Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1238: PC game era

Feng Yu Daxi: "What do you call this game? World of Warcraft?!"

"Yeah, it’s not that you send people to talk, saying that the series of Warcraft should be made into a large-scale multiplayer role-playing online game. Have you given a lot of game background design, task design, etc?" Blake Snow's chairman Ade Khan was surprised. Road.

"Ah, yeah, I didn't expect you to go so fast. Was Warcraft 3 developed?"

"Not yet, but this year launched a chaotic beginning, next year intends to launch the Frozen Throne."

"What about World of Warcraft?"

"This kind of large-scale 3D online game is difficult to develop. Fortunately, there are people from other game companies who have helped us. We have given us a lot of experience. We expect that it will take two years to develop successfully, as well as testing and debugging. Plan to go on sale and operate."

Feng Yu nodded, almost the same time as the previous life. Just like the legendary heat drop, when other games come out, the name of the wind and rain game will be played again.

This world is different from the previous one, the code of the legendary game has not leaked out, so there is no so-called private service. At the time of the development, the legend still maintains a high speed, all kinds of new maps, new missions, new skills, new monsters, etc., still have strong playability.

Even if the past life is a private service, the official uniform still has so many players. But it is undeniable that private service has divided a large number of players. At its simplest point, private service can avoid the initial difficulty of upgrading, so that when you come up, you can learn almost all the skills. And people are relatively few, and the blame is not that serious.

Another money that doesn't need to be spent on cards, although this card is not expensive, but it is not cheap in one year, at least for the student party, it is still relatively expensive.

Feng Yu predicts that the legend can still charge for three years. Three years later, with the advent of new games, the legendary heat should also drop dramatically. When the time comes, the card will start to drop sharply and stimulate another year.

Then, in 2006, the card cancellation fee will be officially cancelled, and the member will be recharged. Members are graded and given a certain amount of reward every day. This is a big move for various page games and mobile games in the past. The legendary world of past lives is also so popular, and it does not attract local tyrants.

Then the legend should still be able to persist for a few years, and then develop a page tour, develop a mobile game, the legendary ip, and certainly bring a decade of profit for the wind and rain game.

However, the legend is a 2d game. At this time, 2.5d games have appeared on the market. Similar to the miracle, these games have taken away many users with their more three-dimensional characters, especially overseas. .

After all, the miracle is based on the Western legendary career, and it is more attractive to European and American players. However, even if only the Chinese market is legendary, it can leave a strong stroke in the history of online games in the world.

But this big cake of 3d online games can not be given to others. The three major ips of Blizzard, Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft must be developed in depth. At present, the sales of comics around are fairly good. Toys, clothing, etc. can also be The company brings a lot of profit.

The game can not only sell game discs, card charges, but also create huge profits. In the development of the surrounding industry, the company and the island company have mature experience, Feng Yu handed over to Masaru Kayota, he did a good job. Even if it is a legendary neighborhood, it is also very good to sell in China.

The World of Warcraft, which was a hot world in the past, has also been on fire for more than a decade. Even before Feng Yu was born again, many people are still playing. After this game, all kinds of 3D online games started to get angry. It is not an exaggeration to say that he led the trend.

Not counting China, the number of registered World of Warcraft is more than 10 million. The legendary peak is said to be 30 million players, that is the number of registered, while the number of online users, a server, and not too much, only about a million.

Although this world is different, the number of simultaneous online singles has surged, related to propaganda, and it is not so much related to the server, Huaxia computer and network development is faster, but the number of simultaneous online users is still falling.

Fortunately, the speed of the legendary new service is OK, and the number of registered users is still increasing slowly. When I arrived at Internet cafes, most of them were playing legends. Of course, there were other games like Half Life, Diablo, etc. Well, there are still some watching movies.

At this time, it is the era of various online games, which is called by many people, the era of p games.

Now it's a very hot ps game console, 壬 heaven or g wave, of course, there are some fun games, but with the increasing variety of online games, there are constantly new companies joining the online game development, that home video games The market of the machine is constantly compressed.

The real thing that makes home TV game consoles is mobile games.

With the popularity of smartphones, people can play games, read novels, watch videos, etc. anytime, anywhere, and no longer worry about how to spend their free time.

The mobile phone is the most commonly used tool around people, and it is easy to carry and small. At that time, the home game machine, you can only work in the direction of the body, that is, the panorama 3d, you need to bring that kind of special glasses.

However, this kind of game machine has another big drawback, which is to let you be there. But you need a lot of space, and it is easy for people to accidentally touch the injury, immersive, always dodge.

You said you can sit on the bed, so that you know that you are sitting on the bed, how come you are there?

So in the future, this kind of game console can only take the high-end route. The game market has been replaced by p games and mobile games.

Nowadays, mobile games are not yet popular. The biggest game market is home consoles, but it has gradually changed to p games.

Feng Yu wants every game player in the future, mentioning the history of the p-game era, always the first to think of the wind and rain game. Whether it is the 2d game era, the 3d game era, or even the somatosensory game era.

"Do it with confidence. If you have financial difficulties, you can say to Masahiro Kaita, or contact Ralph."

"There is no difficulty in funding. At present, our Warcraft III is selling well. This part of the money is enough to develop World of Warcraft."

“Very good, remember to pay attention to the employees of the company, let them have a sense of identity with the company. Give them rewards, don’t be embarrassed. Some executives and employees who make significant contributions should not give me advice. ""

In the past, the snow broke out, but several major executives left the company at the same time, which seriously hindered the normal operation of the snow. In this world, Feng Yu does not want to happen again.

"Thank you Mr. Feng, the company will definitely take it to the next level under your leadership. The wind and rain game will definitely dominate the game field in the future, so that other companies can only hope to sigh!"

This rice country is also very good at flattering, Feng Yu feels full of transparency.

"The company can't do without your contribution. You won't give it to you. The future of the company needs everyone to create together. The history of the game is written by us!"


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