“Huh? What a weird power? ”

“It is obviously not a world-class power, but it can compete with the power of His Holiness’s small world?”

“Little ghost, what is this trick called?”

During the stalemate, Qin Mantian suddenly asked.

Even if he had seen so many abilities of Fang Ran before, he hadn’t asked, at most he was just curious, but now, he couldn’t help but open his mouth to ask the enemy, which showed the importance he attached to this power.

Fang Ran could actually understand his surprise, because the upper limit of domineering power was not very high, but it was similar to the power system of this world.

There is no need to say more about the contrast between armed color domineering and martial arts blood qi, just the power of overlord color domineering that is condensed by the king’s spirit and is enough to affect reality is somewhat similar to His Holiness’s small world of knowledge.

The small world of the sea is also born in the ocean of consciousness, and the power of the small world affects reality, thus creating a magical effect that is difficult to match.

In Fang Ran’s view, the essence of the overlord color domineering is also similar to the power of consciousness, and after being released, it causes spiritual oppression to the outside creatures and destroys real matter, which is a bit like the ability of His Holiness to release a small world.

From the mind world of consciousness, from the overlord realm of courage, although the former’s system is more complete and powerful, but the potential of overlord color domineering is equally extraordinary.

Therefore, when Fang Ran mastered the technique of overlord color winding in the battle, it was equivalent to condensing the prototype of a small world of mind into the attack, although it was still not as good as the complete small world of the sea, but with the blessing of Fang Ran’s various forces, he was finally able to resist the power of the first realm.

Overlord color entanglement is not the power of Venerable, but it is the basis for Fang Ran to be able to stand on the same stage and fight with his opponent, so that Fang Ran’s power level is comparable to that of the other party, and he is no longer so disadvantaged.

The overlord color is still not comparable to the power of the complete first realm, but for Fang Ran, it is enough to have this step, and the remaining gap will naturally be filled by his endless ability!

“You have the Venerable World, I have the Overlord Realm, now that we are fair, let’s have a good fight!”

Fang Ran roared presumptuously, but it attracted Qin Mangtian’s ridicule: “Fair? It’s just a crude and clumsy imitation, less big talk to me! ”

“Do you think you can match a Venerable by this? I can fight this level of battle endlessly, and you, this level alone is already your limit, right? ”

“I admit that you are comparable to His Holiness now, but how long can you last?”

“The winner will only be me!”

Saying that, he increased his strength and once again unbridled onslaught.

Of course, Fang Ran knew that His Holiness had the support of the small world, and could continuously absorb and filter the energy of the real world to replenish himself and recover his injuries, and the never-ending battle was not an exaggeration, but he only felt ridiculous to say that Fang Ran would lose.

“Limit? Less laughter! My limit is that there is no limit! ”

“Who wants to fight a protracted war with you! I’m going to beat you now! ”

Fang Ran shouted, holding the knife against the opponent’s attack at the same time, the other hand suddenly clenched into a fist, the same overlord color entangled, and then burst out a devastating golden light radiation, a punch blasted!

Immortal energy + martial arts blood qi + overlord color entanglement + atomic fruit derivation ability, atomic nucleus fission + Great Xia Dragon Fist!

Extinction Dragon Fist Atomic Starburst!

At this moment, the energy release, light and heat, and nuclear radiation generated by the fission of atomic nuclei all burst out with the help of Fang Ran’s fist, and only dazzling light suddenly remained in heaven and earth, and ordinary people would be blinded just by seeing it!

Under such a terrifying punch, Qin Mantian flew out upside down for the first time, like a huge cannonball smashing into the ground, and the strength of the aftermath shattered the earth in an instant.

Fang Ran’s entire arm disappeared under this blow, but it didn’t matter, it grew back in an instant, intact.

After hitting the opponent with one blow, Fang Ran immediately activated the infinite teleportation ability of the demon form and instantly disappeared in place.

In the smoke and dust of the sky, Qin Mantian stood up again at the bottom of the pit, not suffering too many injuries, but the small world protection on his body was actually forced back into his sea of knowledge by this punch.

This couldn’t help but make him feel palpitated, if he received another blow of the same power in this situation, then he might really be seriously injured, and it would take him a few more minutes to recover.

This made him angry, and a stick swung out of the storm, sweeping away the dust around him.

However, at this moment, Fang Ran’s figure instantly appeared in front of him, just when he did not have a world shield on his body, and just swung a gap with a stick.

Fang Ran’s pair of blood-colored strange pupils instantly looked at Qin Mangtian, he was slightly stunned, but he saw the windmill pattern in Fang Ran’s eyes slowly rotate, directly capturing his soul.

The left eye is a kaleidoscope pattern of Uchiha stopping water, and the right eye is the same! Kaleidoscope, double release of both eyes!

Don’t be a god!

Using this most taboo kaleidoscope pupil technique to capture a Martial Venerable as a subordinate, this is Fang Ran’s real purpose!

Qin Mantian didn’t check for a while, and he was immediately succeeded by Fang Ran!

Seeing that his movements were stagnant and his pupils were empty, Fang Ran immediately roared: “From now on, I will be your only master!” ”

“Eternal life and eternal loyalty!”

“Your greatest ideal in life is to follow me and create an absolutely strong human civilization that is not afraid of any enemies!”

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