Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1191: Stock market fell, gold rose

The disaster situation in the country is getting worse and worse, and the whole world is shaking.

Feng Yu is also a human being. When he sees those miserable scenes, his heart is also uncomfortable. Can't we live peacefully between countries? Do you have to die?

The country of rice immediately responded, but some economic losses could not be avoided.

After this incident, the shareholders of the country began to panic sell stocks, the Dow Jones, Nasdaq and Standard & Poor's index of the country, plummeted across the board.

Everyone feels that the economy of the country is going to be hit hard, or it is better to realize the money on the stock market. After all, stocks are only stocks, not money, and they are more reassured when they hold the dollar.

Under this circumstance, there is no stock price of any company, which can rise against the market. All stocks are falling. The bigger the company, the worse it falls.

This time, the so-called blue chip stocks began to lead. Because in this case, many people think that the big companies will be hit harder.

In fact, the same is true. After all, there are many big companies in the World Trade Center. This incident has led to a large amount of data loss and business shackles in many companies.

On the same day, the Nasdaq index fell more than 5%, and the next day, it is still falling rapidly.

Although the country’s political axe has already responded, it has invested a lot of money into the stock market and wants to stabilize the market. It is a pity that when everyone wants to sell stocks, the funds invested by the political axe will not help.

For a week in a row, the stock market has been falling, and the Nasdaq stock index has fallen more than 16 percent, which is faster than the company's outbreaks such as Enron and WorldCom, and faster than the dot-com bubble burst.

The Dow Jones index fell more than 14 percent, and the S&P index fell more than 11 percent.

Not only that, the stock market's plunge once again drove the global stock market down, and London, Tokyo, Xiangjiang and other stock markets were all falling, but not as big as New York.


"Boss, the stock market crashed, how do you seem to be unhappy? Although we use a lot of leverage is not very high, but this time we can certainly make us double the profits." Zhu Ken? Miller looked at Soros indifferent Expression, very doubtful.

"Zhu Ken, have you ever thought about it, Feng may know this in advance?" Soros asked quietly.

Zhu Ken? Miller was shocked: "Boss, is this impossible?! If Feng knows this in advance, then he will not only invest so much? According to our investigation, he invested in the short-selling stock index. It’s less than $10 billion, and it’s doing a lot of hedging, and the leverage is not as high as ours.”

The meaning of Zhu Ken? Miller is very obvious. If he knows it, then he must use high leverage, one-way short-selling stock index, and then make a big profit. With Feng Yu's fund size, it should not be a problem to get two or three billion dollars. In this case, Feng Yu can earn at least tens of billions of dollars or even hundreds of billions of dollars!

Soros shook his head: "No, if I knew the news, maybe I wouldn't do it. Do you think that the political axe will not investigate? Anyone who has a relationship with this matter is very troublesome. Of course, I am just guessing, maybe it is a coincidence."

"Boss, the political axe is desperate to stabilize the stock market, then when are we suitable for buying contract delivery?"

"Before the weekend, it will be delivered."

"Boss, before the weekend, the stock market is unlikely to pick up, it should still be falling." Zhu Ken? Miller frowned.

"We will withdraw the funds and invest in gold!"

Zhu Ken Miller suddenly realized that in any war period, gold is the strongest international currency, and even during this period, it will rise.

This time, something so big happened, although it was not a war, but it was almost the same. Gold rose, it is certain!

If the foreign countries have a foreign war, then the increase in gold will be even greater.

Moreover, they are the people of the country after all. At this time, a large number of short-selling rice stock markets are not suitable, and they will also harm the interests of those capitalists. It is inconvenient to continue to deal with them in the future. If they want to get more profits, they must constantly suppress the stock market, so that they will not only become the target of the public, but also fall into the eyes of the cloth.


He Zhaoji looked at the data on the computer, and his eyes were a bit stunned. He couldn't figure out how to do it. The boss came to Xiangjiang a few days ago and told him that he would buy the rest of the funds, and all the gold would rise. The gold would really start to rise.

Before the boss always said that the short-selling of the US stock market, and the rice market really suffered a huge blow, and continued to fall. Although the boss has always said that he thinks that the US stock market will fall, he always feels that the boss seems to know that this big event will happen.

And the general manager of his storm consultation seems to have nothing to do except to execute the order, which makes him very frustrated. He used to be a famous financial broker in Xiangjiang.

Although he is more famous now, he always feels that these fame are brought by the boss. But fortunately, the boss is very satisfied with his execution. And he followed the boss these years and earned more and more.

In general, he joined the storm consultation, never regret it!

This time, the wind and rain consultation can make a profit in the stock market. In the gold market, it can make a profit. The boss’s vision is really terrible.

Regardless of how others look, He Zhaoji, including the entire storm consultation, believes that Feng Yu is the world's most bullish financial expert!


Fu Rongqi was sighing at home at this time. Before Feng Yu suggested that he could buy some gold recently, he also felt that the price of gold fell in the volatility. After the study, he believes that there is no possibility of big rise or fall in the short term, and the direction is uncontrollable. .

As a result, this big event happened immediately, and the price of gold quickly began to rise.

Although he also immediately began to enter the market to chase, but also has lost a lot of profits. Finally, he responded promptly, and he still made a profit this time. Like him, the fund company of Fu Guangzheng, which was controlled by Professor Liang, did not buy gold at first, but also entered the market later. Professor Liang’s analysis with Fu Rongqi was the same.

It may happen that big thing, if they don't believe Feng Yu, even Feng Yu knows in advance and even participated in the idea of ​​this matter.

Before they thought that it was a wrong choice to consult the short-selling rice market, it seems that it is so wise! Fortunately, they all withdrew the investment in the US stock market and invested in the stock market of Xiangjiang. Although the Xiangjiang stock market has also been affected this time, the impact is not too large and is still acceptable.

In the vast majority of financial investors, when they lost a lot of money in this incident, they did not pay much, and they can earn back by investing in gold, which is a success.

... (to be continued.)

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