Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1081: Listed one after another (request for a ticket)

At this time, the shareholders of the rice country are still so keen on this kind of stocks, which makes Feng Yu feel very determined. Then, after the listing of the salary wave, the stock price soared, it is expected.

I remember that in the past life, after the listing of the three Chinese portals, such as the salary wave, the stock price was soaring in the short term. The three founders also boarded the list of China’s richest people, and even briefly boarded Forbes. In less than half a year, it will fall back to the altar.

Although they are still on the list of China's richest people, they have not been able to board Forbes again in a few years.

Network technology has created many legendary tycoons, but many people are also short-lived. Knowing how to close in time, they have made a lot of money. For example, NBA Mavericks boss Mark Kuban, in just a few years, relying on the skyrocketing network technology stocks, his assets exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

Then he did not hesitate to sell the company, exchanged cash and other stocks, invested in his favorite basketball, and bought the hometown Mavericks.

In the future, his net worth did not rise again, but he did not plunged, but only grew slowly and steadily. Not lacking money, but also able to run his favorite basketball career, and really won a championship in the future, Mark Kuban can be described as a winner in life.

Now Yahoo’s share price is also soaring, and Feng Yu’s heart is beautiful. He found that if the stocks of these companies were sold at the high point from the end of this year to the beginning of next year, he would definitely be able to make up the funds for the acquisition of Chaowei Semiconductor.

If Microsoft and Yahoo’s common stocks are sold, they will have $40 billion.

And the money, enough to buy more than 50% of the shares of Chaowei Semiconductor, become the largest shareholder, the company can naturally be he has the final say.

If it is not enough, let other companies, such as aiwa, also go public, and then this shareholder wind, first make money.


"Bill, Feng's assets, this time is very fierce. The companies he invested in are listed, and the stock price has risen sharply." Paul Allen took a cigar and looked at Bill Gates.

"His assets have risen very sharply, much higher than at the beginning of the year. But your assets are also rising, he wants to go beyond us, absolutely no chance!" Bill Gates said confidently.

Microsoft's share price has risen. Now Bill Gates' assets have exceeded $70 billion, and many people who want to chase him have a desperate heart.

Only Feng Yu, the assets are growing rapidly, and was rated by many magazines such as Forbes, and most likely to catch up with Bill Gates.

However, there are some magazines that are the same as Bill Gates. Feng Yu can only hope for his back and never catch up with Bill Gates.

The most interesting thing is that many netizens have joined the discussion spontaneously. Some people think that Bill Gates will always occupy the position of the richest man in the world. Feng Yu will never catch up, and Buffett will never catch up.

Some people also believe that Feng Yu will soon be able to catch up with Bill Gates, because the subsidiary of Feng Yu Company is on the market in large quantities, and just in time to catch up with this bull market, the stock price will definitely soar. Then the assets of those subsidiaries can be multiplied by at least several times, and Feng Yu’s assets will more than double.

No one in Feng Yu and Bill Gates stood up and said that the netizens had quarreled. The netizens seemed to care about these news, and they were more concerned about their own careers.

"Bill, do we want to talk to Feng, I remember that you exchanged 6% of voting rights with Feng, indicating that if Feng wants to leave Microsoft, he should give priority to the original shareholders of Microsoft, right? Paul Allen blinked and asked.

Bill Gates looked at Paul Allen: "You want those stocks, you can go to Feng to discuss. Now Feng just doesn't hold a specific position, or Microsoft's shareholders, nor does it mean selling Microsoft stocks. We have no reason for him to trade that part of the stock to you."

From the company's founding, Paul Allen was dissatisfied with his shares too little. But at that time, Bill Gates had a more background. Don't think that Bill Gates really started from scratch, including Buffett, etc. They all have a deep background.

Think of Li Zezhen, also known as starting from scratch, but how much power did Li Chaoren make?

Paul Allen’s investment in most of the past few years has been a loss, and a small portion made a small amount of money. He regretted cashing out Microsoft’s stock and now wants to increase his holdings. Since the increase in holdings, it is certainly the most cost-effective to increase the stock holding the voting rights.

However, voting stocks, no one is willing to sell.

Paul Allen smiled and no longer snorted. He heard that Bill Gates had plans to transfer assets to a foundation, so that in the future he could be exempted from a large estate tax. How much is the estate tax in the country? The highest is 55 percent, and the lowest is 18 percent!

This tax includes means such as gifting, transfer of assets, etc. Anyway, it is a means of stimulating you to spend your money when you are alive. As for your life, if you have no money, you can borrow.

A few credit cards, just repeat the cash.

But charitable funds are a very good means of tax avoidance. Not only can donations be tax deductible, but they can also be tax exempt in some respects, such as this estate tax.

If Bill Gates wants to cash out the stock, then Paul Allen has the chance to become the largest shareholder, at least the first to vote. In the future, this Microsoft will not necessarily listen to anyone.

But look at today's meaning, it seems that Bill Gates has not planned to cash out.

"Bill, how is your foundation made? I heard that Buffett has donated another one?"

"Well, Buffett gave me a lot of advice. On the investment side, I think his opinion is very pertinent." Bill Gates, though conceited, is not stupid. In terms of software, he asked the world boss, but in terms of financial investment, he still can't match Buffett.

The old guy, but known as the stock god, his Bill Gates has not been called the **** of software!

Bill Gates didn't talk, and Paul Allen's plan to donate to the foundation was dispelled. If Bill Gates knew that Paul Allen had asked for donations just now, I am afraid I will regret it.

But just in his mind, Feng Yu’s scenes after the company’s listing. Even thinking about Yinshan Software Company, Salary Company, Yuhu Company, and NetEco Company, even after the listing, there is even more than one fire. Do those companies have potential? Yes, but so sought after, so he did not expect.

Just because those companies are Huaxia?

Just because those investors believe that China is following the old road of the country, will network technology be a key industry investment?

What Bill Gates thinks more is that Feng Yu’s company was listed before, but it was not listed. At this time, it was suddenly listed. Why? (To be continued.)

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