Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1064: New product release (booking for a ticket)

The media in many countries, such as the country of rice, the island, and the United Kingdom, reported on the news that the three companies of aiwa, Muni and the Recording Industry Association of the United States had filed their complaints.

Since Monique knew that he was accused by the Recording Industry Association of the Philippines, and knew that the list of the website was given by aiwa's lawyer, he turned to aiwa again to the court, saying that aiwa was a directed cultivation.

So the three told each other, each of them prepared a lawyers group, set up a battle in New York, the media is the news of these three companies every day.

And every time, it will inevitably mention the mp3 thing. Mp3, it is getting more and more fire.

While the lawsuit is still playing, aiwa got a message that the four-star group will launch the second-generation product, and many companies such as Muni, Her Majesty, and Diamond will also launch mp3, and they all want to use this shareholder. .

Liu Shengwei discussed with Feng Yu and Kazuo Kameda, and decided to launch three generations of mp3 in advance, and let those companies know how much their technology is different from aiwa!

This new product launch conference was held in New York. Is the lawsuit not played here?


“Thank you for your media friends and company representatives to attend our new product launch conference in Aiwa. Although some companies do not have invitations, you are welcome.”

Liu Shengzhen is very proud to stand on the stage. Hey, how successful we are in this new product launch. Many companies don’t have invitations and they have to squeeze in. They want to see our new products first and want to talk to us. Learn!

"Let's see, this is our aip3, which is also the third generation mp3 launched by our company."

Liu Shengzhen stood in front of a large screen and pointed at the products on the big screen.

"Everyone can look at my hand, hey, this little guy, 10.3 cm long, 2.8 cm wide, 3.2 cm thick, using two alkaline 7 batteries, continuous playing ability can reach ten hours ""

There was a sigh of praise from the audience. They just opened the pictures on the big screen. They still couldn’t see anything, but at this time there was a close-up of the product on the big screen of Liu Sheng’s palm. They found out that this mp3 was true. It’s so small.

"This product is small in size, reflecting the essence of portable player portable. And the color of the shell is various, using our aiwa company's consistent magic series. With our company's latest magic eight generation headphones, give you the strongest audio-visual enjoyment. ”

“The storage capacity of this product is 512m. The storage capacity of each generation of our company has doubled. The first generation is 128m, the second generation is 256m. This third generation is naturally 512m, and we adopt The advanced flash technology makes the product more durable."

"Look at this, there is a small mouth, it is connected to the data transmission line. The small head is connected to the mp3, the big head is the usb standard interface, used to connect to the computer. We can download the mp3 audio to the computer, then transfer to the mp3, or Stored directly in mp3."

“Because our product capacity is 512m, this product also has a function, which can be used as a mobile information storage. You can store the company's office documents here, and then transfer to another computer, such as your boss. On the computer, avoid your boss letting you run around."

The following reporters and representatives of various companies gave a good laugh.

"You can see this side, there is a liquid crystal display, not only can display the power, time, but also the name of the song. Do you think this is over? No, this display can also display the lyrics synchronously so that everyone can watch This, along with singing, instead of holding a large piece of paper full of lyrics."


The following people are even more surprised, showing the song name, this is not surprising, the previous portable mobile player, such as cd player.

But showing the lyrics, the complete lyrics, and the synchronization, this is very rare.

Representatives of many consumer electronics companies are secretly praising and can do this. Aiwa is really a company that dares to be a leader in the industry.

"Look at this button, press it, switch directly to the next song, press this button to switch to the previous song. This button is pause and start, this button is off, and these two buttons, then It is to adjust the volume. If you have our aiwa mini speaker at home, this can also be connected with the speaker and become a sound that only puts the songs you like to listen to!"


Everyone in the audience is applauding. Most of them are full of praise, but there are also some people, some of them are lost on the face, and some people are full of depression.

Damn, this ai mp3, they actually released 512m, and also said that officially began to market. The representatives of the diamond company are losing their faces. Can they really catch up with aiwa? This company is one of the world's largest giants of portable music players, and it only makes music-related consumer electronics.

The four-star group's cultural affairs is also a lonely face. The group company injected a lot of money into the subsidiary he hosted, so that they have more money for technology research and development, but now it seems that they have spent a lot of money. There is still a big gap with aiwa, at least in the head, they are more than aiwa's products, and they do not reflect the meaning of portability.

Hey, if the group companies don't restructure, and South Korea doesn't have a financial crisis, then maybe they have already invested more. Now they can't say that they must exceed aiwa's products, but at least they should be similar?

However, he also sincerely admired the product designers of aiwa, how do they think of these functions? And how did they achieve it?

The representatives of the Muni company looked at each other with their representatives. They felt that their mouths were bitter. When aip3, they started to study. Originally thought that with their technical strength, they should be able to catch up quickly and catch up with aiwa company. After all, this product is different from listening and cd, and it is more inclined to electronic products than electrical products.

But the reality has given them a slap in the face, aiwa in the electronic product development, but also fully ahead of them.

"Mr. Liu Sheng, what is the retail price of this mp3 called a3?"

"Including an mp3, a pair of our magical eight generation headphones, two 7th Taihua alkaline batteries, a data cable, an unlimited number of accounts on our aiwa music website, retail price of $ 199!"

Hearing this, the representatives of Muni and other companies are even more bitter. With so many things, such a good product, the retail price is only 199 US dollars. In contrast, their products are not even competitive in price, is it destined to be Has it failed?

... (to be continued.)


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