Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1105: Old grandson, catch him!

Half an hour later, Ding Lei had just finished eating and planned to talk to other people about the idea. He received a call from Feng Yu and asked him to come to Feng Yu’s office on the top floor. & Music & Text & Fiction. {l}{520}.

"What's wrong, Feng Zong, what are you looking for?" Ding Lei is different from other people. Ding Lei is the major shareholder of NetEco. Individuals hold 51% of the voting shares, so they face Feng Yu's Time is the most relaxing.

"Ding Zong, sit. Just called the old grandson?" Feng Yu took the initiative to give Ding Lei a cup of tea.

"Hit, said that he is a relative, is a reporter, and I want to give me an exclusive interview, I promised." Ding Lei is curious, Feng Yu took the initiative to pour him tea, some abnormal.

Although Feng Yu respected him very much, but before meeting, Feng Yu was the most to let them pour their own tea. What happened today?

"That is what I told my old grandson. She is not a relative of the old grandson. It is a journalist's journalist. The magazine is a windbreaker weekly. Do you understand?" Feng Yu hinted.

"This is your magazine? It is the magazine that made us the list of China's richest people? It is not enough to let the reporter contact me directly. It is also so troublesome." Ding Lei Dawu, it turned out to be Feng's magazine.

"Ha ha ha, I told the old grandson, the old grandson misunderstood. Right, now how is the legend running?" Feng Yu opened the topic. The more lies, the more loopholes there are.

"The registered account number is more than 10 million, but the proportion of people who have been online at the same time is less. It is estimated that many of them are small numbers below the seventh level, which they use for warehouses. It may be related to student holidays, some people After returning home, you are not as free at school."

"Well, it's okay, what about the card sales?"

"Very good. There are a lot of people buying the card for an unlimited number of months. It seems that there are still many people who are obsessed with this game." Ding Lei was a little excited. He didn't believe it at the beginning. Now it is a letter, or Feng Zong. Looking ahead.

He also played this legendary game. Some of the tasks inside are really interesting. Even the monsters have a lot that he can't think of.

"Well, look at it, just open the stone tomb. There are other maps to ensure that at least a new map is launched in half a year to attract players."

"Planned, updated on September 1st, this update will also check some data to check if there is a plug-in program. It is just the student's school time, there will not be too many complaints. I did not expect that this game, there are so many The students are playing."

Ding base they would have to get a new map, long ago passed internal testing, especially testing is the card map, brushes and other items bg, of course, this will also introduce a hidden package last part, I believe will attract more people play equipment.

With the stimulation of new equipment, more people will increase their online time, their cards will be able to sell more, and their natural profits will be higher.

"Ah, you get good ideas on these lines. Mailbox those value-added services, there are several possible done?"

"There has been a service on the line, and the rest have made some versions, but they are all unstable. I am trying to improve it." Ding Lei is very admired for Feng Yu.

There are always so many ideas to make money, and every idea can be called a golden idea. There are so many people in their company, how do you have the idea of ​​Feng Zong? If there is, he is willing to take out the shares to reward.

"I heard that you have also developed a game yourself. How about, how many people are registered?" Feng Yu asked with a smile.

"There is not much. It is a network battle game, similar to the street fighter on the arcade. I know that it is better to sell the software CD directly, but also to protect the book." Ding Lei is somewhat lost, the game of development It’s very fun, not that there are still many people who like to play arcades. I moved the arcade to you on the Internet. Why didn't anyone play it?

Will there be a market for the future of the arcade class? There will be, but not now. Now, there is a game hall, who will play online. There is no rocker, it is quite expensive, and nothing novel.

"Don't be discouraged, it will be fine. I said the kind of network stand-alone game battle platform, how are you developing?"

"I have already found someone to develop, but it is a bit difficult. And the speed of the network is very high. Now the network is estimated to be very good."

"It doesn't matter, this is coming slowly. It will be good after two years." Now the network is not awkward, but the country is not investing heavily in network infrastructure. The speed of China's network will increase rapidly.

The two chatted and talked, Feng Yu looked at the watch, time is up.

"Ding Zong, I will not bother you until the interview time."

Ding Lei got up and went to the small meeting room that he had an appointment with the old grandson. At this time, Zhou Kexin was also taking the elevator.

"Ding Zong, hello, my name is Zhou Kexin, an intern reporter for "Wind Business Weekly"."

"Hello, sit down." Ding Lei said with a smile. This face, he still has to give. Besides, "Wind and Rain Business Weekly" is not very popular, but the impact of the China Rich List is still not small.

"Can I record?" Zhou Kexin pulled out a voice recorder, which was distributed to her by the company. She had never seen it before.

"of course can."

"Excuse me, Ding, what did you think when you founded NetEase?"

"I wanted to be a network, I wanted to create a virtual platform for everyone to communicate. I was interested in this when I was at school. In fact, I studied physics. I have thought about whether I was a professional."

Zhou Kexin wrote down the book with a pen. Ding Lei is studying physics. This is estimated by many people.

"The earliest network billion is to be a forum. Why did you gradually reduce this aspect of the business, but instead turned to the portal, and in the forum, was it surpassed by the fox?"

"Because the forum didn't make money at that time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The company couldn't go on. So we switched to a portal and launched an e-mail service. Including the current game agent operation, it is also to increase the revenue of the website. Better portal services to users."

This is the fact that the bb forum at the time was not making money. If you don’t have Feng’s capital injection, it’s definitely not going to work. Now, fox, don't you still lose money? And NetE, with the game agent, has been able to break even at this time, and will definitely make money next year.

Based on this, the share price of NetEase is faster than that of the fox, and the value of his Dingli is much higher than that of Zhang Chaoyang, and even surpassed Wang Zhixi, ranking first in the network of three Musketeers.


Zhou Kexin was interviewing Ding Lei, Feng Yu and Sun Lijie swayed to the door of the banquet hall to see if there was any late, and there was definitely a discussion that forgot the time.

Feng Yu suddenly saw a small person coming out from the inside. He was shocked and pointed at the man and shouted to Sun Lijie: "Old Sun, catch him!"

... (to be continued.)

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