Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1084: Angry Allen

Bill Gates stunned, he couldn't think of it, Feng Yu would actually sell Microsoft stock. Now Microsoft's stock trend is very good, and the stock price has been rising in volatility.

With the sales of win98 system, the company's profit is also expected, how can Feng Yu sell this kind of blue chip stocks?

Forbes also looked at Bill Gates. He thought that Microsoft had a hidden danger. Otherwise, Feng Yu, who has been buying Microsoft stocks for many years, why would he suddenly sell Microsoft stocks?

"Bill, have you received the news?"

"I received it, but I don't understand it. Microsoft is still on the rise. He is so open-looking, for what?"

The reason why Feng Yu publicly sells Microsoft stocks is to worry about the prisoner's dilemma. That is to say, in the event that Feng Yu wants to sell, other people will follow the sell-off, then the same direction of operation will be formed, resulting in the unsuccessful stocks sold. The operation could not be achieved.

In this way, the stock will not be sold, and the stock price will fall.

The public sell-off is different. The wind and rain consultation is linked to some large investment institutions, and the direct trading of large-scale, the stock price will not have much fluctuation, and even a slight increase.

Since Feng Yu let people out of the wind, after selling some Microsoft stocks, many investment institutions have come to the wind.

Microsoft's stock, they want to buy can not buy. There is a lot of circulation in the market, but what can other people do not sell out?

What makes them most interested in this time is that Feng Yu sells these stocks without a premium. It is a fair price, and will not increase their risk and investment costs, nor will they lower their profits.

It is said that the reason given by the wind and rain consultation is that they should shift their investment focus from overseas to China.

This has led more investment institutions to believe that Feng Yu definitely has any background. This is to make enough money abroad and intends to return to China to invest.

This reason is also considered to be tenable, although many people think that this behavior is a bit silly. I want to pay dividends at the end of the year, don't you know?

But they all said that they would compliment the words and hope that they can buy more Microsoft stocks.

So during this time, Feng Yu has been secretly in contact with some big investment institution executives. Even some investment institutions believe that Feng Yu’s reason for selling Microsoft’s stock is because Feng Yu was swept away from Microsoft’s board of directors and his face was damaged.

Doesn't Huaxia have a word, rather than being the head of a chicken, and not willing to be the tail of a cow. Even if he no longer holds Microsoft stocks, Feng Yu is still the world's second richest man, Asia's richest.

The Asian market is rising, especially in the Huaxia market. Feng Yu will focus on China, his own home base, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

What is more shocking to Bill Gates is that Feng Yu’s decision!

Actually sold all of Microsoft's stock, including the voting stock, um, sold to Ballmer. In this case, he did not receive any winds before. It is obvious that Feng Yu had contact with Ballmer in private, and the confidential work was very good.

Ballmer is just the president of Microsoft. Bill Gates is just the chairman and ceo. It is equivalent to dividing a large amount of power to Ballmer, but he did not expect that Ballmer would give him this. child.


"Mr. Allen, there is news that Mr. Feng sold all of Microsoft's stock. I heard that it is because of your disagreement. Do you have anything to say?"

"Mr. Allen, may you ask if you put Mr. Feng out of Microsoft's board of directors and lead Mr. Feng to sell Microsoft stocks in anger?"

"Mr. Allen, I would like to ask some time ago, Mr. Gates no longer serves as the president of Microsoft, and the new president is Mr. Ballmer, why not you?" Some reporters began to turn over the old books.

"Mr. Allen..."

Paul Allen has a black line. How do I know why Feng Yu sold Microsoft stock? I am not a locust in his stomach!

And even if I put Feng Yu out of the Microsoft board of directors? He is on the board of directors, doing nothing, but also the year-end allotment, by what?

The last time I didn't answer, I didn't have time to be the president of Microsoft. Actually, some people think that my ability is not enough!

However, he did not expect that Feng Yu would sell all of Microsoft's shares, and it was so high-profile and sold at the same time. What made him even more angry was that Ballmer apparently knew that he did not mention a sentence on the board of directors.

"Bolmer, how do you explain this?" Paul Allen looked at Ballmer coldly, Microsoft has such a big thing, should you give an account?

Ballmer sighed. How did he know that Feng Yu would sell all the shares of Microsoft. If he knew, he would not silently buy the shares of Feng Yu. For this reason, he also loaned some money.

"Feng found me, saying that according to the agreement with Bill, he had to sell the voting shares, he must give priority to the original shareholders, so he found me. I increased the company's stock, it is trust in the company, what is wrong with this? Ballmer said.

This seems to be nothing wrong with this. I became the president of the company. I spent money to buy the company's stock. I definitely believe that the company will be better and better under my leadership, and the stock price will be higher and higher. If I become the president, I will sell the company shares, should you come to question me?

"When was Feng looking for you, why didn't we know?" Paul Allen asked.

"Half a month ago, we talked a few times and determined the trading time and price, etc. Why should I tell you about this normal business transaction? Where can I violate the law or company regulations?" Bauer Asked silently.

You tm when I am stupid, if I tell you, can this voting stock get me to buy it? Who doesn't know, you want to increase your voting rights?

"Oh, now the outside world is mad, saying that Microsoft has crowded Feng Yu, and even rose to racial discrimination and national discrimination. We said that Microsoft is arranging China. What do you say?" Paul Allen asked irritably.

How does a normal corporate business behavior rise to this level? We have a lot of Chinese employees in Microsoft, and Chinese people are a common high IQ group. And we are working hard to develop the Chinese market, the software price of China is also very low, this is to give preferential treatment, how to call discrimination!

"Do nothing. This is a commercial sale in itself. Feng sells Microsoft stocks, and there are investment institutions to buy. What can be worried?"

"Idiot, do you think that the media is no one to shake? Microsoft's stock price tomorrow will definitely be seriously affected!" Paul Allen sneered.

"Some words can't shake our Microsoft status. We stand up and explain, and there will be a meaning that we want to cover. Our profit has not decreased this year. Even if the stock price fluctuates, there will be no big problem!" Bauer Said with confidence.

But the result, is it really so optimistic?

... (to be continued.)

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