Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1093: Fortune is a joke

Although Enron issued a statement, there is evidence that Feng Yu did not lie, and the two professors did not lie.

Even the two professors said that the senior executives of Enron had secretly planned to bribe them, hoping that they would speak with their conscience and be rejected by them.

As for the fact that they will act as financial advisors to the Wind and Rain Holdings Group, they will not mention it.

Enron’s share price fell and fell again. It’s five minutes to open and it’s no longer available.

At this time, the executives of Enron were undoubtedly ruthless, but at the same time there was a magazine, surrounded by many reporters, among whom the leader of Forbes.

"I would like to ask Mr. Malfoy, "Fortune" ranks Enron as the 100 best employers in the United States. Based on what is selected, what do you think of such a company that is financially fraudulent and executives collectively manipulate stock prices?"

"I would like to ask Mr. Malfoy, "Fortune" will rank Enron as the most innovative company for many years. Is this innovative spirit referring to the level of innovation in their financial fraud?"

“Is the Fortune magazine as a lot of people said, for the rich to serve? As long as others pay you money, you can put their evaluations high to mislead investors?”

"Excuse me, Mr. Malfoy..."

Malfoy, the editor-in-chief of Fortune magazine, is almost plagued by these reporters. What are the questions asked by the reporters? Our magazine selections naturally have a set of our selection mechanism. I haven’t had problems for so many years. How do I know? , Enron's financial fraud?

Those who buy Enron’s stock don’t know it?

We can only interview surveys, evaluate them through the financial statements they have publicly presented, and then evaluate their influence, visibility, etc., and give them a rating.

You reporters dare to say, who has not heard of Enron?

There are still people who say that our "Fortune" is for the rich, how is this possible, we are serving business people! That is, the middle class, not the rich class you said. We evaluate that we must stand on the side of the third party and guarantee fairness. Will we lick our own brand?

The loudest voice here is the people of Forbes. Who doesn't know, you Forbes also wants to get a ranking of the world's top 500 companies, but people only recognize our "Fortune"!

"Editor, some media want us to hold a press conference, you see?"

Malfoy’s irritating waver: “Notify them that tomorrow morning at 10 am, a press conference will be held. I will explain this. Also, inform the person in charge of the layout, the person in charge of the operation, etc., ten minutes later, the meeting!”

"Fortune" is a private company. The past life has become more official than the official. What is the "Fortune" world top 500 is the goal of many companies.

However, in Feng Yu's view, the assessment mechanism of Fortune at this time has great problems. It mainly selects from the aspects of market value, influence, and popularity, but does not attach importance to profitability and debt ratio.

The so-called investigation of folk word-of-mouth is also a nonsense. How many reporters of Fortune are, even if they have commissioned a company to conduct a sample survey, the data is certainly not accurate.

Feng Yu believes that to assess the strength of a company, at least expected profitability, must be taken into account. A company with a high debt ratio, that is, borrowing money to put gold on the face, it is easy to go wrong.

Just look at the world's top 500 selected by Fortune last year. Within three years, many companies will be merged and many companies will go bankrupt.

A world top 500 company, can be mixed to this point in three years, can you call a strong word?

In just two or three years, one of the world's top 500 companies will be tossed in bankruptcy. Are those corporate executives pigs? Of course not, but those companies, their strength is magnified.

Many companies are completely empty shells. If there is no fundraising financing, I am afraid that it will be a yellow stall. Relying on the stock price rise, and then from the bank loan support. But those corporate executives can be without losses. The stock price is rising, and their net worth is rising. After cashing, they can make a lot of money.

As for the company’s completion, the investors are losing money and doing something for them!

Feng Yu has always felt that I am working hard to run a company, why should we let others come to rank with us?

This is the consistent thinking of the country of the United States, showing the appearance of a world boss: come and come, you are all coming, I will line up for you according to the size.

Feng Yu is very upset, or related to the wind and rain holding group and Taihua Holding Group's ranking is too low, actually 100 are open!

If you are the boss of me, then everything else is good to say, Feng Yu is still very fond of people who flatter themselves. You make so many broken companies, and they are on my head, how can this be done!

In the case of "Fortune" magazine, there is also the result of Feng Yu's instigation. He wants people to know that you can't be too blind to superstitious magazines like Fortune. Sometimes the data can be deceived!

When "Fortune" was a crisis public relations, Feng Yu enjoyed the game leisurely. I didn't expect the wind and rain team to play so well this year, but actually kept the sixth in the Western Conference to the end of the season.

More importantly, the opponent is just the Trail Blazers, and it is also a narrow road!

"Good ball!" Feng Yuxi's applause, Pierce rushed, dunk is also very good.

"Wow," Carter actually staged a big windmill dunk in the playoffs, and suddenly... got a buzz. Because this is the home of the Blazers.

Paul Allen looked angry at Feng Yu, who was on the sidelines. The kid came to himself, and he even took a hundred lucky viewers and chartered to Portland.

He completely forgot that he had two thousand spectators and planned to go to Los Angeles to fall to Feng Yu, but the result was not so beautiful.

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and Feng Yu stood up and walked into the player channel.

"Ralph, what?"

"The boss, Malfoy, editor-in-chief of Fortune magazine, said that there was no problem in their selection, that the reporter was instructed by a caring person, and that a reporter asked if Malfoy chose the default when it was yours."

Why, found? Then how about it, I am telling the truth.

"To speak on my behalf, I said that "Fortune" magazine, the selection is very problematic, otherwise Enron can also be on the list? Those lists, is a joke!" Feng Yu sneered.

"Boss, really want to say this?" Ralph was a little surprised. Isn't this a torn face with Fortune, not afraid of Fortune magazine black you?

"Go." Feng Yu said easily.

Feng Yu once again made headlines on the front page. This time, Feng Yu publicly mocked Fortune magazine and threatened that Fortune magazine was a joke! The circulation of Fortune has fallen to a record low.

... (to be continued.)

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