Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1109: Old horse asks for a ticket

Ma Yun returned to the venue and continued to listen to everyone talking about the future development of the network, but he found that when he heard the news in the morning, he came up with many new ideas, but at this time, Feng Yu’s words were in his mind. .

No way, Feng Yu gave the conditions too good, so he had to be tempted.

Ma Yun took out an Aihua mobile phone and sent two text messages to Zong Qingxian and Liu Chuanzhi. After they had a meeting, they went to his room to talk about the future of Ali.

Zong Qingxian and Liu Chuanzhi who received the text message are very confused. Ali, what is wrong with this? Zong Qingxian came to see it anyway today. I have to look at it, so I went straight from the side and left, just to see the horse in the corner, patted his shoulder, and the two men came out from the side door.

"Old horse, what did you mean by that text message?" Zong Qingxian asked curiously.

"Zong President, are you familiar with Feng Yufeng?"

Zong Qingxian frowned: "Alright. My Le Haha can have today's scale, and thanks to Feng Zong. You want to know Feng Zong?"

"I think I already know Feng, in Sun Lijie, Sun’s office."

"Sun Lijie? Well, he is the president of Taihua Consulting. This is a company that Feng Zong specially set up for investment in the Mainland. Have you seen Feng Zong, when?" Zong Qingxian nodded.


"Just? You said, Mr. Feng also came to participate in this Internet aa summit? Wait, you said that Feng, who you just met in Sun Lijie's office, is the money for Ali? Is it not enough?" First frowning.

This network company, spending too fast, Lao Liu has invested tens of millions, so fast and spent? At the beginning, the old horse told him that he would be able to break even at the next year.

"It's not that our funds are not enough. But Feng always took the initiative to find me. I want to invest in Ali." In the mind of Ma Yun, he remembered the picture he had been found by Feng, and the picture of the two security guards was too strong. what

When I heard this, Zong Qingxian was relaxed a lot: "Really? That's great, now I fully believe that Ali can make a lot of money in the future."

The horse almost rolled his eyes and co-operated with you to invest so much money for me. I still don't believe that Ali can make money!

However, the meaning of President Zhi Zong, Feng Yu took the initiative to invest, he believes that Ali can make money, is it true that Feng Zong believes Feng Yu?

"Chairman, what do you mean by that?"

"In newspapers, magazines, and even on the Internet, Feng’s investment has never been lost. I don’t know if you believe it or not. I believe it. At least I have never seen Feng before I have known Feng. The total investment is lost. Sometimes it seems that he seems to be losing money, but in the end he will always find out that he earned and even made a big profit." Zong Qingxian shook his head and sighed, and he admired it.

The Ma Yun is somewhat unbelievable. Does even the president of the sect praise him so much? This Feng, really so legendary?

"Right, he said how to invest? I think the investment conditions he gave you must make it difficult for you to refuse?"

Ma Yun was surprised to see Zong Qingxian, how did he know?

"Hahaha, you don't need this kind of surprised expression, because every time Feng always invests, it will almost make it difficult for the other party to refuse. I guess he is not involved in management, let you continue to be the chairman, even if someone opposes, he can support Are you right?"

"He has always been like this?" Ma Yun could not help but ask.

"It seems that most of them are like this. He rarely manages the company personally, preferring to take out shares to others, and he is not willing to do it himself. He graduated from Jingcheng University, studied management, and also worked at Xiangjiang University for one year. Exchange students, according to the management level, is absolutely not bad. But he always said that he is too lazy to do, no time to manage, but he went all over the country, even went abroad to invest, energy is much more than us." Zong Qingxian laugh Said.

"I really did not intervene in company management?" Ma Yun asked. This is the most important.

"I don't know if I don't have it at all. For example, Le Haha, he also has shares, even his shares, more than me. But all the managers of the company, except that he sent a finance, everything else is me. Appointed. But Lehaha’s entry into overseas is his decision, and he came to help. In fact, I can’t wait for him to manage the company, because every time he makes his opinion, he has a very big promote."

Ma Yun’s silence is silent. Zong Qingxian is the president of Taihua Holding Group and helps Feng Yu to speak. That is what it should be.

Well, I will ask Liu Chuanzhi a little while to see if the two are the same.

After a while, Liu Chuanzhi also came out. Liu Chuanzhi saw Zong Qing first come out, and waited for a while, no one noticed, slipping out from the side door.

"Lao Zong, Lao Ma, how do you stand here and talk?" Liu Chuanzhi walked over and said.

Zong Qingxian said with a smile: "You still ask the old horse for this matter. Anyway, I don't think it is a bad thing."

Liu Chuanzhi looked at Ma Yun, and Ma Yun said that Feng Yu wanted to invest in Ali, and asked Liu Chuanzhi's opinion.

Liu Chuanzhi looked at Zong Qingxian and said to Ma Yun: "The old Zong should tell you about it. If Feng wants to invest in your company, it means that he is very optimistic about your company. And Feng Zong Investment, absolutely No loss. Why, you are hesitating and don’t know if you should agree?"

When Ma Yun heard it, Liu Chuanzhi also said that one person can't believe it. If two people say it, he will believe more.

He thought that it was Zong Qingxian who was the master of Le Haha. Liu Zhizhi was even thinking of the group. If it wasn't for the first two years that Feng Yu was the richest man in Asia, he really didn't know that those groups had Feng Yu's shares.

But why is such a big rich, why should you hide it like this? Is it not good to be fair?

"Lao Zong, let's talk to your office." Liu Chuanzhi said with a smile.

It is a wind and rain building, and it is also affiliated to the Taihua Holding Group. As the president of the Taihua Holding Group, how can there be no office?

However, Zong Qingxian is very similar to Feng Yu. The office has it, but it is not big. Anyway, he does not work here. Even this office is used in conjunction with the Lehaha Jingcheng branch.

The three people have been discussing in the office for a long time. Now they all agree that Feng Yu is a shareholder and thinks this is a good thing. But how to buy shares, this should be discussed.

When they discussed, Zhou Kexin was listening to a boss named Ma Huateng, who said that their company's oq software would change people's communication habits.

Zhou Kexin listened to the owner of the software about the various functions of the software. She was also very interested. She decided to go back and apply for an oq number. Perhaps a strange netizen could make her forget the pen pal.


Nima, just this time, I ran a toilet.

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