they were all waiting for Lord Gould to say the point.

"If I become the speaker, I will increase the exchange of "Heart-Heart Lotus Seed Soup" in the merit exchange, of course, this exchange is only the power of the lawmakers!" Lord Gould continued.

This time the sub-lords are excited, they may get ‘warm heart lotus soup’ through some transactions, but this is not a fixed channel.

The more lords who have used ‘Warm Heart Lotus Seed Soup’, the more they understand the importance of ‘Warm Heart Lotus Seed Soup’ to the fifth-level Templar Knight.

Lord Gould’s proposal is equivalent to providing a stable channel for supplying ‘Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup’. As for merit, the top nobles have powerful knights to complete various tasks, and merit is not a problem.

"I need to explain here, because the production of "Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup" raw material "Nuanxin Lotus Seed" is limited, and because it is extremely difficult to make "Nuanxin Lotus Seed Soup", it is not that I don't want to supply other five Templar Knights." "Heart-warming lotus seed soup', but the production limit!" Lord Gould saw the warm atmosphere and said with a smile.

Lord Gould looked at David with grateful eyes.

He dared to make such a commitment, naturally because David recently provided an extremely large amount of'heart-warming lotus seed soup'.

Since the production of'Nuanxinlianzi' by Jia Mixing, the output of'Nuanxinlian' managed by an intelligent system has exploded. With scientific cultivation and the gain of genetic technology,'Nuanxinlian' has covered the whole lake surface.

The time of production is shortened to the level of once a month. Of course, the most important thing is that David’s energy avatar has enough time to cook ‘warm heart lotus soup’ at his leisure.

Only with sufficient stock will Lord Lord Gould have such courage, and dare to use the "heart-warming lotus soup" to win over the lords.

David smiled at Lord Gould, to be honest, now he can no longer look down on this circle of the Supreme Council, and his vision has long exceeded this level.

Naturally, he will not isolate himself from the circle, and can help Lord Gould. Then Lord Gould becomes the speaker, and it will certainly benefit him.

"Lords, please consider for a while, and then vote for yourself!" Lord Ludwig said after Lord Gould's speech, he took over the work of the host.

As soon as his speech ended, a dozen lords came to Lord Gould and asked about the specific redemption details of ‘warm heart lotus soup’.

These dozen lords are not the lords of Lord Gould's original power. Lord Gould's speech just touched these dozen lords.

More than a dozen lords just started, and then lords continued to consult Lord Gould for related matters.

Lord Fred, Lord Darryl, and Lord Ludwig were asked very few, and even some of them decided to choose them before. At this time, they also actively consulted Lord Lord Gould.

The result is obvious. Just waiting for the final vote, all the lords understood that the more they did, the less lords were willing to offend Lord Gould in voting.

Although Lord Gould will add ‘Warm Heart Lotus Seed Soup’ as a redemption option, if he does not have a good relationship with him, it will be a little difficult to redeem at that time, and he can’t say anything!

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