Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1026: Kameda's dream

What kind of company, Feng Yu has never heard of it.

“Is there any famous game in this company?” Feng Yu asked seriously. Speaking of the masterpiece at this time, Feng Yu may be able to know what the company is doing in the future.

"Dragon Knight, what is the same level, the next level or something."

Wipe, this is the game. Although Feng Yu has never played this game, it does not mean that he does not know. And the company's various games are synchronized with cartoons and comics. This is a company that specializes in that kind of game!

However, it is very suitable for the industry of Kameda Masao, but it seems to be not very good to join the wind and rain game, which will make people misunderstand the positioning of the wind and rain game.

"Kameda, this game company is actually good. It is also very suitable for the Sixth Sense Company. It can be distributed with a series of products, but it is not suitable for the wind and rain games. If you really want to be bigger, then I think you can set up a black dragon game, or a sixth sense game, you can develop with comics, animations, etc., and even develop movies. Love some aspects, you can cooperate, for example, to help you develop some scenes or something."

This kind of industry is legal in many countries such as island countries, Italy, and rice countries. It is even legal in South Korea. For example, t software company has a concept of such games, but it has also been stopped by Feng Yu. .

Feng Yu himself is not disgusted with this industry. In fact, the more prohibited this kind of thing is, the more people want to explore. But if it is not forbidden, it will not work. In many countries, such as the island country and the rice country, there have been tragic cases similar to the imitating game plots or animations and comic plots. If there is no correct cognition, it is really easy to make people pervert!

If it happens, it will have a major adverse effect on the company's brand.

I heard Feng Yu said that he did not want this company to be incorporated into the wind and rain game. However, Feng Yu said that he did not object to him doing this. He also encouraged him to become a big man.

Masako Kameda actually fancy a game company called Ai Liusen, a company that has a very high status in games like the island country, launching many classic games, and the game plots have been adapted into comics, animations and movies. Product development including peripheral clothing has also been very successful.

Unfortunately, the company's games only support the Japanese operating system, and are not sold or distributed, only in the island countries, so it limits its development. Even if Masaru Kayida wants to acquire this company, the other party insists that this must be written in the company's rules and regulations and cannot be changed!

If this limit is broken, the company will definitely become the world's top, even the world's number one such game developer, and the sixth sense company, with a steady stream of profits.

Now it seems that Feng Yu is still not willing to mix such things, just like Feng Yu has never had the same development of the sixth sense, and Feng Yu has not given guidance to the i company that is also established in the island country.

Fortunately, Kazuo Kasumi understands that it is because such industries are not legal in China, Feng Yu deliberately avoided, but Feng Yu does not discriminate against and oppose such industries, otherwise he will not invest in Feng Yu because of his pleading. So much money, and gave him such great support.

"Then I let the sixth sense hold other such companies, is it okay?"

"Of course there is no problem. If you think it is feasible, just do it. What if it fails? The impact on the sixth sense is not great. Once it succeeds, the sixth sense has developed a new industrial chain. The profit will be higher."

"Boss, if a company's work is not allowed to sell outside the island country, because of this restriction, we will not make too much profit when it is acquired. How to break this?"

"In fact, if the company's work is good enough, even if it is not sold to foreign countries, there will be pirated products. I have no good way. One is to use the high profits to impress the helm of this company and let him abolish this. One restriction, the other is the idea of ​​buying another company, buying the company's work, and changing it to another game."

Kameda Masao's eyes are bright, yes, why didn't I think about the right to reorganize?

The game is not allowed to be sold abroad, but you can buy the game's ideas, and then directly imitate it into another game. After being released abroad, it will be greatly welcomed by the otaku, which will bring the company a high level. Profit.

Just how to operate inside, we must think about it. Many things are in line with the laws of the island country, but they are in line with the laws of other countries. Different countries have different tolerances for the industry. Some countries are larger than the island countries. The country is very strict.

Masako Kame has always had an ambition to be the boss of all relevant industries in this industry. Although this goal is very far away, he firmly believes that he will be able to achieve it in his lifetime.

Moreover, we must continue to carry forward the two brands of the Six Senses and Black Dragons, and become the first brand of the industry forever. No matter what products of such industries, as long as they are used, they must think of the Sixth Sense Company!

At that time, the popularity of Sixth Sense Company will surpass that of old companies such as Sony and His Majesty, and may surpass older companies such as Shell in the world. After all, such products should be more popular.

Even in Africa, he is now developing. The place where other companies dare not go hunting is precisely a blank area. Once the sixth sense can stand, other companies will have no living space!

He believes that people's living conditions will get better and better. Even in Africa, who knows what will happen after ten years of development, maybe some developed countries will emerge. After all, Africa has rich mineral deposits and vast areas.

When he set a goal of 10 billion yen for the company, he did not reach it and surpassed it. Now his next goal is to make the company's annual profit more than one billion dollars!

Now, it seems that this goal is not too difficult to achieve. He believes that it can be achieved in a few years. After all, the company's annual profit has exceeded 500 million US dollars, and it is still growing rapidly.

When the company's profits exceed 10 billion US dollars, perhaps at that time you can be proud of the island nation. To become the largest company in the island country, his family of Kameda will also become one of the top families in the island. Maybe there is still a chance to remove one or two words.

"Kameda, any legal industry, is worth doing with your heart. What's more, you love this industry yourself. I am not familiar with this industry, and nothing can help you anymore. After that, everything depends on you." However, although this industry is legal, many people will still wear colored glasses to see it. You don’t want your family to be a young family in the future. Let’s focus on the wind and rain holding group here. The profit you can get is definitely higher than the sixth sense. On the sixth side, you should find a successor soon."

Feng Yu's knowledge, not to mention compared with Kamen Masaru, is compared with a salesperson of the Sixth Sense Company, which is far from good. In the future, he will not give Kameda Masao any guidance in this regard.

Feng Yu also does not hope that Masako Kameda will do this for the rest of his life. When the e-defective e was dug away by the fruit company, isn't it a word: Do you want to make a soda for life? Come and change the world with me.

Now Feng Yu thinks the same way. The talent of Masahiro Kameda should not be limited to an industry. Although the prospect of this industry is still very good, it is not too proud.

"Boss, I know, I will manage the wind and rain holding group, and will never let you down!" Kameda Masahiro solemn promise.


I can't write more, it's a shame. (To be continued.)

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