Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1031: Microsoft internal dispute

Bill Gates frowned at Paul, this is the board of directors, the place where everyone talks about things, not the place where you scream.

What happened to Feng Yu, and Paul was out of order? Is it because Feng Yu cursed his team will never get the US professional basketball championship?

Such a big person, how is it like a child, because this little thing is arguing. Everyone works together to make Microsoft's good development and continue to grow, is the most correct choice!

"Paul, you have to be sensible. It's about the interests of all of us, we can't use it." Bill persuaded.

"Well, I will say first, I am against cooperation with Feng Yu. I am on the matter, he wants absolute control, who can you promise?!" Paul sneered. "He thought he was who? When the dvd forum, if there is no With our support, can he develop so well? What are the benefits of our results?"

Microsoft only does software, the DVD forum about the dvd standard and the dvd drive standard dispute, they have nothing to do with it, nothing more than a driver is slightly different.

In Paul's opinion, it was Microsoft's support that allowed Feng Yu to finally set up a dvd forum. Otherwise, would the DVD drive standard be supported by so many computer manufacturers?

However, he did not notice that Microsoft's support at the time was only a icing on the cake, not a slap in the snow. Philips is the first company to cooperate with Feng Yu, and it attaches great importance to and respects Feng Yu. For example, the big companies in Europe are connected by Philips, and Feng Yu has some contacts here. Some enterprise support.

Microsoft is indeed the current market capitalization boss, but when it comes to hardware and other electronic products, Microsoft's influence is really not that big, otherwise Muni will not refuse to let the new generation of ps on Microsoft's system.

The industry first is good, but it will also be the goal of other companies in the industry to join hands. Those hardware vendors have been forced by Microsoft, but haven’t they thought about countering Microsoft?

"Paul, it didn't make sense at the beginning. The current situation is that Feng can do it himself, and we can do it ourselves, but after Feng himself, the probability of success is higher and the cost will be lower. And we can do it ourselves, the possibility of success. The **** is lower and the cost will be higher. I don't deny that if we are willing to invest, we can sell tens of millions of units, but can we make money?” Ballmer asked.

Microsoft has been afraid to make computers because of the boycott of hardware vendors. Once Microsoft has produced computers, other hardware vendors will unite and no longer use Microsoft systems. This will cause Microsoft to suffer huge losses and even catastrophe. Because Microsoft is the benefit of other companies, if they don't resist, they will be swallowed up by Microsoft sooner or later.

And Microsoft's g wave is also a kind of hardware attempt. Fortunately, there are few companies that eat this cake itself, and it will not cause great resistance. But it will inevitably not be claimed, this is a prelude to Microsoft's entry into the hardware market.

They will continue to publicize how bad Microsoft's products are, and will never give Microsoft any help. Even privately, they will support the development of new products such as Muni, Heaven and Heaven, and fight Microsoft's game consoles.

Cooperation is not only easier to succeed, but also to share risks. Although losing hundreds of millions of dollars, or even billions of dollars, is nothing to Microsoft, but can make money, who is willing to lose money?

Bill knocked on the table: "Do you still remember our goal? To be a necessity! The product we originally wanted to try is the set-top box of the TV. In the future, ordinary satellite TV will not meet the needs of the family, they can pass the set-top box. Watching the programs on the Internet, you can even go online through the set-top box. This TV game console has something in common with the set-top box in some technologies. We do g-wave, which is also preparing for our future production of set-top boxes. ”

The set-top box is the entry point that Bill Gates once thought of, a product between electronic products and household appliances. Will not move the interests of those big companies, but once done, even if the market share is only half of the Microsoft system, it will be a huge profit!

Of course, the manufacturing technology of set-top boxes, they also do not, and there is no special set-top box manufacturer at present, so Microsoft has no good target of acquisition, first exercise your own technology, and then wait two years to enter the set-top box market, it seems to be a good s Choice.

At that time, his own technology had been exercised, and he could also acquire a set-top box manufacturing company. Perhaps he could open Feng Yu at that time, and they made their own video game consoles.

"Bill, I know everything you said, I understand our plan. Cooperation can be, but we have to hold 51% of the shares. This is what we Microsoft should do!" Hear Bill, Paul It is also a rare explanation.

In fact, Paul’s words are also the thoughts of several shareholders. They are Microsoft, the world’s number one company. They used to buy other companies. Now it’s already a waste of cooperation with other companies.

Even if you give the controlling share to the other party, you can't be an absolute controlling right. What is it, isn't it the other party's final say? Doesn't Microsoft be ridiculed by other companies?

Ballmer said: "Paul, of course, we understand that holding is what we Microsoft should do, but Microsoft is not everything. Although I believe that as long as we are willing to invest, we can do the best, but save money, Why spend more? This can also reduce our risk, why not?"

"Balmer, I know that your relationship with Feng is very good, but you have to speak from the perspective of Microsoft, not to help Feng!" Allen roared.

Ballmer is not happy either. He is also a shareholder and director of Microsoft. Although the shares are less than Paul, Paul is not Bill Gates. Why should he criticize him by pointing his nose?

"I am just talking about Microsoft's business perspective. Unlike some people, it is a matter of anger. Because of a little personal grievance, it affects the company's correct decision!"

The company’s No. 2 and No. 3 quarreled. The other directors wanted to express their opinions. Now they are not snoring. They are looking at Bill Gates. At this time, only Bill can hold the scene.

"Two, I will say it again, this is the board of directors! You can express different opinions and even disputes because of disagreement, but you can't carry out personal attacks! We are all for Microsoft, but also for ourselves. Let's vote now, I Agree to this cooperation and agree to let Feng become the controlling shareholder!"

Bill Gates agreed, and Paul was shocked. Ballmer also immediately raised his hand and agreed. Others looked at it and raised their hands. Only Paul did not raise his hand.

He stood up, turned and left, and came behind Bill Gates: "The proposal is passed!"


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