Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1231: Guiding public opinion (request for a ticket)

Although he replied to Feng Yu three days later, the next day, Qian Liang issued the documents to the provinces, allowing the provinces to start self-examination immediately. The reason is that Huaxia has just joined the WTO and cannot appear such fake and shoddy goods. .

In the face of such a strong reason, no one dares to oppose it. However, in fact, some counterfeit and shoddy goods are protected by local governments, and some are produced by local state-owned enterprises.

Their ideas are also very good, to find some work for the workers, to make a living. As for the misappropriation of the trademark of Songjiang, it was wrong at the time of production. Besides, do you have any money on the Songjiang card?

Everyone is a brother unit, taking care of each other?

There are also some factories. Some of them give umbrellas. They should check whether they are prepared. When they prepare in advance, when they come to check the industrial and commercial people, they find that they are a factory that produces their own brand of electric bicycles.

If the procedure is not complete, the industry and commerce have not come yet, and it is already on holiday. You are not in the factory, what are you looking for? If you want to check it again, there will be a phone call.

Of course, the local industry and commerce will also respond to the above call and grab some typical ones. In addition to the fake Songjiang electric bicycle, is there not a factory to fake other products? Picking out some soft persimmons from the inside, there are explanations for the above.

Then again, these factories are also paying taxes to the local authorities. If you dare not pay taxes, the relationship will be harder!

The next day, dealers from all over the country gave feedback to the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. The industry and commerce went down to check, and even they reported it anonymously, but only two small factories were seized, and other anecdotes were not, and many of them were State-owned enterprise.

Li Mingde made a few phone calls. The bosses of some factories, he also knows, and many of them are still his descendants.

However, those people played emotional cards and said how they did in the past, so that Li Mingde was quite helpless. I am mad at it, and I have to avoid hurting the face of old friends. It can be said that continue to condone, it is the interests of the company.

Eat the Jun, the loyalty of the king. Feng Yu gave him such a high treatment, but it was not for him to take the company's interests to be human.

Li Mingde also made a fuss, let some senior executives of the company lead the team, personally went to various places, and reported the real name. If you don't deal with it, then he will go up and let the province negotiate with those units. He said that the Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group and the shares of Ice City also represent the interests of the province.

Feng Yu was not too anxious. He waited for Qian Liang to reply to him. He believes that Qian Liang will make the right choice. Although this choice is somewhat aggressive, Qian Liang or the General Administration of Industry and Commerce can definitely understand that it is more advantageous to choose.

If Feng Yu himself wants to get rid of this matter, then whether Feng Yu has something to do or not, some leaders of the SAIC, at least have to retreat to the second line, they will not make fun of their own future.

And if it is their own attitude, it not only reflects the serious and responsible attitude of the work, but also creates public opinion, which may be able to enter the line of vision of the above leaders.

I don’t dare to say that if I can be a party to the government, then I have not spent so many years of political ambitions.

Sure enough, on the third day, Qian Liang called Feng Yu, saying that after discussing it in the bureau, he thought that this article was very vigilant and intended to be published in the People’s Daily in the name of the office. On the internal reference.

And this time, Qian Liang is ready to personally lead the team, and other leaders in the Joint Bureau, inspecting the province's industrial and commercial departments, in order to let Huaxia's manufacturing industry return to a benign development path!


"Old Zhao, is not good, have you read the newspaper?"

Zhao Tianbao, a company boss in Xiangnan Province, was sleeping, and was woken up by a phone call. He pushed the woman in his arms and grabbed the phone on the bedside table. As soon as he was connected, the other party quickly said a call.

Zhao Tianbao took the phone away from the eyes, and finally saw the name on the screen. This is not Hu’s in Xiangbei Province.

"Old Hu, what newspaper do you read? Are you coming to Shonan? At night, I am going to the east, let's have two drinks, then take you to the nightclub to make sure you are lingering."

"Old Zhao, wake up, drink some wine, and read the newspaper quickly, "People's Daily", which published an article by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, "The Path of Benign Development of Manufacturing Industry", to fight against counterfeit and shoddy products, you If you don't think about it, I am afraid you will go in tomorrow!"

Zhao Tianbao suddenly woke up a lot, what, on the top to fight counterfeit and shoddy products? How can this be? Didn't the province just check it?

He immediately hangs up and makes clothes in a hurry. The woman on the bed reached over and grabbed him: "Hus, so early, why are you going?"

"Loose hands, I am in a hurry. Also, have a quick look at how much cash is in the house, I am ready, I am in a hurry!"


A similar situation occurred in the hands of many provincial bosses and bosses. They all thought that it would be fine to spend this gust, and I know that it is still not finished.

The top did not believe in the results of the inspections in the province, and led the team to personally check, which can be troublesome. Their means, the top is really to be strictly investigated, absolutely can not hide. However, they have a lucky heart in their hearts. If they spend a little more money, they should be able to get it?

After this article was published, the online frying pan was instant, and some boring netizens commented on it, one by one with underground leaders.

"I see the SAIC is serious this time. The people below are unlucky. You said that you have just joined the WTO and you should do something. When we first joined this organization, we did not succeed several times, not because we What are the reasons for insufficient protection of intellectual property rights and too many counterfeit and shoddy products?"

"Take it down, the net upstairs guess, the reasons you said may be there, more reasons, that is, some countries such as Europe and the United States, want to limit the development of China. Now it is impossible to stop, just sell it. ""

"I said that those are useful. I heard that this time because of the real name report of the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group, there were a large number of counterfeit Songjiang electric bicycles on the market, which seriously affected the brand reputation of Songjiang."

"Blow it, now someone dares to report it by real name? How many provinces and cities have you offended? Besides, Songjiang has a big career, care about this?"

"Mosquito legs are small and meat. How do you say that they are all fakes? I bought a Songjiang electric bicycle for my mom last month. The result is broken in ten days. I took it to the after-sales point. It’s fake at all, people don’t care. I’m looking for a store to sell, this one doesn’t admit it, I’m saying that I’m looking for someone else’s home, I’m not going to be greedy and cheap, I’m going to buy it in the Songjiang store, but It’s a few hundred dollars, but rest assured, this is cheap, but after it’s broken, it’s too bad!”

"But I don't think that the SAIC is doing anything. If they are so serious, can they still have these things?"

Feng Yu looked at all kinds of comments on the Internet and understood the concerns of the SAIC. I am afraid that these people will not see good things, and good things will become bad things. If this is the case, then guide the public opinion towards it.


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