Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1011: Three major portals (3/10)

"The boss, the garden information website has been completed, and now we are solely invested." Ralph called to report.

"You are doing very well. Let you contact the two professors and buy the shares of their foxes in your hands. How are you doing?"

Feng Yu is very satisfied. After the garden information is won, the website of Wang Zhixi will be merged into a salary wave, and it will leap beyond the fox and net billion to become the largest Chinese portal.

馊 狐 and Net billion took a step forward. Among them, 馊 fox was founded entirely by venture capital. Zhang Chaoyang got a small amount of venture capital with the support of the two former company leaders, and then the three people split the company's shares.

The net billion is founded by Ding Li, which holds 53% of the company's shares.

However, the current development of both companies has encountered bottlenecks, mainly because of insufficient funds. The former World Ding Lei got a VC from Sun Zhengyi, which made the Net billion develop rapidly.

The salary wave is also the investment of Sun Zhengyi. Sun Zhengyi especially likes to invest in this kind of network technology company.

However, in this world, Sun Zhengyi does not think that China has so much money, because Zhang Chaoyang and Ding Lei have also contacted Taihua Consulting.

Now that they have contacted, Feng Yu will never let them fall to the company of the island nation. These three companies are all good, or the future Chinese portal, the Big Three, can bring Feng Yu to the next five years. Philip's profit.

If it is listed, Feng Yu will be able to make a profit in two or three years.

Think about Sun Zhengyi. Two years ago, I invested a hundred million dollars in Yahoo and got a third of the shares. This year, it is worth 2%, worth 400 million US dollars! That's a dozen times the rate of return, and Yahoo's stock is still rising.

Although they may not have the chance that Yahoo's stock price will skyrocket, the stock price should be no problem after the listing, and the tenfold return rate is easy.

"Boss, one of the two professors agreed to sell it to us. The price is a bit high, but it does not exceed the standard you set. Another professor does not seem to be selling. His offer is the one you set the standard. Times!"


Feng Yu feels a little headache. His standard is to double the price of the acquisition. The old guy actually doubled the price. Isn't that that Feng Yu buys at four times the price?

But think about the future development of the company, it should be worth it! What is important is that Zhang Chaoyang and his team, the value of talent can not be measured by simple money.

"Continue to talk, at all costs, must be acquired."

When he heard the boss, Ralph knew Feng Yu’s determination. That is four times the premium and it is acceptable. Of course, Ralph will not buy four times the premium. In that case, what is the boss’s need for him?


In this way, he did not know it, he took control of the fox. There is also a salary, and he can also get a controlling stake.

It’s just that NetEase seems unlikely. Ding Lei’s meaning is obvious. He wants to be the boss.

But for Feng Yu, it doesn't matter. Anyway, in the future, these companies will carry out some cooperation because of him. If the salary wave first starts the business of the mailbox, then the network billion will not be able to have such a good development in the past.

Feng Yu has already divided the main business of the three companies. The salary wave will be merged with the garden information. Therefore, in the news business, especially foreign news, it is unique and can develop blogs and Weibo in the future.

馊 则 prefers the development of video websites, and continues to maintain the status of the Chinese forum leader in the forum.

Net billion is mainly based on email and game agents, or can develop games by itself in the future.

Of course, these businesses can also be crossed, but they must be separated. Let these three portals form a healthy competition and develop together.

Feng Yu didn't even think about it. He merged the three websites, but then thought about it. If this is not good, it will be divided into three, and the development will be more rapid, and the rise of other new network companies can be avoided.


Wang Zhixi once again came to Taihua Consulting Company. He had already negotiated with Bada Company. Bada Company agreed to sell the shares, but not all, and made some relevant restrictions.

After listening to Wang Zhixi’s conditions, Sun Lijie nodded to Feng Yu: “This condition is okay, I think it is acceptable.”

Anyway, the acquisition of Garden Information, after the merger, the controlling party of the salary wave, is already consulting with Taihua. It is better to buy more shares, but it doesn't matter if it is not received.

With the shares of Octopus, it may be better for the salary development. After all, this company has a profound background.

"Wang Zhixi, after talking to you last time, did you think about the main development direction of the company?"

"News, I think the people are most willing to pay attention to the news. Every day, I read the newspapers at work. This is a habit that many people used to have. But with the network, just open our website every day, even if it is turned on, it will pop up our news page. This will bring a huge amount of page views to the website, and there will inevitably be many companies willing to advertise on our website."

"Our news has some advantages that newspapers don't have, that is, we can collect news from all over the country, and even overseas news. This is something that other websites can't do. Then we can sell some value-added services. For example, to provide a network communication platform for enterprises."

"Very good, this really can give the company the biggest advantage. I will briefly talk about my thoughts, first, the timeliness of news, second, the regional nature of news, and third, the fun of news."

Timeliness, Wang Zhixi certainly understands, but what does regionalism mean? And what fun is news, isn’t it about pursuing authenticity?

"Timeliness, that is, some major events have just happened, we will report it in the first time, and always let users who browse our website remember that our news is the fastest update."

"Regional, that is, through the network's IP address, or registration, etc., select regional news to recommend to users, just like people read newspapers, always like to read newspapers in this city."

“Fun, that is, the news that represents us is not only concerned with current events, but also can report some interesting things, such as some entertainment news, some strange things, some interesting news, etc. Most people read newspapers, In order to pass the boring time, fun, it is the easiest to grab the user."

Wang Zhixi looked at Feng Yu’s eyes and was full of admiration: “Thanks to Feng’s advice, I know what to do.”

This tone, quite a kind of listening to the monarch, saves me ten books.

Feng Yu puts on a pair of me just to talk about it casually. In fact, this is the characteristics of previous world news. The first is the salary wave network. Feng Yu just told Wang Zhixi their methods in advance, and then Wang Zhixi. Worship.

This kind of pointing is a bit of a sigh of past life, and it is still a bit cool!

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